HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-8-31, Page 2DM} SC'Ot3iF,N, GL 1 ' 4.E „VPAAD LISTA foo4 d .i. , studorr 17 LUE WATER A TALE OF TLE DEEP SEA FISHERMEN BY FREDERICK WILLIAM WALLACE -goizi' t' make any money 'out. this red-headed figure was whirling the packet, weal'1 need t' be on tle grounds leg of a table over his head and bring - mighty soon." I aim it down, on the bodies of struggliug F•ran'k spent a delightful evening, men with fearful thumps. with Miss Dexter. Never had he,' "Ah'l1 ;gie it tae. ye, ma thielsP' he known her look to pretty: and the' yelled, "Yell pe Icemen' to heft ho' ta enthusiasm she displayed in his ae-.M`ealaunfe arm this tay! Ye'll pe ceunte of the Mabel Kinsella and leis'ehostlin' ta tlsippex, wall ye? Vat prospects made him declare that she fcrr you—an' you—an' you!" And was the finest little girl in the evened.. the table leg came down with every "I'll be for ehang'in' her 'name,' word. sweetheart. Tle Carrie Dexter is s In an cncredibly short space of time, what she'll be called of I kingit the s on was empty and Shorty Hoc;ahan to assent, `Ye've ai s &Race the almost Berserk Highlen: brought me hick, girlie, are any vee-, der eutente and down to you!" vessel_ eek what is Balled by your name Greb hirli, some o you. he coin corn an , Hints fey Owning Three of the most important and n'Lore paopular vegetablee But up by modern •canners are first, tomatoes, Bernal,corn, and third, peas. Ceees Rub •until a the oil is rubbed into th•e wand. Fxceaas acid in grapes is the causes of crystal formations, To 'avoid these •crystals 'select ripe glapere—green couldn't but help bein' high, line. Next manded•, andk McCallum, still grasping fieri by length of time usually taken fin one have more acid—extract the juice trip I'll be for buyile tlf best ring I, the table leg, rolled over the Tail, the prarceseing, the difficult vee,e, in the afternoon and let Band• over kin git an Beis't�an, Oh, Carrie, but', It 'was with a sigh of relief that t'ab;•ea are cern, peas ands iinla beans, night. Crystals will, form on sides of 'Us th' happy man I am this night.°1:T'rank saw Crlaueester limber slipping These three, with one or two others,. Ain and on tap of juice. In the morn- ca f i ` Kinsella da 'i. theroll- he such as 'beets ;and string be. ins, often g strain through a Cannel bag, which And the young fisherman and th+e asteiui, as' udder four lowers, thein pretty Neva Scotia lassie sped +lie ll abe Ktaysel lifted to o develo what rs known as ;'fiat soar, will at .the crystals. Or extract'the fleeting hours with the talk 'of those the open .sea. Jules was at the wheel 1 who love. i -=-the others • had hoisted sail more by _e Frank was humming a little song instinct than comprehension, and they to himself When next morning he stood were al'i down for'ard listening in cn the string -piece of .Gloucester drunken admiration to McCallum's wharf, waiting for his Brew.. S•ome i account of the `graund fecht t'at her - were abroad and overhauling ther'' s=elf au' ta' skipper lead up to Rooney's gear, but a number of the rou liter saloon." and tougher characters were p ini, "A•nt you should -ehust 'ha' keeked town having a last carouse, It was at to skipper, poys!" he was •saying in a eold, dull March morning, and the language almost incomprehensible. schooner was at the dock -end ready to By ta Cross of ta Chrinahanishl she cast off. but Frank was happy autlre-,was simply creat—thus[ creat! Laid mely happy, and as he stamped his (t'at pig loafer •out cold---chust wit' rubber -booted feet to warm them, he one punch--chust so, ant aal py j her - crooned love soma fshex-'Ven lherheidswe maaymre nr' eeantman'sv .s g: l 1 ta place out -ilius+ so, And while ►"c.pyright by the Musson Book Coulpauy I "Then when I come home from se vi the forecastle creaked with the awing enquired! tall. Frenchmanfor, mopping: again,- of the off -shore sea. the hard-bitten Haw the Story Started. i g 1 shall lila r I trawlers chattered and rangwhile Wank Ii'esthaver known y? the gersPlra-iJe, off his ed +brad, 1 ps he, ,h : d 1?rett • so e," answered the other,' IF I shall see my .own true love two of their number essayed 'doleful Shorty, lives at Long Cove on Baa sucking away at the end ef the pen-' Sit a -smiling on my knee."'music upon a mouth -organ and fiddle. his randy coast with his mother and „g �, his unci Clark. He ; ail, Awful lot o things t'git yet. 1 He waited around for some time, Shorty walked the quarter: his face e, Captain ,Terry swirfen and bruised—+and when and his chum Lemuel Ring drink �a1 Jules nodded. "I guess you pretty and when the missing members failed. t'w'in towers of Thatcher's Island lifted bottle of runic, whereupon Franks"well strapped aft? pay for sails an ;to show up, he glanced at has wateb.over the taffrail� he reset the log and uncle tells hire the story of his fath- , rigger an doxees , er's f !and sung cut for Julea, ; hove it into the wake. endness for drink and how the; Frank nodded .absently --his brow: The love thoughts dissipated' before, "Ilringlaer up east !b" south, Jules:" Grace Westhaver" went down on corrugated in thought. Jules grunted the needs of the present, and there "East by scut' it is, cirri Sable Island with ten of her Brew and and went to his 'bums. Returning, he was another and different tone in his Haulinga few feet of the mainsheet her skipper. This has the desired ef- f bills on the locker. voice when he ,spoke to Ills friend. a F h s slammed a roll a feet upon. Frank. He finishes school .. "What th'—what's this, Sabot?" 1 "Sabot, I ea�l'late I'll hey t' left • up' listened to the strains- ef pacingmerrienntt with credit to himself and spends the ejaculated Frank in surprise, as he' t' Jack Rooney's an' haul some o' them land musk floating up the fo'c'sle summer as an apprentice to Long fingered the money. 1 jokers out. FA any comes• dowar' : pit Dick" Jennings.In August his uncle, "' +hatch. Sabot laughed. Leede advance,_ thein aboard an' keep thein aboard'.' "Got much rum thar' for'ard'?" he t takes hon on a fishing trip as spare"ski er. You take cat fort stores Don't let airy feller go ashore t'"buyf _ longer than a few hours: after being,back of the treadle; the motion .unu- hand aboard the Eastalia. While at fo skipper. You ileskins, as they gt n'ly git wet ones, asked Qft evl ora h s alam -neck" taken from the stalk Gore which has '•rtes walking and gives ma. unneatural anchor in C of r fist fishing; , ' I 11 t sa ' t1 h 1 Mos cry m a g strain, Canso ter the uiea and' ean until winter, Then, This is always experieii�ced more by j those vvho can +in glass thaar by' those after erylstaie have fancied, on ' sides who. can in tin, due to the fact that 'and' bottom• of can, pour juice out it is not possible cool the glass- carefully, strain through flannel, and canned product sae quickly after faro-' make the je;.i'y, eessing as can be done in tin. In smoking hams and, baeon, a coax- Sweet Corn—A dark color in canned tinuoua Are will smoke the meat in a rix is due to some of the following shorter time, 3 not build 'tea hot a fire, as this causes• shrinkage by soaking Qat port of the fat, .Also, do not let the fire play directly on the meat. Hang a piece of sheet irony co causes. I, ilsing water that contains tee much iron. 2. Using corn that has reached the about two feet above the fire so it tough stage, evil! dQiiect the he+a+t 3. /Ranching three for too long a period, Ztinegar flies are often troublesome',. 'Cue to three minutes is sufficient. especially in. warm• weather. They 4, Over processing at dao high u breed around the openings of vinegar temperature, containers and wherever they find vim. At the beginning of the season corn Bear exposed to the air. If numerous is deficient car sugars and, therefore, the maggots they produce niay gat sugar is often added, There is a great into the vinegar and deteriorate its deal of difference in saggar Content of " coral in different parts of the eountryr, quality considerably. Cleanliness, and Fbr lame user Golvien. Ilantam avoiding the spilling of vinegar and variety seems to be growing in popu- larity here in Ontario. The Evergreen of venues!, The e-PeninAs Of ctaal<s has long been e productive favorite, should be covered by tacking a thin cloth over them, This keeps out dust and dirt with their attendant miera- organisms, as well as insects. To run a sewing machine easily, place one foot forward and one at the Field corn is very little used in 'can- ning at the present time. Much depends upon careful seleetion of tender juicy earn before it reaches a starchy stage. It shaulad never stand r "Why, thar s three hundred dollars; an ca a e mo. o lam ex en- sed the milky stage or is stale is trip, Frank rescues a French boy from • !rr tbes wad, Jules, I I �ouldn't,' ough wet oil -clothes V last t?hem their+glaed that other. v difficult to sterilize. Blanch on Gut oti' the feet of ,aur csld hasier�* all -treatment by his fel!oty-sailors.: think o' takin' itr—" j ' :, Ilumph. SVesthaver grunted, and and, use *me to ' who,e .essoar, " continued his weather -alley tramp. the cols one to three minutes; dip into P• fcx dust cloth 3: Claey t .,, rough life this flshin' is," he cold: water for an instant, Remove and leave no licit. he two boys try their load at dors' The other frowned. "You take dot,! Yes, the gang were up n 4"145..."4.- 3 ,,,A," -er, No god to me—good! for Rocney's bar, celebrating, and among rt,— fishing with StxCCeSS. i', SLOri7a bursts „ , Dust marks on clothes-, slimed not with sudden fury. Frank's vessel presence skipx c when you the 'quarrelling:, drunken mob who ruminated `Wonder v hat Carroe cut from the colo with a sharia, 'than of mindfrom col t B me hack y +1 cumin ted ef she ear I've 1 r b 1 1 uved the f 1 bladed ewe, (The 'hest results Call' an __--„ ,. _ ,__-- �_ ,. elision with a steamer. When Frank is a e ""No,t buck u against in th last few aaone and Jules nineteen, they no, Sabot! Wehaver hmi ht mat make a tril' of his crew and coaled', cajoled, and hurs? Henann' drunk* an' humour,. engage for a season with Capt, Wit-; in'them. Lug+gin' themeo son. Frank calls on his boyhood sweet; at all, an'I don't want t'let ye in wheedled' thein away. And it re-', saloons an' gittin' anter a bar -room heart; Carrie Dexter, now nurse in for a lass of 1 don't make good. glaia:etlen uao great dent of tloinct aed which fight with a crowd, a' wharf rats -'. tri nleig iiia Boston hospital, who in, t Thanks, e1' man, but I'd rather not necessitated n a; blindie ness to obvaais in-lllumlihl I'na glad we're at sea yes, traduces him to the matron as Captain take it—" sunt and enough "toughness" to wareI mighty •gla'd. I'd never want t' go Wesihav On the return trip Capt. The Frenchmn straghtened up his, off interference fromgstranhgers. A+11, ,,ashore 'rept t' see ye, Carrie girl, Watson dies and Frank steers the Yes- ; full six feet. "Frankee Westaaver, , + ow, I Bal late that gang dawn for and sel into Boston harbor through a heavy ha growled, "ef you don't take dat. of the gang but Mee/allele were on sea. Carrie speaks scornfully of life money Int tirow it into th' dock,It'heir maudlap way down to the vessel,? 'll git good an' drunk In a while an' on a fishing,ave.:ssi, Frank buys the You'n ane been daree-mate for years,; and after •seeing them on to the wharf, they'll. turn in an' sleepit off. There'll Mabel Kinsella. good d t h it' bis' Frank hail to enter the saloon again 'be no gittin' them an leek t'take a you res new. ay :kn what bed ;be ras ret 'ei orous • as the stains 1•k crowded the tobacco -laden "room,' i• aril, be -driven hitt The materia An r -« Wesihaver irked our the members p be obtained. when one person cuts the y k h' head, p p • marks that remain after the garment corn from tthe cob and another fills ras beear gently brushed s'3aoultt he the containers. If it is necessary treated with pure alcohol. When the for one person to'work alone, he, spirit has been carefully rubbe . into should cut off sufficient corn to fill one pint, add the broiling water, salt and sugar seasoning and put into hot- water bath or pressure Banner at once): Glass jars or 'plain tin cans are used for corn, and 'whether it be tins the material with a soft rag the marks will quickly disappear. Nlnard'e Liniment for Pamirutt. Insects as Doctors. ! an eree-ma e are up wa rs watch or handle sail this night, an' partner all tam'. You're my skipper for the red-haired Judique man. that meane poor Jules an' nie gh , hey. er jars always put up the pack in In spite of the marvellous progress now, Frankee, but still my doree-mate.! e tallum was very drunk, and zn n Ion spell—yes, a long spell, an' it's pints. Allow about three-eighths of that uieiioni science has macer, doctors CHAPTER the s TFake (t hill red:) jYou help nae a lot. You make man of the state where he jabbered in Gvelic;'mastlikcl we'll hey.some wind afore an inch at the top of the container. are still using a cure that was popular When the szilmaker's hill had been me. You take rr e to home up de Bay and: commented insultingly upon every;.long;' y .a ,, liundrat!s of ,Baas al;o. paid, Frank found that he was re -Shore. You make for thrash me oneiperson in the bar. He had quite a, After the liquid is added paddle or die ed in monetary assets to fifty don,' tam' in Eastalia because I say I got let of money left, and a number of the (To be continued,) stir to a;low the winter to penetrate. A little insect, the leech, is rivalling lax& With ice, bait, stores, and dhock' no home. T make for thrash you of wharf -side loafers were slobbe"ing } to the lrottoaxi of the cans. Seal or for oculists have realized its valine for the inost modern evil -anis l instruments, charges to pay for yet, and some preb- you don't take dat money. Dere!" leech -like around him and assenting to able advances to be made his gang! Shortly laughed. "Waal, wa>al, everytefaig he aid. Westhaver a t was m for gear and outfits, Weathaver hada Sabot, I ainain'ta-gom t'let ye git,tose pax ites thater d toaSunday-school scholar. When he still _gine financing to do. `tat me with them big hands o' yours, drag is man, ian d knowing the breed, h came home his father and mother s, , , t' th'th'be re awed' hsmeelf fon trouble- ni Cal late I11 hev gitcreditan so I''12 a=e money, Now, Sabot, P P wait - The Unexpected.Clarence recently made his debut as tee') from some o' th' -stores' for that `you big whale, I want t' take a shoot bowing ras y.• .g fixe mot, stun, an' I d�en't tare t' do that. Uncle • upt' Boston this afternoon. Will clasped the hig•;fisherman by the mem, Jerry illus paid cash for everythin' ; yen stay by th' vessel an' check th' "Colne en, Mac! Let's git abroad, om he got. I wish he were only here now stores? An' ill' gang'll be cm' We're gain'out in a few nunutes.. he'd help me out." i down t' night. Git them abroad ef AFring', skipper, 1 will pe with He was down in the cabin making ye kin an' hev th' cook here for t' you avast in a meenut.. up a list of necessities, when Jules !make breakfast t' morrer. 1 want t' No, no, Mac. Never mind another chattered below. ;swing out with th' morning's -tide. drink. Ye' along, or I won't wait "How ees she comin', Frankee?"' Here's Lent ,a'mo+zt on us, an' ef we're for yel ~ "Chost anither bit tram o' whusky, skipper?" Constructive Child Welfare Law - "No, Mac, ye've abed enough. Come n Jules BY DR. J. G. SHEARER The welfare of children is the con-; provided for in separate section of the cern of all. Humanity, patriotism and r law: religion combine in their appeal in be (1) Neglected, dependent and de- Iinquent children previously cared for half of the little ones. The majority ' and (2) other classes not previously blame�� business. I'll look after didn't see?" " of children are safely left to the care' cared for, such as: mine—Yes, mother• of their ov:n parents, Unhappily, how-? Mentally detective clialdren, idiots,Before Frank had a chance to de- "I knew it!" with a proud glance at imbeciles, feeble-minded and retardedfend himself, the roan shot cut a Clarence's father over Clarence's head. ever, not a few are bereft of parents, grimy fist and smashed him between. "Come, darling, tell mother what the These are provided for i. public th said by the Province. reeled to the ohor • I this section provision is made for the Tables and chairs were hurled to orie Manitoba has just enacted the most examination 'of all accused persons, side as the occupants of the bar c:ear- who, though adults, if adjudged men- ed the way for the combatants, and in modern Child Welfare Act in Canada tally detective, become wards of the .less time than it takes to relate, Frank or on the continent, in behalf of spe- was in the centre of a hard-sye daily needy classes of children. It is comprehensive and constructive in high degree. Its preparation was the week of a committee of experienced and expert friends of children, gotten together by the Social Service Council. That committee labored for four years before recommending the Iaw to the Government. But the law justifies the time and labor spent upon its fram- ing. It establishes a new Department- of Public Welfare with a Minister of Pub- lic Welfare in charge. The law also provides for the appointment by the. Government of: teacher said to mother's little man." "She said for me to bring two cents next Sunday." Forestry. in Great Britain. Great Britain has awakened to the necessity of reforestation, and regards drunkem crow! -0f fishermen and loaf Government as being ehliidren in mind ' any restriction of tree plotting as and self-control, airs, engaged in a'hammer-and-tongs false economy. The forest authorities Physically defective children, such ' fight with the hulking wharf bully; have agreed to a great extension of en- as blind, deaf, dumb, crippled, etc. Sock! a had smack on the jaw jarred'.terprise in forestry. Hundreds of The children of Unmarried parent- Shorty's whole fame. Smack! another thousands, of acres of uncultivated age, who, though wholly innocent, are I wallop caught hien on theear and land are available for the• -purpose, and usually sadly handicapped by antra- made his head buzz. Westhaver wars they are to be used for thegrowth of new forest; planted largely with trees gi•own from Canadian tree seed col- lected by.. the •Dominion,. Forestry Branch. clam, neglect and non-support. 4feelingg groggy when Long Dick's !words flashed through his mind. ,"A Immigrant ohaidren such as those i hard drive on the chin would knock a brought in by Barnardo or other simi- -man cold with one blow!" Yes! that lar organizations. was the thing—he would watch - his If any defectives -or dellnquints arechance. Smack! another blow on the brought into the Province they may be head from the loafer.andr Shorty saw deported. If any become public' charges I his opportunity. 'The man had lowered the societies are compelled to care for his guard and drawn his other -arm them until sixteen years of age. If I beak for a •Ewing, and Weethavier any are unkindly treated in foster I gathered' all his' energy and strength a A Child- Welfare Director, re- homes, the Province, t1?irough its Child together. Hats shhouliders. hunched; Me ,"Well, that depends. I've cut onsible to the Government and peo- Welfare Director, becomes their chain- muscles stiffened, ed. Now! :: Sock! His running'ex ease iai,two" sp,fist hot out—all his hhardenedi svnews lily p le for the administration of the Act, pion and protector. p and so far the welfare of all the class- All machinery necessary is provided terrific up -drive landed on the peak of. Me --"By leaving ,it in the garage es of children provided for. also° -far the Adoption and Guardian the loafer's stubbly; tobacco-tained; half of the time." (b) A Medical Officer • who is a ship. of children, jaw. Oaf! the man's teeth clicked. to -I' 1 trained Pbyehiatris�t,:whose duty is to Juvenile Courts, their .establishment gethei° with an audible, snap; his head : Don't be among those :floes who u_e. 'amine and report upon the physical and governance are fully. covered, as jerked back with a wrenching• of illus..I all tee eirst paet of 'Incir-.lii�'e•7, to i i:ahl:e also a11.C,hn1d Welfare Societies allow- ales and jarred vertebrae, and he reel the lat'..er part miserable. ,.-' Ilinard's Liniment for Burns, oto..\ ' One Way to Cut Down Expenses: He—"Autos are a heavy exp:.nse, aren't they?"' and mental condition .ef. all children who are or should be, wards,of the Province. (c) A Board of Srlectioe of. five or seven members. The Child Welfare Director and the Psychiatrist are mem- bers ex -officio. The others are public- spirited citizens specially interested in Child Welfare, and serve without salary. The duty of this Board is to determine What special care, treat 11,aelit incl training- each chitd needs and a:.ere this can best he obtained,- iii an institution or a private :o, is not in its own home. will licit be to their credit if they do ,.,l.ov,izg clanses of children are not do. so. and stocky body behind •it—sand the ed to work in the Province ed backwards among -the niob and lav; The closing section 'provides for all 011 the dirty floor ' with eyes ;Leering precedtzre, �enalties forms etc' and the. breath: licssinee between his:.; lir s. This le the barest skeleton outline Frank lid but'a moment's brsath-! of this progressive measure. ilyhr ,space -before the loafer's friends It is typical of Western Canada that tools a fiend: tele pi•otest,r!; bar -tender this remarkable constructive measure was swept:'aside, and the'•1'eung skin - has :been prepared and • enacted by a per found himself jcnirncd age -are the: Western province. It seems highly wall wending off the .blows of two probable that other provinces in she lumpish 'brutes who lunged 1 .�f; :him, Wes and in: the East,will in the t ewearing horri-lily. He had a niet gory 1 i`. nit Heal of receiv:ng a revere blow on the tam- Future followTa obi's illastroue ex- am Ie. Now that the tial is 11.fi e i n', stars floated' •acrd •raced before p 1 leu ti t his eyes; and when he recovered hini- seif. it was" to h ,r a vw,ld %Iielen;l Prospectus mailed on application shriek. a roar in Gaelic. and :a. hiiaar ONTARIO 'COLLEGE OF: -.AFC Grar'sgc Park s Yoram DRA\lING•PANTiNO•M4.7DELLI d3•DESIN DIPLOMA. COURSE • itiNIOR COURSE - TEACHER'S COURSE • COMMERCIAL' ART G.A•RE D'R•C•A• Principal Session 192222.3 Opens October 2 partly seal, according to container, reducing inflammation In certain dire and process under ten pounds steam pressure for ninety minutes. Or in oases or usefule eye, crsaeastures a London paper, hot water bath in boiling water eon- The vacandtures are imported Trona Bavaria, anti.: can be obtained at tinuously for three hours. most chemists for sixpence each, After processing remove the Jars During the war, of Course, it was from the canner and seal at once. Tin impossible to obtain supplies, and at tans should be plunged immediately one time there was only one leech in into cold+ water and cooled as quickly London. It belonged to the chief as possible. When tool, wipe dry, la- oculist at one of our big hospitals, and bel and store in eool place. there has never been a creature who had to work so hard. It was carried For Hallowe'en. to all parts of London for the use of If you plan to hold a Hallowe'en doctors who were unable to obtain a party, prepare a part of the fun this leech of their own. The little insect became one of the best-known "char - summer. Cut out of stout cloth the actors" in Harley Street! initials of `whomsoever you intend to invite. Paste the initials • securely The mean who deer his best is a on the sunny side of apples which success, whether the world"thinks so are still on the tree. When the ap er not. pies are ripe, the initials will remain in light yellow on -a red background. y The novelty of eating fruit narked ci�ii Exhibition with -one's own initials or monogram will be an unusual one for your guess`s,' Witches, cats and Jack -o' lanterns can also be stenciled on the fruit in this, way. New Fall Fashions. The study of the shop winiows int August always gives- one their first hint of the new :auttunnal stylar. The first impression one gets hiss that of the downward tendency of,skirts. An the skirts are longer, abeet ankle lengthy except those for stoort wear. The simple 'two -pieced -dress in straight'; lines still holds favor. There -seems';, to be a •ctircu?aar propensity of dress, skirts -and +•apes, Three-piece suits,; particularly the eclat and, dressh, rather than the cape and ,dress, will be popu- liar. Sleeves seem undetermined whether •ho be long and fitted' or of the flowing design. Autumnbas chosen the lustrous fab- rles in new' shades of blue, green:and brown for the make-up cf bee gowns., Satin;oloky, velvets and plain satins' will be moat warn. s Theis summer was the gayest in 'calor that we have had for some years past and fall ,appears to be inclined 4,o step in liner and -continue to follow thio whim of fashion. • A new color, a very vivid brie—a few �hhades lighter than royal rale, for trim- ilii e, blouse, 'and hats, has taken the:place of the. vivid red cf this summer. The new dark rich `greens have the ac•earanee of being enu:ch worn, as does g:am•et, a ner' shade of red. These colors ap- pear in velvets, wools and silks. Household Suggestions. Varnished and s2. llackee wood `should never he touched with water, However, if oil wile not remove thh spoil, ejots uray be wiped vitha cloth weerig oat of warns, sing—hey so_apy wa- tee, wiped dry et once, then polished with furniture polisb or -a light lubri-. caging o.1, rubbed on with, a sioft eloth 'Visitors' CONCERT RECEIVING SETS Do not fail to visit our store 140 VICTORIA ST. and hear aMarconi Radio Receiving Set We are experts in Radio. Satisfaction • guaranteed or money refunded. Write for Booklet Automatic Telephones and Time Recorders, Ltd. 140 VICTORIA ST. - TORONTO BUY YOUR If FROM THE GROWER Six Large Baskets No. 1. Peaches, $5.00, F.O.B. shipping . Point. Get them Ripe, Fresh— and Quick Delivery Special prices on large lots. Ask for my domestic fruits, Remit with order. Get in touch now. G. R. CARPENTER WINONA, ONT. Reference: Royal hank, Winona.