HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-08-16, Page 13TOWN AND OUNTRY 1. Articles for sale 1975 JAYCO "RUNNER" 14' TRAVEL TRAILER. Sleeps 3 adults or 2 adults and 3 children, 3 way refrigerator, two burner stove,•potpourri,, sink, clothes closet, Tots of storage, used only 2 seasons. Double propane hook-up. Call 395-5794 after 5 p.m.-32tfnc PIANOS - ORGANS,rnew and used at lowest prices. From June 16 to August 20, store will be open by appointment only. Pulsifer Music 527-0053 or 527-1508.-23tfar -14-ARDWOD-13- -FIREWOOD FOR SALE $50.00 for 64 cu. ft. Delivered. Call Ron Hallam at 529.7891 or 524- 2052.-28tf FRESH CUT cauliflower, attractive prices. Open daily 10 a.m, to dark, Dobson Farms Ltd., 2 miles west of Kippen. Phone 262- 2822.-31 tf PICKLING .cu.cumbers for sale. Phone 482-3256, Albert Schilbe, RR 1, Bayfield. -32- 34 HONEY available in 4 "lb. containers at 90c per pound. Will deliver. Cedar Valley Apiaries. - Phone 524- 9673.-32-35 STEEL PIPE, 175 feet 2" and 21/2", 8, 9 and 10 ft. lengths, $75.00. Phone 1-236- .4677.-33x CERAMIC KILN, green - ware, bisc, glazes, all half price. Please call 524-8432 before 11 a.m.-33 BICYCLES -` one 5 speed Sekine and one CCM Mustang. "Phone 524-2767 after 5 p.m. -33 _• FIELD TOMATOES CORN CAULIFLOWER „BEANS :,BROCCOLI CUKES BEETS POTATOES ONIONS CABBAGE DILL, etc. CALL: BARB ROBERTS 21/4 miles north of Bayfield on Hwy. 21 at Telephone Road. NEW MATTRESSES Everyday Prices Lower Than Most Sales • 40 DINETTE' SUITES 'Of Wood and.Chrome C&E Furniture NEW AND USED '/2 mile south on hwy. 21 Goderich 524-7231 We Take Trades GOD.ERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1979 -PAGE 13 Goderich SIGNAL-STfAR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads ...... , ... Tuesday Noon Display Advertising .... , ... , . , Tuesday Noon RATES: '2.75 for first 21 words ('2.25 if paid within one week of publication). Additional words 13' each. Different rates apply to classifications 19, 20, 30 and 31. Box number x.00 extra per week. "Engagement -arid-wedding an- nouncements '4.00. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Mobile Homes 3. Articles for rent 4. Articles wanted 5. Cars, trucks for sale 6. Pets 7. Real estate for Sale 8. Real estate wanted 9. Accommodation to rent 10. Wanted to rent 11. Rooni and board 12. Help wanted 13. Wanted (general) 14. Employment wanted 15. Tenders 31. Cards 16. Mortgages 17. Auction Sales 18. Services available 19. Notice to creditors 20. Public noticeb 21. Personal 22. Lost and found 23. Miscellaneous 24.. Business opportunities 25. To give away 26. Births 27. Deaths 28. Engagements 29. Marriages 30. In memoriam of thanks PHONE 524-8331 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1. Articles for sale 1. Articles for sale FQUR DRAWER Yellow - gold chest, 24xi6x37' • New foam -backed beige carpet, •18' x 10'. Baby -infant stroller. Phone 524- 4563.-33s.d. SMALL kitchen suite, new single bed" with brass headboard, night .table, lamp, 4 drawer chest and oval mirror. Phone 524- 9035.-33 SWIMMING POOLS - leading distributor has an inventory of above ground pools to clear. Complete with filter, motor, skimmer, walk-around,'patio, fencing. Reg.: $2,129.00, now on sale Tor $1,333.00. Beat next year's 25 per ,cent price in- crease. Call collect 1-519-623- 435.1.-33tf Farm Fresh CHICKENS Phone: Tom Sinclair 524-8726 1 1975 BELLEVUE top of the linehardtop tent trailer-, three way fridge, power convertor, excellent con- dition, priced to sell; also Honda 70 Mini Trail, good condition. Phone 524- 6404.-33,34 THREE FAMILY garage sale August 18 at 41 Elgin Avenue West, 10 a.m. -3 p.m. Inclitdi'ng 27 ,dubic foot deep freeze, hair dryer, facial sauna, knick-knacks and much more. -33 ANDREW Malcolm nine piece dining room suite, two end tables, one chesterfield and matching chair, 'one table Tamp, one swag lamp. Call 524-6709 after 11 a.m. Ford Little. -33 SEWING MACHINES - Singer, White and other models. Repairs to all makes. All machines and repairs guaranteed. Morris Draperies, 36 West Street, Goderich 524-2551.=20tfar SINGER - For authorized sales and service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and notions, service to all makes, and machine' rentals. We --also do alterations and install zip- pers. Gen's Sewing Centre, 73 Hamilton St., 524-8431, Goderich.-8tfar Looking for SAVE oe� BUY? better EACH WEEK * off the regular price of a word classified ad. * For up to three consecutive issues, you can save 50' each week you advertise when you pay within 7 days of billing. Put a fast acting classified to work for you and save. Call one of our friendly, , professional ad takers Today. - 524-8:331 /epic..•-;/ OFFICE HOURS: MON. - FRI., 8:30-5 Goderich *Check your yellow bill for savings. SIGNAL -STAR Hwy. No. 21 south, Goderich 324-8331 AWIlatallaWialeltaallaWA 1. Articles for sale'• AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your •toitet tank. Available at Hoff ineyer Plumbing and, Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-1 tfar FOR SALE - Good Mixed Grain. Phone -1-526-7732 evenings.-28tfnc SMALL boat motor and trailer or to rent. Phone Dungannon 529-7495.-32,33 WESTINGHOUSE electric wringer Washer, $50.00-, like new. Phone 529-7912.-33 1978 TS 250 SUZUKI Enduro motorcycle, good condition, $1,000.00 firm. Phone 524- 9841 after 6 p.m. -33,34 USED Heintzman piano for sale. Call 482-9869.-33ar GREEN platform rocker -in good condition. Phone 524- 7869.-33 SIX FOOT Arctic snowplow with all accessories; 27 cubic foot freezer; White cabinet sewing machine; Elec- trohome color TV; gas dryer; automatic" washer, best price. Phone 524-2723 after 6 p.m. -33 LAWN SALE August 25th, corner of Hwy. 8 and Stanley St., . V.L.A. Subdivision, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., signs will be posted. Bicycle, lawn chaise, humidifier and large assortment• from five families. Weather per- mitting. -33,34 ()NE PAIR custom-made, lined drapes. Gold. color, - rayon and acetate material, 77/••in.ches long by._:18 feet... wide. Excellent condition. Asking price $150.00. Phone 524-9343.-33 HORSE BUGGY, cutter and single harness; black show saddle and bridle, both with brass studs. Phone Auburn 526-7719,-33 NEW 1978 Kawasaki KE 175, dirt and street bike, used only three months, 2,280 kilometres. Phone 524- 2304.=33 For Sale McBee Payroll System including Earnings, Records, Binder and Tab Poster. PHONE: TOM FLYNN SIGNAL -STAR PUB. LTD. 524-8331 NEW AND USED BICYCLES Parts and accessories Sekine, Raleigh, Norco, C.C.M and Full 12 speed. bikes. DON'S BICYCLE REPAIRS 305 ONTARIO STREET CLINTON 482-9941 t.. VAN'ASTRA HOME FURNISHINGS 2 -miles south of Clinton on Highway No. 4 •NEW OR USED HOME FURNISHINGS •APPLIANCES •LAWN ORNAMENTS % Open: 6 days a week 8 a.m.-9 p.m.: Saturday ' 't118 p.m.' 482-79x22 1. Articles for sale JAY.CO truck , topper, 33" high, with sliding side windows both sides.. Interested callers phone 524- 2885.-33 FIVE H.P. Mastercraft riding mower, good con- dition, used two seasons, $250.00. Cast iron bathtub with legs, matching sink, 1921 Port Hope model. Portable washer spin dryer, white. Phone 524-2545 after 5 p.m. -33 MOPED - low mileage, excellent condition, \best offer. -Phone -468�7.---33,34 McCLARY , REFRIGERATOR, 2 hydraulic jacks, 12 ton and 8 ton, heavy-duty extension ladder, Electrohome bug light. Phone 5243683.-33 DUNE BUGGY, 1500 cc motor, 4 speed, mags, fiberglas body, hardtop roof, in good running condition. Phone 524-8740.-33x TELEVISION - one color remote control table model, one year old. Excellent condition. Phone 524-6374 or 524-8462.-33 FRESH VEGETABLES - green and yellow beans, beets, sweet corn, red and white potatoes. Four quart basket $1.00, six quart basket $1.50. Certain items available in bushels. Phone Dungannon 529.7615 from 12. noon -1 or6p.m.-8p.m.--33 TWO PAiR boy's rock bottom -jeans, size 18 husky, never worn, $8.00 each. Phone 482-7318 after 5:30 p.m.-33,34nc 1975 CAN AM 250, excellent condition, 3,000 miles, $850.00; also 6 x 18, three room tent. Phone 529- 7412"-33,34 ONE DOUBLE • bookcase be''d, box spring , and mat- tress; double dresser and mirror; one wooden bed with headboard; coffee table; soccer cleats, sizes 5 and 3; boys and girls skates; judo suit. Phone 524-8793.-33 , NEW BROWN Gendron baby buggy, converts to stroller, plus accessories. Cost $140.00, will sell for $70.00. Phone Bayfield 565-2540.-33 ALL TERRAIN Jiger vehicle. Phone 524-7030 after ,5 p.m. -33x 2. Mobile Homes PRICED TO SELL - This 1977 Northlander mobile home, 52' x 12', is in excellent. condition. Features: fridge and stove, washer and dryer, air conditioner, drapes, outside store -all shed and a• sundeck. Located at Huron Haven Village. Call 524-9017 For viewing,-I2tfnc 12' X 60' MONARCH mobile home, priced for quick sale. Phone 529-7797 or 524- 6393.-22tf FOR SALE'- DUNGANNON - three bedroom mobile home, partly -furnished, landscaped lot 66 x 132, completely serviced. Give us an offer. Phone 529-7923.-31-3.5 NORTHLANDER HOME, 12' x 70', situated on a large lot 2r/2 blocks off Main Street, Lucknow; 3 bedrooms, kitchen with cupboards, frig and stove, large livingroom, TV room, carpeted throughout, 3 piece bath, sunporch added with• elec- trical heat, outdoor porch with roof and railing, new garage, trees, and angelstone flower beds. Come and see this home. Phone Wm. Humphrey, Lucknow, 528-2746.-33,34 1973 PYRAMID TRAILER, 3 bedroom, 12 x 60, furnished, $15,500. 20 Cherokee St., Meneset Park,, 524-6067 Wendy or 524-4597 after 4:30 p.m.-33tf • ''",,MARLETTE 12 x 63 with 8.x 20 expando, two bedrooms, plus den, carport, workshop, new carpeting in livingroom. 16 Iroquois, Meneset Park, 524-2342 or 524=6067. Must be seen, --33,34. 12 FT. BY 65. FT, with 8 ft. by 25 ft. expando, 2 bedroom Marlette, including frig, stove, dishwasher, washer, dryer, water softener, 2 cedar decks with.4aluminum awnings, etc. Appply 62 Iroquois•, Menesee Park .-33,34 MUST SELL - two bedroom 1975 Marlette set up at Huron Haven, Any serious offer will be considered on this beautiful home. Auburn 1- 526-7784.-40tf 3. Articles for rent FORMAL RENTALS for all occasions. Free style hrcchtl,re, Rawson's Shop for Men, Goderich.-Itfar 1977 FORD E 150 Van 351 (' C.I,.D. automatic. Phone 529- I 7801.-33s.d. ELECTRIC golf cart complete with charger, $275.00. Steve Argyle, Bayfield 565.2800.-33 WOODEN SKIDS, $1.00 each. Contact N. Noszenko, Sheaffer, Eaton, Textron; 524-7341.-33,34ar PEACHES - by the bushel or basket, 5•, 10 and 20 lb. pails of pitted sweet and sour cherries, new apples, plums, pears, fruit juices, honey, apple butter. Open 7 days a week,. Call Rock Glen Fruit Farms Ltd., 828-3644 Arkona.-33tf - BILLY GOAT for sale. Phone Lucknow 528-2941,-33 ELECT: 'C STOVE, 220 volt, good working condition. Make an offer. Also quart sealer jars, 1Qe each. Phone 524.9467,-33 PICK your own Sweet Corn at Ken Weber's farm, half mile south of Drive -In across from John Voskamp, 60c per dozen ,-33x LIVINGROOM and bedroom furniture, chesterfield bed, stereo component, plus miscellaneous contents of home at 130 Gibbons Street. May he seen August 23rd, 24th and- 251h, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. -33,34 SIXTEEN FOOT four inch 1.977 Peterborough deep V bow rider boat, 80 h..p. Evinrude motor, CB and AM radio, depth finder, trailer, 4 life jackets, paddlers, 2 gas tanks. Phone 524-9914.-33,34 2A. Summer Resorts COTTAGE for sale, close to Goderich, also beautiful treed lot adjoining, Phone Cambridge 621-8006 anytime or 524.9851 after 6 p.m. -31- 34x we can suit you for every occasion FREEMAN'S FORMAL RENTAL Exclusively at CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS Free catalogue FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners 524- 6231. 4. Articles wanted WANTED: Old' brick buildings for demolition and salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 1-542-4088; Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed bricks.-26tf.. MAGAZINES WANTED • Would like to have any woman's and crafts magazines you have to spare. Please phone 524- 7280.-33x WANTED TO BUY: one copy, Historical Atlas of Huron County, Ontario Illustrated, H. Belden & Co., 1879. Please contact: J. Ross Lawrence, 232 The Kingsway, Islington,. Ontario, M9A 3T5. -33,34x 5. Cars, trucks for sale Selling your car? Need a Safety Inspection? Call 524-2121 -$159S Now only • GOI)ERIL:H 5. Cars, trucks for ' sale 1973 DODGE POLARA, V8 automatic, power steering and power brakes. - Good condition. Phone ,524-2006 any time.-30tfnc ' 1975 FORD 1/2 TON, V8 automatic, power steering and power brakes. Good condition. Phone 524-2006 anytime.-30tfnc MOVING TO ANOTHER JOB. 1976 Chevy Van Campwagon, 32,706 miles, four new radial tires plus two "snow tires with -rims for the winter. Air conditioned, radio and 8 track stereo, propane stove and furnace, propane fridge or convert to electricity or battery, toilet, small closet, new 9' x 10' canopy. All for $10,000.00. Please phone Meneset Park 524-4349.-31-35x 1974 BUICK APOLLO in good condition. New tires and exhaust system, will. certify. Call 529-7413.=-33,34 1968 DODGE MONACO for parts or whatever. Best offer as is. Phone 524-9132,-33 1976 VOLVO 242 DL, boch quartz, H..'ogen headlights, Michelin tires, trailer -hitch, tachometer, $4,600.00. Can be seen at 167 Elgin Avenue West, Goderich. Phone 529- 7978 or 524-6837.-33,34 1975 BUICK' CENTURY Custom, automatic, four door, 43,000 miles', no rust. Excellent condition, will certify, $2,950.00. Phone Zurich 236-4455.-33,34 1970 MONTE CARLO, A-1 condition. Best offer, must sell. Phone 529-7717.-33 1970 ACA•DIAN Coupe, good condition, as is. Phone 524- 8531.-33 1975 FORD PINTO for. sale. Call after 5 p.m. 524-7405.-33 1975 BUICK • LTD. PARK AVENUE including, all Buick options. This alt original well maintained auto in excellent condition with 59,000 miles. Owner will provide history and main- tenance references. Price $4,500.00 certified. Phone Jim Morris 524-2916.-33ar 1974 FORD heavy duty 1/Z ton, 360 automatic, disc brakes, six ply tires. $2,000.00 certified. Can be seen at Worthy's Esso or call 529-7807.-33,34 6. Pets FREE to good home kittens. Phone 482-9960 after 6 p.m.-30tfnc HORSES BOARDED - Do you have 'a place to keep your horse this winter? If not, phone and reserve a stall for now, or this fall. Only three left. Phone 482- 9960 after 6 p.m.-33tfnc 9A. Commercial Property For Rent , SPACE for rent in core area, suitable for office or retail. Phone 524-2823.-30-tf - 9. Accommodation to rent LUXURIOUS apartments, 2 and 3 bedroom, Port, Elgin, Phone Mavis at 832- 9234.-26tf COUNTRY Modern Home, will rent to responsible party, situated on large tyeed lot. Phone 524- '8480.-31,32,33 24- '8480.-31,32,33 TWO BEDROOM apart- ment, $140.00 per month, plus utilities; three bedroom apartment, $155.00 per month, .in Saltford. Phonic Seaforth 1.527.1032.-32,33 PARTIALLY FURNISHED heated bachelor apartment suitable for one adult only. Phone 524-7547.-32nc MODERN 4 hedroom 2 storey house in country setting, 4 miles east of Londeshoro. 1-523- 4376.-33,34 HOUSE TO RENT - 301 Huron Road, available September 1st.. Phone 524- 6024.-33,34 BEDSiTTiNG room, fur- nished, all utilities paid, centrally located, $140.00 per month. Phone 524.9234.-33 9 occomrent modation/ 12. Help wanted THREE BEDROOM house in Port Albert, Phone 524- 9211 or 529-7531.-33,34ar • ONE BEDROOM apart- ment, centrally located, available September 1st, $195.00 per month plus utilities. Call All Points Realty Services Inc. 524- ,6656.-33ar THREE BEDROOM duplex, Wellington St., Goderich - yard, • near schools. Responsible couple or small family. $250.00. Phone owner in Londim 1-433-6224.-33,34 APARTMENT for two; heated, electricity supplied, hot water, private entrance, no children or pets. Contact 309 Huron Road, Goderich 524-4391. Available Sep- tember lst.-33x TWO BEDROOM semi- detached house with garage. Large backyard and garden area. Phone 524-9839.-33 ENJOY country living in five bedroom house with at- tached garage and large yard. Situated within 3 miles of Goderich on main high- way. Apply to Drawer 141, c- o Signal -Star Publishipg Ltd., Box 220, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 4B6. -33x Office,. TO RENT 524-2651 •1 -two bedroom apar- tment available August 1st. •1 -Bachelor apartment available September 1st. Phone 524-2920 10. Wanted to rent YOUNG FAMILY, one child, requires home 'to rent as soon as possible, in Goderich or surrounding area. Phone 1-434-4797.-29tf GUEST HOME ic- commodation wanted: comfortable room and breakfast for workshop participants. Approximately $10 'per day, Mid -September to mid-November. Reply to Drawer 135, c -o Signal -Star P&•hlishing Limited, P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 4B6. -33x - WANT TO RENT; Garage for storage. Phone 524-8798 after 5 p.m. -33,34 f I i Wanted to Rent MOTOR j e HOME i ? For 3 weeks in j Sept. i ca11529-7375 ANYTIME 6_ 12. Help wanted WANTED- Mother seeking mature,' reliable babysitter for two year old boy, starting Sept. 3rd. Preferably Trafalgar Street area. Please call 524-4593 • after 4:30p.m.-31tf WANTED - Arts and craft instructor. 4 day workshop, 4 hours per day, mid- September to mid- November. Acrylic and oil painting, stained glass, quilting, woodworking, etc. $7..50 per hour. Please send resume to Drawer. 134, c -o _ Signal -Star Publishing Ltd., P,O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 4B6. -33x BABYSITTING weekdays by qualified Nursery School teacher. Three years teaching experience. Fur- ,pished playroom, noon meal. Fenced yard. Starting September. Phone 529- 7426.-33tf HELP WANTED.- Bus girls must be 16 years of age or over, 'full time waitress and women to help in kitchen, part time or full time.•Apply in person after 4 p.m. Bavarian Tavern, Bayfield, Ont. Tel. 565-2843.-33,34ar GO INTO BUSINESS For yourself. Electrolux will help you. No In- vestment -car required. For appointment call 271-6571 or Write Box 54, - Stratford, Ont. WOMAN to live in and care for setrni- invalid lady in Bayfield. All con- veniencet:': Refer- ences please, call collect: 313-329-9325 Retired? Part time job for retired couple - looking after small hen operation, house provided. Phone: 482-3191 Part Time SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS Required For information 8, inter- view please contact Sherwood Transpor- tation at: 524-7622 or 524-7186 Court RESTAURANT Requires an energetic, willing and preferably experienced person PHONE 524-9111 Imomosoommommor SKILLED ASSEMBLY For assembly duties involving the building of large gas turbines and compressors; also large engines. High level of experience in mechanical assembly including pipefitting and tubing. Experience in blueprint reading preferred. Apply to: PERSONNEL MANAGER COOPER ENERGY SERVICES LTD. A Division of Cooper industries 105 St. Patrick Street, Stratford, Ontario N5A 6V6 Telephone 819.271.1760 After hours, leave name, address and telephone num- ber with guard.