HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-7-20, Page 3O%E[t%YOItKUD NERVES
The Most Successful Treatment
is. Through the Blood.
The earlyastages of nervous debility
are noted by restlessness and i:rltta-
bility in vrh€cl the victims seem to be
oppressed by their nerves: Ae the
trouble advances, common symptoms
area tired feeling; weakness in tile
knees and ankles; lieade.ehes, back-
aches and sleeplessness. Tho matter
requires immediate attention, for noth-
ing but suitable treatmeut will prevent
a complete breakdown.
The nervous system governs tbe
'whole body, controlling heart. -wings.
digestion and brain, so that it is not
surprising that nervous disturbances
cause. acute distress. For troubles of
this kind Dr. wmiann's Pink Pills suc-
ceed when other treatment fails, for
these pills make new blood, enriched
with the elements on which the nerves
thrive, and in this way reach the root
of the trouble. Ila proof of this is the
statement of Mrs, Doekerill, Strat-
ford, Ont., who saysr—"My daughter,
Matilda, was suffering from nervous
debility, and the usual remedies did
not seem to help her. I was advised
by a friend to give Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills a trial, and coon we found they
were diving leer a great deal of good.
She complained of pains in the store-
sob and a severe fluttering of the
heart, with a general weakness. Un-
der the use of these pills she con-
tinued to gain, and I believe they have
saved her from going into a decline."
You can get these. Pills from any
nledielee dealer or by mail at 50 cents
a box or s•ix boxes for $450 from The
Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont,
Novel Method, of Exploring
the Sky.
It is not generally known that
meteorolwgrcal experts ese balloons to
"sound" the upper air.
Two types of balloons are used for
this purpose.Tb,e larger typo is sent
UP with a small instrument called a
"meteorograph" attached to it It eon -
Unties to rise until it bursts, wbbeu the
meteorograph falls to earth.
The instrument is protected from
enclosed in a gh
injury by being
bamboo framework, whi e the rem
mats of tbe balloon, act as a parachute
so that the records obtained are usual-
ly recovered in good condition, A
notice is attached to the instrument
entitling the finder to a reward on
handing it in at any post (#lice.
The records made include pressure,
temperature, and humidity, and the
whole is contained on a small plate of
silver-plated metal not much bigger
than a postage stamp. A maoroscope
is required to enable the records to be
read 'with accuracy, but the results are
very dependable,
The other type of balloon is much
smaller, and Is made of Vein rubber,
generally dyed a dark color to rendez
it easily visible. These are termed
"pilot balloons," and are sent up in
considerable numbers every day. They
are inflated with hydrogen, and atter
being released are observed In their
flight by means of measuring instru-
The balloons, follow carious tracks
Of Two Evils.
Cohen— "I bite effery shilling I take
to see eft it is goof."
Isaacs-r-"Aud ain'd you afraid of
Cohen ----"fell, yes; but not so niueh
as I am afrait old bad money."
Minard'a Liniment Reilevee Neuralgia
The Columbia river flows 1,400
miles with a total drop of 2,500 feet.
at times, especially at stations on our
eastern coasts. WJien a seabreeze is
blowing shorewards, the balloon tra-
vels westward over tb,e land, but as it
rises it soon passea beyond the M-
ilne/lee of the easterly breeze. It the
wind above is from some westerly
point, as la usually the ease, the bal-
loon often returns overhead across the
station, and is lest to sight far over
the sea,
Cotton In Australia.
Australian cotton producers recently
received that country's Arlt ginning
plant and have ordered a second from
the United States,
July—the month of oppressive heat; i
red hot days and sweltering nights; is
extremely hard on little odea. Dtar-
rhoea, dysentery, colic and cholera ins
fantum carry eft thousands of precious
little lives*every summer, The mother
must be constantly on her guard to
prevent these troubles er if they come
on suddenly to fight ht
em. No other
medicine is of such aid to mothers
during the hot summer as is r3aby's..
Own Tablets. They regulate the
bowels and stomach, and an occasion-
al dose given to the ~yell child will pre-
vent summer cofnpaist, or if the trou- first time the excitement of the sa-
ble does come on suddenly will banish f .tives rose to a high pitch, and they fol
it. The Tablets are sold by medicine lowed alongside the vehicle, yelling
dealers or by mail at 35 Bents a box and clapping tlaelr hands.
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., l oticing teat they were looking ex
citeely at the front wheels,the bishop
asked the missionary what they were
ting. The missionary replied that
they were crying out, "Plucky little
fellows! Plucky little fellows; See,
they are small, but the big wheels
can't catch them!"
One time when the bishop was
speaking to a .native congregation In
Africa a tall, wusculer black man.,
wearing only a lion cloth, entered the
little chapel after the others were .eat-
ed' on the benches. Re walked half-
way down the centre aisle and then
squatted on his heels, A 'native usher
asked him to sit on the bench, and the
big fellow moved between two tows of
benches and sat, on his heels as be-
fore. A. seeond time the nlslaer asked
hint to sit on the bench, and the no-
.tive, puzzled but willing to oblige,
jumped up on a boneb. and again squat,
ted on his beols. He sat down only
when the usher pulled his feet gut from
under him; he diff not knoly how to
there is reason to suppose that a heart i sit down, though had he entered with
has suffered from strain, it stands to the others, who knew, he could have
reason that it should receive rest and done it easily, for the native* are qulck
care, just as any tired mucor( should to imitate.
receive them; indeed, because of Its se . -•
His }fearing Restored..
The invisible eardrum Invented by
A. 0. Leonard, which is a miniature
megapbone, ilttine ineide the ear en-
tirely out at sight, is restoring the
bearing of hundreds of people In New
York city, Mr: Leonard invented this
dnun to relieve '.h'imseif of deafness
and head noises, and it does this so
successfully that no one could tell be
is a deat man. It is effective whoa
deafness is caused by catarrh or by
perforated or wholly destroyed natural
drums. A request for information to
A. 0. Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth Ave.,
New York city, will be given prompt
repy a vl-. d t.
A -poor relation is -always a distant
Surnames and Their Origin
Racial Origin—English.
Source—An occupation.
The origin of the family name of
Spicer, er kaiser, is quite obvious. To
a far greater extent than we do, the
medieval English used the termination
"er" with the name of an article or
thing to indicate the person habitually
or occupationally connected with it.
But while it is quite true that' the
original Spacers wore merchants whn
handled .spices or prepared them, you
must Dot picture then to yourself as
following the medieval parallel of the
modern spice grinder. As a matter of
faet, if family names wore being form-
ed to -day the Spicens• would not adopt
this name, or have it given to them by
their communities. They would be
called, rather, "Grocers."
The spicer of medieval times really
was more of a retail grocer than what
we nnderetand by the term. Spicer. 1 -le
did not handle,;of course, the wide and
varied lines of merchandise which the
modern grocer is able to offer. There
were' no canned goods then. There
were no bottled olives and packaged
breakfast foods. And for the most
part flour was bought direct from the
miller. This left the specialty grocer
little to handle, but goods coming un-
der the general classification of spices
if you interpret the word in its most
liberal sense. Fresh vegetables, you.
Bee, were purchased in the fanners'
Racial Origin—Norse-English.
Source—A given name.
Here is a family name the origin of
Simple Indeed..
Can you •imagine a group of liupiara
beings so simple that they really be-
lieve that the rear wheels of a buggy
are trying to catch the froth wheels?
Or oast you believe tliat a vigorous
man could approach a bench and act
brow how to it down on it? Bis'toe
Walter Sellew of the Free Methodist
Church, a great traveler, tells several
amusing incidents that sew such
amazing simplicity is characteristic of
the heathen mina
A wheeledh' •
ve tclee red
was} d live at '
a anissionary post in Africa for the
TO �
Classified Advertisements:
W E HAVz; A CASH Pi71l.C'H.0 EI
tario. Prr'ice weekly be attracttiive.rnSend
full information to Wilson Publishing
Co., Ltd., 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto,
... ..� - -� ^
He Suffered a Complete Break- i 11Rk AS1�IRlrr' HSLT° ANl) S1rG-
down From Overwork But
Was Completely Restored c
by Tanlac and Gains 11
POuPounds, • Declares Edward
subject approval, new and used, shipped
N hese,
at lowest prlees iu
anada. Yore l;eltipg P'o,, etasTot*
St., Toronto, Ont.
oenvenienee of the workers. The na- i White.
tives, who had never seen anything ..I want to give a little history of
like it, gathered round with meet: jab-
bering. wphee the a las (nary and my case just to let the public know
Bishop Sellew started off la it for the
Brockville, Ont.
Strained or Weak Hearts,.
Since hearts differ from one another
Just as their owners differ, the phrase
"a normal heart" must be used in an
elastic way. There is no need to go
into a discussion of what people call
"heart disease, which is anetiter elas-
tic phrase; it is safe to say that very
few persons come to the age of three=
score years and ten without their quite
normal hearts' doing some quite ab-
naranal thing+s�-and ydt they are none
the worse for it.
The heart la a great muscular puny
and works twenty-four hours a day
under penalty of death it it stops for
a minute, The weeder is that Most
of us have so little trouble with our
heart. A great many persons' wee
start Life with good, strong hearts sub-
ject them to some form of over -strain,
the effects of w-hich= they may fear tor
a long time, even for fife itself. It
Iimportance it should reooive unuauai
care. In, the young, strain. owing to
too strenuous athletics is frequently
met with, and many otherwise splen-
didly equipped young men, have in-
jured themselves permanently in the
gymnasium and on the athletic field.
At the other extreme is the flabby,
weak heart, which la flabby and weak
from too little exercise. In such a
ease every other muscle in the body is
also flabby and weak and will continue
so until the sufferer changes his babits
whieh will fool ycu in more ways than and tones up his whole muscular o ie. 'Unconsciously you associate it in tem by means of correct exercise, Aug
muscle not sufficiently exercised will
your mind with our mcdei'n word
"brag." Strangely enough, for in most be flabby, and anyemuscleiltoo Brom
cases things do not happen to be that strainlly exercised will suffer from
way, it actually 1s� associated with it. straim
However, there is little indication Some hearts are• weak because tlhelr
that the first bearers of the family
name of Bragg had it wished upon
them for being braggarts. It would be hearts rebel because their owners stuff
pose -title, of course, for this latter word themselves and therefore suffer from
to become shortened into Bragg in the the digestive disturbances. The cure
course of time; yet it would not be is to eat less and, guided by medical
likely teat the final syllable would al advice to exercise more. Often acute
owners, are insufficiently or improper-
ly fed. The cure, naturally, is to eat
enough of the right kind of food. Some
together disappear.
The other explanat€on is far more
logical when considered in itself, and
it happens to be borne out by some
available old records. Brag was• by n,o
means unknown in medieval- England
as a given name, though being of
Daniell or Norse origin it was not so
connnon as either the Norman or An-
glo-Saxon names.
"Brag;" ar "Braga" in the northern
Teutonic nomenclature, indicated the
pagan god of eloquence, and it was to
be expected that in those sturdy, rough
and primitive days there was a closer
connection between eloquence and
boastfulness than we give to these
words to -day. It was not strange, that
the verb "to brag" was evolved, nor
that it should finally come to indicate
boastfulness rather than eloquence in
our modern speech.
illness such as influenza will leave the
heart weak for a while even after the
patient Is strong in all other respects.
Always remember that a heart that is
weak but not diseased may with sense
and patience be strengthened and that
a strained heart that is not diseased
may with the aid of the same moral
quaiitiest be nursed back to normal.
Pearl Culture in Brazil.
Japanese colonists have introduced
pearl cultuare into Brazil, obtaining
gems equal to those cultivated 3n
"I have noticed," said Uncle -Ellen,
"dat de man who gits so selfish def he
can't think o' nobody 'sept hisse'f,
ginerally Iooks like he war thinkin' of
sumpisi' dls!agreeable."
w �h nkt4
Rte' -
Appetite and Health. -
both: welcome Grape -Nuts
HERE'S nothing more- gratifying
and delightful than a dish' of
Grape -Nuts at breakfast or lunch
time. The crispness and; the full,
rich flavor of this splendid food
have a ' wonderful charm for the
And Grape -Nuts builds health.
° Nourishment for tissue and, bone
and nerve and brain is contained. in
Made by
Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd,
Windsor, Ontario,
Grape -Nuts in easily -digestible
If you and your children have -
not yet begun to enjoy the benefits
of this wonderful food, suppose you
begin today with an order to your
Grape -Nuts is ready to serve
from the package -and always crisp
and appetizing.
Grape-Nuts—THE 1301,%`Xr i3UILDPl
(`There's a Reason"
what Taelae has really done for me.
said Edward white, of 27 Caroline St.
South, Hamilton, Ont., a well-known
foreman for the. Dominion Steel Com-
"About two years ago I suffered a
complete breakdown brought on by
overwork. life were doing a great
deal of overt?me work, which finally
got the best of me and 1 Just had to
go to bed and stay there for several
days. Title left me in such a bad con-
dition that I had no appetite at all. and I
was so weak that when I walked
around. I wculd just stagger. I took
all Mads of medicine but failed to get
any better.
"However, Tarlac bas built me up
until 1 feel liko adifferent, person.
I've gained eleven 'towels, and am
back cat thejob worlt;ing as good as
ever. I just can't emetic Tanlae
ououah for putting me in such line
Tanlao is sold by all good druggists.
Power In Macedonia.
A Swiss engineer employed by
Greece has estimated that .five water-
falls to Macedonia can be. made to
yield 350,000 horsepower and produce'.
120,000,000 kilowatts of electricity an-
The Old Gaxclen,
clammed upon the little bowered re-
, treat
For the first time, and never shall
The spell of tangled ruysters ; the
lea. fingers, fin s , ct
Bejeweled v pried to
My childish hand; the unimagined
Of brier, 'heliotrope and mignonette,
The tang of box, and quainter flow-
ers set
By mazy paths fog Liliiputan feet.
High walls of hollyhock and morning.
Concealed the ancient house with
gables 'wide,
Shut out the world of swift and
merry thiourea
In the strange silence of a fairy story
My heart tood still. Then at a turn I
My mother, smiling at the other
- flowers!
Abbie Farwell Brown.
o _m m
It is always safe to send a. 1)
Express Money Order. Five
costs three cants.
It is never ito late to rues i£ you
begin now.
Sutton Pushing,
.An electric attachment which turtle,
on and lights the gas under a< water
beater bas been designed that ca,I. he
operated from any room in a. home,
pressing a second button turning off
the gas.
Minard's 1 inlment for gals evverywheri
Perhaps the quaintest form of tea.
drinking is that practiced by the wavy
age tribes in Tartary, in Central: Asia,
The leaves are first boiled in soda,
then seasoned with batter and gait,
and then eaten.
and Boat to 9'
dsi Free
reYbe Auth
xat. Clay Glover go.
123 ti eat 24th Street
Nerr York. 11.8.A.
LAN 1t.+9r A LT
Bulk Carlota
Random Remarks.
A man can be a scoundrel without
breaking tiny law.—Mr. George Ber-
nard Shaw.
We have more leisure now in cue
year than our forefathers had in twen-
ty.—&Ir• George R. Sims.
I have never been able to under-
stand the making of long faces in the
presence of trouble.—Bishop of Wake-
Promoting a main according to the
length of his, service is silly. You
might as well promote him according
to the length of his nose.—Mr. Henry
There is nothing better than five
minutes' with a pair of dumbbells if a
girl wants roses- in her ilheeks. It has
the lip-sitiik and the rouge -pot well
beaten.—Dr. Martha Tracy.
The best of all habits is to break our
habits,. Nothing restores our self-re-
spect so much as the discovery that
we Can do without pleasures, to which
we have •become habituated.—Mr. A.
G. Gardiner.
—What It Is For.
Ellaterecl fast, Sore root, Tired. 'est,'
Yu Peet.
Burning and AC Aching f
After a hard ,lay's work or a long trami
and your feet are completely used up,
batho them In bot water, then rub them
veli with ld1NAR1rS 1 .amts::. It
will rellevo you and you will neer I;e
without a bottle•
A retired naval officer said that he
could not nuclei -Stand "all this; disarma-
ment nonsense." No .sir! What would
Britain be without a navy? Had we
forgotten Trafalgar? Was it not our.
glory and our tradition: to maintain the
freedom of the seas?
It was.podnted out to him that this.
was an attempt•' -wise or not—to re-
move the menace :from the seas,.
"Rang it all, girl" roared the old sea
warrior, :bristling, "What's the con-
founded sea for?"
Can anyone explain why a man who
knows he has a erighitfuilriybad teal -peer
isaiw'eyb extremely angry when he
loses it?
Also On Amis. Very Sore.
Cubcura. Healed.
"For three years my daughter was
troubled with pimples on her face
and arms. They were hard, large,
and red, and some of them festered
and were very sore. Her face was
disfigured for a while, and she stayed
in nearly all, the time.
"She tried different remedies but
they did not do any good so began
to use Cuticura Soap and Ointment
and after using three cakes of Cud-.
curt Soap and two boxegof Cuticura
Ointment she was healed." (Signed)
Mrs. S. F. McDuffy, 20 Franklin St.,
Exeter, N. H., Dec. 31, 1920.
Give Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
Talcum the daily careof your skin.
5.,,pleZschrreebrMail. Address: "t sas,ttm-
Sed, Sde St. Paul St., W.,Siontreatl' Sold oven, -
where. So,p26c. Ointment26and600. Talcum 25e.
MirCuticura Soap shaves without mug.
Now Looks After Homer
Thanks to Lydia E. Pink.
ham's Vegetable Compound
i rd Q
—eI so weak
� aio
1 could hardly do anything and my
back seemed the
worst. 1 read so
much about Lydia
B. Plnkham's Vege-
table Compound for
women that I
thought I would
try it. I feel that
It did help me for
I am looking after
my own home now
and seem quite
strong again. I
have recommended
your Vegetable Compound to quite a
few friends and you can use my name
if you wish to do so."—Mas. iL
Pawns, Box 440, Meaford, Ontario.
In your own neighborhood there are
doubtless women who know of the
great value of Lyd€a E. Pinkliam's
Vegetable Compound, Women every-
where, either by word of mouth or
by letter, recommend this splendid
medicine. Those who have suffered
from female weakness, change of life,
and similar troubles know of the
wonderful relief brought to them by
,the Vegetable Compound.
UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you
are not getting Aspirin at all
Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by
physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
jsfaudy'`Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets --Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggists.
,Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer ltanufaetttre of Mono-
aceticaetdester of Saiicylieaeid. 'Whale it is well known that Aspirin means Parer
snanu$aeturo, to stet. the pubiio against imitations, tris Tablets of Payer Company
Will be stamped with their gvnaral .trade shark, the "Barer Crews."