HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-8-3, Page 1THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY AUGUST 3, 1922 SA2ui.z~S & C ;;1 PHONE 81 The Men's Store Have A Summer Suit Tailored to Your Personal ail Requirements SPRING MEN'S FURNISHINGS IN SHIRTS, TIES, HATS, CAPS „ SOCKS, UNDERWJ.AR, GLOVES, ,IwTC THE S1 ASON'S SMARTEST STYLh,S are shown in our offerings of Men's High Grade Furnishings. All the Latest fabrics are here„ made up in the Latest models b the very best manner. You certainly will want ane of our suits when; you see the goods and learn what a ,saving, our prices afford. We W. Taman Tailor&Furn .sher AGENTS FOR "THE HOUSB OF HOBBERLIN Closed Wednesday afternoons dur- ing June July and August. Our Corner Twenty eight Canadiran. Daily news Local News: papers have dropped out Bice 1914. The increased Dominion tax ,on cle- The ballot paper in Winnipeg in the The new fneglit rates went into .ef- patter 'is .said to have cost Canada a quarter of a mil lion dollars in rev- enue during June alonne, There seeans tto be such a,, thing ,as making things too deer. Seine people have a, nasty habit of picking their neighbors flowers, en- Ate-lying r Ate•lying off the sidewalle,ta gather flowers from private :property. It is a: mean, and Thoughtless thin to do, and guilty ones should ,cut it out. The first farm laborer's excursioe. to the West , from ,thee district will leave here August 14th.. It looks as Though a much larger number of help- ers will], be regurred.:then, heretofore, a� all crops promise such an abundant yield awd big preparations are being. made ;to harvest it, Quite a large. number :inteand going from this neigh- borhood, TO CQRRESPONDENTS, To insure publication all news must be in the Advocate office by Tuesday morning of each week, owing to the half holiday on, Wednesdays (of June July and August. PROPER ATTENTION FOR EYE. PAYS BIG REWARDS. Scitentific correction of all the dill - trent defects of vielon gives you all the advantages of perfect eyeeight,and very often improves the gerteralheaith by relieving a strain on the nervous syetets. We have all the modern instruments for making complete tests and giving muscle exercises. Reap These rewards by consulting us at once. Service and satisfaction guar- anteed, Reasonable prices. J. WARD, D.C„ Optometrist One Block west of Public Library -- 5. E. Corner. Phone 43 for appointment. ti,Ausive Dea jpr htnnf/aa System Consult the Agent A. DAYMAN Phone 172 r 3 Exeter floriGEBRomes MOTOR CAR The Dodge is all steel body and built for Service. F. 0, B. Wineleor; including the ,Taix. Touring $1370 Sedan $2350 Roadster 51325 Coupe ......... .... ..... 5,1525 PILON & FOOTE Huron Garage SOME REAL SNAPS IN USED CARS., recent election was nearly six feet in feet on, t uesdes of the; week;.. 1eneth, Little :,Margaret Ellerrr.gion is improv With the styles as they are you .can see tint all the family skeletons 4o hot ,stay: in the ;closet. Now is the time :to prepare your exhibi is for the Fall .Fairs. July has pa.$ ed and .the Fairs w l soon be on Calgary and Saskatoon: will each, plant avenues of stately trees instead of a monument for a soldiers" memos- Lal. Judge --You sta.-td convicted of hav- ing beatean your wife. I hereby fine you $3.30. AU right, your honor, but why th'e 30 cents . Judge --That'; the amusement tax, The total of business failures in Canada last week was 67. Of these 19 were in Ontario, 14 in Quebec, and 13 in. Manitoba. It is ,riot is fun in bus- iness these days. Swearing. In the last antaleels, is a. symptom of a perverted mind. Tile oath simply means .here is :;ometbing out of kilter in the mind and heart of the man using it. A Port Arthur mar, dug a cellar for a pool room and struck oil. His ache ievement is, however, beaten by yeti+_. eral Toronto sleuths who dug up some tomato plants in a citizen's back yard garden. and struck wh'skey. �Ir. and M. Wood, who, have been. Vee ng Mr. and \ire H. S. Waiter, have returned t the'r bone .n Ham - !item Mrs. Janet to trod an4 \?r.a. _.asnpl. ll of Exe*er, and .Mr. Geo. Pr n;;:e of rook , s. ie`:t on Mo_ sa tor in rri=ee]. from her recent illness. l3 k . h *nd . t ,arbor Beaeh Minh., where they will loin gFes Horton sill teach at Hurondale t}%c_Y sitters, -:see Shasv anti], 3lrs, Shoe after the vacat'on, Dinr sig the past b t -- *t. liar}:s Journal rtr guel year she taught at Blyth„ BIRTHS �Ir, and Mrs Norman Hockey wend n London tis week with their Tjttl baby, T -elm a Nerata, who underwent a t <nae c lou mete week. ago for strati b:smu , to have the other eye operat- ed on for The ,same trouble. Mfrs. Adeline Sillery and three The appointment o; W,:11. Marten boys, Garnet and Alin of Seaford. Ii. C., of Regts.a; as Judge of the Sask-arm Morels= of Hudson Bas Jun.:t.,on Pert --Ira Hensall, on July 25, to atrthewan Court ot Appeal has beep. S s1s ."-turned on Sunday after avis- J. W and hiss. Peck, a daugh'te "t. offic_aliy aautounced. t ;at the home of William Pfaff, Lake. Air. and Mrs. George Lovell of Lon- Road. and other relatives in thio vie - dost announce the birth of a daughter InItY. on July 2ettla. Mrs: Lovell Was for- merly M. Flynn. f Exetea. A monster U. F. O. picnic will be sheid'at Grand Bend on August I.6tit. • Premier Drury will be ,present as well as W. Bieck., I. P., and A. Hicl e M. P. P. Miss bias• Armstrong, who has been the London Hospital for the pan, three weeks, having undergone en op- eration for appendicitis, is expected home this week Mr. Wm. J. Parnoes Centrare thee be on apps nted Postmaster of l that village. 'lee position was render- ed vacant some months ago by 'the ;removal of Mr. P. Hanlon. Mr, Will .re esteott. ion of Mr. and MMrs, John T. Westeott, o: Hamill acs:ompen :d by Jess wife and two clee- 'deep, motored here en Freley vele spent the day with ,.rinds and .Tela - t tees. It is about 20 ,years agcy that 4r. and Mrs, West Cott left Exeter. Mr. Arthur Coxworth ha,, deposed of his Iter -acre farm, London. Road, gene, to :dr. Camel eloy ;ere of tib bent, for the sum of $6,000, possession to be 4g vee on December 1st. The work ot making a. cement ewe, wav .tor the water son Ann Street has Ibeen, Comp], ted cat the cement cov-' er:u ; nt .lis. a very gem). ,sidewalk, A. The German mark is rapols eecom-'»elk ha• a's) be.n111,1 metlt:,cast side. ing of very little 'value In New York as W Ula. n street ,north. ot Ann to themark is nosy quted at 15 1-2 centseaxnnect with the portion built some a hundred, or less than one-sixth of Years a;4. The roadway en. Arun St- e. cent eael>.. Before the war one mark ha.; oto ben graded. was of the value of 23.8 cents, 1 .l"he ct neoyees u. the, Sherlock fe :101.1tert nr, Patine s ..: Lendon, passed —^�-- t.hroug11 town t n Saturday last of their way to Cie—non .o play a game he Lower School of 131.1 T w.; . the employees 01 the Exams. EN.E:T.e.R HIGH SCHOOL SECOND FORM • • Clinton e .n o ;he sante company. They were a . sc,. 'dun It en:i as they tweed ter urh thtn m'i'le .heves live - Uy. Tltes took lunch on the school !grounds 1y, r e. The le ;l ,game resulted 1 in, a win io:• Cti,titon, elle score being 8-4. Effete: lH'gh School has ,obtained a most enviable record in the Lower '" A1" ---complete Lower School$shoot Exasignation xesults, Just re - atoll abetical. order- - calved front the Department of Ed - Ed, Althvorth, Ruby Creech, Maur. u ation. The Board of Education ice Farquhar Lulu Fulton, 'MaryGrl may well fee. that ,will. aan'tc.11igent pu ` fill:►an. Lloyd Hairat, Florence Har. pis and a capable Principal, backed ,,y vey Fred Hearin, E Ila Horney,Lattra `nn excellent stnagif doff eeachera, the; Knight, Nellie Medd, Hanna 'Murray I tie are glad to announce that the], Grant Saunders, Kenneth Staxnbury, Lit.. la :el. Snell., Pearl Thomson, Marion ' time ee"she" w;li be charge dtir- Woods, pe. Thee next school. ,year. "Be—Lower School, all but osie Sub•• 1BATI3 OF AIRS. IJIG SANT. je-t,— I The sad death took place early on Celia Christie arithmetic, Wm. Coch Tuesday morning of this week of an rand, Art ; :Nary Hornet', Grammar;' esteemed lady in the person of ] le1- Gerta. Hunter, Art; Ruth Lamport,' en:. Howard, beloved wife of ],:lira. Physiology; Isabel]. 1'Iurray, Arida- '' M. Ie:gnaw, after an illness of several meth.; Benson Tuckey, Art;Tomweeks. She was aged 44 years., Born Yellow, Art. 1 in Exeter, the daughter :of the late Mr. hand �Irs. �n m, Howard, she had re- rr%"—i..nwe'r School all but two cnll_..'sided in. Exeter all ,her life, and was ;highly esteemed by all who knew her. 1 she was a member of Main Street elethedeet Church, and active in the varieus branches of the church work. Beside: leer husband, she is survived by one son Howard, and one daughter ],Helen, also two sisters, Mrs. Victor F eneh of VTetaskiwin, Alta., and Mrs. The following obtained all they tried— is .}aur Martin of Exeter; all of whom Irene Stewart 6, M. Nell. 2, Lyle leave The sincere aympathy of a wide Statham 2. . !circle le of friends. The funeral, which is of a ,private nature, takes place to Third form pupils completing last the Exeter cemetery on, Thursday af- year's subjects,— t.e.rn,, . *,„,Now completes .on at 2 p.m. Gertrude Francis passed in Gram. jects— Janin .Hogarth. All but three subjects— Helen Dignan. All but four subjects— Bertha Russell. *Violet Ratcliffe, ,passed in, arith. Mr. S. M. Satnders ,ia in Toronto this week on business. *Mary ElwarthY, passed 'n Arith, *Aurelia, Anderson, Hist., Grans., Mr, Harry Parsons of indsor vis - .G eorgranhy. . ,ted relatives here last week. *V. Whiteside, Art. " 'Miss Pearl Godwin of Listowel is SUMMARY visiting Miss Beatrice Howey. Exeter ,176 'attempts at papers; 161 sue- N 38 Amy Shapton spent Sunday cesafuL visiting with her .friend, Alike Pfaff: Have a Heart ! We know you will when we tell you that the Jute crop ea India is ro'short that the price ,oaf all the Jute ,sacks we ,have to buy has advanced 331-3 par cent the last ,two months, anndnew are twice the ,price they were a few years ago, This is becoming a serious matter for millers :and we are asking you to' HAVE A HEART and kindly bring along sacks winenyou want Feed of any kind, •If any of our sacks are around your home will you not return thein, please? Our prices for love$ are bulk priicee and do not 'include the sack. Harvey Bros. FIRST FORM Mess Vera Rowe is holidaying at Presqu'ile Point, end will also s*,usit in Toronto. These pupils take four papers, M,is Ruby Treble returned to To - Grammar, Canadian History, Botany ronto, after spending a couple weeks and Art. • " at her home here , A—A11 four subjects, names -in Mrs, P_hc1, Rowclzffe ,of ,London vis - alphabetical order,— Mae Abbott, ited with her sister, Mrs. Robt.. Dine Marguerite Aldworth, Alvin Alexan- nay, en Friday last, , der; Grant Collingwood, Crescent Miss Dorothy Kuntz hasp, returned Daynzan, Elsie ,Gardiner, Herman ttoure after visiting vdth eelatives .n Gower, Elizabeth Hamilton, Oscar ?le+sot and Hamiitoal, Harrison, Howard Hunter, Ruth Tory . errs. Harry Prowse, of Marlette, Maud Miller, N. Garfield Thompson, Mich, is visiting among relatives here Helen Wethey, Olive Wood. and in Stephen Township. ; B-3 Subjects, Francis Abbott, Mrs. Bishop and daughter, Miss Win. - George Beaver, Bland Campbell, we, are spending g a' couple weeks at Charlie Campbell, John Gilfillan, Grand Beni ,summer resort, Wand Von Wascinski, Charlie Glad-' man, Leonard Greb, Marguerite I Ina Homer Russell of Wetar ,win„ Alta, is visiting his parents, leer. and Hackney, Ella Kuntz, Harvey Pollee, Mrs. Tir.n. Russell of Exe ter, Tom Pryde, Verne Roulston, Bruce Tuckey, Mrs. Ge ege Brownlee and two C -Obtained 2 sabjects Amelia ! hS :le eoi!P Mr: annd Macrres, vT,stFlgysLrra t the Acheson, Charlie Acheson, Pred Ford+ Hazel Hackney, 1 Mr. Fred Armstrong of Pami;s spent D—The following obtained all the a few,days last week with; hits uncle subjosts they•tried Dorothy Snell and aunit, Ma; and 1VLrs, I. Armstzlang. 8 Ruth Andrew 3, Florence Walter Master Hanold Carling, lnarninlg . re - 1, La Belle .Kay 1, Bert Gardiner 1, covered ,from bus :illness, hes. eetinrni;ed' A.egrotat (Ill); W. Allen 1. , with 'hes b -ether John to their home em London, aunimary, 144 Attempts, 119 Suc i Mrs. R Treb;e and liars. 1Zey and cessful; Grand Summary, 300 Attem- daughter Irene v.siterl at the home,oif pts, 280 Successful, or over 90 per ma -e, mom, MI•,;. Flynn spent the cent. K e:r; t, ver—At Dashwood, ora July 25, so. Mr. and hfra. W m- Kleirtstiver, sou: DEATHS gn n�-In Exeter, on August 1st, EIs"lenu Howard, wife of E. hL Dig - 11.311 aged 44 years. antlers! Attention! IN FALL WHEAT USE ,THE FOLLOWING BUO+ BRANDS, OF FERTILIZERS, --- BUFFALO IDEAL — 2+4 — $►403.5 Pee 'toe, BUFFALO ECONOMY . ,-- 2-8-2 - $3$.50 BUFFALO TIP TOP . , ...,.., — 1-8.4 -• 37.00 BUFFALO ACID .S POTASH 10-4 -- 36.25 BUFFALO ' PHOS, fe POTASH — 10-2 — 34,25 BUFFALO SIXTEEN PER. (ENT ,.. 16 --• 28.00 THESE PRICl S F.0,8., EXETER in 125 lb. bans. Terms net December 1st, or $1.;00 per tort less .t'or Ca sin at the car. FOR. ' LE BY FRANK OOD, Exeter, OR AT R. G+ .SELDON'S WAREHOUSE. Phone ER'4 ICE OAT1SFACT1OR If You Know That meat es down in; pri•'e, and it will nay you fine buying .,ss+;rlariv, Farmers our rsrTees be - When you thresh let us supply you with a choice meatty ROAST. DELIVERER ANY TrelE. Let this Bright, Sanitary Stare supply your wants. RIVERS' ERS' MEAT MARKET WHERE QUALITY IM HIGHER THAN PRICE. 1V4 close Wednesday afternoon, but are ooen every n vitt. J. A. STEWART Phone 16 " THE BIG STORE WITH THE LITTLE PRICES." PROFITS ARE FORGOTTEN FOR THIS WEED'S CLEARING OF SUMMER MERCHANDISE 98c Ladies' Canvas- Shoes Good Styles All Sizes 98c • $4,00 Values 98c. $6.49 'Serge Sport Skirts $6.49 This Season's Styles Pleated and Embroidered 98c. ".*6..49 Navy and Black $6,49 75c, Ladies' 'Linen lefotering Dusters :,. .. 75c A real Investment for saving clothe.,,, '$1.00 Men's Straw Hata $1,00 $1.65 Men's $2.25 Overalls $1.65 Any straw hat in the storefor Just when,you need thein I$1.00. Why wear that. old one and you 'save 50e, to 75c a pair Values up to $4.00 2 for $L5L Men's Balbrigganty — 2 garments .for $ 1,,50 Zimmerkn,t, first quali Underwear 2 for $L50 GROCERY Kellogg's Corn. Flakes 3 for Z9c. Shredded Wheat, 2 for 24e, All Laundry Soaps, 10 bars 70c. Pure Cocoa, per lb. 15c. 3 cakes Palmolive Soap' 23c, SPECIALS Christie's fresh soda Biscuits 15c Extracts, all flavors, 3 for 25c, Forest City Baking Powder 1 pound can 25c.. 6 pounds, Best Oatmeal Z5c,. 2 cans pink salmon. 25c, J. A. STEWART Tbis Store will close Wednesday afternoons during June, July and August: week -end en London ' ewe.