HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-8-3, Page 4,_... - � airs L. l,ra�ft,:�af Zurich: ,�"ere Sunday �._._
The Exeter Advocate t s�to�s ,,ilea, ir..aznd 11irs. . sta al HE TPS U EEK
Qu -.e a member. from here motor
Sanders & creeeh, Proprietors to Ipperwash ea Sunday.
etf Royal
Subscription Price—In advance, St 50 are s t and 'eirs.Pair with it Oakeiret
per year in Canada; $2.00 _n the will.Mitch Held, 1
United States, All subeerixptiocs not Mr. and firs, Loula Schumacher and
paid in, advancer 3ee, ,eia.,,,ed. i a•'m b spent Sunday with Mr. and etre.
:set. Merner,
1HL1 D.lY, ALGUST 3, 1922 :tier. M. R. E^Iber .socint :Sunday a,t
hes home near Cred-ztm •
• lies. Wm. n,, Ehlers ie visiting in. Ket-,'
hane • at present.
House Nearly ,Burned.—What might
..•we xesulted la a serious fire happen-
ed at the home alt lir, Geo: Koch on
M^nciae about noon, Mrs. Toch had
The Three al's of the Evscngeleca c tt a coal one stove burning in the
Church end the Sunshine :C1a.•ases pit k_,t en when she step=ped outside.
zkncled at Bee -field Th ursday Iasi and on her return the coal oil stove.
si- anal ;lit,, R. ,w Wiesen andfam- had exploded. Curteins, clothing and
3 yar,: spy;. d:,:t a few weeks at .;he other material had caught fire and the
Bend en ,ti r 1iol days. , entire :interior ofe the at tcben was in
ilius: en of Dashwood s reLhev- a blaze. Only for the promptsa°st-
• 1, t'= zl sar as M naaer of the ante •;:f the ne.'ghbors, who worked
sena, oe Commerce during his la lie hereicatly, the entire house would have
deeee - beim. destroyed. Mr. Koch returns his
Mae J et eetzer returned to her a nt:ere th-a,.rtt.; to those ,who re,wil-
hoim hers oa. Sunday- eroln the Lon l u lv gate! t-hei,r ushasmeee,
date t iosia t:tl, anal we are Pleased. to- 'k »- :d Turnbull of let shvsood, who
zettee t fleet ehe a impravina et:eely• wr _e ,az Exeter at 'he L. S. Exams.
T,tze macre,- tr ends of lira. Daniel obtained credit in Grammar, Geo-
Oestreie2ter will learn with regret that %enew, 2:rd preace acv t o Arithmetic
is net improviag ars) in health> and 3tel ' t Algebra:
The decorators are busy at the
Evangelical Church auditorium and a
rent impr,o ement will be noire ed
ween a•G--op;red. p.
Mere Bmt.aa„ en Wenzel 1tes had his
barb .r atop wired ,,,gar hydra, and he ver 'end Mrs. C. ;Berney visited se
es .iflstalltee a new equipment. Belgr ve Saturday.
Men are busy Putting the slate on ales. eletyt-,) T.rumper lett this week
the new alethodast Church. `;tor London le visit with relatives.
We ars: Sorry to state :list ler. A. Met t*r. J. gear etas installed aradzo
E. I%tthr�a heaitli i� at rixsstsnt very outlet eft the home of lir, 't'i'., F. Ab-
A. !lumber of ardent baseball tans lr;:,tt,
attended tb.e game be, S trathroy be • Miss 'Marguerite Pickard w lie teach
tweea tat :earn and the trash Nine -e-•lzeo'• et ' eeeaem :after the holi-
Tk:e game was not what they expert days
ed t ,' al team defeat-
Niordiy next ee Civic Holiday in
Ta t trethr baso l t E,aat ,r as vyell as n nzatty' =other
�: 'dee qtr+.throy retie on 'i'i`e= ne. a
day night last on the home diamond. mesa e.a,
b` .. ecare of4-3 Rev. and Mrs. 'tic Alister left Tues -
Mr6 Mathew Catent Her. her daugh- dee' for e. holiday ;,n Winnipeg, peg, goin
ter 011wad.a, and sons, Karl and Harry tyt't way. by boat, ,
awe retuned ta their home in Kit
chin r ;„,.iter e°n ,crying a reaeat rat emu. Tile Exeter MO School and Public
rliv with at. ',3ther Sad ci;tar, Mrs. s>41n,aa1 staff ,has been re-engaged for
Editli Moore.
the zr next, school year,
lair. G. 'Manaus s the
red the aft Setae thresh ng has been.done Ai
Stew:, load-, o, ties d ath o.s ws soros thee neeigbborhood, and the an wheat
ife, ;tars. Frreder ek Miangfnus. tof <<s yieldz'ng fanny' well.
,r• }, .x
:ra part t>. ^•nara�:n pewee �, heel :-- �. ;, na�at ,t,r, :ii::;• Jas, Creech.
Znfr,anee-te es t: Leer, fir t Saes Mrs, J ,' Fanlight sand ,ora, OEts '1
Lenore , 1 et,n rte 44 a i, p3ss. of Guelph are .sitiang .at the home Of
P.ronioticAres-1'rosna Jr, 4th to Sr. 4th 1 Mr, IV. 5. Robinson, Sear Centralia;.
—Ern Feltner, Ruth Weber. Roy -
u°in,a } z..:at.a't<t�;: ti1:ar.A3c•l,;» I). 1). G. M. Bro. Harburn and Suit
Fra=nSr, 3rd to J . 4:h.—Selma Rt_ Seatorth installed the officers of
der, Irene 1lartene, Innes Staley. Exeter L>d e, .I, O. 0, F., on Tuesday
1: rem Jr 3rd to Sr. 3rd--A?-Hued °evening,
Ba fie I.°: l tl',, ^ Mee. Fleming end Mr. and MIr.,, eV.
Fran -..`r. Ota •r Jr t—Martha alar- %V alie of Windsor spent the week-
t.re, FT`- or ; I,er.we: Wein. C'harPe end a: the hame of the former's bro.
gleet -.-e. }the Mr, C, Birney.
From Jr 2 id to Sr. emel--Thelma A numlaer from Exeter went upt
wale,: Fan, lie..e ee Etcl„u Smith, ' o
(`creta B °t:er, t3*•u, efield to see the football game
From 1'., ' to Jr end—OI ;a olar- n the set d:adve ,, between Brite efield
tate, G...dt,n MB=a k: r, Edith Weber. 1 end Kitchener. It ended 2-2.
Fr..m •r. Pr. to 1't, 2—Lloyd Egle- Retateves here have received word
•.ion e ' ; tha Mr. Fred ttillIespse, sone of thelate
From Jr. Pr. to Sr, Pr. -Carrie liar John Gillespie, is seriously ill at his
the. 'hem at Peace River Crossing, Alta.
Na on roll 23.—Mine Ehlers, teaeher . ,� number at the Exeter Boy
Stem t, l=ave gone to Bayfield to
camp fer two weeks. Ir. Howard of
the PubJie School staff accompanied
the boys.
Rev. R. Eifert of Tavistock axed son 3I” Jos. 'Amy, of Stephen, who has
Prof. R. Eifert Of, Oakland, Cal., call-
*alined i,ned to his bed at the home ,af
cd ca., frfende in town a few days last h s brother,' Ir Hoses Amy, Exeter
North. for 6. couple weeks, ,is new on
week ' a emr way to recovery.
Mss Ida Gates of Chicago is here
rsiting with her parents. As s usual in the, summer The Ad -
Mrs. Humble of Sarnia spent a few vacate was' tready to ,go to press on
with her another here last week. Tuesday afternoon of this week, but
Mae Bechtel of Waterloo visited owing to the anon -arrival of our paper
with Mesa E. Guenther. supply, we. were delayed.
Mis;Putherford of Omemee and
NIr. B e dfoot of Guelph are visiting - Mr. C. F. Hooper Js well aware al
with M -.:rid Mrs. L. T. Rutherford. the fact that ten bags of cern alt were
Bar. aed Mrs. W. J. Zimmerman of .tasen, from lass pile when the founda-
Sebrngvi ie called on friends in town tions to hips new buildings were being
Tueeday. built; and.he is now aware of th:e, fact
ltiss Ella Zimmer of Detroit is vis- that considerable of his lumber has
ming her pareztfs. 1 t t • disappeared. The thieves would do
Mr. and 1lrs. R. Stade and. Mr, and ,ts', 'to let up, or they may be nabbed..
Local News
British Columbia.
tt�nfaaa, Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Creech aaf Roch-
ester, N. Y. are v:;stting the fa.-rm-
A Successful Man
Among the notable professional men
of this country who achieved great
success along strictly legitimate lines
was Dr. R. Y. Pierce. Devoting his
attention to the specialty of women's
diseases, he became a recognized
authority in that line.
Over fifty years ago this noted
physician gave to the world a Pre-
eeription which has never' been
equaled for the weaknesses of
women. Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y.,
long since found out what is natu-
rally best for women's diseases. He
learned it all thru treatingthou-
sands of cases. The result of his
studies was a medicine called Doctor
Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This
medicine is made of vegetable growths
that nature surely intended for .back-
ache, headache, weakening pains, and.
for the many disorders common to
women in all ages of life. Women who
take this standard remedy know that
in Dr. ° Pierce's Favorite Prescription
they are'getting a safe woman's tonic
ed good that druggists everywhere sell
it in both tablet and fluid form.
Send `10c to Dr. Pierce's Branch
Laboratory in Bridgeburg7 Ont'., for
trial package tablets.
P=ostmasters have been warned be -
Taming August 1st, to enforce the new
excise tax on money orders,. The
tax on 'money orders ,n the same as
;the tax ou checks, ,or 2 cents on ev-
dry money order under $50, and an ad-
di:ti:anai 2c. on each succeeding $50, or
portion of $50, up to $5,000, after
that amount there 3s no further in-
crease in the tax.
Newspapers. in, neighboring towns
are drawxng;'atten;tiiou-L to the neglect-
ed state of 'war LCrophaes entrusted to
the care of x the ,munecvpal authorities
by fere' 1q,ht' a'= Department, Dr. Cur -
telly, curator of .the Royal Ontario
:Museum, caged attention to the fact
steel guns will not ,stated exposure to
the weather and po.ateci out that
these machines should either be
kept under &over or regularly anc1
caeefuliy paented .to prevent , rusting
else there would be inane of theeetro-
t bei left un, twenty-five years.
Important Events Which Have
Occurred During the Week.
The. Busy World's Happenings Gare,
fully Compiled and Put' Into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
the headers of Our Paper — A
Solid Hour's Enjoyment.
The Leafs defeated Reading by
9 to 8.
British, mines meet demands. from
Cleveland seamen vote in favor
of stake,.
V.S. Cabinet is planning to give
coal supply.
British secure monopoly of oil in
all 24tacedonia.
Continued droutla will cut crop
yield in Alberta.
Walker (I'hiladeiph.ia) Spade his
24th home run.
There is a large eutry list for the
Canadian Henley.
Station agents in U. S. are not to
join in rail strike.
Railway strikers to negotiate for
separate settlezuei:te.
British Blouse of Commons rerovea
embargo on Qanadiaa cattle.
Toronto City Council approves the
purchase of emergency coal.
Goal famine is causing slackening
up of railway traffic in U. S.
Ulster United soccer team will
compete in the Dominion aunt,
Third Internationale want to dee
fend murderers of Gen. Wilson.
Four persons were badly injured in
motor miehaps en Toronto streets.
United States asks British .help to
stop rum -running from British West
Chief Ontario Temperance Act en-
forcement officer says some courts
are prejudiced.
Mr. .Raney 14 at sea as to what
Toronto mien may do with Hamilton
race -track charter.
Wild whiskey orgy bas seized Es-
kimios in Northern Alaska; many are
starving. Hudson Bay 00. steamer
bas left Nome with supplies.
Paymaster of Mond Nickel Co. of
Coniston throws $25,000 package in
bush when three mentry to rob him,
Another paymaster was held up at
the sane place and robbed. of $3,000.
An atfternoon of fun and in=terest
was e,nioyed by all those who at-
tended the ;S'oci,al Twenty picnic at
Surrngbank on, Thursday of last week:
The spirilt of being game for anything
peevaled 'during the afteenoon spent
amongst the attraction at the Amuse-
ment Park. We were reminded .of the
maxim, "Poll ow your leader is every
good game, of all who( play are iii : iia
the same." tater on' a bountiful Sup.-
ver was spread by the lar es and
heartily enjoyed by • all. presont, ea-
ratelally so by ,a• number of the mast
-)u.s gentlemen one could hope , to Montreal clothing workers settle
meet, .Atter• `an interval of rest grasp•- dispute with employers after two
ed in the aid of digestions, a baseball days' strike.
match took plane, the fadees playa e, Result of Canadian railway shop -
the gentlemen, Darkness ,prevented mens'•strike vote is laid before Pre-
a.e game beanie/ finished„but to sprte mier King.
oi: a few casiAdttes the ladies had a Premier Dry says his Govern -
lead ,of .,several rann at „the,'close. The. ment will stay out fullterm of the
'gentlemen declared the ladies 'suc-1 Legislature.
ease was duet o outssde assistance, but Thousands of applications to play
let belongs 'to the” details ` of the the role of Prince of Wales flood into
New York Giants beat St. Louis,
Hostility to Britain still exists in
1 gy'pt.
Irish rebels leave ruin inwake of
Talk of coal mine agreements on
state basis.
Reading defeated Tpronto baseball
team, 8 to 3,
Welsh coal price Iufnps at orders
from America.
Slitaw'Ar of big meteors shakes earth
in Saskatchewan.
Ban on Canadian cattle not to be
lifted till autumn.
Cars are operating at Niagare Falls
under pollee guard.
Fort William have defaulted in the
Connaught Cup series.
Non -co-operators are active once
more in Calcutta.
Forty-one thousand men are need-
ed to harvest in West.
United States seeks leave to search
British ships for liquor,
J. 0. Elliott Is appointed Crown
Attorney at London, Ont.
U. S. administration takes over
control of traffic on roads.
Fifty thousand garment makers go
on strike in New York city.
Bulgaria says it cannot raise re-
paration amount Allies fine it.
General election in October for On-
tario Legislature is predicted.
Building industry in Ontario faces
a shortage of skilled mechanics.
Government of U. S. declares na-
tional emergency owing to strike.
Farmers' Union of Canada would
place farming on business basis.
Vote against cattle embargo re-
garded in Ottawa as step toward its
Nicol Thomt son, Hamilton, won
the Canadian professional golf cham-
Coal control is out of the power
of the Dominion Government without
One hundred and seventy tons of
gas shells per day are being dumped
by the French into the English Chan-
nel as the best manner of getting rid
of them.
Irish battle imminent in Cork dis-
The Giants beat St: Louis Wed-
Bavaria bids defiance to authority
of Reichstag.
Premier sees distinct advance made
at The- Hague.
De Valera leads Irish rebels, :ac-
cording to report.
Trotsky cuts down active forces of
Russia to 250,000 men.
Leafs beat Reading, 6 to 5, and
tied the second game, 3-3.
Wake's rink, Walkerville, won the
W. O. B. A. trophy final
Lloyd George speaks in House of
Commons on Russian` situation.
Deputy Minister of Mines cables
old-timeprices for Welsh coal.
Leeds county village swept by.dis•-
astrous fire of unknown origin.
Huge increase • in Government
grants earned by Ontario schools.
Government bureau reports short-
age of farm laborers in Ontario.'
Five were injured in as many ac-
cidents within one hour at Toronto.
Montreal woman obtains habeas
corpus and then refuses to leave the
British engineers vote against ac-
ceptance of employers' proposalabout
war bonus.
IQ. N .E oiliceo.:.
The IT. S. schooner Malicia Enos
has been given up as lost. She carried
a crew of Ave men.
Lloyd George loges riding in
Wales; Labor man beat recently ap-
pointed Government Whip.
British coal rises in price,
Greeks aim to get Constantinople.
Railway executives plan; end : f
Nationalist movement is growing
in Italy.
Great Lake sailors vote in favor
of strike,
Britain and Spain sign' a connmer-
cial pact,
Britain plans to deal with cattle*
New York Kilties beat St .Louie in
eleven innings.
Leonard retained itis title in a, bout
with Tendler,
Russian "Reds" are abandoning
monopoly policy,.
13, S. new -wool duty is tax of 100
per cent. on clothes.
John Bull buys most of Canada's
products. says report.
A jail wall was wined at Belfast
and prisoners reier.sed.
Railroad workers of Toronto stand
ready for call to etrike.
Wingo, Toronto, Spade his 22nd
home run of the season.
Grand Trunk cuts off plana' trains
owing to a shortage of coal.
Premier Drury' elalatxs newspapers
not fair to his Government.
The Leafs beat the Bisons 14 to
13; Bu#alo Slave protested.
Berlin must oouti.nue to pay ;10i -
000.00Q monthly, says France.
Hydro rates changed trout July 1 �
over hundred municipalities.
Another effort is being .trade to in-
crease power supply in Trent district.
Attoruey-General orders investige-
tion of Toronto handbook situation.
Saskatchewan Legislature pro-
rogues after passing Wheat Board
Quebec Minister announces con-
tractors are completing 1,500 miles
or roads.
There will be Qin Board of Coe -
ciliation for Canadian railways and
shop workers.
United States recognizes four re-
publics in :'Europe---••Bsthonia, Latvia,
Lithuania, and Albania.
A 40 -foot launch with liquor on
board took are at Windsor and boat
and cargo are at the bottom of the
German mark again falls in value.
Chinese Sire on vessel carrying the
British Slag.
Fighting in Ireland goes against
irregular forces.
Ottawa denies rumors of personnel
of Railway Board.
Large woollen znl:l at Stratford
was gutted by tire,
Canadian and United States banks
seek closer relations.
Buffalo beat Toronto twice; four
izozners were made..
Star Jester won the feature race
at Kenilworth Park.
Privy Couneil dismisses appeal of
G. T. It. shareholders.
i'n+ntpleennent eonfvrence meets in
Ottawa on September 5.
ilamonn ,;r '.t:.at. reported ,en
route to United. States.
A hive -year-old boy was killed by
a sltotgun at Brockville.
Sir Adam Beck announees big new
Niagara plant being planned.
Rogers Hornsby tied the National
League home run record of 27.
Western grain crop to be best
since 1915, says leading; nriller,
Dr. Chown refutes charges of Cana-
dian Methodist t;htu'dh decline.
Many municipalities are taking
steps to ensure against dearth of fuel.
Col. Bingham, of New Haven,
Conn., and family are touring Europe
by airplane.
Chief Dickson says he will prose-
cute United Sates racing ahcets sold
in Toronto. •
The British Federation of Indus-
try says British design to cancel debt
is over -generous.
B: otitk'lyn Bridge, N.Y., is Weaken-
ing under yens of heavy strain; may
have to close it.
First home of Royal Canadian
Yacht Club, Toronto, latterly a boat-
house, . Was burned,
A safe was car:Sed away from the
Windsor G.T.R. station by thieves;
they got four pennies.
It is reported that de Valera is on
his way to the United States to raise
money for republican cause.
Hilton Belyea retained his sculling
German mark takes another big
St, Louis again lead the American
Hopes increase_,for quick end of
coal dispute.
Big anti -war parade held "in Lon-
don, England.
Poincare ' reasserts that Germany
must pay debts.
The Connaught Cup finals will like-
ly be played in Toronto.
A. L. Watrous won the Canadian;
open golf championship.
Settlement of rail strike in United
States practically reached
Beaches (Toronto) beat St. Cath-
arines in overtime, 5 to 4.
Athens' note to Allies urges Greek
occupation of Constantinople.
Buffalo lost two to the Leafs on
Saturday, but won on Sunday.
Solly Cohen;' aged six, dies at To
ronto from injuries by automobile.
Steamer Rapid `Prince runs ashore
in Lachine Rapids with 400 on board:
-• Windsor girl,` aged 10, plunges off
dock in an attempt to save brother,.
One was killed and five injured
when automobile skids near Toronto.
No chairman has been selected for
board to arbitrate railwaymen's
Canada may not get coal from
United States under terms of order
against export.
Canadian Manufacturers Associa-
tion officials meet. at Toronto to dis-
cuss coal shortage.
While striving to save the life of
his younger brother, Marcel Mercier,
aged 10,: of Rigaud, Que.,was drown-
ed in the Rigaud river. The broth-
ers, with five other boys, were bath-
-mg ig in the river when the child got
beyond his depth.
consists in spending less than
you earn.
If by careful economy you can
save money, you have take. n a
long step toward contentment.
We pay interest on, Savings bait
ances and shall welcome your
account .
Capital raid UP $15)000.000
Reserve Fund $15,000,000
Exeter Branch, F. A. Chapman, Manager
Credit= Branch, I, , 5. Wilson. Manager
Dashweed Branch,'
Gapital Paid up 14,000,00D
Reserve Fund 55,000,000
Over 125 Bratiebes,
Rewa,r4 them: afar doing work around the benne and
ampress upatt thehz, Ilia itup ertan. a of sav zg kbefr
earnings. Wily i;,ot open a,n a+;cflilnt Lor them in tllia.
S3,1f4tgs Department of Tile.rifoisoas Ba;Ta hToney may
lac depps3ted and will draws ISS' 0011,
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch open I'c►r business daily.
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent
the Exeter 'Brunch.
Furniture Bargains
Funeral Director & Embalmer,
our Storage Battery
Is a living thing, using up en-
ergy every day. We invite
you to call twice a month &
let us test it free of charge.
W. J. BEER, Exeter
PARKHILL—Another member of C.
Company 135th Batt., Pride of Mid-
dlesex, has ."gone West," in the per-
son of Harry Young, 802175, who died
in Florida. When in Parkhill Harry
was billeted with Ma;. and Mrs. Mar-
tin, ahtd on.ahis return from overseas,
he made his 'home with them for about
three months:. He then went toLon-
don and two years ,atgo wven:t for Florida.
CLINTON-Me; Iddo ,Crichwas an
July 26 marrried to Musa Sadie Camp-
bell of . Han -Witten - . •
A. plan. to bring ,to Ontario the best
type possible of British agricultural
immigrants is now being formulated
by the Ilon. Manning Doherty, Mints;
ter of Agriculture.
The Advocate m'aill g ig list has beep
,corrected up to rely 26t11, Look Ae
your lalbel and see 6f your Advocate
is paid in advance, If so, *tight ; if
not, why not pay At .once.
The Western Fair
Sept. - 9th to 16th, 1922
$38,000 in Prizes and Attractions
ON", THE.:,leeelifW:Aler:
Sormlething Doing 011 the ° 'rave
ADMISSION 9th, 11th 15th, 16th 25e, 12th, 13th, 14th,
.Children Free fan Monday, Sept 11t1i, All infant -laden from the secretary)
J. H. SAUNDERS, Preeeclene A M. ,HUNT,. Secretary
w � -
teveia,n s.4rac