HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-07-26, Page 3$4. • - A ti* , * 04,1 "i• to '', q '• 4r EA t" * A biological rarity occurred on July 18, when a 17 -year-old dairy cow owned by Norman Bonnett, right, of R.R. 1 Belgrave gave birth to fraternal twin calves. Cattle usually stop calving when they are about ten years old. Mr. Bonnett bought the cow in 1964 from Charles Brindley, rear left, of R.R. 2 Goderich. The calves are held by Mrs. Brindley and Mrs. Bonnett. (photo by Cath Wooden) Goderich Township discusses Goderich. Township Council met on July 2 with Goderich Town Council represented by Reeve Eileen Palmer, Councillor Stan Profit, Deputy -Reeve Bob Allen and Works Commissioner Ken Hunter who in- dicated that there was no agreement with- the town regarding water., sewage and services to the township. Conklin, represented by J. Cox and Mr. Harris and Mr. Lynds, indicated a willingness to enter into an agreement with the town in lieu of drilling a well and installing a sewage disposal system. Goderich Township Council then moved that the reeve, Councillor Sturdy and G.G. Ginn be Foresters give cheque to Cancer. A cheque for $126,500 „NW- AreAgtitZL-b4,. the ,Canadian Cancer Society by Gilbert E. Shor.t, President of the Canadian Foresters ,Life Insurance Society, Brantford. _ Dr. Ruth Alison, President of the Canadian Cancer Society, received the cheque, the largest single donation • ever presented to the Cancer Society at the appointed to a committee to negotiate the possibility of extending services from the town into the township. This committee is to meet with the appropriate authority from the town. In other township business, Goderich Township Council issured bUilding permits to Tony Van Dongen for an ad- dition to his barn and manure Storage and to Robert Welsh for a steel granary. Four tenders for loading and hauling for the Deeves Bridge were reviewed by council and recent national con- the Radford tender at .39 yention of the Canadian for 5,000 yards and .69 for , Foresters Life Insurance 500 yards was accepted. • Society in London, Land severances were Ontario. requested by Bluewater • This gift, made up of Golf Course and •Les , individual contributions Jervis. Council paSsed a from the membership of ,motion , that the •the Cahadian Foresters severances bedealt with Life Insurance SOciety, as per questionaire. brings the total of cancer Council then adjourned research donations by to meet again on July 16. Canadian Foresters from Dave Reed, across Canada to more representing Frank than $800,000. Cowan, reviewed the township insurance policies at the July 16 'meeting and council moved that the insurance policies be revised as iagreed upon in the in- surance brief. J. Alexander was present to protest the smell of burning refuse at the. land fill site and Deputy -Reeve Wright agrred to investigate. M..- • Hartman was present to inquire into the status of his building permit. Bylaw number 19, 1979, a bylaw to permit the township to borrow up to $500,000 to aid in the - construction of tile drains; . 'was given. • two readings and forwarded to the O.M.B. for con- sideration and approval. Building permits were issued to M. Hartman for a machine shed, Francis Cantelon for a steel granary, Don Buchanan for a hog feeding area, Joseph Laurie for a storage shed and Jack Gerrits for a storage shed. GUARDIAN DRUGS MISS PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL AUGUST 4 IVhssClainal COOL -RAY* AND FASHION SHADES"' SUNGLASSES 2II71 fl FFIVoRN° MITVICOSII MIN mutat,. 0.1roorr•c .p Alka-Seitzer Satin RELlt into. THREE Affigiiimffimmint. 001.1.AR ctiF.40 104,11,,!141,111.1kaloor eak, 1I 49:01 Mitchum. • - If011iONT/1110N k...11 Pt HNI'MANT UNSCENTED iNaisuoonrnauE ULTRA.SEC ban STMISRIPIP:AN 514 T • w. ieu/try* the Right to Limit Quantifies Summer Needs Specials at Guardian' A. MISS CLAIROL SHAMPOO FORMULA $2.77 B, MISS.CLAIROL CREME FORMULA 9.99 c. TAME CREME RINSE OR CONDITIONER 450m11.88 • 0. ALKA SELTZER 8 TABLETS E, CLAIROL HERBAL ESSENCE SHAMPOO 450 ml Size F. PAMPERS DIAPERS NEWBORN 30's • STAYFREE MINI -PADS in H. NAIR DEPILATORY L. BAN ROLL-ON $2.44 75 ml DEODORANT $1.57 M RAID HOUSE Et GARDEN 69°. BUG KILLER 346g '2.29 N. VIVA PAPER TOWELS „„ TWIN PACK (White) UUe 0. LISTERMINT. MOUTHWASH • "32% Bonus" 33oz. Size '2.69 P COOL -RAY' FASHION SHADES I" SUNGLASSES... VPOFF rTI>R7.0° •Thl *Waimea by Cool -Rey InbatParated 57g Cream or 125m1Lotion'1.33 n, J. CREST TOOTHPASTE 5Uv Regular or Mint 50m1 73C K MITCHUM "Skip-A-Doy" ANTI-PERSPIRANT '2.15 ROLL-ON 1,5 oz. '2.88 0 gogisirrea tribeirepti OHM 'marina eat et NAKAmuRA PHARMACY GUARDIAN Suncoast Mall, S24 -219S Goderich, OPEN WEEKDAYS 10-12, 12:30.6, 630-9 DRUGS SATURDAYS 10.6 CLOSED HOLIDAYS & SUNDAYS • or. 4re. .A'.4',No. v.a 4, AT MO X., , .„. , • „ • , „, „ „. „ 0.T.E.V.A. requested the tcgnship to revise their subdividers agreement regarding the drainage . easement requirement. Council passed a motion that the reeve and Councillor Reder interview the owners of Lighthouse Cove regarding outlet and -or easement for the drainage ditch. Tax write-offs were authorized by council for Don Watson -$12; Joe Potter -$9; Orville° Rodges-$12; S. Bruinsma- $32.42 ; H. Torrance - $148.77; J. Oskam-$24.34; E. Horton -$57.84; F. and F. Yeo -$10.82; J. Nyman - $54.10; MCnistry• Government Services - $135.84; Township of GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1979 -PAGE 3 Busy with baseball In pee wee 'baseball this week, the girls' team from Varna beat .the Holmesville team in a close game. Holmesville's pee wee boys beat Auburn in their game. The win helps to maintain their winning desboro. The new baseball diamond is finally being constructed, with the lights now going up. Personals Worship service in the Holmesville United Church will commence again on August 5. Holmesville. news. ." Blanche Deeves, correspondent streak, since the boys have lost only one game this season. Holmesville lost to Varna in a mixed squirts league and Holmesville came back to defeat Auburn in the midget girls' game and the midget boys beat Lon - Miss Shirley Norman of Kitchener spent a few days at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Norman. Hazel. McIlwain and Charlotte Norman at- tended a bridal shower for Julia Armstrong at the home of Mrs. Colliers in Komoka, Ontario.. services. Stanley -$142.12.;. L. Rutledge -$111,18; D. Dalzell-$27.05; G. Wright - $5.41; Phyllis Cox - $162.94; R. Wilson -$36.66; Fotomat Canada -$117.80 and $14.73; Western Auto Parts -$220.87; Toyerama- $87.01; and Jas Collins Stedmans-$505Y74 and $6.32. Accounts totalling over $60,000 were ordered paid by council. Council then adjourned until August 6. PFAFF SEWING MACHINE CO. OF CANADA LTD. Welcomes SALLY MacEWAN As Sales Representative In Goderich FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION CALL SALLY MacEWAN 524-7685 /Hake this moment a lasting memory A professional 8x10 colour portrait 88 Choose from our selection of eight scenic and colour backgroUnds. You may select additional portraits offered at reasonable prices, with no obligation. See our new large Decorator Portrait. Satisfaction always, or your money cheerfully refunded. One sitting per subject - $1 per subject for additional subjects, groups, or individuals in the same family. Persons.under 18 must be accompanied by parent or guardian. 81. JULY... Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat 24 25 26 27 28 Tues.-Wed.-Thurs. 10-6; Fri. 10-8, Sat. 10-4:30 W/oollwortit 80 COURTHOUSE SQUARE GODERICH at * SAVE 1 0% OPEN Mon. to Fri. ER NO till 9 p.m. SAT. till 6 SAVE 10°4 TO 30% Leisure world SUNCOAST MALL, HIGHWAY 21 S., GODERICH BIG All Frisbees PLAY DOH Goofy Faces Reg. '3.49 Save 70' Reg. '4.49 Save 90' ALL MODELS and GAMES ALL PAPERBACKS BUY 2 AND GET THE CHEAPEST AT 1/2 PRICE 30% CHILDREN'S BOOKS COLOURING, ACTIVITY, PRESSOUT BOOKS, ETC. CRAFTS Come in and see what you can sa' ve now on your favourite crafts. Large qailing-Ships •CUTTY SARK • USS CONSTITUTION • ENGLISH M -AN OF WAR 1/96 Scale All 3 Kits Feature: Complete with detailed yards, decking and cabins, plus pre -formed plastic sails and 20 crewmen. $2 lt84 40 • SAVE $11.11 Reg.-$36?5 • SALE STARTS MON., JULY 23 AT 10 A.M. ENDS MON., JULY 30 AT 9 P.M. While Quantities Wit! OUR MANY UN ADVERTISED IN STORE SUPER SPECIALS ARE. Well VVorth Looking Foe!