HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-09-27, Page 21=
---- - �.�-
l'mobnoked'^--.- of Les
Let the work pile up d
thanleave the painting until spring, send the
loving partner and children over to the
mothpr-in-laws for a month, forget
about the little projects around the
house and keep the radio handy.
If you're like me, baseball fever has
a tight grip on the daily'existence.
Don't worry about the mortgage
payment, inflated prices, the wife's
birthday or any other of the mundane
and insignificant facts of daily life.
But what about LesExpos,eh?
The Montreal Expos current drive
for the pennant in the National League
has created more fan interest in this
country the last dnuethe D�ootroul
CuuuUi*uodido�win the StanleyCup.
And our country's affair with Les
��eare rolubvelnew to the soct of
professional �busohuU and the Expos
are in a position to take the World
Series outside of the United States for
So these days it is vogue to be
knowledgable the day to day
not familiar with ' E� 'oe won -who lost
���the bm�� - of Larry
Parrish or the ERA of Steve Rodgers
would be convicted of treason by any
respectable jury in the country.
Such stats are vital.
Everyone is doting on the exploits of
the Expos and it is easy to discern a non
knowledgeable fan at a glance. In the
inbterest of baseball in Canada the
following quiz is an accurate
barometer in testing your owo Expo
l In many Expo ganiesthe term, Big 0
is often heard. The Big 0 is;a)A large drain pipe (hat carriesexcess water away from the stadium1:6•A massive Polish first basemanwhoSe last name is difficult topronounce.c)A type of bat used by the players,ord)The stadium where the Expos playhome games.2.0n Expo radio and televisionbroadcasts reference is oftem made to
Le Grand
a)A type of fruit sold in the con-
cessions at Olympic Stadium.
ly)a type of bat that glows in the dark
and is used for all night games
c)The French words for a massive
Polish first baseman whose last name
is difficult to pronounce and wears
orange sock,,s or
d)Rusty Staub's. nickname adopted
by the Montreal baseball fans.
In every newspaper in North
America the SPac000auhan been the
topic of numerous stories and articles.
The Spaceman is;
n)A weird guy in funny clothes who
parachutes into Olympic Stadium
before games to sing the national
b)An outfielder who is capable of
making great leaping cathes and has
great jumping ability.
c)A clubhouse character who shows
up for games in three piece suits and
speaks to church groups on the dangers
of smoking rnarijuana.
d),& wacky left handed Expo pitcher
who is very fond of pancakes.
4. Sports buffs would certainly
recognize the name Andre Dawson. He
a)A left winger who plays on a line
with Guy Lafleur.
b)A militant member of the FLQ.
c)A French chef who prepares meals
for the ball team after games.
d) A centrefielder,who despite being
named Andre, is not a French -
Can ad ian .
5.The termsplay, hit and run
and sacrifice fly refer to;
a) A squeeze play is a term used in
reference to the moves single players
put on their dates after a game.
b)Hit and run is game of tag the
players play in the clubhouse shower.
c)A sacrifice fly is a term used to
describe a player who forget to wear
his jock for a game.
d)The three terms have no relation to
baseball whatsoever.
If you could answer these questions
you are a legitimate Expos fan.
Fall N �� � ��k��l�� �=� ���l��Fair ������� ��������� ��the
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(More picture coverage inside section)
132—YEAR 39
These children. were judged best dressed preSchool •
riders with vehicles in the Dungannon fall fair
parade last • Thursday. Left to 'right are Candice ,
d�(PhotoKa�m, Taoyu��oQu�me au;aoa;mz���b�
by Joanne Buchanan)
Dav��D� ngton and h ----- -
er skated their way
through the Dungannon parade route last Thursday. The,parade was part of
the annual Dungannon fall fair. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan)
These children were dresSed for Dungannon's
anhual fall fair last Thursday.' Left io right are
Dennis Parks, third place for best dressed Vehicle
and rider, Arietta Glenn, second place for best
dressed elementary school student, Patricia
Corkum first place for best dressed vehicle and
rider, and Andrew Glenn, first place for test
dr�aued elementary school .student. (Photo by
Joanne Buchanan)
for work
� � N��N abuse
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Over the last 12 mon-
ths, Kathy Pryde, a
community worker with
Huron County's Family
and Children's Services
(F8CS), has okon- to
well over 3.000 people
throughout the county
about child abilise-=hoW to
detect it and when and
how to report it.
But now government
funding for her work has
run out and Kathy can
ooly hope that some of the
work she has started will
be carried on. The "band
aid approach!' being
taken by government in
dealing with such a, big
problem is 'very
• frustrating, she s
There are enough child
abuse cases and high risk
families in the county to
warrant a worker such as
herself, she feels.
Kathy was hired last
October with a staff
supplementation grant
from the provinical
government. A block of
funding carne from the
government for different
FACS projects out of the
,Garber Task Force which
was set up after the
Popen case in Sarnia.
Infant. Kim Ann Popen •
was b*aton, neglected
uudlina|ly killed by her
The 'otuff sup-
plementation grant
received by Huron
_County's FACS was
originally for eight
months but an extension
of four months was
During the first month
of her job, Kathy, who
has a masters degree in
social work from Wilfrid
Laurier University,
learned as much as she
'could about child abuse
talking to people. For her
own enpoaure, she also
did some couns11ing.
With an in-
terdisciplinary ouoF
mittee on child abuse
operating out of the
Huron Ceutco. for
Children and Youth and
acting as her advisory
ChintndDtee,- five •poblic
seminars or general
public awareness
programs were con-
ducted, on child abuse.
Out of this, two parenting
discussion groups were
formed. The Public
Health Department runs
a number of parenting
education groups too,
says Kath
Kathy also spoke .to an
average of three .groups
per week on Child abuse.
These groups ranged
from Sunday school and
Women's Institute groups
to teacher,' police and
parent groups. She told
these groups that child
abuse was not a new
problem or one which
was simply being focused
on because of the
International Year of the
Child. She underlined
potential causes for child
abuse; told people how to
identify it; and when and
where to report it. She
spoke bn the role Of
Family and Children's
8ervlcey, emphasizing
that agency's need for
public co-operation in
reporting suspected
cases of abuse.
Kathy also showed
yi|ma, spoke on issues of
pareothng, children's
rights, d changes in the
Child Welfare Act,
Another aspect of her
work .iovo|ved
professional develop-
ment. Over the summer
she put information
'turn to page 2A °
Please help me out. I've got two
daughters and I'd likto give them
opportunity to be different than any
other woman in the world. It's not
going to be easy but I figure I owe it to
them and to the guys that eventually
What I'd like to do is teach thern'how
t� get ready to go out without spending
the customary .hour, or two, or three,
getting ready.
I'm really at a loss over where and
when I should start. I think I may have
already missed the boat. The place to
start may have been when they were
toilet trained.
Instead of giving them the idea the
bathroom was one of man's greatest
invention l should have passed off the
importance of the roomtelling them
toilets were just one step ahead of
fiiling their pants. '
aot the toilet is not the culprit in this
situation the mirror is: When a woman
is' getting ready to face the world she
may u the toilet lid to store the
myriad of paioto, tnmeznrs, brushes
nd liquids vital to her
The mirror is the key. It must be
large (anything less than four times the
size of the worhan's face Will simply not
do) and it must be accessible (the
woman must be able to lean up to the
mirror so that her reflection is inches
from the real thing).
Women and mirrors is something I
will never understand. To a woman a
mirror is both a bounty and a curse.
She can't do without it and yet when she
looks af it she is unhappy. Isn't it
women that say they use the mirror for
hours because if they go out with the
face they were born with they'll look
like a hag.
ybu don't believe me try a -little
exercise. The next time your wife or
girlfriend complains that she's the
ugliest thing on earth play the game.
After she tells you she has beady little
eyes, a nose like a Holstein, hair like a
wire brush and the colour of a sheet tell
her that's not true. Tell her she's
She'll actually argue the point
to convince you she really is ugly. Give
into her aftr a bit and agree. When you
get up off the floor tell her you're
finished in the bathroom and ask herto
She'll probably tell you she can:t
hurry pointing out it takes time to turn
a face like hers into something peoole
can. stand to look at.
And She's right. It fakes time.
_The actual hours the woman takes
depends entirely on what she feels she
has to do to herself. If she says I'm
ready all I have to do is throw on a little
makeup and fix my hair don't be afraid
to turn on the television. If you get
interested in a program that's 'hour
long you probably will not only get to
watch it all but may even have time to
wash the car.
If she sighs uS she goes in the
bathroom dnimniogube has to do a job
on herself a movie may be in order.
And don't, no matter how impatient
you get, venture into the bathroom to
speed things up. Quietly pointiout
that the woman has been in front of the
mirror for just over an hour will
probably cause further delays. The
woman will cu,t|y, and usually im-
politely, ask if you want a date with a
hag adding that she simply can't be
Any' experienced man will end the
conversation. It's a fact of life that an
hour in the can is not a long time. And
to ask that the beast turn herself into a
be&uty in 45 min'uteo or less is to ask if
she can vacate the mirror for five
minutes while you shave.
To a woman getting ready to go out a
man takes less of a risk when he runs
his razor over his jugu-lar veiri without
the use mirror than she does
putiing unmnd"rurmd9odoruntwithout
a mirror.