HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-8-31, Page 5You can use sweet milk, sour milk, buttermilk or water with EGG -O &int Powder 'QRDER FROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER? 43 The Centralia Chopping Mill HA.VING INSTALLED A NEW 15 INCH. JOLIET. GRINDER WISH T.O. ANNOUNCE THAT YOU NOW HAVE AT YOUR. SERVICi IN CENTRALIA .ONE OF THE BEST EQUIPPED CHOPPING PLANTS IN ONTARIO, GIVING LTNST, RPASSED SERVICE, FINEST QUALITY AND COURTEOUS TREAT" I ANT TO ALI , • - , , A TRIAL: WILL CONVINCE OF THESE 1'Ix,RITS, AND IS COR- DIALLY SOLICITED. MILL OPEN EVERY DAY FROM 7 A. jl, TO. 6 P. M. Wm. J. Smith, Prop. APPLES, APPLES! Wanted at The Exeter Evaporation. ALL KINDS OF LATE FALL AND WINTER APPLES, SUIT., ABLE FOR EVAPORATING PURPOSES. ALSO APPLES FOR BARRELL INt= T1 -IAT WILL GRADE NO. 1 AND, NO. 2. THESE TO 'BE DELIVERED TO THE EVAPORATOR IN CRATES SUPPLIED BY THE UNDURSIGNED. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR ABOVE GRADES OF APPLES. HELP WANTED. ''.OMEN HELP FOR TRIMMING APPLES. Apply to A. D. CLAT'I', Central Hotel or A. WILSON, at Evaporator A. D. CLAPP. VOTERS' LIST 1922 MUNICIPALITY OF THE VILL- AGE OF EXETER COUNTY OF HURON Notice is hereby given that 1 hare transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in Section 9 of "The Voters' List Act" the t:op- ies required by the said sections to be se transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said act, of all persons appearing by the last revis- ed Assessment Roll of the said Mun- icipality to be entitled to vote in rhe said Municipality at Elections Car members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and that said list was first posted up at my office at Exeter, on the 11th day of August, 1922, and remains there for inspection. om all voters And I hereby . call u p to take immediate proceedings to avae y to law. errors correct - ding Dated at Exeter, this 11th day 'of August, 1922. JOS. SENIOR Clerk of Village of Exeter. SCHOOL FAIRS. Following is a list of the School i3t thio locality and dates for 1922:— Grand Bend ......... Sept. 7 Crediton ..... Zurich Clinton Varna Dashwood Winchelsea Ailsa Craig B.ayfi{e1d Blyth. FALL FAIRS.. Exeter G.oderich IZitrkton London Mitchell Parkhill St Marys Clandeboye Henson Los Ahgeles, Cal, are visiting ralavesI here.. --Mr. and.Mrs. C. Bechler and er Mr. and Mrs, M. Weidemaw of Pigeon Mr. Cecil Hudnae. of ,Coortl,and ,4nOns Susanna Smith, who spent her haliaays at the. ,home a her rarents here, left for Detrain,.—:Miss johnstem who recently- underwent an operation, at London Hospital, is visiting with her sister, Mrs, Julius ,,Thaei :hiss ?Mary Voelker of Hersey, Mich, -spent the past week with th her friend, Mrs, J. Hey, Tr. Mica. are visiting relativeshere„.-el. Steel, has. parents, Mr. and ars, .Czeip. Hu+lst�n�-4tlrT R. 1. PA:te son, .bats been suffering during tbe past ,week with a, very sore eye,—Mr. and M. Thain+ of Action spent al fe,w, days, _last wee,: with the latter's+',uxicl,es, M,essrs. John, and Charles McDoneli, -- Mrs. Goonfefow of Toronto IA e ,guest of Mrs. Jobe, Glean, -11'1r. Wil Sloven left last week on the Harvesters' Ex- cursion;,--Nrs.. Thos. Welsh, wile, has been visiting for ?otne time ;ax titer •tti est has returned, home.—Mos. ,J, J, White of Outlook, $asls~•, who has been vis- iting relatives in Dotrois't for the past two . months, .s the guest of Miss White and Mrs. F. j. Wickwire.—Mrs McNeil, who was called home owing to the death of her father, the late ;R, J. Drysdale, has returned .to Stowell, Alta --John Taylor pet with, ,a serious accident while tlatloadtrtg oats elle the barn on. Dr Moir's Tarn The trip rope broke and he Sell from the load, breaking ,his arm and ;receiving a.nunt-) her of brttse--Word was, received here of the death of Jemima Hutto ii. B.A., wife of Dr, p, C. Wilson, of Parkhill, Mrs. Wilsons was P. daughter of the late Dr. „Hutton( oi; Forest, and a sister of Mrs, C. A. McDonell of Henson. Her husband and one (laugh ter survive. --Mr. end Mrs. A, Biliborn and .famjiy, a end M. Percy Westaway ani daughter jean of Ham lten, were A very pleasant family reunion took place on the .farm of Samuel Scott concession. 12, McGillivray, on Aug. 20 when a large number of relatives were present (118) from various place, in- cluding Port Huron, Detroit, SarnJ , St, Thomas, Sombra, Niagara Falls and points nearer. 13'm• weir, who conducts a black_ smith a,nd general repair ,shop in the village of tBuf,falo, in. McGillivray, .had his hand badly .hurt recently in the planing machine.—The Ladies' Aid" of Ciaatdeboye Methodist Church met in the school room on August 23 to dis- cuss means of obtaining money for necessary repairs to the build' ug, the ladies having undertaken to raise a certain. proportion of the amount need- e4.—Mrs. Kilmer and 1lrs, L. Kilmer are attending the Toronto Exhibition. --Mrs. Brooks will be absent for some weeks on a visit to ;fiends in various "laces in the States, --There has been so much petty thieving recently in the country that barking of the dogs" at er ght • is usually a signalor the men to investigate hen roosts and barns, Lewis—Armitage.—The•e'.hhame of ?Jr. and„Mrs, W. H. Armitage;; London T was. '1'Sb— terile iaf a very pretty we., on Wednesday, Aug. 9, when their eldest .daughter, Annie W„ was unites in :marriage •to,Ernest H. Lewis of Lucan, the ceremony . being per- eorine:l by Rev,. Win. Lowe. The Sept. 8 hr .ie gore a charming gown of Ivory* Sept. 11 ; satin, with bridal Meil;ai$ :t •:bias Sept. 12'some and carried a beautiful bouquet Oct. 2 i -;: gladioli Little Clara Arin tage- Oct. 3 1,,Inter .of the bride, ,:was: ,dower g rl, Oct. 4 Ken ;,eth Simpson, .nepbety of the 000 111 acting as ring °:bearer.. Lo,hen-• gr wee weddini march was .played 'by Mass Armee Hodgiuns, cousin of the bride,. After the ceremony a dainty wedding breakfast was served. The bride and groom left on a trip to To- ronto and points least.'On their re- turn they w.uli reside .lune Claindeboye. Sep.21-22 Sep. 26-27 Sep 28-29 Sep. 18-19 .,Sep, 6 -8 Sep 25-26 ,::.Sep. 99-16 Sep. 19-20 Sep. 26-27 Sep. 21-22 S•eaforth ... .... . ..,,Sep 21-22 Toronto Aug 26 to Sept. 9 West McGillivray Oct 4th Wvnghanri ...... Sep 25-26 Zurich ...... ...... Sep 25-26 r CLINT;ON—On Aug'. ,16, Ione Ella, eldest daughter of Mr,, and Mrs:, C. ]J, Bouck of 43 Standiislh Ave., Rose -- dale, Toronto, was united in mar - ridge to Mr. Roy 'Alexandra Eoreestei Clinton, youngest son ofthe la,to David Fiorrestet;.-Mrs: Wm. Stoinan receiv- e& receiv- eword •.last. -Week :;of the death 4 -Of her daughter, Mrs„ Clara ,Kerr of Lon- , rixriikr• Mrs` Kerr: wale ..married,ice Pee troit and ,moved to London after the death of her husband., about 18 year: ago She leaves three, 'children,. • Lumley Grand Bend Mrs. Sam. Delzel and son of Port Huron, are visiting at Mr. Wal. Pat- ters*n's, Mr. and Mrs.=•-Geo.�Ande- - son v iaited with .Xr,„ and Mrs. Ed. GUI Sr„ -on Sunday,—Mrs. N. Beck -worth, Urs. Champane, Mr. and 1tfr&- neck - worth and Mrs..Wilcox .visited at Mr. \Vm. Pattersan's .Ior a few days last week,—Mrs, Chas, Lawson, who_ hays been visiting at the home of Mr. Ed, l Gill, Sr.., returned to her home int Hamilton Friday, Mensrs. Wm, and James Patterson, who visited their brother .in Micidgan, returned to their biome here Tuesday.—Mass E. Shafer and Mrs. Fred. Cole. who have been visiting their Sister, Mrs. E. Gill, Sr. ha' a xeturAte 4 to their home in De- troit and: Pigeon, Mich. --Mr. England gt ests or Mr. and firs. W. Chapman.--tof C'rerli.twt visited his son, Walt‘ Miss 5s Erbil)' Smillie of Torositospenta }tete _ l e few days of last (w^eek with her bro- ther, Mr, A." Smt4tte and sister, Mrs. John Elder, rettun.ed,. home last week,. accompanied hy Mrs. Elder, --Mrs. 'B; Hudson,)liss Rena, and LIoyd are itine h► Detroit,—Mrs. FlarenceGlenn of Grace Hospital, Detroit, ,is visiting her sister, Mrs,, A. ,1:, Cane—T. Welsh shipped a carload of lumber to Flint Mich, awl also one to Baden—Jack Mitchell and Austin Race have gone to the west to help ,with. the harvest. — 'Mr. and ,firs: J. F. Meek are ori a mo- tor tri; to Toronto and Dalhousi,e.— Mrs. J. L. Spaulding of Sherwood, N. Dakota who was called home owing to the illness and .death of her father Tltos. Sherritt, returned home last week, -Mrs W. Stone, who i$ visiting itt Vancouver. slapped and Sell while mountain climbing,, being bruised con sinerably as well as having her eye ser ously injured. She is expected to arrive home shortly—:lir„ Smillie had Itis, hand ;severely lammed between the axle and spring of Ilia car when the jack ;ave way. Nine stitches were necessary to close the wouatci, Zurich 'Hiss Nettie Well of Detroit is vis- iting in Zurich.—;visa Lillian `+ ,rennoh who spent the past ,month in Detroit, returned to her home here on Saturn & .--Mr. ttnd Mrs, Saan'l Freed, who sent a few weeks with relatives here, left last Wednesday for t1193r home at Seattle, Wash.—The dwellutg prop- erty. together with two lots at the west end of the village, have. been gold by Mr. Jacob Howard to Mr. Milton Reitz„—Mr and. Mrs. Wes. Kibbler of 'Mrs. Goodteltow and two little seals Of Toronto are sfpend:ng a. few days with i\Lr. and Mrs, J. 1. Glenn.—On Friday •evening last a great number from this ineighborhood attended the ;re cream and pie social put on, :by the Hurondale Women's Institute,—Mr. Mrs. Elliot is wsitinig wi,tlt, Mr., and &Irs. John Sielines.=Mr. Noaih Horton ousch,ased a new Ford car from Cook. Bitothers Hensa.11, last week, -Mies Maude Horton of Exeter spent a few flays at•:• Broadfoot's last week.—Mr: Duncan: McDougall is vilalllt n ..lues moth-, 1 a er tor'' a few weeks. -Mr. Wellington` k.crslal e as Me. Stewareetnotored ;to Toronto, the: Dist of the .week h> at-, tend;th{e E.xhibetio�n-114isil Chrr,stene Mc.i.)ou�gall returned this week from (lintrebeewh.ere she: has been visiting her aunt: Popularity Ever increase The Pure Deliciousness of PP Natural Leaf Green. Tea is recognized,. as the tremendous increase in the de m nd for it :shows. 21396 Try it to.day---- - -You will l Ke it RAUIQ WE I<IAVE THE FAIQUS "FEDERAL” LINE LET US DEMON-. STRATE A COMPLETE RECt IVING SET, OR SELL YOU ANY FARTS YOU MAY NEED TO BUILD YOUR OWN SET. The grade of Imperial Palatine recommended for your oar ---- (1) Saves friction and wear (2j Increases power (32i Lowers Gasoline costs (4) Reduces depreciation (5) Gives most lubrication per dollar Consult the Imperial Chart—the guide to proper lubrication. 0 Oils IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Manufacturers and Marketers of. Imperial Polarine Motor Oils and Marketers in Canada of Gargoyle Mobiloil, ,;cttvy LIT';' r'.1 T.. mrr at To Holders of Five Year SL per cent Canada's Victory Bonds Issued in 1917 and Maturing 1st December, ,1922. CONVERSION PROPOSALS THE- MINISTER OF FINANCE 'offers to• holders of these bonds who desire to continue their investment in Dominion • of Canada securities the privilege of exchanging the maturing bonds for new bonds bearing 54 per ceritt interest, payable half yearly, of either of the following 'classes:— • , (a) Five year bonds, dated lit' November, 1922, to mature 1st November, 1927. (b) Ten year bonds, dated 1st November, 1922, to mature 1st November, 1932. While the maturing bonds will carry interest to 1st December, 1922, the new bonds will commence to earn interest from 1st November, 1922, GIVING A BONUS OF A FULL MONTH'S INTEREST TO 'THOSE AVAILING THEMSELVES OF THE CONVERSION PRIVILEGE. This offer is made to holders of the maturing bonds and is not open to other investors. The bonds to be issued under this proposal will be substantially of the same characteras those which are maturing, except that the exemption from taXation does no" apply to the new issue. T :::"..,.,""•'''.r.;:'• s ,Ottawa, 8th -Au st 192 ....--... v . •a.N, Dsited+;at , Bu y 7 '4 1: ,ry 's r � t.. ,.�7Z .�.k..t:.i .,.,.+iss, d�,;y,..,llC",�- ..i.. .. ,, <eri „� t,e�il;.V# #7 i,P:r,. Holders of the maturing bonds who wish to avail themselves of this conversion privilege should take their bonds AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE, BUT. NOT LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 30th, to a Branch of any Chartered Bank in Canada and receive in exchange an official receipt for the bonds surrendered, containing an undertaking to deliver the corresponding bonds of the new issue. Holders of maturing fully registered bonds, interest payable by chei`Iue from Ottawa, will receive their December 1 interest chegii as usual. Holders of coupon bonds will detach and retain the Last unmatured coupon before surrendering the bond itself for conversion purposes. The surrendered bonds will be forwarded by banks to the Minister of Finance at Ottawa, where they wills, be exchanged for bonds of this new, issue, in fully registered, or coupon. registered or **ion . bearer form carrying interest payable 1st May.;as 1,lst November of each year of the duration of the loan, the first interest payment accruing and payable lst,gay, hy, 1923. Bonds of the new issue will be sent tp{.the banks for delivery immediately after the recetprttf the surrendered bonds. Y The bonds of the maturing 'issue which are not converted under.. this proposal will be 'paid off in cash on the lst December,1922. 1`"'+ 'W'.: S, FIELDING 112inist of Fniatrne.; •ijr,ti,t. tf , t. ;r •;iii . •Jq'.: `e •