HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-08-09, Page 18PAGE 6A-GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9 , 1979 We reserve the right to limit quantities to normal Family requirements! Tourist promotion must not be cut BY JACK RIDDELL, MPP A' year has passed since the publication of the report of the Liberal T ask Force on Tourism, and it is ,interesting to compare our r,epornmendations and the developments which have taken place. With the growth rate in the tourism industry globally and the current intense competition for the tourist dollar, we cannot afford to allow our promotional efforts to lag. In May, 1978, we recommended that, since tourist operators had the best" idea of where their clients originated and what they were seeking, the increase of $3 million in the government's advertising budget be allocated to local tourist organizations, permitting individual operators to have a greater say in provincial advertising decisions. We also recommended that the province make available promotional material and road maps for tourist operators intending to set up booths at Sportsmen's Shows in the U.S. On March 5 this year, the minister announced a three-part co-operative program to enhance the marketability of resorts., to feature 50 billboards strategically placed in the southern Ontario market, a toll-free telephone line between Toronto and Orillia, for reservation information and an attractive sales brochure featuring our resorts, to be distributed to travel agents in Ontario and the States.• ... E.xcessive gas prices at expressway service centres were a major cause of. complaint, our Task Force found, and we recommended . that the .government prepare charts giving conversion tables for our gallon and the U.S. gallon to . be distributed to these service centres: On March 5, '79, • the government announced a program to correept an American misconception by placing special stickers on service centre gas purnps on Highways 400 and 401 to show the difference between the Canadian imperial gallop., and die U.S. gallon in size and price. We advocated con- tinuation of the sales tax' •suspension on ac- commodation while we try to reduce our travel deficit; in the budget brought down almost a year later such an ex- tension .w asannounced. In October '78, we asked the minister to promote the fact that out - of -province tourists are exempt from retail sales tax if purchases are taken out of province within 30 days, as a stimulus to retail sales. On March 5 this year the government announced they would be aetively selling the sales tax rebate form, distributing it to all "We Treat You Royally" participants and through . all Ontario' Government information centres. We recommended in May '78 that the province examine the information ' booths which welcome tourists to Ontario, upgrading the "facilities. In March '79 the government announced that our Tourist Infor- mation Centres were simply not good enough - and they were looking at the centres with a view to upgrading them sub- stantially. On May 10, the government announced the construction of a .. $350;000 travel in- formation centre at Fort Erie as the first of four new -style centres and the Minister stated his in- tention of upgrading all the .province's in- formation centres during the next 4-5 years. Conventions being an Turn to page 7A • Prices effective thru Saturday, August 11th, 1979. NOW OPEN SATURDAYS AT 8.00 A.M. FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE. SAVE 2.501"-- Regular .50I"-- Regular or Diet up case of 24 10 -fl -oz tins Our Regular Price 6.49 The following consumer publications •rq avail- able in al1° A&P Stores or by writing to: Ruth Reyn a Ids, P.O. Box 68, Station A, Toronto, Ontario, M5W 1A6. 1. Food Shopping Straegy 2. A Guide to Food and You Come on down to A&P's MID- SUMMER NOS! Bright's -- Fancy TOMATO JUICE 48 -fl -oz tin Our Regular Price 95c MAXWELL HOUSE Instant Coffee Powdered SUNLIGHT DETERGENT You'll do better with A&P's Butcher Shop Meats! SAVE 37? Ib Combination Pack PORK CHOPS Contains: 2 Rib End Chops, 2 Loin End Chops, 4 Centre Cut Chops Ib Our Regular Price lb 1.76 "Great on the B.B.Q." SAVE 20F( Ib Cut from Canada Grade "A" Beef BONELESS BEEF ROASTS Blade or Chuck Short Rib lb 1 • Our Regular Price Ib 1.99 Loin CENTRE CUT I 7 gla PORK ROAST lb . • 1 7 RIB PORTION Pork Loin- CST-YLEY. PORK SIDE "GREAT ON THE B.B.Q."' Spare Ribs 4E59 161.49 A&P, SLICED Side _.Bacon i Ib.vac pac.1.2.9.. PRIME Ribs PRME RIB 0 ROAST lb TOWN CLUB, SWEET PICKLED VAC PAC , Cottage Rolls 1b 1.49 "GREAT ON THE B.B.Q." Rib Steaks 1b2.49 BREAKFAST -Burns Sausages -4.19 Schneiders' Week at A&P. Assorted Varieties "B.B.0. Favourite" SCHNEIDERS WIENERS . vac pac SCHNEIDERS, SLICED, ASSORTED VARIETIES Cooked Meats c pac79% SCHNEIDERS, SLICED, REGULAR OR ALL BEEF Bologna 1 -Ib vac pac 1,59 Sliced SCHNEIDERS I 69 SIDE BACON • 1 -Ib vac pac SCHNEIDERS, SLICED Cooked Ham vac pac L59 SCHNEIDERS Headcheese 12 -oz ctnr 129 Our Regular Price 99c ®YOU'LL DO better WITH A&P's health and beauty aids DEODORANT, ASSORTED TYPES Ultra' Ban 6 -oz aerosol -tin 129 MP BRAND A.S.A. Tablets SANITARY MAXI PADS Stayfree BOTTLE OF 100 •59¢ ACTION PRICEI pkg of 10 991 Nommommis at - - 10 -oz jar Our Regular Price 6.39 SAVE 46¢ Assorted Varieties DAD'S COOKIES Our Regular Price 3.43 400 g tin tie bag Our Regular Price 1.45 Jumbo Gums, Ju Jubes or Orange & Lemon Slices DARE CANDIES 454 g cello package t cru. do better, -- E FARA" %mat A&PES No. 1 Grade, Ontario, tender, sweet, hydro -cooled RN-on-the-COB 4 dozen CALIFORNIA, SWEET THOMPSON SEEDLESS, RED CARDINAL, BLACK EXOTIC • • Grapes lb99? ONTARIO SQUASH, FRESH DAILY Zucchini NO. 1 GRADE, CALIFORNIA, VINE RIPENED, LARGE SIZE IMPORTED, LARGE SIZE .'Cantaloup each S9¢ Blueberries Pit 99? lb 2911 NO. 1 GRADE, ONTARIO, LONG GREEN SLICERS - A ' VARIETY OF COLOURS . 6 -INCH POT Cucumbers4)99% Potted Mums3.29 Rio WHOLE MUSHROOMS 10 -fl -oz tin Action Price! Assorted varieties. including Maple Lea ,Cremes A4.P BRAND le COOKIES FROZEN, CONCENTRATED, WHITE OR PINK 12 -FL -OZ TIN Kent Lemonade 3f-1.00 BATHROOM TISSUE - ASSORTED COLOURS PKG OF 4 ROLLS Babies Only. Please 119 Regular or Mint Flavour (Bonus pack 100 ml plus 50% More Free) Crest Toothpaste 1Qbe 1 1,27 BRIGHT'S - ASSORTED FLAVOURS ACTION PRICEI Fruit Drinks o.flo ' -1.29 HEINZ ACTION PRICEI 7.5 -FL -OZ TIN Tomato Sauce 4 for 89% KRAFT "POURABLE", ASSORTED VARIETIES ACTION PRICEI Salad Dressings26 zi 69sze 350 g pkg MARVEL BRAND - SLICED . ACTION PRICEI White Bread 2,%73f-1.29 ASSORTED COLOURS PKG OF 2 ROLLS White Swan Towels 1.09 PROCESS CHEESE SLICES (2/2.02) Kraft Singles ACTION PRICEI 1 -Ib pkg 1.65 BRAVO - PLAIN ACTION PRICEI 28 -FL -O2 TIN Spaghetti Sauce 89¢ ASSORTED VARIETIES ACTION PRICEI 14.5-02 TIN Derby Dog Food 3f-1.00 CLOVERLEAF - FLAKED, WHITE ACTION PRICEI Albacore Tuna 6.5-ortin 1.49 VISIT A&P's KITCHN THEATRE IN THE BETTER LIVING CENTRE AT THE CNE -- AUGUST 15th THRU SEPTEMBER 3rd, 1979. Sealtest- Plain or Flavours LIGHT rN YOGURT LIVELY YOU'LL DO ie �-CeI� WITH A&P's monthly features BATHROOM TISSUE, ASSORTED COLOURS ACTION PRICE PKG OF 4 ROLLS Delsey Tissue 1.19 ASSORTED VARIETIES 24 -FL -OZ TIN Puritan Stews 1.49 CATOOD - ASSORTED VARIETIES 25-0Z TIN Dr. Ballards 2 for 89 J/ O