HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-8-24, Page 2,.......p.,..,-7,_ _.- 0000. ._ ___-_._...+.
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,•10,01.:8., ...3 na't 0Ln 'in de East Boston ferry=boat
'wit' rout::
u ,N woad n't rag -up at th' sante
NVATER Icu *Mate with germ youare big b)c norm
�, x ejFaculatcd another ruin, while from
sere h, "Is Vat t'at Cheesy-
the gloom of the peak carne a wild
OF Htelaziylr •ec
A TALE eh:el? Wait you a ineextut, anal 1 weir
SEA FISHERMEN pe for ptrlizn' to fat head off he
should :ser
Gaptahn Jessy ascended the ladder:
BY FRE,;,ERICle WILLIAM WALLAC$. `"Date ye all leavdn'?" he asked in }tit
ter mortification,
"Yes, ever . all leavin', dear,eei" pip.
ed a 'Mee, ""So sorry t' go, y°i.now-a: I
Copyright by the Iyluason Boal: Gannpany ""Whe're ye gob? with?" better man nor , t'*
=-•. -How the Story Started. ' own es 1sig on.all
Shgbt. :es as neo Now aray m z an"'daw he same h fee r "wapween
"Sher Fraey " 'fres ata Long Cove 4 Bay inert jumbo are jib, 'Th' fores' an tin a -gain, t' kr--oelt yew block off to the
of eared Ned sails eve, all right. Ef you take
his uncle CaptaixitJerr Clark Seer, t'e'll raced t' buy them sails las, offi+as this naerzzty,'—„
ern, ; uxa?ler his. ixre ath with rade,
card his oboe Le ti Ring drink a lies that'll cost ye 'round five hun-'th•e fishing skipper jumped on to the
bottle u on Frank's : dxed. dollars. Now, I'll value her party wharf aikat burst uncerenzoii;out into
uncle tells him the story his fath- l:,ev, an' what money you day on'.her 2:gler's office, ""Th' Fanrae B, C.ar-
ex's fondness for drink and Trow the Piton out will go as yew share o di' son'l1 not go out this week, nor' next
"'Grace Westhaver" went down eff a vessel: Say I pat ler value as three w€ 3c, nor maybe th' next again. H•er
Seble Island with ten of Iter crew and . thousand five latureeal d'ollare----an whole gang hen quit, an' they're foie
skiet pper« This has the desired of 'she's worth more'n that -aro' raiz put. learn' that Westhaver teller. Re t
feapex). Frank. He finishes school sax bemired dCilsats o' ace gear m her, ha' gut a vessel sou ewhere's for
wag i and spends the .Ill give ye a six-lz*indrerl-tliTax tn, tlaey'xe lx*icluta their• kit t' jape Nene
aurae ter as tankn pprentice o "Long tores t� Cu m tb'rt --ftoe huudred an' believ nue, llft^, ig.er, id's gain t
Dick" Jennings. apprentice
August his uncle ;which li mea:t beet one-sixth. You'll lie one Iao�ot of sa jali' t git annother
takes hire on a fishing trip as spare own a smith of her an' I'll hold the rraesd ,:
hand aboard the Iiazstalis. While at ether live -sixths, an' say th' vessel . When he had •gone, the vessel o'wn-
anchex in Canso after the first t shingl takes a quarter share o' tle steel; on er dented at the To atteF !Pith a peen,
trip Frank. rescues a French boy from each trip, a eu'tl git yew sixth share , F;I make a misfile " lie mutte+xed, `"T
ill-treatment by his fellow -sailors.'' a that sides yew etxti • 45 5' 'pil ,; , slroiild Have given. that Westkiarer a
The two bora try their hand at dory Ef .-
e're a smart rime, ye sled de well, chalice, Now the vessel'll be lying
i Frank nodded.,Six hundred dollars idle; And the Lent market's comings/en.;
fishing with. success. A starin
o w..
of mind saved the vessel f cot 1 bank-- ellen nettle aa these
lisian with is steamer, 'Men ran
with sudden fur Frank Presence lilt of anouey seven lam Bred y I'm same fool when it conies to ► '° ,, r.. �f ';�}`i f ; tlrs itaa y P
rom ' was the amount he had in :e an -- handling su • user
It is Not Easy, But It
To acknowledge it when. you
are wrong.
Te admit teat "en bare. made
a mistake,
To take your medicine; to
stand up 'under rebuffs, or An.
just criticism, Tbis is the Lind
of stet that builds big men, big
To keep your temper when
others alt about you lose theirs
and, go to t?ie'c2ee:,
To keep youtr poise, your i ere
tal balance under trying e ndt-
tittna ethers will respect yell
more; yon will respect yourself
more, and yon wild knave infinite
ly more influence. I+iothiug else
quite takes the place of a superb
poise in ail situations in Mee --
you are alit ys« nta; tier's sem,e t"hdnga.
better not scent in nxatirmtiny, atzd• yo'u
WHEEL YOU FIND ONE, YOU ALWAYS FIND THE OTHER is mighty lucky of ya gf'gsaas am
--Johaison, British andColonia smoker
-.. .. ,Y 0000
,, heknew that it he required five fishermen." And ixitraxdly recrimii>tat-' � .. �� � •:• g ,sF.p���. , 1)j[/7 try 1 through
twenty-one and Jules nineteen. they titt"t;s the amount h;. eeied g t it Pram ing hi melf, be went out W bully the
Speaking of Yitemine$
A warning is issued by n*ed cal
men conueeted with Johns Hopkins
University against the exploitation et.
v' nine idea bpatent medicine
antifacturers. A languishing Indus -
hopes to find a revrti a. roug.,
the popularity of vitsaminee. The
scientists point out that it is impos-
able to derive these health -giving
properties from a ANY spoonfuls of
engage for a season with Capt. West- his three, Jerry. It eves a gee -4 propo- dandified clerk,
son. Frank ealla on his boyhood sweet` stoop and he was quite taken with it.
heart, Corrie Dexter, now nurse to Si,l:at Weald his tinv1e slay ? W -hat
training in a Boston hospital, rho in- e s;ciuld rrie and his ,;mother think?
traduces him to the matron sus 'Lae tah As be nought it over Its smiled to
Westhaver. On the return trip Capt.:, pleasure, Ile would not tell his tuiele tion,
Watson dies and Frank steers the vee- until the transaction was, completed West a 1' iaua''1 far the past eight roars, and
eel into Boston harbor through a Heavy a he loured his worthy .relative's queen c o ruin n and himself was ;1
sea. Carrie speaks scornfully of life am ri when he did' tell ,hint, qu➢ck]y, consitntniate , In t- tee then aan., find t adv�antageoue to do so eat a time
an a &Oli;'g vessel, The Carson crew ➢?hour, Frank had heart aboard the; when varieties of vegetables are Fes-
Wee s d. s with Frank against Zigler ""I I1 go over to Gloucester this after--' schooner, and given orders for the new tied and cheap. When winter a;otne/9
e owner and Jt s:� the ew captain, 'noon, 1/ ge in, and have a e f yreitI has. gest, rt while a profess:attail W Ural was we can heave a deliciauslyr "avmred
Can ycu Ko? Goad, Then of we utile tin east work on the ntoxvoR and turn 7 seem that is eot..skimped in varieties
CHAPTER NINE--•-�tCont'cla la -deal Via git her sags mads an' hunt in and set Np the rigging xec e of vc c' b es, soma of va"hicli are not
Ca fain.
I Caai Ve-geiiable: Soup,
When Bah vogetabl�ra are plenti-. "" files
-her bead sagely. • 1~he�.
?The ;Mabel Ifinsellat upon mamba -
44,„ icil, 1 vs artaalil!st f sinter She midti __-- -g
ved an even better vessel titan this in our 'mighty nice, Mils Mildred, for there's Fit;uit absorbed from a bottle. They
expected, and the ileal be- #use, W a have been doing t 4 S y f
r e , therm thea � and thein fist ant t, fiorac• rom@ more cheaply and �ef'Rut+.ciously
Polka when they marries puts ani through the proper eelectiou cif ineeli x
smoke' gkasises and some folks puts Green vegetables, especially dads,
on ear. .'hem thet's happy wearer contain more of these life-giving ele-
nmol s' gl'ast ," I ments than roan be deawri from any
She puffed a few minutes on heri bottle,et t how big !ii Aron ie ing
ex?rneob pipe, blew the smoke up the may
sled, "Yes, .Aunt Mandy; I'm
vary happy." -
"Cell the pollee!" 3*te:ated Zi ler, up a gang. Seo you tate„ p efi' new running gear, eiitminallp at that > t~laon. It hes claiixine*y' anal resumed medit ten"c]y:
C<,.l h ig t. , .. g And Iain ming a song, Frank •strode, Coaling back to Boston ey an early „
• ie with fright. aria Jeasy cranked, e e , dived into a telephone found favor with all of our fr3�entle! naw, when I nuarrie+s Jim, 1'• pu s3 on
3?a >5 rack to the ties ➢ train, Frank d ga> a a, Seems meek like that
t?n'the. "Awe pian, 'time only pas Tl:erc� was a melt of eager fir erinen booth at the station and immediately who have eaten it at our table and cher iva'. Don't Mart a *hire iters.Go :. - ,t him • u aboarc➢. unicated his good fortune to niggly of them are now tanning it by nigger never could do nuthln' to please±
k to th' vessel. m'lad, au' eveell say avis •unng when he re rat; r Carrie
n""liar d'ye conte Gait?"' ""Hev •e rt Carrie Dexter at the hospitaal.� the mune recipe ler home nee. me. 1 !veld, sear right through
ro n:c,rn alsaut it. si ss, ,acts ••«hat e.„ ' e . ,.._ ooS 1 ""I'll try an'git a chapel t nice ye, Site staxfieed, canning vege«siibe soup was atandinar in my own light, Fran", fiat on his bat and g,t. �B sat
-e,l: contempt. Ilan Ems' •'; Tine questions were vol afore we swing out, but of I dont, yogi a methotd of utilising surplus pro•; don't fergit that.
"Y s . watt all cin.; a.e<i c P - diece :Earl etii lea left over after supply- "When ,Tim he'd say, Mandy, I'm
ha es,"' in a;at;i t.isd+zzinf ally, '"yeeere .eras' at h:m, , kin leek for me back in ai ten
'k to tie , "Ally o' yea fellers know this 'Mabel' fourteen days. Wish me good tuck, Ing a retail txaede, It was son ]l liked goln' to town an ae Ilttlo °apr.laz bis•
'- 2- 1 yero burns note. Tina-
- Q r : it's t` it m • ear. t-hec:l�a?"" Frank put the quest:an tri sweetheart, an'give
ef it tomes, humming
uIllniict by the entire family that it has he- ne:_-.' Than me, st•idd of fggerial'
1 e C Wit. fire i s but g 3 g somethin' t',[live ye."And un g ,'
Arel l Inti slat: with a swab like evil."the use!" s large. a ",I,ve a songto himself, he proceeded down scute one of aur reguiarly canned -1 Pd b a near,
Ani! , h�i rha" out smear every
dyiwt rd Sure. aSeut in s mean..
n R ev •word... frs}:r;i a se.3san in .her. Is that tla"to the voarJirg-Ionse where Juke was Ire'osaucts for frame use each �aaoua.
rang, why beta tin a€' w pry , , • i ,,,, straying• Various combinations were tried at
"" • , wehart in an' wreck to lies,' ;waft we ie g tt n bisone aut now Always used
ii?" E anxiously theMcCallum p '"V, sal, 14 in't decided .et. I kin Next day ]ie. drew all money first but the one no ys
prig.. ilque..,y vtiskea : II her ef I put some new gear on, of the bank, ar.d in company with theoontaains the followings
from . ro,' 'hi jubilant Frenchman he took train for
""tie, r.:n," 'hastily commanded SCr•�t- her*" 'z bu. ripe tamaitres
haver. "Don't do anything like that! "`She's all right, Frank. A little'. Glouce.ter. The
favorably a li pk. stringle:�s green beans
lir 'tis u jail we will be fetehin' up 'Email rows• ass, but able an'suer.,' n need ed uacnulesand for the balance of 12 ears sweet earn
in- n' •! "" (t3,1 lige ge teak a geed care o?"h r. ti the week the tare winked around+ the 12 medium-sized carrots
.'Ari solea. do I car-ri• for -r a 4�l:ai'? " She in ga..3 sae is sill en-, the ,
runibled McCallum. "I've peen in' quire,1 Sher ty. "Handle well under i ve` tel `Fined gnc a rig ter. The mates 3 Etaks -celery
(he,: fer-r to fun of to thing many°.sail'. Yes, eh? Waal, then, that saws a s:t , 4 heads cabbage
every thence that I do take her -that, around the house; a little pilot eves t; red Cayenne peppers
ttm afore this
Sl sty grasped the pugna4%cu; is cf 1 kin git a gang,t' slop with me:expended around the decks; and in P large onions
addatinn to new mainsail, jundro. and
Highlander by the arm, "No, no, Mae, a m that hit a cr? ft. , N -i jib, Westhaver added two new dories V tuxiups
or son. Let's go'n leave tient without' cit a gang?" isawled the :ve ,'to the eight already belonging to the The tomatoes are scalded in boiling alit ' .its phases. Then again, it as in the
aroun 'bout my aur say cin' so al Aperson cannot lie musical unless• he
stead of believin' him, 1 knowed t1I This seems foolish
cyan read music
to say, hut many teem to think it is
unnecessary to know anything to be
musical. Ano of the sineereat joys in
Reading Music.
"Don't fail to teach your pupi3lt tv
read music," said a speaker at the
National 8 ie l Music 'Supervisors.
Conrrntion. "If you do evil have .
failed in everything you set out td'
cdo, If they grow up unable to resod
musks, the next generation will nol
be nnusieal any mare than they wilt tea
literary if they cannot read. language,
the 'uprise I'd git would bo Jim
eraee'lin' in drunk, with all the blzness
and burfday money gine till next
"I'd been a heap better off f I'd the w'orl T is rho joy o£ aeeairplivsh-
believed in Itis gent intentia,ns nnil.i m.ent, It is from this that true joy
let him come along, and. Glen fexgive in music :toffy springs. When a pup:'➢
him ebry time. But I'ei state right up can re:e l and has'read music of the
l it and s<a 'No, au d•3n't finest type everything we want him to
etre eg ,
'. rise ane none,y Jint Ninrtin; ami do and ba 'in musle 'has been clone; •!f
`T t iiia pi's er kind. and amount of abasic
when I leveled a flatiron at his paid, liar been learned in the proper wway
he wilted,
Miss Mildred "nand stayed at
t i how thea niggrr Gild It is the open to amo to music In lila
a fracs.s. We km show them that foundre. nder. Vr'3ty, w all gam
fishermen can behave themselves if with ye! 'Twas you gittin' a vessel l ves:e]. hr Feeling e t a little
they 'like. Come on. fell.ersl" And what worried us most! } to rhe
tlgiving the clerk a Westhaver staggered up against the, would keep their prontdae with him,'
ad gang
lliticwhi afterlmo g etri
which almost petrified him fcrem'a�t scarce able to believe Ins mettle was relieved to runIacross lurch
lee: PeN vS
water from one to two minutes, just op se me' , rending of new musts that the prin-
Now your ilia was one o the
enough to make the skins begin to tru�tin' kind, and now and den whera� cipal educational value cf musk study
slip, then cdlppei into cold coater, 311arsm John eonte home fum Norfolk 13 found It Is th3 rapid, rhythmira l
which gives them a licit red, color and •n. as htiev ]its was most Jaid, and doing of ninny things at the same
ere w ie i a mos , elate' Simmer --the ea ouia an er-- -
tPreci 1e lily outside. card, �Tlere t,was a !rbest of the en out ing down the wharf, di heve3lczi Hari mnl+es ha►zdliitg caster. After the he bad to tale. a dram Per his heart, time that makes the music student
While he was packing up his data en, toughest, and best fishermen gut b skins and cares are removed and the ie i 1ii91 ie"tl mit So wild, tie's pest -
witted, and this stone student
the vessel Jule3 and the New- et T hark ready to leave a sure thing very�d toil.
ship with him-- an untried skip- Ye ]t, they're all a-ooinin', skip, a%' tomatoes quartered, they are placed in er 'round him like a hen with jus' one nese of wits can be used in other
fcuiul: anCer, Jake Simms, tame claxt• and per -in email, old vessel. As a Rsh- sen;' ansavezed the man to Shorty's ten -galleon ' t us for m1Y things.
tering lielaw. Judea face was aglow pe theses enquiry. "We've bin havin'awful time
a stone jar we a mix- chicken She couldn't see nuthin'
ing. Alt the juice from the tomatoes 'count or Ravin' them amake' glasses
is added. �. .o s turn_ on. But me, Miss Mildred, he didn't
The relay, Cabbage, reit t , • fool pie none. I •could see right thu
d blanched from four
r "`Now, chile, you'd better be glad
with pleasure, and he almost pounced erman himself, he sea iz yr a
upon his. chum. "Frankest Frankeel , fellows were giving up. Ali of them
Leave your stuff an' go an' see Cap- '. Were men -any skipper would take on
itan Hoolahan! Says he want to see the word; men. wham , many s vessel
you. He's owner of i . Mabel Kinsella. masters would discharge es
lyin' over to Glo'ster, Hurree, petent fishermen to make a place for.
Franke&" And with the gang helping them; rnen who could stand the hard -
him on with his -coat and flicking the est driving with the certainty of mak-
dust off his hat, he jumped up the ing gocd money. It was a 1g same -
ladder and up the wharf, with Juke floe on their part, and Westhaver ap-
and Joke Sdmms piloting him to where' preciated it to the full.
Hec'.ahan was waiting he the rear "Fellows!" he said, his heart almost
room of a fishermen's outfitter. too full for steady utberance of the
The skipper was an old man with; thanks on his lips,. "you don't know
snapping grey eyes, end when West-; how much pleasure et gives me t' hear
haver was ushered in he overran him ye say what ye hev said. I wish t'
with exacting scrutiny. est?aaver ?" thank ye heareily, one and all, an'ef
he enquired carr ally They sat down, good lu'ek goes with me, we'll git fish.
r .l the old fisherman began. "That I'm go -in' t' Gicester this afternoon,
was quite a tueele you had last trip? ! an' I'll git that vessel. Th'.sails'l1 be
Poor old Tom Watsan-he went out . made right away, an'. though I haven't
Quick. An' al' dory -mate o' mine in' talked it over with Captain Hoolahan
the old day:. " He paused for a! yet, I .cal' ate we'll go haddockin' an'
moment in reflection. "Waal, wail," . run our trips to tile market what suits
he resume:t•, "that warn't what I want -us best."
ed t' wee ye 'bout Th' boys here war ""Go ahead, skipper," they said in
t•e'iin' me ye wanted a chant t' take unison. "Git th' vessel. We'll show
a ve tel. So?" up in Gloucester towards the end o'
Frank nodded, while He aleen cor- th' week, never fear. Now fellers, let's
t need. "Now, I've a proposdtion t' pack up an' quit this scurvy tub an'
make t' ye, an' ye kin think -it over. her scurvy skipper."
I ewea smart little craft -over t' Westhaver bad departed: on haus joy-
Gleezester-th' Mabel Kinsella her ous� way to Gloucester when Captain
name is -an' a well-built, handy craft Hime Jassy :swung down into the
seventy tanner, hardwood toothpick. Carson's fo'c'sle. The men were en -
She ain't noways- new bein' nigh gaged -stowing their gear away in
twenty year old, but she'•s• able an' dunnage bags and suitscas�es'wheu he
s,:•und as a belt. I don't go a-fislein' entered, and with no little surprise
any more -I've done my time at it- he aildresse•d them. "Hullo, hogs,
an' I'll 'low 'tain't everybody as cares what's this? Y'ain't goin' away, are
t' take out an' •ol' vessel with all them ye?"
new-fangled knockabouts an' sem-eye "None o ver infernal leucines!"
knockabouts fleatin' aroun', but ef ye growled a voice.
care t' take her over, ye kin have tit' Jassy was nomrpl'ussed. "Wby,-why,
skipperin' of her. I knew yer father what's th.' matter? Ain't ye goin' t'
weltfine man -an' I know yer uncle make a trip this week with me?"
stale better, an' I. cal'late ef you're "Wi't' you?" exclaimed Jules, pull-
a' eh' same blood -as them you'�l1 git ing on his silk -shirt. Why, Irwe/61d
to Boston ---awful time. I think llfe-
Callum an' Davy Baird hev bin run-in
for flght'in'• Awful time, skip, but
they'll all be clown by t'night's train."
(To be continued' )
The Young Christ.
By Nicodemus' side ;n days of o'd,
'Mid a strange company there sat a
Spa an onions are ; DI J. ,Th'in's spell,
to five minutes, dipped into cold water,
and then Cut into small pieces and.
added to the tomatoes,
The green beans are broken into,
small pieces, -blanched for five minutes, s
cold -slimiest and added to the contents;
Mother love is very strongly de.
veloped among apes.
W tnard'3 Liniment fon DandruR
Let the Sun's Rays Do Your Cooking.
Child; ° boiling. You cart cook eggs or meat
A robe of light enveloped Him; He corn is blanched from stilet to in it. If you will make the box double
smiled, ten minutes cold dipped then cut clear days, ,
And Mary, pausing on the low thresh- aide of a one box, that is to say, in -
and side of a box slightly larger—and fill
Of that strange room, was suddenly Afters ds the ping out Into an attached "sunshine the space between with sawdust or
consoled; other insulating material, you can get
"Where haat thou been?" she asked pig t A ll k' f the sun It is a tremendous beat,
in accents mild;
p How, it may be asked, shall you
In truth she .could not see what had place to your sun oven the things you
beguiled The mixture is p b i ti s having want to cook? That can be managed
This laid of scarce twelve summers; in it in various ways; but a very practical
then He told. than the sauces from the vegetables p i bl suggestion on bids point is offered by
being t reed. Laver are sere ed h eve al another inventor, who proposes to rest
Hers not the understanding when .IIs
until they catch, then a the box on one of its edges --the upper
Dried, two of its four sides covered with
"My Father's voice has called; His i Af 1 solar double glass, and the lower two sides
-work I do!" is used for sterilizing. After placing lined with black felt for insulation.
To -day the world, o'erburdened with Shelves inside ares :wronged so as al -
distress, employ -
up to the necks o£ the lass. The cover the purpose being an insulated ways to adjust themselves horizantal-
Istres ed the lesson Gimlet sup-
t th box of teakwood blackened inside and ly, no matter dhow the box is tilted, to
Has overlooked P receive the solar rays, and upou them
plied hours. from the time the water begins
And taught" - mankind, in simple pans of bread or ether food recep-
wards and true-' rom a jars are rem,ov t 1 zed in the reparation of tacles are put.
"Be about thyFather's bust-
boiler and the covers tightened. soups and stews the temperature in-
British army officer in India some
Be nasal" bTins recipe gives us twiny rales side tide box running up to 275 degrees years ago devised what he called a
-Elizabeth Scollard.'
Mote 'ddl f th d "cooking box," a most ingenious affair,
o, open Ea jar, we add sax potatoes cut p of wood lined with mirror glass, coni
Envious. cal in shape and eight -sided, . At the
Mrs. Brown . was bathing her baby bottom wa-s a small copper boiler, with
when a neighbor's little girl came into
of jar. The time may yet arrive when as
The aeven in winter, the house-
firom the cob and placed in the jar. wife will forsake her range and, step
ee are removedfrom e
red peppers, they are chopped into fine kitchen," roofed with glass, do her
s andput intothe jar. well- cookingbytheheata
rounded eu of salt is added and the no mere dream. Indeed, the idea pro -
vegetables thoroughly mixed anises literal fulfillment in the near
asked• solid in quart future,a number ofinventions
glass jars, no water or liquid' other: already gone far towardproving
riot ca a
s screwed downCookingby suns rays ass r
givenquarter' obvious advantages. It means no dirt,
of a turn buck. A large wishbones, no asters and no cost for fuel. Thus
into which is fitted a. slatted bottom, in Egypt andthe AfricanKarroo s
cookers of a simple pattern are even
'ass in bodler, it is filled with water now in comer use, tho device employ-
is put on andthe bars leftin for two
fitted with a glass top. It makes a
to boil hard: When the processing 15 highly efficient oven for baking, and
completed, the d frommay be utilized p
g • twenty' ' t side the
in ni ma e o e 'ay.
jars of pure ve„ebable soup. When we
Wdth' the bel a mirror it can be
into srrieN squares • and beef Or ,chicken raised much higher bilin that.
stock. It is also good:if only water
is added. Any :vegetable that does not please
then looked dawn. vegetables. The solar rays pass generated when the box was exposed
for some time, and a 7r d d w sand substitutes or -additions may be
at her, doll, which was rather the made to meet inddvi.divad taste.
through the giass, contributing tt . the to the sun: If the steam -was retained
worse for wear, as it lacked an arm !quart, jar makes ar'tut a gallon of air.tiemeath a warmth which does not the result wnas.a stew or boil; if. al-
and aleg,
Valle in the North
Discovery of an almost tropical val- of hot water ran through it -fed by hun-
1 hotsprings, which 'bubbled
ley with rivers of boiling water, many dregs of
out of the ground in all directions.
mineral springs, abnormal. plantMr. Perry repeated he,saw many
elf and abounding with game in These• congregated due
grow wild asxiimals.
far northern Briti•s�h Columbia, Is re- to the luxuriant' vegetation made pos-
ported by Frank Per •-, mining engin- sible by the heat generated by the
ser, of Vancouver, back after seven• springs, 'and in .the valley were` hun-
t.een years spent prospecting - the weird drede of mountain sheep and goats,
valley close to the Yukon border. caribou and mooed, also withbears and
For minepal reas+on�s, Mr. Perry, at other fur-bearing'animels. The moose,
the timeis not divulging the almost square: from tat, wore so ta•�ne.
presentof the "lot water"'vel- that he flies been able to walk amongst
�-�xa.1. ,ouation
:ry, 'which -he came upon'. In the depth. them "and 'could' almaet touch then.
of �.•-;rito.r. The unusual sight of a The Indians,•although knowing the val-
i,eavt rcg in a winter attracted him to ley to be a hunger's, pgaadise, -never
s,e . and later exploration show- visit it through the, sru,perstition th�eh
he approximately 200 miles prehistoric animals still roam th.
.bout 40 tildes wide, 'Rivers tytet.
We all know what a glass cover will
do to hold the sun's heat -as illus-
trated by so familiar a thing as the
a cover of plain glass to retain the
the room, carrying a -doll. he -at concentrated by the niirroxs upon
She watched the washing process i •i ,e of the user cam be left out"cold frame" used for raising early the bbiler. - By •this means steam was
the palet
goad thick soup If this.. amount is too
moth for the fain—lay et ane time, it
shou'd be carned in ,nine1 ler containers.
easily escape even in the winter time. lowed to escape, the food placed in the
"Mrs. Brown," she said finally, "how Upon this principlemost of the "sun receptacle was baked. In an•-apparat
Long have you had your baby?" ovens Etre based. One of them is the us of this kind rations for seven men,
=`Seven months," said tibe proud invention of a Chicago man; Ebenezer including meats, were prepared. in two
th Sperry, and may be described as a hours. It was obvious that by increase
Happy Marriage ""Specs.."
After four -years' absence from
home I maaeci on my return the
familiar faoe of. Aunt Mandy. Martin,
"My, but you have kept it nice.„, she
The little girl stole another glance large , box covered with, glass and ing the diameter of the box the heat,
at her doll, and then looked at the lined with metal painted black to ab- could be augmented indefiinitely.,
said,with'an envious sigh,
of the' old family servants. On
'inquiry I fecund that she had- been an
upspeed' f ' inmost l 1rpJ-•en's cripple for two years.
A shark 'can keep a pee o ` _C, ,
from seventeen to twenty ,miles an ” o I went to me her at once.
Aunt Ma:ndy':s wrinleed :face ex -
hour. r l f
' ex -
premed de.:.glvt and wonder when. ' I
came' in and after she- had inspected
work ' p .
me .critically fora whiler she said.:
"It shalely am 'sprisin' to ese you
ust be oor to knowithe lux- bilin' so proud, Miss Mildred. You
m p
ur •.of wing. George Elot: must be ally took up with thet mail of
yOreYourn , .specs yeu setaa big store
Mtnartl s Liniment for Burns,
Hard times are good times to
sorb heat. When it is exposed to the
sun: enough heat is generated to -boil
water and make steam, the latter pass-
ing into, a cooking chamber above.
An apparatus of this kind ie a real
fireless cooker, requiring Ito fuel to
furnish beat to start with. You can
snake one for yourself, of mare simple
pattern, very easily. Take a wooden
box, paint it black inside, and cover It
with two sheeta of glass separated by
ea 'inch of air space. The inch of
dead air is a capita] insulator, ' Put
the box in the sun and scan .the tem-
'peratu:e of its interior will rise above
in Egypt, the Sudan . and "Algeria,
where water fit for drinking is apt to,
be scarce,'there is to -day in common
use a. portable 'solar distilling outfit
which is the invention of a Frenchman
named Mouchon. It is a simple tea
rangement Of boiler andconcave- air
row, the, latter serving to focus the
son's rays : uponthe former,while a.
coil of tubing in a water -jacket does
duty as.a condenser: -The machine,
which a man can; carry on his ba,cic,
will boil a quart r" water and keep it
boItiiig, elle ordinary output being- two
gallons, of pure drink per day.