HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-10-04, Page 13• TOWN AND COUNTRY mil • 1. Articles for sale •/ 1975 JAYCO "RUNNER" 14' TRAVEL TRAILER. Sleeps 3 adults or 2 adults and 3 children, 3 way refrigerator, two burner stove, potpourri, sink, clothes closet, lots of' storage, used only 2 seasons. Double propane hook-up. Call 395.5794 after 5 p.m.-32tfnc PIANOS - ORGANS, new and used at lowest prices. From June 16 to August 20, store will be open by appointment only. Pulsifer Music 527-0053 or 527-1508.-23tfar HARDWOOD FIREWOOD for sale $50.00 for 64 cu.ft. Delivered. Call Ron 1Hallam at 529-7891 or 524-2052.-28tf SWIMMING POOLS - leading distributor has an inventory of above ground pools to clear. Complete with filter, motor, 'skimmer, walk -around, patio, fencing. Reg. $2,129.00, now on sale for $1,333.00. Beat next year's 25 per cent price in- crease. Call collect 1-519;623- 4351.-33tf SEWING MACHINES - Siager, White and other models. Repairs to all makes: All machines and repairs guaranteed. Morris Draperies, 36 West Street, Goderich 524-2551.-20tfar SINGER - For authorized sales and service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and notions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. We also do alterations and install zip- pers. Gen's Sewing Centre, 73 uamius.T Si-X24=84s1�t: rticles for sale Goderich.-8tfar GODERICrH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4;1979 -PAGE 13 Gtoderich- SIGNAL-STAR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising Tuesday Noon RATES: '3.00 for first 22 words ('2.50 If paid within one week of publication). Additional words 14' each. Different rates apply to classifications 19, 20 and 30. Box number '2.00 extra per week. Engagement and wedding announ- cements '4.50. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Mobile Homes 16. 2A S •r Resorts 17. 3. Articles for rent 18. 4, Articles wanted 19. 5. Cars, trucks for sale 20. 6. Pets 21. 7. Real estate for sale 22. 7A Recreational 23.. 8. Real,estate wanted 24. 9. Accommodation to rent 25. 9A Property for Rent IGenerall 26. 15. Tenders 10. Wanted to rent 11. Room and board 12. Help wanted 13, Wanted (general) 14. Employment wanted Mortgages Auction Sales Services available Notice to creditors Public notices Personal. lost and found Miscellaneous ' Business opportunities To give away Births 27. Deaths 28. Engagements 29. Marriages 30. In memoriam, 31. Cards of thanks • 1. Articles for sale URINE -ERASE saves carpets! Guarantees removal dog, cat, human urine stains, odors, - from carpets! Free brochure. Dept. A, Reidell Chemicals Ltd., Box 7500, London, Ontario.-40b.e. SEVEN PIECE Bolaro drums, excellent, condition. Phone 524.6523.-40 HOME GROWN tomatoes. Call 524-7809 between 12.1 and 5-6 p.m. -40 SUPERCYCLE convertible bicycle, 20" wheels. In A-1 shape. Phone 524-9470 after 5 p.m.-37tfnc MacINTOSH• apples, Italian Prune Plums, Bartlett pears. Call Bellview Fruit Farm, 524-8011.-37tfar 524-8337 YARD SALE 182 BAYFIELD ROAD SAT. OCT. 6th Beginning at 10a.m,. MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and minerals deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffmeyer Plumbing and Heating. Kingston Street, Goderich-:.-11 tfar SMALL' FREEZER, Admiral, good ' condition. Reasonably priced. Phone 524-2947.-40 WRINGER washing machine, very good con-, dition. Phone 524-2947.-40 GOOD maple firewood, $30.00 those cord delivered. Order now - winter's fast approaching. Phone '527- 1317.-40-43 VANASTRA HOME FURNISHINGS • 2 milessouth of Clinton on Highway No. 4 1. Articles for sale ONE MICROPHONE with case and stand in good condition. Phone Blyth 523- 4497.-40,41 SD STEAM TABLE, 4 pot, and meat tray, natytral gas. Phone 524-7.814 or 524- 4331.-40SD 30" ELECTRIC range, 'good condition, $50.00. Phone 482.- 3369.--40 NEW MATTRESSES Everyday Prices Lower Than Most Sales 40 DINETTE SUITES of Wood and Chrome C&Ea Furniture NEW AND USED '/z mile south on hwy. 21 Goderich 524.7231 We Take Trades *NEW OR USED. HOME FURNISHINGS *APPLIANCES •LAWN. ORNAMENTS t.... Open 6 Days A Week 482-7922 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE Guitars, Pianos, Organs, etc. Musical Accessories and supplies MUSIC LESSONS Beginners oradvanced instructions available. Goderich 524-2711 - EXETER -- THE PIANO PLACE, Seaforth has.a selection of 20 or more models of the finest Lesage and Wurlitzer pianos in stock. We well for less. Why settle for, more? Low monthly, payments. Open Monday & Tuesday only, 10 to 5, or phone 527-0053, 527- 1508 . for . ap- .. po i nt men t.-34tf ar ALUMINUM TRUCK TOPPER, 48 inches high, panelled, bunk over cab, 2 way door, lights and roof rack. Phone 524.2422.-35tf SKATE sharpener in good condition. Phone 524- 8503,-39,90 FARF4A electric organ, '$400.00. May be seen at 63 Algonquin Drive, . Meneset Park ,40 DRY APPLE firewood for sale. Phone 482-7428.---39,40x TWO CHESTS of drawers (4 drawers), Enterprise gas range, 30 inch, • gold ,velvet Davenport, spring mattress, Cape Cod chesterfield and chair (Kroehler). Phone 524- 7721.-40,41 GIGANTIC Garage Sale: Nairn Drive, VLA sub - •division, October 6th from 10 a,m. - 5 p.m. Kitchen cabinet, pot bellied stove, storm windows, sewing machine, washtubs, shallow well pump and much more. 40 RABBITS - 40 large does, 2 APPLES, large top quality McIntosh, Cortland, wind- falls. ' Bring . containers. Anytime:. Ross Middleton's, one mile east of B, •- . nor o river. -39-41 RM 100 SUZUKI. Good condition, $450.00. Phone 524- 434L-39,40 1976 HONDA 900 Super,Sport' with 2 helmets, asking $800.00. Call 524-4650.-39-42 DRY HARDWOOD - will deliver, Bob Thompson 482- 717L-39,40 • FIREWOOD - g, od straight tongue and grdove planks. Some old car parts, wooden and steel wheels. Two old hand water pumps. Phone 524.6862,-39-41 FOR THANKSGIVING place your order now for fresh oven ready'geese. Phone 482- 3162 evenings. -39,40 FRESH CUT cauliflower, attractive• prices. Open daily 10 a'.m. to dark. Closing' Saturday, October 6th. Dobson Farms Ltd., 2 miles west of Kippen. Phone 262- 2822.-36tf SANYO, DXT 5500K Stereo, BSR turntable, 6 watts RMS per channel, four speakers, Shure cartridge, excellent condition. $225.00. Phone 529- 4461,40 1YlAN'S WINTER coat, green plaid, size 40, new condition, $50.00. Phone 524-4461.-40 CERAMIC GREENWARE, large selection, It/2 miles north of Blyth, on Highway 4. Phone Blyth 523-9339,-38-43 bucks -and fully equipped 38 Napier, SALE: October .6th, pens Reasonable ::.prices. YARD West...,. -Christmas Phone 524-4450.-39,40 ornaments, dishes, etc. -40 235-0940 235-0940 - CLINTON - 482-9869 Reachailof ONTARIO with your special classified ad For Sale Refinished Maple Buffet with clear wood stain, serol-glossfinish, wood carving on doors. Phone 524-7490 Through a special arrangement between this newspaper and The Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association we now offer an Ontario -wide classified advertising service. Call 524-8331 Freezer Filler special ' while supply lasts Grade A. BEEF WHOLE OR HALF $1.39 Ls. HINDS $1.69 LB. FRONTS $1.15 LB.. for details S!GNAI-STIR PUBLIIHlNG LH.P.O. Bete 728 God•rk ,, Ontario PORK WHOLE OR HALF 119e lB. • GROSS WEIGHT CUTTING, WRAPPING 8. QUICK FREEZING INCLUDED • RIPLEY ARRATOiR 395.2983 (days) 395.209 (•venings) 24 FT. CABIN CRUISER, 6 cyl. ,Chrysler engine, depth sounder and trailer. Needs some repair. Phone 529. 7348. -38 -One THREE POINT hitch disc, Massey -Ferguson, 8 feet wide, in good ' condition. Apply to Leandre Bedard, phone 1-236-4748.-40x VARIOUS antiques, in- cluding quilts, handmade doilies, and dishes, also used furniture and dishes ideal for cottagers. Phone Ripley 395- 5774.-40 COPPERTONE fridge (Beattie) and stove (Mof- fat). Phone 524.6973,-40 COFFEE TABLE, small couch and 2 chairs in wicker, sectional screen, 2 small rugs, dressing table, some drapes, set of man's right handed golf clubs, man's large new overcoat. Phone 524-9134,--40 LAWN SALE - Saturday, October 6 from 2.4 p.m. at 120 Lighthouse Street. Some cranberry carnival glass and silver. -40 'SPINDLE double bed and wooden double bed, both wit box spring and mat- tres , 2 buffets, kitchen table plu 2 pine benches, 2 livi groom suites, fireplace utensils. Phone524.2702 after 4 p.m. -40 - 1. Articles fuer sale `. 2. Mobile Homes 30" HARVEST GOLD Admiral range, like new, $250.00; harvest gold 2 door frost free refrigerator, like new, 5350.00, was $650.00 new; harvest gold Speed Queen washer and dryer, used less than one year, $600.00for pair or sell separate; gold, Simmons chesterfield and chair, velvet corduroy con- temporary style, presmoked glass tables to match, two months old, $600.00 complete or best offer; custom made one of a kind cherry diningroom suite, two captains chairs, four side chairs in tapestry, round double pedestal table with three extension leaves, and corner hutch, $1,400.00. Phone 262-2244,-40 APPLES FOR SALE - Spies, Kings, Snows, Sweets, Macs, Greenings, Delicious, Wolf River, Russets • and Cider Apples. Save by picking your Own on Mondays, Wed- nesdays or Saturdays. Cider available on weekends. Bring containers, • 1 mile south of Varna. McClymont Orchards. Phone 482- 3214.40 CEDAR TREES for sale, assortment of sizes. Phone 529.7124 or 529-7240.-40 ONE MIDLAND Inter- national 23 channel base station with. • squelch, volume, high filter and external mount with a 20 foot marine aerial, 48 feet of coax and 5 feet of ground cable. e -pair of size 7 boy's r oiler skates with red precision wheels, in excellent con- dition. One pair - of size 7 boy's Bauer Supreme ice skates in good'condition, also one pair of Cooper 'goalie pads in good condition. Phone 524-9815 after 8 p.m., ask for Dave. -40x a. HYBRID GRAPES - suitable for wine. Phone 529.7463.-40 1977 ' KAWASAKI, 650, Custom, with step seat, only 1,000 miles. Phone 529- 2062.-40,41 APPLES - Macs, Delicious, Spies, $6.00 per bushel plus container. Cash and carry. Fresh cider, honey ` and onions. --Red and white potatoes. Bartlett pears and plums. Phone 524-8037, Art Bell's Fruit Farm.-40tfar GARAGE SALE •Saturday, October 6th, starting at 9 a.m., at 302 Dawnrose Drive. Accordion, guitar, organ and numerous other items. -40 POTATOES, turnips and beets for sale. Phone Dungannon, 529-7615.-40,41 12 X 60 PARKWOOD - two bedroom, dark panelling, 10 x 20 redwood deck, 10 x 12 all wood utility shed. Will sell mobile home' furr),ished or unfurnished. Located in Meneset Park. Phone 524- 6410.-39-41 12 X 50 MOBILE HOME, HURON HAVEN - set up ready for occupancy. Must sell, owner has moved, asking $5,500.00. Phone 529- 7970.-39,40 DUNGANNON three bedroommobile home, partly furnished, landscaped lot, 66 x 132, completely serviced. Give us an offer. Phone 529-7923,-40.43 1976, 12 X 68 BENDIX DeLuxe Mobile Home, Meneset Park, three bedrooms, carpeted livingroom, utility shed. Asking $15,900.00 or best offer. 524.4573.-40.43x MOBILE VARIETY STORE in Meneset Park, an ad- dition may be added so buyer can live .1 on premises, cash register. large double • door cooler, and deep freeze included, asking 410,500. Open fpr offers. Phone 524-2796 or 524- 6067, 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1976 MERCURY Marquis, 2 - door hardtop with power windows, air conditioning, AM -FM and power antenna, 70,000 miles, certified. $3,300.00 or nearest offer. In excellent condition inside and out. CaII 524-8591 after 5 p.m. -39;40 1973 CHEVROLET Vega, running condition, best offer. Phone 529-7771.-39,40 1971 3/4 TON Chev, custom cab, 350 V8 motor, power steering and power brakes, $500.00 or best offer. Phone 524-8009.-40,41 1974 MG MIDGET, 25,000 miles. Excellent condition. Phone 524-2051 after 5 p.m. -40-92 1976 DODGE Karyvan, power steering, power brakes, 46,000 miles. Phone 524-8055,-40 1970 PONTIAC Laurentian V8 350 engine, power steering, excellent condition, asking $1,000.00. Phone 524- 7177.-40 1974 CHRYSLER, PSS; PB, air, cruismatic, air shocks, etc. $1 ,500.,.00. Call 524- 6689.-40 1976 GMC TRUCK, Crew Cab, air conditioning, 350 V8, 4 -speed, excellent condition. Phone 482-9155.-39-41 9. Accommodation 9. Accommodation to rent to rent LUXURIOUS apartments, 2 and 3 bedroom, Port Elgin. Phone Mavis at 832- 9234.-26tf DUPLEX - upper unit, $310 per month; lower unit, $295 per month;. three bedrooms each. Phone 524 4454.-39,40,41 THREE BEDROOM apartment in Goderich, includes -'usher, dryer, fridge, stove and heat. Phone 482-9869.-39,40ar TWO BEDROOM apart- ment, fridge and stove in eluded. Carpeted throughout. Located in Dungannon. Fpr information contact 529-7186 or 524- 7622.-39,40ar WANTED - Responsible single adults to share large two storey home in Clinton, Two bathrooms, two kit- chens, five bedrooms. Apply to Box 728, Clinton, Ontario. -39,40 RED BRICK house, 178 Newgate, kitchen, bath, living -dining room, and bedroom ground floor, two bedrooms second floor. $300.00 monthly. Phone 524- 7526 after 5 p.m. -39,40x 3. Articles for rent Office TO RENT 524-2651' FORMAL RENTALS for all occasions. Free •style brochure, Rawson's Shop -for Men, Goderich.-1 tfar we can suit you for every occasion FREEMAN'S FORMAL RENTAL Exclusively at CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS Free catalogue FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners 524- 6231. YARD SALE - Moving, two families, 66 St, Patrick" Street at Waterloo Street, Saturday, October. 6th, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Luggage, dishes, hikes, knick-knacks. In case of rain sale will be held October 13th. -40 GIRL'S size 12 Bauer: figure skates, very good condition, $10.00; size 2 boy's Skidoo suit, nev'erbeen worn. $10,00. Phone 524-9446.-40 2; 'Mobile'Honies PRICED TO SELL - This 1977 Northlander mobile home, 52'x 12', is in excellent condition. Features: fridge and stove, washer and dryer, air conditioner, drapes, outside store -all shed and a sundeck. Located at Huron Haven Village. Call 524-9017 for viewing.-12tfnc MUST SELL - two bedroom 1975 Marlette set up at Huron Haven. Any serious offer will be considered on this beautiful home. Auburn 1- 526-7784.--40tf 1973 PYRAMID TRAILER, 3 bedroom, 12 x 60, furnished, $15,500. 20 Cherokee St., Meneset Park, 524.6067, Wendy or 524-4597 after 4:30 p.m.33tf 44 'FT, BY 23 FT. Glenwood set up in Morgan's Mobile Park, Clinton: 60 ft. by 12 ft,' Bendix, 60 ft. by 12 ft. New Yorker with Expando set up in' Meneset Mobile Park, Goderich. Immediate oc- cupancy. For more in- formation phone 524-6067 or 482.7066.-38.41 14 FT. X 68 FT. 3 bedroom mobile, 10 ft. x 23 ft. family room with Franklin stove and patio doors to a 10 ft. x 18 ft'. patio with roof. Fridge, stove and drapes. 9 x 10 utility shed, 50 ft. TV tower. Asking $24,700. Phone 524- 4532,,. orner lot - 74 Iroquois, Meneset Park. -99,40 4.. Articles wanted WANTED: Old brick buildings for demolition, and salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 1-542-4088; • Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed bricks.-26tf WANTED TO BUY: Hockey equipment in good condition for 6 -year-old. Phone;' 524- 6906 after 12 noon. -40 -5. • Cars, trucks for sale 6. Pets FOR SALE - Cocker Spaniel pups, American . blondes, championship sired, gentle mother, initial shots, CKC' registered. Phone Seaforth, Barry' • Gordon 527- 0047.-39,40 BEAGLE PUPS for sale, bred to good stock, $20 per pup. Phone 482-7686 ,or 524- 7753.-40 8. Real estate wanted WANTED TO BUY - Three to five acres of land within one. mile of Goderich for Church property. Severance for above land can be obtained. Phone 529.7225.-40,41 BLUEWATER -MANOR Selling your Home? Moving to Town? Retiring? ,let us show you how pleasant apartment living can be. Right now you can reserve a two bedroom apartment for Oc- tober or November at no cost to You - All new - all adult -three storey buildings, featuring controlled entrance, large storage closets, new almond coloured applion- • ces, and plush carpeting. For more rental information call: Lee Ann 524-4474 EXT 3 If no answer call 686-9513 .68 Suncoast-Drive Goderich ROOM to rent, kitchen privileges, 96 Nelson Street East, phone 524-7277.-39,40 ROOM FOR RENT with use 9f kitchen facilities. Apply: 109 Bennett Street East, Goderich.-4a THREE BEDROOM home. 524-8480.-39,40x ROOM AND BOARD close to Square. Call 524-4379,-40,41 ROOM TO RENT with kit- chen privileges. Phone 524- 6280.-40,41 AVAILABLE immediately:' two bedroom, fully furnished apartment, air conditioner supplied, carpeted throughout, four piece bath. Third floor of private home. $235.00 per month plus utilities. No children, no pets please. Phone 524-9166 at noon or after 5 p.m. -90 CLINTON '- 2 storey, .3 bedroom . house, central location, ,carport, large kitchen, modern 4 -piece bath, gas heat. Available immediately. Phone 482-3698 after 5 p.m. -40x TWO BEDROOM apart- ment, cable, fridge and stove included. Phone 524- 2823.-40tfar ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment. Phone' 524- 2823.-40tfar -F-O-R--R E NT -2 and -3 'bedroom apartments, separate entrances, 'full basement. ' Immediate possession. For more in- formation contact W.J. Hughes ; Realty Ltd. 524- 9131.-35tfar 9A Commercial Property For Rent SPACE for rent in core area,. suitable rea,- suitable for office or retail. Phone 524.2823.-30tfar • OFFICE SPACE at 58 Elgin Avenue East. Phone 524- 9372.-34tf GROUND FLOOR, 2,000 square feet prime office space at 60 .Lighthouse St. Phone 524-2717.-37tf TWO BEDROOM house, on 1/4 acre lot, with garage, in Port Albert. Phone 529- 7113.-38-40 WANTED: A responsible, young working woman to share expenses, and ac- commodation of a 3bedroom home with 2 others of the same. Reply ,in .writing. to Drawer 149, c -o _ The Goderich Signal -Star, P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. -38- 40 THREE BEDROOM home, West end, excellent con- dition. Responsible party. Phone 524.8480,-38-40x 600 SQ. FT. OF. PRIME RETAIL SPACE ON SHOPPERS SQUARE FOR RENT Available November lst CALL 524-2823 1973 CHEV IMPALA,' two door hardtop, well equipped, in very good condition. Certified. Phone 524- 2422.-39tf ' 1972 PONTIAC, excellent running condition. $500.00 or best offer.. Phone -'524-2495 or 524-7221.-39,40 1970 BUICK LESABRE, new tires, exhaust and body job, Excellent second car. 5700.00 firm, as is, Phone 524-2702 after 6 p.m. -39,40 1974 FORD Torino Elite, V8, power steering.. power brakes, very food condition. Call after 6 p.m„ 524- 2995,-39.41 1975 COUGAR XR7, silver with matching vinyl top and wine interior, 50.50 split front seat with, fold down arm rests. Full XR7 interior options,. gauges and- vanity mirror. Air conditioning, AM -FM 6 speaker. stereo with cassette. -Factdry mag wheels with Michelin radials. Fully carpeted trunk. -Immaculate in and out. Phone Brucefield 482. 3948.-39.40 Selling your car? Need a Safety Inspection? Call 524-2121 93 Now only $ 15 • MODEL APARTM'I"NTS -...NOW OPEN Renting for October, November Occupancy "BLUEWATER'' -MANOR 68 SUNCOAST DRIVE GODERICH TWONEWALLADULT THREE STOREY BUILDINGS - all utilities paid - - controlled entrance - - almond coloured appliances - carpeted throughout - laundry facilities - - large storage closets - OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK FOR MORE RENTAL INFORMATION CALL • • GODERICH LEE ANN SOLSKI 524-4474 IF NO ANSWER 1.1686-951 3 r. •