The Exeter Advocate, 1922-9-7, Page 1THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR.
Qur Corner
After October 1st a C.O.D. service
in connection with mail ,matter will be
established within Canada, whereby
charges due the sender, :up to $100
may be collected from: ;tlae addressee
and remitted to the sender by post
office money order The system: will
be after the style of the pxesezlt sys-
t am in v^ognec at Express Offices,. but
will apply oekly iia •C'anad;k. ,.
• j. WARD, D.G., Optometrist
One Bloch west of Public Library
S. E. Corner.
Reasonable prices,
• Phone 43 for appaintreent.
The Men's Store
Have A Summer
Suit Tailored to
Your Personal
are shown in our offerings of Men's
High Grade Furnishings. All the
latest fabrics are here, made up in
the latest models in the very best
manner. You certainly ,will want one
of our suits when you see the goods
an learn what a saving our prices
W. W. Taman
Tailor& Furnisher
Closed Wednesday afternoons dur-
ing June July and August,
The Canadian dollar once again
at par in the New York money market-
Thts ia the J;rst time in seven years
that aux money has been at par in the
United States.
Z:eeu aa eye onS,tb'smoker who.
does not cane where he, throws cigars,
ciarettes or matches when. he is fin-
ished with them. You May thus save
yourself trouble and property. ,
Why is not the noxious weed law
either enforced or :removed front tha
Statutes ? It is simply a. Farce in
many municipalities; A drive along
some roads furnish undoubted proof,
The Exeter High and Public schools
re -opened on Tuesday, with the old
t,saf of teachers, and ;t large attend-
ance o.i ;pupils. Exeter can feel just-
ly praaud of the schools' record last
p'laool year, and we trust that the
parents will do everything they can
help the work of the school, .by-
seeing that the scholars attend reg•-
ularly and promptly, and ;that their
home work is attended to each even-
Local News
St. \rarys trounced St. Thomas i
lzatemediate semi-final lacrosse o:
:lnesday, 194.
IJerneice, the five year old daughter
of lir. the
'airs. Frank l)elbridge, is
!!.railer The doctors care
lag flue play-off in League baseball at
Clinton an Wednesday last \Vingham
won from Goderich, 6-3.
Rev-. M. J. Wilson resumed his ;Jut cs
en Jamas Street Methodist Church on
uuday, alter the holiday.
;air, Bruce Rivers, rs, who has taken
a prsition ;in Qoderieh as hardware
clerk, 'Was home over the holiday,
Labor Day was of the usual variety
Chas year—quiet in EaSeter. Visiting
n=1 being visited wast he main occu-
Tette Exeter Cenataing Company start-
ed on the corn pact Tuesday morn-
ornin . The crop promises to be a :fair
average one.
Lucan Seniors defeated Fullarton at
Lucas in the semi .angle of the North
Wellington Baseball Association, and
now go into the fin*
;lir, Jonathan h'ydd, Exeter North,
was taken suddenly ill on Friday night
by a blood vessel bursting in his head
He was at once removed, to the house,
and medical aid was summoned, and
was thought at first that it might
prove fatal, but he is now recovering
LITCHFIELD--DEARING. Rett. J;s, Foote was taken. sudden-
ly r11 ria Friday Pat, but we are plea,s-.
A quiet w e,.d:nd kook place at the ed to report that he has much improv -
bride's laorne, Elizabeth street, Exet- ed since teed its new- recovering:nic-elv,�
er, on Sieturaay, Sept, 2, at one o'clock '
when Mas., Charlotte Dearing, ;laughter
of the late Mr, and ..\Irs. Willeinn
Dearing, was married to Mr, S. E.
L?'cl feel !. of Detroit, the ceremony
beim; performed by the Rev. Naylor James St, Saturtay morning, Septi. 3
of Hewett, in the presennca of only la, when her daughter, Olive, was united
few oaf the ,amunediate relatives of ;be ',n• wedlock to Mr, Walter Cutleash of
brc;,e, _the, ceremony over the happy tov:e rhe ceremony ens performed
ceun!e and the guests rt:paired to the by the Rev. M J 't :ia>so at 8 o"clock,
ane of the brides brother, \Ir a\ti•
,n, .e pre:,: t e oa only a €e+v- of thv
H. Dearing, where a daintyl uneheon Mmrrae�li.•a..; £zip y of the bride. After
was served, after wijeh the newly mar- the eeronem, the newly wed tea: ;he
r to a the evening melee
torI?e• - traits for Windsor and Detroit to spend.
trait, where they will el. their
fu their iaoneyraoon. On their return :hey
ture home, the pest wishes of a host win ocupy the residence on alae cor-
of friends of the bade 1 o n ng !leer of Main and S- ncoe streets, re -
them "cently \neatest by \Ir. and airs. John
I3a.wic haw and will have :the good
aIARRIED IX HENSALL. wishes set the;r .mins friends.
,. (,u ek vveddiatg was aolerunized by �� ,�. � , t\'11,I,1: lI ('tl•:I~',i.'1l[
Rev. McConnell in. the Presbyterkanr
cbtu'h en August 30th, when 4r, R. The death occurred early Monday
B. arillianes, only coat of \ir .and Urs,;
Bw ma= �iFalliatna of T. sboras, was ten- Morning of William Creech, who had
,ited in marriage ea ,:flies Virgin ;clay for sixty years .seen a resident of Ex-
7,'r.aqubar, daughter of \i-, and airs, Ex-
eter. Deceased had been falling in
ebt. Teaquair of Tuc-k.ersmith. Tic; health for over a year, due largely
bride was attired in, blue centra crepe to heart trouble, and the last few
orf: picture bat. The gilt rrt .he; weeks his decline had been more rap -
art? gm to the bride was a beautiful id although it was only the last day.
w•rqA watch,. The bride was liberally' or two that it was apparent the eud
r:;nembere-1 by !,«er many friends iii was aPProaclsitag. He was aged 70
the way of handsome presents Al- years and 6 months. Deceased was
. :ter:role the
thaeremonmey „theothe happy coupleer
to hobride, vvhw 1 honk in Devonshire. Eng., and came
a .iaittty lunch was ,serretl, after which to Canada with his Father ;and broth-
they motored to London. Torcuno arr.d ers When quite a young ratan. He
Niegara, Valle. On t3 h return,as was a carpenter by trade and assisted
rezgde i s L;barne on Tuesday night a in building many of the business
aena notinn was bald for the young places and houses in Exeter and dis-
the a c. at the home s la rant � .
un, lea o � n s trice. He was a member of James
sparp?ntents. \Ir. and\tri. Benson e street Methodist church, and was one
inane, wheel a very pleasant time was9 of the fen t uatn9ng Charter lienf
A quiet house wedding took place
at the hnme o firs. Richard Gould,
The marriage took place in Bowman-
villa of Thursday, August 31st, of Mr,
Thomas Fissette of Brantford, to ;airs,
Minnie G. Amos, late ,of Exeter, left
and Mfrs. Fissette are on, a wedding
trip to East Aurora, N. Y., and later
will make their home in Brantford.
Some tbirty or ,forty friends of
Mess Charlotte Dearing met at her
home Thursday evening and presented
her with a miscellaneous shower prior
to ,her marriages, The presents were
packed in, a neat in nature representa-
tion of a Ford coupe. The evening
was very pleasantly spent and a lunch
was served.
Huron Garage
Phone 112
Repairing on All Makes of Cars.
Gray -Dort and Ford, Parts
World Over
You Cannot Beat
Harvey's Flour.
arvey Bros.
bers of the Exeter Court of the Can -
lien Order of Foresters. Deceased
', QIUHf CITIZEN PASSES. 1 vvas highly respected by all who knew;
A well-known citizen of Exeter, ran a him, H" is survived by his wife,
the person. of Albert 1Jasteags, passed Annie Bissett, one son; R. N. Creech,
away at his home her: Saturday last, and one sister, Mrs, Richard Bissett,
at the age on 57 years, Desapaa all, of London. The funeral was private
that could be done he had been ea and took place to the Exeter ceme-
ading health tor sonic time from tery on Tuesday afternoon.
anaemia, characteristic of the disease
at time:, he was :at death's door, but! Miss bete Sweet left .Monday to teach
wined again .rally ;had with trash hopeslsehool at Paisley.
was out again. as .smiling and as Fn -1
btiaus as ever, but on the past our Mr. and firs. Thorn. Baker aa,tr
weeks h condition became unmistak- tended Toronto Fair this week.
able, ani' gradually sinking the cur- Miss Gladys Harvey has commenced.
ta,n was wrung down. on. his brave and her teaching duties at Rockwood,
kindly life. Deceased vvas born at air. and Mrs. Amus Barlow of Lon -
Crosse alt, Waterloo Calla n. but came den vl;ere here over the holiday
to leaetea about forty years ago as Mr. and Mrs. R. Welsh, are s
a barter apprentice. Following tar s
zcupation toe a time he started in a week in Hamilton and Toronto.
business for himself which he follow- • \IMs' Blanch Quance of Hamilton
ea until about ten years ago, when visited at her home here over the hali-
be disposed of the ,business and took day.
over the agency of the Canada Lifea Miss Effie Treble Se vlsitina relatives
Assurance Co land which he held up,
to the time of dais death, proving him -lana attending the exhib tion in Tor -
sett to be a worthy represseneativa, rano this weak,
.9.s a citizen and un 1xi.a private life' Mr, Beverley Acheson of the Bans;
and business management he won of Commerce staff, Grimsby, was home
golden opinions for honesty, kindness,lover the boliden,
unselfishness and moralworth. In'
Mr. and sirs, I. A. Stewart and fam-
eon,nection with the Masonic Order,' ,
Oddlellows and Canadian Order of, alv left Wednesday by motor for Tor -
Foresters he took an active interest onto and other points;.,
and held the highest offices in the( err. anti Mrs, Gerald Fitton and Mr,
gift of their members. He was a val-' Tom Carling of London visited with
ued member of the Presbyterian' relatives here on Sunday.
Church and 'taught a class in the Sun-
day School, He is survived by one ( airs. Hess and daughter, 'Miss Han -
daughter, 'Miss Lula, his wife, who was,nab, of Zurich visited at Mr. and Mrs,
Alvaretta Essery, died about a year Davis' Sunday and Monday.
ago. He also leaves two brothers, Mrs. Ilril'Martin !eft on Wednes
Joseph and Alexander, of near Guelph div for Wetaskiwin, Alta, to visit
both of whom were here to attend the ; her slater, 'alts Victor French,
funeral, which was private and took -
place to the Exeter Cemetery on Mrs. F. H. Sweet, who Pas been
Monday: Many beautiful floral Crib- visiting her mother far several weeks,
utes were in evidence of his worth ! has returned to her home en Sarnia,
and esteem.
• fbe 37th annilversary of the Triv-
itt Memorial Church was held on Sun -
Mrs. W. Crisp an,d little Jean, who
were visitors at Mr. Willis Powell,'s
returned to their honv;e in. Landon en
Rev, and Mrs McAlister returned
day last, Sept. 3rd, the preacher for from Ilriraavipeg last week, and Mr Me -
the day being the Rev. W. E. Mac- A aster is again in charge at Man
Millan, B. A., rector of Inges-stel Street Chtarch.
whose sermons both morning and .ev-
ening were of a high order and were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Frayne and
much :enjoyed by those preeente In family of 'Brantford spent the week
the evening he chose as a basis for end with Mn and Mrs. Peter Frayne
his remarks verse 23 of Luke 14, `:znd aai'i other relatav'ee.
the Lord said unto the servant, go else and Mrs, William Box _and
ye an the highways ,and hedge; and Mr. anzt Mrs, Herb Box of Seaforth
compel them to come in that my house spent Sunday at the Home of Mr. and
may be ;filled'. and from it went eon
to show how worldly .minded men Mrs. Chas, Box, Stephene
vvho condenm God's house end word' Mr, and Mrs Harry Baker of De -
shall be shut oat ,of heaven(, Men to-: trait, and Mr„ and Mrs. Chris. Zuefle
day are seeking pleasure rather than' of Flint ,Mich, -v sited at, the home of
Christ and the Christian life. Rens-eae, and eine. Thos. Flynn.
ons for the ,prepant of laxity' Mr: a�n1 Mrs. Verne Cavanagh of
en, the church attendance he summ�ie•d'
up thus : "False ideas pf religion gath- Ayton stvent Sunday at Mr. W. N.
,passible, in us -to, the Armitage of Toronto, and by man. Religious should be the P•ewe s, gag's did also .Mr. and Mrs,,
living of the besetand leer. Ewart
best possible standard, and exemplify Pave of Londou.
same by practical applicat1an in every- Mrs. N W. Creech and ;fetes, Mrs.
day isle: (2) F'a]se idea of what is lea Oxtaby of :Brantford attended the
the church; Any church is what its fumeral el the late ,W,ililia i Creech on
members make it (3) False idea of 'uesday as did also Mr, and Mrs„
C:ad,. God sl>auld scat be viewed asp T.,hm B ;;eft, Mr, and ,Mrs. Luther
a stern ' austtere judge, but as a lav- Bissett, Mr. Richard Bissett and Mr
ing father, who is ,always ready to
forgive us if we confess our sonar." Alex. Stewart of London.
The best way to ,remedy this pre•s- Addi:teonal. Locals on Page 4
ent day tendency is ,for every ane to
become a true soldier of Christ, and
by business honesty and pure, ants
idealistic home relation,hnps,'-influence
ot_h. to walk n,the paths of reccti-1Scholarshi'p�s 1922.
tude, and lead the Christian life \vhib
after" all :s the ,most .,satisfyjn,g for 17XETEli• HIGIi SaHOOL
both tune and eternitya, ,
Top much ; credit cannot be given
Miss McFaul, ander whose direction
an: through. whose efforts such good
music was provided for the accasivon, endary Education by increasing the.
A beautiful s+alo'was ,delightfully ren- teaching staff, efticiently equipping
most : <by Mrs (Rev,) Foote and a ev;ery department including a fourth
most pleasing duett by lvlrs, N, J,form (neW) ;and establishing a num
Dore and Mr,: A. ered minis at the her of scholarships. This action' of
evening ,service;, Libtieral cailectioirs the Board. has been rewarded by the
weretaken, : , ,
011.. ---
The Board of Education, last year,
made provision for the best in See -
4 t\ �'' r1. ;;r for
SAND -771- craia,i$Ce
excellent results obtained by the
school on the departmental examina-
tions in June. The results are very
gratifying not only to the Board and
teaching staff but also to tete people
of Exeter high School District. They
indicate faithful work on the part of
both staff and students.
The Department of Education did
not make l:novsn the number of
marls of any of the successful stud-
ents this year. Their class standing
only was given as First, Second and
Third Class Honors and Pass Credits.
The Board therefore, decided that
the Scholarships Committee should
snake the awards according to the
grade standing of the students. and
that the basis should be as follows:
In Form I the Scholar standing
highest in four subjects,
In Fortis II, III, IV, the Seholar
standing; highest in six subjects.
The Board. in limiting the number
of subjects to four and six, as stated,
did so to encourage concentration
and to enable more scholars to Goan
Pete. It is pointed out, however,
Harry Seldon passed in eleven
subjects in Middle School, standing
highest in Form III in General Pro-'
flelency, and that Bruce Medd passed
in nine subjects in Lepper School,
ing highest in Form IV in Gen-
eral I'rofteieney. An award for Gen-
eral Proficiency is nude in each of
these eases.
A G Medal l wasawarded , i da award d last
year to the student standing highest.
im General Proficiency, Middle School
Graduating Chanes, Since rpper School
or Fourth Form has been added this
year, the Scholarship Committee de-
cided that the Gobs Medal shall be a-
warded to student standing highest
in General Prolifcieney Upper School.
The Prnicipal, Mr. E. J, Wethey, bus
offered two Sehaolarships, one, a
third prize in Form I, the other, a
third prize in Form U, stir. Wethey,
also, secured aScholarship from a
number of business men of Exeter,
for the student standing highest in
General Proficiency in Middle School.
The awards are as :follows: Contin-
gent upon all students, (excepting
Fourth Form,) pursuing their studies
during the following year at Exeter
High School.
I, Exeter Public School Entrance
Examination, (1) Marion Bissett.
II, Exeter :High :School District
Entrance Exam., (1) Ina Harding,
Eden School, i'sborne; (2) Marion
III, First Foran, Lower School, (1)•
'-Vaud Miller; (2) Marguerite Aide
worth; (3) Oscar Harrison.
IV, Second Form, Lower School,
(1) Kenneth C. Stanbury; (2) Marg
Gilfillan; (3) Edward Aldwortha
V, Third Form, Middle School, i1),
Lulea Morlock; (2) Carl alorlock;'
General Proleieney, Harry $eldou.
VI, Fourth Form, !'peer &hoe],
(I) Mabel Johns; (2) Bruce Medd;
General Proficiency, Gold Medal,
Bruce Medd,
LiExeter, £n.Se.p
2nd, S. E. Lite,.h..F:eld a Detroit, 'tci
\Miss Charlotte Dear,ixg of Exetel;.
Cutbush-•-Gould—At the hoarse of the,
bride mother, on Sept; Z, by Rev
\I, J. Wilson, Mr. Walter Cutbusbi
to ,\Use Olive Gould, daughter of
Mrs Riehard• Gould,
• eette—Amos,--•-In Bowmanville,
August 31st, Thomas Fossette of
Brantford, to Mrs, Minnie G. Amon,
of Exeter,
GVilliams—Traglua r—In the Preaiiy,
ter, ar, Church,. Hensel', on Aug. 30,
R B. Will;axns o'f USbort e, soxz of
Mr. and Mrs. Benson Whams, to
Virgin May Traqu:-:.r, daughter ,o,"t„Nrx
award Mrs, Robert Traquair of Tue.Leretnale
--Ira Exeter, on Sept. 2nd
Hastings, in 1•ia 57th year
CREECH----In Exeter, on Selateniberc
4th, William Creech, aged 73 years
and 6 mouths.
Deeier--In loving memory cif our deal-
ing boy, who died one year ago,
7th, 1921.
a halrt and sudden was the call
Of one so dearly loved, by all,
The blow was great, the shock severe,
We little thought his death so near,
Life was desired, but .God did see;
Eternal life was beat for %heea
—Father and Mother..
Phone 9
If You Know
That meat is down in price, and it will pay you to get our prices Eel
fore buying
When you thresh let us supply you with a. choice meatty ROAST.
Let this Bright, Sanitary Store supply your wants,
We close Wednesday afternoon, but are open every night.
Phone 16
New Fall Goods in all Our
Our Shiowing of Ladies' and aliases' Coats is right up
to the menu*, in Styles that will please, and in alt the up -to -
the minute, in styles that will please, and i in. all up-to-date;
Cloths, Fur Trimmed, Embroid ery Trimmed and plain, Burbery
Styles, A magniificent assortment to choose !iron, at much lower
prie es.
Ladles' and Misses' Sport Hats in, nice Plain Velour, Neat
Plaids and Checks. They are th e Latest Creation Mn 1-lat Wear
Secure your Mee aasd color now while our range is complete.
Men's Gaberdine Top Coat s in several shades, up-toedaite
models. Just the thing for the cool .Fall evenings --Rain and
wind proof.
Pure Cane Granulated Sugar per 100 07.70.
Pure Came Granulated Sugar 20 lbs, for $1.54.
10 bars any laundry soap 70c,
2 Shreaded " Wheat 24c.
Special Blend Tea
>aa 48c.
Our S. 1 len
3 pcks. Ammonia, fox 25c,
2 tins choice penk salmon far 35e '.
Christie Soda Buiscuits Ib: 15c,
Certo for Jellies 40c•
3 Kellogg's Corn Flake for 29c
Nine swell deigns in Dinner
Sets to make a selection, from,
They are Semi -Porcelain, China,
wsth Cbinra Cups, also a fiaue.
Nippon China Set,
Ali sets are :full 97 pieces.':
J. A. STE r .RT
Highest Prices NO for 'Butter Eggs and all kinds of Poultry..