HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-08-30, Page 28PAGE 10A-GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1979 business own rs should share probiems BY JACK HAGARTY, AREA COORDINATOR AND FARM MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST I've just come across an article that tickles me_ It strikes me as funny. It's about' a serious problem - accountants and businessmen can't seem to communicate with one another. The author is Leon Danco, a consultant from Ohio. He says, "'The business owner and his accountant usually wind up in something like those old grade school dances, long armed and. stiff - legged, shuffling miserably around the financial dance floor. They just never learn the advantages of the op- posite sex.". He goes on, "Most accountants aren't risk takers and most business owners aren't experts in finance. Small wonder they find they have little to talk about. The ac- countant massages the financial statement and the business owner wishes the hell he could go do something useful besides talking to this kid." Recently five Agricultural Representatives met for a round table discussion with an accountant and lawyer. In no way could you describe these two as kids. • They are professionals - in the best sense of the word. Both have grown up on the. farm. They have the same gut reactions as farmers do. We talked about farm business agreements, part- nerships and cor- porations. p They 'very clearly said be careful about -getting a farmers involved in a corporations and part- nership. They could see a d place for limited use of a c corporation .or part- nership - for example - to b own livestock; buildings o and five acres of land. d But they said, "Have the other land owned by the individuals. Con- tribute the use of the land to the jointly owned corporation - or sell the crops to the corporation." They saiid fit `w'or`ks when each person has private ownership - and pride of ownership of land. The actual words were, "It works best when each one can tell the other to go to hell." Now that's taking a stand - being involved - committed. Danco says, "The accountant's afraid if he becomes too involved, too committed, too, un- derstanding, too involved in the moral judgments and trade-offs the business owner has to make, he'll compromise his 'independence'." He says, "Like the cowboy who's going to get saddle sores, the business owner is going to. take risks. It comes with the job. What he wants to do is share the struggles of risk taking with someone else. But what happens is the accountant yawns a lot, sidesteps, mumbles. He's uncomfortable peering into what really isn't his bag." . Now my ' accountant friends are liable to say, "Why that sounds more like a farm management specialist to me." Fair enough we're not happy with that image. We may not know and should say's° or else we'll stress that ,it is our. personal opinion. Danco says. "The business owner has to get over feeling .shy and_ misunderstood . `like an evil old man discussing roblems with someone who doesn't care. The ccountant should care nd in fact can care without losing his, in- ependence. The ac- ountant should be told. where the bones are uri.ed. The business wner needs c.ontrol evices. Accounting is a Efficient drying system will save energy Farmers can keep the lid on spiralling fuel costs this fall by using crop dryers more efficiently. Professor Lambert ,Otten, School , of Engineering, University of Guelph,.suggests using a combination drying system to save energy and to improve the quality of grain corn. Engineering studies, partially funded by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, indicate that overdrying to 12 or 13 percent moisture may increase thelikelihood of kernel breakage, and make the kernels susceptible to mold growth. A com- bination drying system will eliminate this problem while reducing energy costs. "Combination drying can offer farmers energy •savings at the cost of more management time," says Prof. Otten. is approach combines the best features of high- temperature and low- temperature drying. With good management and aeration equipment, sound grain corn at 16 percent moisture will stOre safely for as long as nine months." First, corn is run through a cleaner to remove foreign particles. Then, the corn is dried to 20 to 24 percent moisture in a high temperature dryer before the hot corn is transferred into a VOW - temperature drying bin. Low temperatures remove internal moisture from the kernels without causing stress cracks. Depending on weather conditions, it is possible to disregard the high- emperature dryer altogether, and to take • the corn from the cleaner to the low-temperature bin for storage. Equipped with small gas or electric heaters, and fans, these bins use ambient or slightly heated ambient air to dry the corn. In the combination system, the fans should run continuously once the bins are 0.6 m (2 ft.) deep with.corn, until it is dried completely - usually a-: period of two weeks or more. Prof. Otten stresses that the fans should be turned off when stored corn reaches 16 percent moisture or when the ambient air tem- perature nears '0 degrees C. During the winter months, the top metre (3.2 feet) of grain should be probed at least once a week for moisture build- up or an increase in grain temperature. The fan should be turned on every two weeks for 20 minutes to ensure the grain remains cool. This also allows the operator to smell the forced air for signs of spoilage. If it is necessary to store grain for feeding during summer months, further drying to 14 percent moisture can be done in the spring. GIFT OF LIFE way of measuring not only what a business does, but where it's going. An accountant who shares .the business owner's problems can make judgments that say Atiere" " u it Lase; or the inventory is too high. And he can make projections - if you do this, this would happen." To get help, a business owner has to share his problems; first, ask the right questions; then listen carefully! Cadet interviewed Paul Wisser (centre, right) of Goderich, was one of 62 Marine cadets to be Interviewed in June at Georgian College in Owen Sound by Dan Arnold! (centre, left), Director of Co -Op Education. Georgian College offers Marine Navigation and Marine Engineering, both three-year, co-op education programs. Each cadet is .required • to spend four -and -one-half months aboard ship before beginning classroom study. The extreme demand for.: mere irai people still exists and M. Arnold' says graduates have a 100 per cent employment opportunity. He adds that both programs are now full and the College has a 'waiting list. A Marine Engineering cadet, Paul is currently sailing with Upper Lakes Shipping aboard the Frank A. Sher- man. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Wisser of Zurich. Paul was intervlewed along with Dam Keenan (left) of Port Elgin and Matt Jones of Sarnia (right). • • USE YOUR CREDIT CASHWAY BUILDING CENTRES CHARGEX .• ,.r. se... VISA Closed Labour Day, Monday Sept. 3 LIDAY WEEKEND 1 PERMANENT TYPE ANTI -FREEZE / OUR REG. *5.89 44 4 LITRE BOTTLE ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS! • ENDS 6 P.M. TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 4th! ORDER NOW AT OUR LOW SALE PRICES!! We Make Them To Your Measurements. One Width Plus One Height Are Required To Deter- mine United Inches. Self -Storing Combina- tion Storm And Screen. Screen Supplied is Fiber- glass. Pre -Drilled Frame For Easy Installation. Notal`It;`DuaToUnexpected-0emend, Certain Items Are Sold Out Before The Termination Of This Sale, Rain Checks Will Be Issued. We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities. SAVE_ NOW O.N YOUR SIZE CHOICE! QUALITY "STORALL" rrolef ANTI -FREEZE 1111111 /rr AVAILABLE WITH ANY PURCHASE OF *1noo OR MORE .INot Inaludinfl Anti-Fraezal AT OUR STORES DURING THIS SALE! LIMIT OF 2 4'LITRE BOTTLES PER CUSTOMER Your Purchase Need Not Be Confined To Sale Items That Are Featured In This Advertisement. IXTERIOMNI'ERIOR WHITE PAINT For Your Fall T•uch•Up* Outside And Inside! A Good Quality Latex White Point Murrill. OUR REG. $499 " '5.49 BALLON LIQUID ROOF COATING. 5 IMPERIAL GALLONS! ZIE: *10:95 CAULKING 11 TULLE '.REAL SEAL'' 570 OUR NEC. 69' TUBE r "CADET" MODEL STORAGE SHEDS Featuring Exclusive "LOK-WAL" Construction System Of Interlocking Panels That Makes• Assembly Faster And Easier And Results In A Stronger, More Secure Unit. 'STELCOLOUR' Prefinished Steel. 4111111111101111111111111. : r SPACEMAKER 12" METAL FENCE PANELS WHITE OR BROWN! ALL-WEATHER FINISH! Cape And Neil■ Included. 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"REDI-VUE" Windows are, SalesTax Exempt When Ordered With Storm Glazing. 10% Discount Is Limited To Orders Placed During This Holiday Weekend Sale. OPEN WEEKDAYS 8:30 A.M.-6 P.M.; SATURDAY TO 5 P.M.; THURSDAY Et FRIDAY TO 9 P.M. IN SOME AREAS, THESE HOURS COULD VARY SLIGHTLY. PLEASE CHECK. TO BE FAIR TO OUR CUSTOMERS, WE RESERVE THE RIGHT 7O LIMIT O(JANTITIES! CASHWAY LUMBER GODERICH ATW'OOa 155 ANGLESEA ST. MAIN ST, PHONE 524-838x: or 8382 PHONE 356-2214