HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-8-24, Page 8Ps 1 XEF$R. ABU ATE, TT•:3U1 BEAT, AUGUB-T S4, 1322 Ri Exeter Mrx.s E?ti �41rl in MBrl,yth,chard Gidle ' sperm last week, \Ir. CHANGED 1:VERY 'WEDNESDAY =)r Rcu?sto t has resumed his Detrhit on. 1\Ionelay. alaa s Best Flour 41fl De vt 3 Practice after a aacatior. ` Family Flour -.'.,elle .a-90 'lass Emily Hogar•tlt has accepted a P�:try Flour 3tm0 sef+ao' near Lucan and will start her Feed Flcu- 175' duties as teacher atter the, summer $> Bran X 50 hili Sys, Creamery Batter Dairy putter Eggs Lard. Hay pea Tort Hogs ,,... Bua e s for Sale -:30i� Cash and s kat on Army here, Capt Hopkins and Lieut. Hoskins will arrive this Carry G.,3ere with daeilismg on Dun geek, as aa. St. . B? da}, \ dreyr S mythe, the 'Alpe Townsend of ia€ la who B _ Sarket Lane.. Phone camnin= at Bay ieid, occupied The ul ta'u: .} t.'. Wednesday. pA Wheat f\iaxz` u. ..elle.,, .,. =Am ttilla Sheere S to 41 11?'srs R.T. Luker S Soar again 34 to 37 ca'n out on top ,with "The Emblem'" '+a kw pin first money .at the Liston -el j0 R5.4: es on Thursday in the 2,15 t $1.4 to $18! Capt. and Cadet 1LacGillitua} left ,,....... 22,50 Tuesday morning .for Toronto, and their successors •as officers of the ;>`t os the 'Irwin: Memorial Church on Sunday. aching bLOST Mar+er 117,747, F nde. nesHe was her Ca,>tn.-1 e.• tO:,ti Advocate Office. wife. r the .first time nine 1917 Amer- , i[.i:lIS FOR SALE.-App:fir,, loan meads have granted reduced Tares Thos. Steil ,ilu ora St to the• Canadian. National E'h'it_on . The Canadian n railroads are also git•,. •"a a ?ower rate from iirhite River to COTTAGE FOR SALE. the Atlantic. A r,.n cottage on Sanders wtree , o ee blod; WCst Of Russell's I31ae1.- rnite shop, i.^. good repair. Three bedrooms. parlor, dining room, - cloth- es closet p•ar,try, kitchen, woodshed stable, hal, acre :and, with fruit trees, Good. well, cistern :n hcuae. Apply to F spier Bro,,., Exeter. FOUND -Ontario Marker *umber 117 •750Apply at dvocat. Office. PROPERTY FOR SALE. Ti;e undersignedis offering for ,ale five '.ores of land, on which is a good frame house and bans, situated oz Hu on street. Apply to Wm. Waal, Exp titer P. O. LOOK AT THE LAi The Advocate EII41- caarrevted up to July your label and see w your Ad:oeate p;id in advance. U so, a;rgat; if not, why not payy at rare RANGE FOR SALE. Steel range 'r first-wla>s shape. Just 3. A. Stewart. HOG'S WANTED A nursrb:r of begq, 60 to S0 pounds D.ewers. T. \G :'tis, Centralia, CHICKS FOR SALE -Baby Chicks Tropp my Brad -to -lay Barred hocks. Get your order is for these at once. Phone Credito,. 18-31 L. V. Hogarth HOW IS THE PUMP? New Iron Pumps and Fittingsin Stock Trott or wood pumtas repaired. Wells pumped out or cleaned. 3, V CANN. Phone 115 DR. JOHN WARD, Chiropractor & Optician. Chiropractic and Electrical Treatments .tor Chronic and Nervous Diseases. Spectacles scientifically fit- ted. itted. Hours 10 to 12; 2 to 4; and by appointment Office -William and Sanders Sts„ Phone 43. Betts' Home -Made Bakery Have you tried a loaf of our Bread? It not, get one to -day, "The proof of the Pudding is in the Eat- ing." Headquarters for HIGH -CLASS BREAD BUNS' AND C AII17S Special attention given to orders for Picnics, Luncheons and Wed- dings. 'WEDDING CARES A SPECIALTY LanorTEo GRADUATES OF O'BRIEN COL- LEGES, Limited, 361 Richmond St,, London take positions - Mr. Ir. R. Walker, W. E. Saunders, Ltd. Mr. J. Sinclair, Royal Bank, N.E. Br. Mess A. Bernard, Ont, Spring Bed & Mattress Co. Miss G. Grace, McCormick Mfg .Co. Miss )J, Martin, W. A, Jenkins Mfg,, Co Miss I Martin, Hunt Bras. Mr. W. H. Partly, Ruggles Motor Co ]\Less D. Bond, Nat Drug. & Chem. Col Register now for Fa11 ,Classes start- ing Mon, Aug. 28th. Contracting We wish to call the attention of the pubic of Exeter and surrounding dais= trict that 5+ne are open to accept, or tender far contracts for all kinds of building We are experienced wont - men anA by strict attesut t on to busi- ness we hope to share in the contract work of this district WARES & PRYDL+, Exeter. Taxi Service For Taxi Service you can depend on us; also al] kinds of Drayung. Auto Livery Horse Livery BAGSHAW & EASTON Wirt Snell made a shipment of ct-. rt week for the S. on Cornshrman,in care f Donald :Munroe 8: Co., commissioar m, accompanied by D. F:asto , or emu, and four other meat, also Ul- ric, Snell as far as ,11ontrea,'L 3lerssrs, W. T. Colwill of Centralia, and Alonzo iiodgbts of ;Crediton last' week shipped 600 fat cantle to the En lash market. They were a veryi c n a bunch of cattle and belonged to different buyers in this neighborhood, Bescde- others, they were accompanied'' by Messrs. A. I•lodgins, David. and Tlt:lnmas Mamie -army. fey. returned t amiss Margaret Pickard is Visiting %rn town with relatives. :�fr. Reg ,Bissett of Chatham visit- ed his parents here. 1Ir. B. Falwell was n Windsor for a few days last week. lir. Fred Gould ,arid wife of Stratlt- rav spent Sunday here. Jack Gcodison, of Sarnia, _called on friends here on Friday last, Ur. W. W. Taman, was Detroit fora day or two ,last weeic1. \1r...and Mrs H. W, Doerr and are holidaying Kitchener: M. Ed. Jones of London called Exner friends hero last week. •Ofrs. W. S. Colo and sop Harry, visiting with relatives vitt Luca= son ort are \ir. Paul Collins and lady friends of Sarnia visited here this week. Miss Janette and Leslie P,oplestone of Blyth ure visiting relatives here. Mrs. D. Crittenden and daughter, Dorothea, are visiting here from Myth Mr. nark of the Bank of Commerce Rs holida •ing in Kitchener and Detroit Mrs. Bert Gillies of Hamilton is visiting her parents, Mn and Mrs. S. 'Marna. :tin:, Kinsman left on Saturday to take in the Teachers' Trip to New Ontario:. bat ern. Winer teras among ,the ,num- who left last week on the Rarveti: Execurs ion. Mr. Harry Fula, of Toronto in hol- idaying for two weeks with his par - `'END IT TO U. Mfr, Chas, Eacrett of Sanna is vis- iting with old friends and relatives h town this week, Messrs, Walter Harness, Vern l=iar- ess and Bruce Rivers motored to etrr t Sunday, Mr. and \Urs. Cliff SPaelzmant and family of Guelph are ,holidaying in Ex- eter and vcin9ty, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gould, Wind- ' Dent the week, end with 'the forrarer's mother here. Mrs. C. H. Smith and children of Windsor aro visiting the former's mother, Mrs, John, Snell. "News" is the • word formed of the n initials of North, East, Wes: and South :? r4°h :;vpe.treei on the earliest journ- an as a sign that information was to be had there From the four quarters pf the world. The sign was Which gats; us the word_"new,," BOWLI.N 3'. Pry de E. Harness and. W, Rnr. ers won the Friday* night tourney with two wins and fifteen plus. Second Dr7.as were won. by E. I•ia's•vey, \V, E. Sanders and J. G. Cochrane, with f two wins and a plus of fourteen. t w Four rinks of Exeter ,bowlers at- tended the Hcnsall tourney ,on rwsday of last week, but all lost enough l Vo gams to prevent themgel tting. in the; Trr:.;a• winnbig list, \Ir. and Mrs. Jae;. Collsngwood and fa of Hamilton are spending a eek with relatives here. Mrs. J. C. Inwood and daughter atharine of London, are ,visiting Miss os,+>;,r and Otitis Sanders, Mr. Frani: Northcott, who has been visiting relatives here returned Fri day to his homy imm; Al\.•in,ston,, 13x, D. McDougall, t,kaeher of Islig Ston, bas been visiting relatives and friends here during the week. Mr R. G Seldoan and family motored to. Kingston, on Friday, Mrs. Newman and child returning with them. Ret. F. L. Hawald anti wife of New Dundee visited the formner':, brothel,, E. A. Howald, for a few days, R.ev. Banes and wife are las°ting at the home of the former's mother ;and sister Mrs. Banes and ''Airs. 'AIollard, 1n. and 'Airs; F. A. Br imac,mbe of Hamilton are visiting wnh relatives int town, the guest of Mr and lira. Rich. Welsh, Mr. C. W. Robinson left on Monday morninng for Fergus and before re- turning will t sit with relatives ;n Toronto. Mr. Reg. Elliot it, of Toronto has been; the guest of his uncle, \Ir. I. R. Carling, and other relatives here for a few days Miss Ai11on Da.tds of \iitchell and! Miss Helen Davis of Toronto are vis- iting at the home of 1Ir. and Man, Fred. May Mr, and Mrs, Henry Reynolds and Mr. and firs, Horatio Reynolds spent a few days with relatives at Dundas going by motor. ' INIr•. and Mrs. James Bissett of Lon- don and Mr, and ',Mrs, Chas. Marple of St. Thomas spent Sunday with relatives in town, Mrs. Grace Hill of Crediton, and Mrs Gao: Easterbrook of town, returned ion Saturday from a visit with Mr. and Mr, J. T. Wextcott and ,other relatives in Hamilton. The local bowlers are nosy playing their club handicap singles, consisting of four games on the plus and minus scheme -one round was finished Sat- urday night, and it ,js hoped to com- Dilate the tourney this week,, Great i:,zt.'t•est is shown in the singles, and 1 several surprises have appeared. A schedule of Doubles wJll be play- ed after the singles are completed. A rink ,cf bowlers ,goes to Lambeth, on Wednesday of this week. , APPLE PIE AND ICE CREAM SOCIAL Under the auspices -of the Hurondale Woman's Institute on the lawn :at the home of Mr. H. Strang, at 8% F m„ August 25th. Entertainment by the Hensel] Band, and excellent elocution- ists, tilr, Black, II.P., will give an address,. Admission 23c. Everybody come and enjoy the f}mn PROPERTY FOR SALE Consisting of house, stable and S ot_, of land, situated in Exeter North. For particulars apply to; J Bierli:ng, Hay P. O. SALVATION ARMY SERV IC1,S Welcome to the new officers on Thursday night at 8 o'clock, and :on Sunday at the usual hours in the Town Hall. Capt. Hopkins Lieut, Hoskins Y. F Ct A: Open each evening to membered, Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a.m,-Mr. Wm, A. Townshend. 7 p.m. -11r. Wm. A. Townshend. Rev A. A. Tramper, Recton OAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, I3. A., 'Minister 10 a. m. -Sunday School and Bible •Classes, Unicom. Services with Main Street Church in Main Street Church dun ing Augusts, Rev Jas. Foote,the rafinyster, JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. j, Wilson, B.A. Mr. Cooper of Clinton will preach bath morning and evening. , 3 pm. -Sabbath School and Bible Study. All Cordially Invited. MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH. Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A. Union Services with Cava). Presby- te,rian ,Church in Main Street church d,rrins August. Rev. Jas. Foote, the minister. 2,45 p.m. ---Sunday School. • AT BETHANY 2,30 pm. -Rev, Jas. Foote, 7s: •,;;r ;:sag's:;;. Mrs: Geo. Anderson returned Sat- urday from a visit in Brantford and other points east. Her daughter, Mrs. Vroorn,an. of Brantford is ,visiting here at present; Mr. Niewton, Balker was in Guelph last week to see }his, brother, Mr, John Baker in the honpi'ta7j... The Matter is recdverisrg nicely and was able toleave the laotspita1 Friday„ Miss Alice Kedwell, .Telephone' op- eerator at the Ben offence., Sarnia, and formerly ,in charge here,'spent a few days here during the ,week, the ,guest of 2Mrs, Want Bal er. . Mr.. and -Mrs. Ed. Bertrand sand daughter of Detroit spent the past week with Mr,. and Mrs. 'Wm. Kuntz, beinr,q• on a motor trip to, Cleveland, Buffalo. and Niagara Falls. ,vsellivvans,•, PHONE 32 JONES •& MAY PHONE 32 ur adl and Winter :.tock Soon Be Complete New -Fall and W;nter,Goods are arriving nearly every day, We are offering very .attractive prices for early fall buyers,. We would advise an early selection of your Fall reciuiremaents while our stook is large and ranges are unbroken. Prices much lower for Fall. THE NEW SILTEX FOR DRESSES, BLOUSES, ETC, Salter is the very ;fewest material for Fall wear for adj^es-. Blouses, Dresses, Etc. This is a beautiful weave of knitted silk, different from an ,- thigg shown before, Thi.s material is 36 in. wide en ,all popular colors in- cluding black, at 53.00 a yard. HOMESPUN ANI) FLANNELS. Homespun and Flannels are two very popular mated* for Fall wear. We have a nice range of colors i>t.both materials at very reasonable .prices. LADIES AND MISSES SUITS, COATS: AND DRESSES FOR FALL AND WINTET3,. We have a magnificent range of Suits, Coats and Dresses ready for fall and winter showing, We have the celebrated Northway, also "7 & G" garments-. -Prices are much lower this season. Ask to see the new "Brom- lei;gh" coat in Northway ,make, Over one hundred garments to choose front in fact, as jargei :a s'tpc1,: as many city stores carry, and at much lower prices. Come and look them over . EXTRA, REAVY FLANNELETTE AT 35e, YD. , W. have an extra heavy quality ,of Striped Flannneiette in goon. colors, 36 in. wide. Tli$a is the finest Flannelette we hare shown for year;. Price 3Sc, lyase. WHITE WASH 'SKIRTS AT 51.95 EACH. Clearing of all Ladies' White Wash. Skirts at only 51.95 each, includ- ing 31assees' and U.S. ,sizes._ Men's # Ladies', Children's Fall Shoes Already they are arriving. New Fancy Slippers and _High Shoes for Ladies; ries Styles Astoria and Slater Shoes for men; Vb dren a good Hurlburt and CIassic Shoes. How About These Prices Men's Box Calf, Shoes sizes 6 to 11 ,at 53.75. Boys' Sizes, 1 to 5 1-2 at 52.90 Youths' Si zee 11 to 13, at $2.50 Little Boys' Sizes, 8 to 14 1-2;, 'at $2,00 a parr. The above lutes are great lines for school. Men's Overcalls and Smocks 5 doz. Blue •and White Stripe Overalls, American Sti%1 Cloth, on sale at 51.50 Best grades' at $2.00 to 42,25. Men's Heavy Work Boots You can't kaeat our ,prices on these. We have the big variety, and the best makes on the ,market. Best Urus Calf Boot; at $4.50 and 34.75. Other lines at $.75 up to 55.50 for Elk Work Boots. STORE CLOSED WLDNESDAY AFTERNOONS DURING JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST., JONES 8c MAY L R. Carling, B.A Barrister Solicitors Notary PublicCommissioner, Solicitor for the Mol - sons Bank, Este. INVEST YOUR. FUNDS in Victory., Dominion of Caraada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds, all legal investment for Trust Funds, At existing prices from 6 per cent. these 7 bid cent can be obtained from Orders (eceived by me. Money to loan at lowest rates of iadterest Office -Carling Bk., Malin St, Exeter Display Advertising -Made known on appltcatson, Stray Animals -One insertion 50c., three insertions 51..00. M!sceilaneaous articles of not more than five linos! Far Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion SOc, Lost and Found locals 25c, an insertionn. Local reading notices, etc., 10c.. per line per insertion. No notice Iess than 2Sc, Card of Thanks Sac, Auction Sales $3 for one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in length. Legal advertising 10e. and 5c. aline, Farm pc Real Estate for sale 50c. each insertion for one month of four insertions, SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Boys Suits for School We are showing some exceptnonal.go•od values in Boy's Suits„ Your boys will be nee,ditng,one when school starts,. Good value at $7,,50laainid 59,00. WOOL JERSEYS, FOR BOYS ]n platen slades, or two tone in lail Wool, Every boy slihd'told have one. $1,50, $2,00; COTTON HOSIERY .FOR BOYS Mrs. Jcbm Willis of De cker, Mich., It is shard to,lceep boys :stock ngs, is visiting with old friends Sr, an,d We can show . you a _good one 'for around Exeter. Sive will also spend rough wear at a few days at ,the- 7 pronto' Faaa after ' Per •Pair 35c. which she will return no lows ,andfinish her visit lens. Isaac Statham of near Parkhill visited here over Sunday with her parents, Mr. and ?