HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-08-02, Page 23CHURCH EAG. Goderich pastor convention delegate GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, l4979—PAGE 7A HurVnview choir sings Saturday morning the Huronview . choir held choir practice. On Sun- day morning they sang "1 surrender all", at the • ® churnservice. The "Gong" show on Monday afternoon in the auditorium started out The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, with 6,000, North American congregations having 2.7 million members, met in convention in St. Louis, July 6 to 13. -Among the 1,000 voting delegates in sessions at Cervantes Convention Center in the church's headquarters city were Ross. Clark, lay delegate from Neustadt, and the Reverend Marvin Barz, clergy delegate from Goderich. Each pair of elected delegates represents. an average of ten local LCMS congregations. The Synod meets every two years. The 1979 Missouri Synod convention, with the theme "God Opens Doors..." acted on 185 resolutions, most directed at church programs and activities for the next two years and beyond. Many observed that the atmosphere of this convention was much calmer than others in recent years, when the Synod underwent a doctrinal controversy over interpretation of the Bible. A missions thrust was evident throughout the convention, with more than 20 resolutions passed which would dramatically increase the Synod's mission activity and awareness during the 1980s. Among other major actions, the Synod con- vention took a strong stand against abortion on demand, adopted a new hymn book and extended for the next two years its "fellowship in protest" with The American Lutheran Church. The abortion resolution labels that practice a "heinous crime against the will of God", and calls for a human life amen- dment to the U.S. Con- stitution. The hymn book, which will be a revised edition of the Lutheran Book of Worship (LBW) is designated as "an official hymnal" of the Synod. It will be available from the church's Concordia Publishing House in mid - 1980. Adoption of the revised book came -after a study pointing to doc- trinal and other problems with the LBW, which is used by three other Lutheran bodies. By an overwhelming majority of 861 to 147, the delegates approved continuation of "fellowship in protest" with The American Lutheran Church. Two earlier attempts failed which would have amended the resolution to specify suspension of fellowship. The LCMS and ALC have had fellowship allowing pastors to exchange pulpits and members to commune in each others churches since 1969. Since then, however, doctrinal disagreements have surfaced between the LCMS and ALC (respectively the second and third largest Lutheran bodies on the continent) leading to declaration • of "fellowship in protest" at the Synod's 1977 con- vention. Among other action, delegates approved a $40 million fund raising campaign, authorized a new deaconess training program, gave "partner church" status to its Brazil District, and called for increased ministry to Native Americans, Hispanics, Blacks and older people. In elections, 115 per- sons were chosen to serve on 27 national church committees. Chairing most con- vention sessions was LCMS President Dr. J.A.O Preus, who is mid- way through his third four-year term. As the convention drew to a close, Preus said he was "thankful for the positive, mission -minded and peaceful nature of the convention. Goderich and district deaths ALEXANDER PAUL ` (Veronica) Bedard, DUCHARME Zurich, Mrs. Matthew (Martha) Ducharme, Alexander Paul Zurich, Mrs. Peter Ducharme died in South (Theresa). Bedard., Huron Hospital, Exeter, Hensall, Mrs. Jerome on July 27, 1979 at the age (Helene) Ducharme, of 71. Hensall, Mrs. George He was predeceased by (Donna) Wetson, RRI his wife, Violet, in 1978.. Zurich, Mrs. Dianne He is sury v_ed__by four Grey, Goderich, Mrs. sons, Edsel, Ted, George, Ron (Darlene) Hewitt, and Paul, and daughters, Peterborough, Mrs. John Mrs. Jerome (Marie) (Bernadette) MoAu1 Denomme, Zurich, Mts. "Exeter; also 60 grand -- en (Elva) Burns, children; 22 great •Goderich, Mrs. Gerald grandchildren; three (Uleen) Roland, London, brothers, Reg, London, Mrs. Ted (Sarah) Rob- Max, Zurich, and ('Bob) son, Windsor, Mrs. Jim Dominic, Sarnia; also three sisters, Mrs. Joseph (Lillian) Martindale, Port Huron, Mrs. Charles (Vanetta) Hartman, Sarnia, .and Mrs. Emery (Rita) Bedard, Goderich; he is predeased by one brother and one sister. He rested at Westlake Funeral Home, Zurich, until Monday, July 30 when funeral mass was held at St. Boniface Roman Catholic Church, Zurich., The Reverend Father P. Mooney of- ficiated. • Interment was in St. Boniface Roman Catholic Cemetery. United Church moves in to assist refugees As a result .of an Dr. Donald G. Ray, agreement signed by the Secretary of the General Canadian Government 'Council of The United and The United Church of Church, signed the Canada, sponsorship of agreement on behalf of the Church. "The agreement covers refugees with_ special needs, not just those with education and work skills," he said. "Our people are not limiting their compassion to 'the cream of the crop' but have ensured -that they can also sponsor persons with physical and social handicaps." "The Church has guaranteed the financial • from page 2A commitments in the good exercise it frees sponsorship plans of you of your cares and United Church Pastoral worries of the week and Charges. Previous ex - gives you a good feeling . perience indicates that toward's next week. congregations honour Keep it up. Enjoy each their commitments to day as it comes. Start support refugees". doing the things you have A Pastoral Charge is always wanted to do and made up of one or more enjoy your world about congregations, with one you - it's later than you overall Official Board. think! Hamilton Conference, with some 243 Pastoral Charges covering the area from Mississauga to Port Rowan and as far north as Tobermory, has,- refugees as refugees from all parts of the world by United Church congregations will be speeded up. The agreement not only 'applies to the 'boat people' from Southeast Asia, but also to refugees from such countries as Nicaragua, Argentina, Chile and parts of Africa. Martha... Love, Martha P.S. Check the bulletin board for new happenings waiting to happen. - M.R. THE GODERICH ODDFELLOWS AND REBEKAHS ARE SPONSORING A C -P -T CANCER, POLIO, TUBERCULOSIS TAG DAY Aug. 3 $ 4 Entire proceeds toward purchase of wheel choirs, walkers, exercisers, etc., which are available - loan frbe. been given authority by the National Church to approve applications from congregations and United Church groups within this area. After. Conference approval, a letter is provided whi h can be taken to the ap- propriate Employment and Immigration Office. The office will then telex Bangkok for a family. Applications and enquiries have come in from all areas of the Conference. W. J. Denomme FLOWER SHOP Phone 524-8132 DAY OR NIGHT Agent for 24 -hr. FILM DEVELOPING MRS. MARY JANE MONK Mrs. George (Mary Jane) Monk of 129 Albert Street, Clinton, formerly of Seaforth, died Sunday, 7uly 22 in her 86th year. She was predeceased by her first husband Charles Riley; her second husband George Monk; one son, Kenneth; and two brothers. Sh is survived by sons Bernrd of Kitchener, Fred of Seaforth and Alvin of Goderich; five sisters and 14 grand- children. A funeral service took place at the Whitney- Ribey Funeral Home, 87 Goderich Street West, Seaforth on Tuesday, July 24 at 2 p.m. Interment was at Maitlandbank Cemetery. MRS. RENACAMPJgtL Mrs. Irene M, (Rena) Campbell, a resident of Goderich from 1931 to 1975, died July 18; at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, University Avenue, Toronto, where she had been a patient for four weeks. Mrs. Campbell was born in Toronto, April 25, 1886, graduated' from the Hospital for Sick Children in that city, and served as a nurse in World War I at Shorncliffe, England. She married Donald. E. Campbell in 1915, and until 1931 lived in London, ° Ontario, where she was active in the I.O.D.E. and 1 - the Anglican Church. In Goderich, she was for many years head of the Chancel Guild of St. 1 George's Anglican 1 Church. She engaged in Marvin L. Barz, Pastor I.O.D.E. Work, especially during World War -II, and more recently took great interest in the Goderich Little Theatre, of which she was made Honorary:. .. .- . ._..�.._.• ..-I President in 1975. Since 1975 she has lived with day care performing "Seven little girls sitting in the back seat". Mr. Adam Wilson who was our winning contestant, played his fiddle. Then we had a rather queer group of doctors, and an unsuccessful operation scene. Mrs. Donna Broadfoot, ac- companied. by an adorable puppy, played "How much is that doggy in the window", on her accordion. Winning the prize for the most hilarious act was Mrs. Josephine Cunningham as a Hula Girl. Mrs. Ettie Hugill and Mrs. Betty Bell sang a duet. We were treated to a demonstration of "Twisting dancing" by Ronnie and Michael Ladd and Miss Wendy Kloss played her ukelele and sang. A rather non- professional group of staff members put on a two act play -Little Red Riding Hood" to round off the program. Our director of nursing, Mrs. M. Yeats, Mark Kennedy and Mrs. Dianne Elliott were our _gongers and we would like to' thank them for their participation. . The resident barbecues commenced this Tuesday at noon with Ground Floor North enjoying the hamburgers and hot dogs. The CNIB delivered new talking machines this week at Huronview and these have been distributed to our blind residents. Norm Gowing took a van load of residents on a tour of Goderich area on Wed- nesday afternoon. Huronview woad like to welcome Charles McKibbon who is from the Wingham area originally. ` J I'm a rare bird® a blood donor. friends for life 'SUPERIOR - MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS Goderich Area Representative ROBERT M*CALLUM 11 Cambrla Road Goderich 524-7345 Clinton-Seaforth Area Representative MICHAEL FALCONER 153 High Street Clinton 482-9441 For Wedding Banquets Funeral Designs, Green Plants, Hanging Plants and Pots, plus a full line of Fresh, Silk and Dried Flowers head for... SMITH'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE and the new... SPS' **O PHONE 524-8761 EVENINGS 524-7243 SUNDAY I N THE *..4 � CHURCHES 82 South St. Goderich R,tSFOR ALL OiCA BEREA-BY-THE-WATER LUTHERAN CHURCH Gibbons St. at Suncoast Drive SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 1979 9:15 Sunday School & Bible Classes 10:30 Worship SERMON: "THE DEBT WE OWE" 524-2235 "Preaching peace by Jesus Christ: He is°Lord of -all" Acts 10:36 Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle 1 Toronto with her niece, ece, Barbara Byam. Mrs. Campbell was 1 predeceased by her 1 husband, who . died inSUNDAY AT TEN 1 Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Corner of Elgin and Waterloo Streets Pastor: C. Fred Day 1957. She is survived by • two daughters, Mrs. L. A. I . Wroot of St.. Albans, England, and Mrs. ; Ronald Benn of Ottawa; a son, Colin H. Campbell of b Vancouver; and eleven f grandchildren and ten 1 great-grandchildren. Funeral service was in Toronto on July 20.. MAPLE GROVE SIDENCE SEW) LODGE GODERtCH 49 NELSON ST "Retirement Home" with "Home" • Atmosphere Maple Grove offers gracious yet comfortable living in both private and semi -private rooms. Our warm surroundings and hon(re cooked meals are most comfor- table, as is the convenience of being close to the down- town shopping area and most churches. These however are just a few of our many features. Call today for more details, we welcome all enquiries. PHONE: 524-861.0 or 524-7324 YOUR CHOICE FILM DEVELOPING LOW PRICE OR..., REPLACEMENT FILM ALL 12 EXP. t41, -"COLOR NEG. FILMS DEVELOPED `oR $399 d PRINTED °AX gi 1I ALL 20 EXP. t/COLOR NEG.FILMS DEVELOPED , `oR $ PR/NTED • 0^1 99 ® * ALL -12 EXP. t9 -"COLOR NEG.FILMS DEVELOPED d PR/NTED 499A REPLACEMENT F/LM.. OSI ALL 20 EXP. t4 /COLOR NEG.FILMS DEVELOPED 8 PRINTED $6 99 PYA REPLACEMENT EILM „., iv( PII(,rmt",ev Id SHOPPERS fOURRF 524.7241 OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY P -i "Family Bible School" SUNDAY AT ELEVEN "Family Worship Hour" Message by the Pastor SUNDAY AT SEVEN "Communion" MESSAGE BY PASTOR • Knox Presbyterian Church 1 THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., M. DIV:Minister) THE REV. RONALD C. McCALLUM, Assistant ``j LORNE H. DOTTERER, Director of Praise j Sunday, August 5 1 1 Service is at 10:00 a.m. -t A SERVICE MAINLY MUSIC A -f -f- (Nursery Facilities) j Open session for the Sunday School • 10:00 a.m j The Provincial Music Camp will present several e special selections, hymns with descants and an Organ Recital at 9:45 a.m. Directors of Music Camp are Earl ( Clark, Lorne Dotterer; Brian Emery. jt Enter to Worship Depart to Serve Lemonade on the front lawn after service ; North Street United Church Miss Clare McGowan, Visiting Assistant Mr. Robert Blackwell, A. Mus., M. Mus. 1 Director of Music 1; SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 1979 Senior Sunday School closed for summer Church School for ages 4 through Grade 4 from worship at 10 a.m. SUMMER WORSHIP SERVICES AT 10 A.M. ; ; GUEST MINISTER: THE REV. JOHN I D.M. WOOD CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BA WIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET 1- 1 L.l)ristiiltl 3rftlrnIcb Ll)tirrll Services held each Sunday at EVANGELISTIC — FUNDAMENTAL REV. R. BRUBACHER Pastor 10:00 A.M. - FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. & 7:30 P.M. REV, JOEY ALLEN ONT, REP. FOR WORD OF LIFE PREACHING & CAMP SLIDES TUES. AUG. 7th, 8 P.M. • DON'T MISS HEARING THE MUSICAL ENSEMBLE T. TEMPLE SCHOOLS, CHATTANOOGA, TENN. A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU iRobertson Memorial School 10:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. REV. W.A. LUDWIG ( 'Listen to CKNXo Sunday -t; 18 WATERLOO ST. S. at10:30a.m for the 524-9889 1 ( TUr SALVATION ARMY 524-9341 I Specail Music: The McMillan Family 1 Union service with Victoria Street congregation at ; North Street United Church Coffee on the lawn afterwards ; Nursery, Facilities Come and worship with us. y�• ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Rector: The Reverend Robert J. Crocker Organist -Choirmaster: Joseph B. Herdman Eighth Sunday after Trinity August 5th, 1979 • 8 30 a.ni. Holy Communion Nursery available during 11:00 a.m. Service • 9 30 a.m. Morning Prayer at Port Albert 11 00 a.m. Holy Communion Sermon: "Disguise" St. Matthew 7:15 You are always welcome at St. George's 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL ` _~�.• •_.•�•_•._.•_•�._._ 11:00 A.M. FAMILY WOkSHIP FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH C 6:30 P.M. PRAISE & TESTIMONY ) MEETINGS EVERY SUNDAY DURING THE j Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec Montreal Street (near the Square) I I SUMMER BIBLE STUDY SERIES EVERY WED I Edward J. Anderson, Pastor ( NESDAY 730 P.M. i Organist SUNDAY EVENING SERVICE AT 6:30 P.M. DURING JULY AND AUGUST 31 g ist Mrs Leonard Warr 1 t 9:45 A.M.!iMORNING WGRSHIP9r 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL / .1 EVERYONE WELCOME • All Are Cordially Invited To Join Our Fellowship HOLINESS BIBLE MISSIONARY CHURCH sunday school a.m. Classes, for all agesVictoria Street United Church 1 7 1 Worship Service 11:00 a.m. 1I Prayer 6:30.7:00 p.m. Minister: Rev. John D.M. Wood, B.A.B.D. Evangelistic Service 7:00 p.m. 1 1 Organist and Choir Director: Mrs. J. Snider Wednesday Night Prayer and Praise Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall se 'God t Huron St. & Walnut St. ' Matthew 5:8 • Everyone Welcome - ( The hand of God in the Heart of Goderich) Officers Lieutenant & Mrs. Neil Watt OFFICER•CADET D. BINNER __` _........_... _ ..... __.... .••.••....._.._.._.. _..... 1 i 10 A M UNION SERVICE IN NORTH ST. U,C 1 524 2785 tG. Clair Sams , Pasltor • railualwariaak