The Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-10-11, Page 3PAGE 2 --GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1979
Tid Bits...Tid Bits...Tid Bits...
Shopping Canadian
means more jobs for
That's the basic
message behind Shop
Canadian Week being
sponsored by the
Ministry of Industry and
Tourism in Ontario this
week through to October
Gallup Poll research
shows that 67 per cent of
Canadians believe they
benefit from buying
Canadian -made
products. But only 40 per
cent remember to check
for country of origin when
making purchases.
A reminder to Shop
Canadian is especially
important at this time
before the major holiday
shopping season
(remember only 10 weeks
of Christmas shopping
Young people are being
reminded to Shop
Canadian through a
special school program,
The Great Made -in -
Canada Label Hunt,
developed by the
Ministry of Industry and
Tourism in co-operation
with the Ministry of
Education. Two lesson
plans and sets of teaching
materials, one for Grades,
4 to 8 and one for high
schools, will try to make
young people aware of
the connection between
their purchases and the
economy as a whole.
Manufacturers are also
being asked to par-
ticipate in Shop Canadian
Week by marking their
goods clearly as being
produced in Canada, by
looking for areas where
they are better able to
compete with imports
than they could 'in the
Near railway
past, and by shifting their our recipe contest are
own purchases to from individuals. We are
Canadian suppliers offering prizes to groups
where that is practical. as well.
Since about 50 per cent So come on, all you
of all Canada's Women's Institute
manufacturing takes groups, 4-H groups,
place in Ontario, Shop church groups, IODE
Canadian Week benefits groups, Sorority groups,
Ontario in a very major Kinettes and others,
and direct way. gather up your favorite
recipes and send them in
+ right away to our holiday
;cook book which will be
Frosty fall days mean coming out in November.
that it's time to clear the It's a pretty easy way to
garden of withered earn some money for
plants. General clean-up your club or organization.
chores should include
making a compost pile, +++
advises Bob Fleming,
Ontario Ministry of There will be a self-help
Agriculture and Food display and program at
horticulturist. Brookside Public School
"Pull up annual on October 25 at 8 prym.
flowers, cut back The articles on display
perennial plants, and are made by people in
rake up the leaves," says other countries working
Mr. Fleming. "These in their ancient arts.
materials can become These are sold and the
useful in•time if they are money sent back to the
placed in a composter or producers so that they
compost pile. By next may become more in -
spring, the, decayed dependent and gain a
organic matter can be greater feeling of self -
spread on the soil. respect and personal
Besides adding the worth.
obvious garden wastes to Everyone is welcome to
a compost pile, attend. The program will
remember to save kit- include a filmstrip
chen wastes during the illustrating how the sale
late fall and winter of these goods will be
months. Egg shells • and giving food to the hungry,
vegetable and fruit housing to the homeless
peelings will break down and education to the
into usable organic young.
material. For your The evening is being
convenience, have easy sponsored by the ladies of
access to the compost pile the Christian Fellowship
during winter months. group in Dungannon.
By returning wastes to-.
the soil, the gardener will
maintain organic matter
levels for good soil
structure and aeration.
To date, the only en-
tries we have received in
Mrs. D.O. Sitter hosted
a party of the superan-
nuated women . teachers
of Goderich recently.
Mrs. John Shier, the
former Mary Robinson, a
recent bride, is leaving
Goderich and will be
Approve apartment
Goderich planning
board decided recently
that, , an apartment
building can be com-
patible with a railway
The board approved a
two storey. apartment
building proposed by
Arnold Stothers when it
learned the building
would not necessarily be
in conflict with adjacent
rail yards.
The apartment will be
located on Cambria Road
adjacent to the Canadian
National Railway line
servicing Goderich in-
dustries. The lot is close
to the rail loading plat-
form used by Champion
Road Machinery Ltd. to
load road graders on rail
The board was con-
cerned when it first heard
the proposal that the
building would not be
compatible with the rail
line. To have its concerns
dealt with it delayed any
decision until it could
hear from CN and the
provincial ministry ofthe
A representative from
CN told the board in
September that as far as
the railway was con-
cerned people and
railways don't mix. The
spokesman said CN had
no clear cut policy on
objecting to any
residential land use near
its lines but preferred to
treat each matter in-
He told the board CN
did not want to stand in
the way of progress in
Goderich but did have to
protect its own interests.
He said if the ministry of
the environment ruled
that fumes, noise and
vibration from train
movements in the area
were acceptable levels
for residential land use
CN would probably not
Nick Hill, of Hill and
Borgal Architects and
Planners, designers of
the building, told the
board the rail line and the
apartment could be made
Hill said he had altered
the position of the two
storey building on the lot
to get it as far away from
the rail lines as possible
and still observe side
yard and setback
restrictions. He said the
north end of the building
Would be 100 feet from the
closest rail line, the
centre of the building 80
feet and the south end 75
Hill said sound berms
positioned between the
building and the rail line
should further reduce
noise levels. The mounds
of earth will be land-
scaped and should help to
deflect sound over the top
of the building. Hill said
the two moves would
leave the level of sound
apartment dwellers will
have to live with slightly
over those considered
acceptable by the
ministry of the en-
Hill strengthened his
arguements telling the
board he had surveyed
residents of the neigh-
borhood to find out just
'how bad the noise and
smell •of the railmline was
considered to be.
He said he talked to
people that had lived near
the line anywhere from 13
to 30 years and aside
from} occasional an-
noyances could find no
Planning board felt
that -in light of CN's
comments and the fact
that sound levels were
within ministry of en-
vironment guidelines the
building could be com-
• John Schaefer told the
board it must consider
the value of .the land as
industrial. He said he
personally was in favor of
the apartment over more
industry that could
"aggravate what is
already a problem
living in Kincardine.
Mrs. Edna Stephens
presented Mrs. Shier with
a crystal bell.
Contests were enjoyed
under the direction of
Mrs. B. Martindale.
A social time and
refreshments followed.
Mrs. Lloyd Cline and
Mrs. Kitchener Finnigan
assisted the hostess.
An annual
Thanksgivingdinner was
held at, MacKenzie's
cottage last Sunday af-
ternoon. Over 50 seasonal
and overnight guests at
MacKenzie's Trailer
Camp sat down to a
delicious smorgasbord
dinner and enjoyed a
social afternoon to wind
up the 1979 camping
• Green and Parent of 263
Huron Road won $500 in
the Goderich and District
Grandstand Lottery draw
held Monday with lucky
ticket number 141.
A draw was held at the
Liveryy-Theatre on South
Street on Saturday.
Dennis Dalton of
Goderich won an oil
painting by Lou Shuman
of Goderich Township.
Stella Ducharme of
Windsor won a collection
of photographs by Dr.
Michael Watts of
P.A. Bisset of Goderich
was the third name
drawn and once con-
tacted by the Goderich
Performing Arts
Foundation, this person
will have the choice of the
following pries —
drawings by Mona
Mulhern of Goderich,
sketches by Mike Scott of
Goderich or dinner for
tvwo,at the Bayfield Inn.
B.E. Martindale , and
Betty Baechler, both of
Goderich, will have
fourth and fifth choice of
prizes respectively.
The draw was held'by
the Performing Arts
Foundation with
proceeds to go toward the
Livery Theatre building
s...Tld Bits...
A feasibility study has Cambridge Street,
been drawn up for the Goderich. She received
Livery Theatre and is her secondary diploma at
available for loan to the G.D.C.I. and. is now
general public through working.
the Goderich library. Our apologies to Janet
On October 15, the and her sister for the
Performing Arts mistaken identity.
Foundation will present
the findings of the +++
feasibility study to town
council and will seek the The Port Elgin Com -
town's approval. mittee for Women's
Studies is focussing its
+++ fall program on
"Outreach-. With the
The annual fall financial backing and
Thankoffering service of encouragement of the
North Street U.C.W. will Canada Department of
be held this Sunday, the Secretary of State, it
October 14 at 7:30 p.m. in is presenting an all -day
North Street United workshop, "Let's Get
Church. The guest Started!".
speaker , will be Mrs. The workshop is being
Lorne Sparks of held Saturday, October 20
Lucknow. As well as an at 9:30 a.m. at the
interesting speaker, she Hampton Court,
is a talented musician Southampton. The cost is
and vocalist. $10 for the day, lunch
Members of otherG)included.
congregations and area The committee hopes to
residents are certainly draw interested women,
invited to hear Mrs. particularly from
Sparks speak on a `.'Bible smaller centres, who
Study of the Meaning of have not necessarily been
Thanksgiving." involved in women's
The U.C.W. has chosen . studies before. The aim is
the Oxford Tornado to increase skills as well
Relief Fund as its area of as confidence in women's
concern and all con- abilities to plan women's
tributions will be for- programs in their own
warded to that fund. communities. Program
planning technique will
be looked at including
contacting resource
people, budgeting, time
management, funding,
The Port Elgin Com-
A picture of Janet
Mulholland's sister in-
stead of Janet herself
appeared by mistake in
last week's souvenir
graduation edition. The
above picture is the one
which should have ap-
Janet is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George
Mulholland of 288
Saturday, Oct. 20
The students of Robertson School will be holding a work
Blitz in an effort to raise money for the purchase of
new playground equipment.
If you, have any odd jobs around your home which could
be done by one or more students
Please contact Robertson School
October 12 to 26
*Only Lions Club members are
authorized to receive your contributions
If missed during canvass, please forward donations
to Goderich Lions Club, P.O. Box 65, Goderich.
Paul -Rivers
Harold Knisley,
Campaign Chairman
are coming to
Watch for
mittee for Women's
Studies was established
in November 1977 and has
organized and produced a
number of programs and
workshops of special
interest to wpmen.
For further in-
formation, contact
Denise Grant (832-5435)
or Barb Scollick (832-
Our view Is fabulous
12:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Everyone is welcome
Debbie is now booking for
Xmas Parties
Now is the time to book your
Plan now to give the one and only personalized Christmas
gift that no one but you can give.
In the comfortable surroundings of your own home.
All prints finished to last. Choose from a complete line
of frames and matts to complement your portrait.
Oil Paintings, Needle work & Prints.
p %
Save 10% now by booking your portrait sit-
ting by October 31, 199.' This allows ample
time for Christmas giving. Discount also ap-
OFF plies to our Picture Framing.
' Entry forms and complete details
avauable at parlic patmg Ziebart
dealers No purchase necessary
Contest closes December 31 1979
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