HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-8-31, Page 1THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. PHONE 81 EXETER, ONTARIO, .i A vT.R SD aY AUGUST 31, 1922 SANE Crel'el;, , 1 The Men's Store Have A Summer Suit Tailored to Youi Personal Requirements SPRING MEN'S FURNISHINGS SHIRTS, TIES, HATS, CAPS SOCKS, UNDERRWJAR, GLOVES, 1 -TC N THE S1 ASON*S SMARTEST STYLUS are shown in our offerings of Men's High. Grade Furnishings. All the latest fabrics are here, made up in tine latest models in the very best manner. You certainly will want one of our suits when, you see the goods and learn what a saving our prices W. W. Taman Tailor& Furnisher AGENTS FOR MTHE HOUSL OF HOBBERLIN" Closed Wednesday afternoons der - June july and August. Our Corner The ladder of life is full of spitti--` ters, but we never realize it ninth we+ --_ begin, to slide down, Correct thus sentence; "The accused — =---_— wemaa, was beautiful and a jury of The world would be ea, better place men. four her guilty," if we were ready with our applause as we are with our growl. Speed doesn't appeal to us, but we wouldlike to see A. straw hat given, , If you don't think eoaperation is f:. r chance on a good track in a• -high necessary watch what happens to a waled. wagon if one wheel comes off. Proof of woman's el rewdness .does not lie in her ,ability, to capture anlan hut eer ability to, make h to believe he did it. The census returns show that not *ne meuicipality zn Huron County m tet; an increase in ,population from 1911 to 1921. The decreases ranged from 538 in Stephen Tow;iship to 29 in Wroxeter Village, and the general decrease was a little better than ten per cent --zteaily- the same rate of decrease as between 1941,atkd 1941, ab y farmers haze been . growing .scree, clover ;for Gnaaiago. The gov- ernment experts have been . exper;. meriting and ,have come to the con lrsian that all sweet clover when containing mpuld s very dangerous. At the same time all mouldy Sweet clover e, not harmful, but ,the trouble is to - tell which is and ,wh ch l$net. When harmful it causes anaemia, a weaken. mg.of the blood vessels, liability to rupture. and bleeding to death. All of which goes toAm. that the feed- ing of sweet clover; must be done with great care to avoid, loss of stock. PURCHASER TO PAY TAX. In connection with ,rice .new sales: tax on bonds, which went into effect on Aug. 1st. .at Is pointed out that the lax will be passed, on, to the pur- chaser, as in the ,case at present in the commodity market. People who Purchase securities may be prepared to pay this charge of three cents per +100, in addition to ,th'e cosfi price of their securit$es It is to be remem- bered of course, that Dominion, and Provincial Government, bonds are ex- empt from the impost. (3OO1) GLASSES IF YOU NEED THAM, GOOD ADVICE IF YOU noNer. J. WARD, D.C., Optometrist One Block west of Public Library S. E. Cornea Reasonable price. Phone 43 for appointment. BoDGE BRomas MOTOR.CAR, The Dodge is all steel body and built for Service. F, O, B. Windsor; including the Tax, Touring 81370 • Sedan $2350 Roadster 81325 Coupe $.'1525 PILON & -OOTE Huron Garage - Exeter SOME REAL SNAPS IN' : USED CARS. jp a Drum The World Over ou Cannot Beat Harvey's Flour. rve Br a. y os The man' who has something to sell and does not advertise it is like a man winking at a. pretty VA in the desk. When n woman asks another for her opinion about a apart you may; be sure she bee already quite made up her mind about 1dui. No natter what your age, you have the chance to do what you want. (to do you have the chance, to become what you want to bee if you, havo en- thusiasm, courage and persistency. Exeter Council Monday, August 28th, 2922 The Municipal Council of the Vil- lage of Exeter met, with Catuacilor' Ellerington absent. The minutes of the meeting held August 14th, were read and confirm- ed. The referred report on the placing of au electric light at the corner of Mill and Mary streets was considered. Motion per Hooper --Davis-- that said Electric bight Lamp be placed, and that for this year no more lamps will be placed on streets. Carried. Per Francis---Hooper---That the name of Will J. Inight be inserted on the Soldiers' Memorial Monument. Carried. The following accounts were read and ordered paid: W. Coates Coun- ty Registrar, 13y Law $2.15; Cecil Ford, labor cemetery $17.50; Dr. J. W. Browning, board of health acct. $37.40; Gordon Appleton, board for. A. Bolton, $2.50; 1. R. Carling, Mun- icipal Trees Bond, $8.00; John Norry labor, $4,00; Thos. Appleton labor, $19.50; Ernest Appleton labor, $22.- 50; John arsons labor, $15.90; R. Quance labor ;3.00; Peter Coleman Iabor, $21.45, Piassed or motion of Hooper and Davis. Carried. Adjournment by Davis. Jos. Senior, Clerk. Centralia The Epworth League will ,hold a Rarlio Concert on Tuesday ,evening, Sept. 5th, First a supper will be served, representative of England, Ireland, Scotland and Canada, and the Concert will ,follow., Rev, Roulston of Stella will oc- cupy the pulpit here on Sunday nest. Dr, and Mrs. Wilson arid family of New York are visitors this creek with Mr, and Mrs, J. Richards. Miss R. Fox visited last week with her rester Mrs. W. R. Elliott. :fir, and. Mrs. J, Aileen, and son of Toronto are visiting with \lr. and Mrs. Samuel Smith. Read W. J. Smith's advertisement in another column. Mr. and Mrs. Frey and family of Clifford visited Me and tars, Id', Frey over, Sunrleer. Miss ,Durham of Brantford is spend- ing, a few weeks at the hone of Mr. and lairs, G. O. Thompson. Iia . Peditt of London, at visitor at the home of Mr,. and Mrs, Richards over Sunday, sang a solo Sunday ev- ening is the church, a;ncl it was much appreciated, - Mr, Frank Marshall and Mrs. Wells fof Blyth visited with their sister, Mrs. George Hicks over Sunday. • Mrs. J. Richardson of London visit - wits Mrs. G. Anderson last week, Miss Coreen Scanderett of Belgrave is .spending the week with, her aunt Mrs. A. Brooks. 'What appeared at first to be a seri- ous case of sleeping sickness was re- ported in our town last week. One of our well-known citizens while eperat•- ;,ng a nnachine in the •mull fell into a ceaeep slumber all of ;a sudden, and ser nous results were threatened, but 1uc:k- � ity it proved to be only al case of som nolencc of a mild type. Farquhar Mr, and Mrs. Fred. ,Stewart, Mr. Ar- thur Campbell and two sens are at- tending the Toronto Exhibition, this week—Mr. Wm. Pollen has purchas- ed a threshing engine, and is now equipped with a,,fiest class outfit, Id is a rebuilt Bell and is an,excellent type of an :engine, ,giving; entire satie- factiam,. ':Mr.. Pollen is to be congratul- ated on. hie' enterprise.,—Mr, Ed Stone has sold the old ;barn an his pasture. , farm on the S'tlr concession afUsborne to Mr. Taros. Ross of near Kirkton, who is now engaged in moving it to 0'13 farm to Make the ',place of the tot,o burned a short tiini,e ago, --Mr. John Hodgert and Samuel 'McCurdy have gene to the dreg, to assist in the har vest:nig,.-1' cventy-seven panes of .glass. have been broken in the scbool.;;house. of :S. S Na 2 , U,s b orne, and ,ether damage c done to the building, 'The, parties arc known and unless repara- tion is made by the 'enilty parties, rtest are folio* Mrs. Hart is attending the Toronto Local News Exh:bit_cn this week. Miss Amy Johns and Miss Elva Har • There is always sontethin'g ridicul- ous about the emotions of the peoples when, one has ceased to loge, Mr. A T. Cooper of Clinton occu pie/4 James Street pulpit on, Sunday morning, and Rev, Hauch of Crediton in the evening. Mr James W. Willis of Stephen 3s confined to bis bed, suffering from` an attack of paeumonia, and is under the doctor's care.. We have been having beautiful wea- ther xecently, although the ground ;e in need of rain. The shower- of Fri 43y alight was not ,very .heavy here Mr. Wm. Waal has sold his house Said property on Hurons Street East to Air. VanCamp of London, and has ourcliase l the Balfour farm on the Thames Road. Possessitom given in November. 4r. Andrew Gibson, of Usborne, who was so severely ,enured by falling off a load of ,hay e few weeks .ago, is able to be out around again, but j; not able to attend to his duties ,on the farm as yea. A. number of our young people mo - tared to Grand Bend Tuesday after - Aeon and participated in a, very en- joyable corn roast. The merry -,nal: - era were chaperoned by Mrs. W. Mar- tin and Mrs. C. H. Sanders. Air. John II. Prance of Usborlte on Thursday; last shot a rare bird in hi,s field --it being a pure white Black; Bird. Tho bird was in a large flock f k of 'Osborne had seen the bird is the, flock. :lir. Prance is having it set up boy ablack taxidermBlacist.Birds. Other farmer H. G. Harper and; �. E. Vincent of London have 'acquired, along with Col, H. 13. Combe of Clinton, the full in- terests in the Clinton Knotting Com- pany, Limited of Clinton. dr. Har- per is president, Col, Combe vice- president and Mr. Vincent managing director of the company. Col. Combe has been with the Clinton concern' since its inception, except for three years when he was serving •overseas, vey left Tuesday for Toronto, to ,;'e the Fag', and then take up, their Cu.? nes as teachers, • After a trip to England ,with rattle,' Mr. Wm. Sims returned to itiondati , looking as if the .sea, voyage had +ell agreed with hixn. 1 NU. Find Airs, ?xrm, ]Flans,, as al:. cad Airs Herbert IIa.st and two chil- dren motored here from Hersey, NE -11 ,and railed in Exeter and Crede ee for a few days, returning on Monday. DEATH OF AIRS. CREWUS. .A. sudden and very unexpected death took place in Exeter ,North on afondae last, Mr;. Thomas Crewes having pass- ed away, at the age of 65 years, Airs. Crewel had not been, n her usual: good keaIth. for the past couple, weeks, but her condition was not such as to cause alarm. She was engaged in carrying fruit in from the orchard, and shortly before noon .she was ae;ized with a severe pailn in the regiox of her heart ant at two o'clock she was stiff in death, but was conscious to the last.. The deceased was highly.essteemed for her many good qualities as a friend and neighbor, and many pill regret her sudden taking off. She leaves no direct family, but is ,survived by three brothers. Her husband predeceased. her about four yearn HORTICUULTURAL SOCIETY PREiIIUMS The Directors of the Exeter Horti- cultural Society have decided to give a Fall Premium to members in addi- tion to the liberal Spring Premiums already distributed. Each member will receive free ten tulip bulbs and will also have the opportunity of pur- chasing a further quantity at whole- sale prices as the Society has ordered some 3,000 bulbs from Holland. The members will also have the benefit of reduced prices on a limited number of choice hyacinths for winter bloom, The Society expects the shipment to arrive about the end September when distribution will be made at once and those wishing supplies should speak early so as not to be disappointed, Mr. Ern. Taman, visited his brother W. W. Taman this week. Miss Pearl Sanders .is visiting with her sister, Mrs,. Bums, in Toronto. Miss Annie 14cAnsh has returned from a month's .visit iru Haileybury„ Mrs. J. G. Coch'raae and son, Graf- ton, visited last week an IKitchener,. Miss Florence Norry has returned to Windsor, where she will remain. Mrs. Shapton and daughter, Miss Ella, are visiting with friends in Lon- don, Ari•.. and Mrs. John Newcombe of Stratford visited with relatives here Sunday, I Mr. and Mrs', Jos. Davis of Merlin• :are visiting their parents here for a few days. Mss Stella Sanders returned ;to To- mato after haliidaying 'with her par- ents here. Ale A?argaret Muxworthy of For- est visited with Miss B, Howey dur- ing the Week,, Miss Ettie M. Bowey left Tuesday mmornim to visite with her sister, Airs, Clarke in Windsor. Mrs. John Smell spent of few days in Stratford with ,M4, and Mrs. John Newcombe durint,n the,the,week. , r m�Ir. IValter Carley of ,Brantford, a ,foer resident of • Exeter, ;spent ` a day or two here" with old friends, Mr. '1'„ ,trues and family left Tues- r'a.y •on, a avatar -. trio ,;ta Owen Sound: bliss Vera will remain,,there to teach. :vas Fleur Blyth has resumed her i�iit,cery 'dut es with Mess .Armstrong, and •Mise Covan: of Atwood with Miss` a likelfy to ll Yell`anrl. sIRT S Usborne,. on Aug. 2$, to Mr. and \ire. John Luxton, a son —John Frederick. Keetle--in Usborne, on August 27, to! err. and \Irs. Rufus Kestle, a son.' Hepburn.—In,Stephen. Con. 4,.,on Aug, 23, to Mr. and firs. George Hep- burn, a soil Lawson,—At Artland, Sask., on Aug.. 15, to Mr. and Mrs; George Lawson, a sore, MARRIAGES iaist—Young, Ire Sarnia, en Aug. 26. Flerbert F. Hoist, sen of Mr. and airs. Frederick Hist of Crediton, to Nis. Bessie T. Young, of Sarnia. DEA T.US Cr evec-In Exeter North, on Aug. 25, Mrs. Thomas Crewes, aged 65 years, Hudson—At Victoria Hospital, Lam ;- dee .on Aug. Z2. Eva, Belt Hud- son of Granton, aged 33 year,. Cierduer,'-fin Pittsburg, Pa, on Aug. 18 Robert Gardiner, formerly of Clinton, in his 47th y ear. Notice MR, S. M. SANDERS HAS DECIDED TO DISCONTINUE AS TU. REPRESeNTATIVE FOR licLA.UGHLIN MOTOR CAR CO., LIMITED, , RICH COMPANY IS NOW OPEN TO RECEIVe. APPLICATIONS FOR THIS AGENCY IN EXb,TER AND AL»JOINING TERRITORY,. ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDLNCE TO .NicLAi GHLIN MOTOR CAR COMPANY, LIMITED, CORNER RICHMOND Si BATHURST ST,, LONDON, ONT. HAVE YOU SE1.N THE NEW 1923 McLAUGI•iLIN - BUICK ? Phone 9 L+ERVIOR ATISFACTION If You Know That meat is down fn price, and it will nay you to ,get our prices be.: fore buyini, Farmers When you thresh itt us supply you with a choice meatty ROAST. DELIVERED ANY TIME. Let this Bright, Sanitary Stare supply your wants. RIVERS' MEAT MARKET WHERE QUALITY I5 HIGHER THAN PRICE. We close Wednesday afternoon, but are open every ntght. J. A. STEWART 1 Phone 16 " THE BIG STORE WITH THE LITTLE PRICES," New Fall Goods in 11 Our Departments LADIES' AND MISSES FALL AND WINTER COATS. , Our Showing of Ladies,' and Mi.sse.s' Goats is right up to the mute, in Styles that will please, and in std the up -toe. the minute, in styles that will please, and in all up-to-dattei Cloths, Fur Trimmmed, Embroid ery Trimmed and plain, Burbery Styles. A magnificent assortment to choose ifrani, .at much -lower prices, rr SPORT HATS Ladies' and Misses' Sport Hats .in nice Plain Velour, Neat • Plaids and Checks, They are th e Latest Creation in, Idat Wear Secure your size, and color now while our .range is complete. MEN'S 'FALL COAT,S Men's Gaberdine Tap Coats in several shades; up-to-dalte models. Just the thing for the cool Fall evenings—Rain and wind; proof, WE SELL GROC:hRIES CHEAP ALL THE TIME. , Pure Came Granulated Sugar per 100 $7.70. Pure Cane Granulated Sugar 20 lbs„ for 8.1.54. 10 bars any laundry soap 70c. 2 Shreaded Wheat 24e. Our Special BleedTea 48c. 3 pcks. Ammonia, for .:25c. 2 tins choice pink salmon for 35c,' Christie Soda Buaiscuits lb. 15c., 'Certs for Jellies 40c. 3 Kellogg's Corn Flakes for 29c, DINNER SETS Nine swell designs rtbrnae. Pinner Sets to. make a selection, .from: 'They are Semi. -Porcelain China, with. China Cups, also :a 'fine Nippon, China ,Set,.. All sets are full 97 pieces. V w A. ST ■ ! r ART Highest Prices Paid for Butter Eggs' and 'all kinds of Poultry.,