The Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-07-19, Page 22PROGRAM SCHEDULE July 19 toJuly 2S EXCLUSIVE TO SIGNAL -STAR PUBLISH!! WEEKDAY LISTINGS MONDAY- FRIDAY MORNING 5 45 THE C}IRISTOPHERS (Mon.). F THIS IS THE LIFE (Tue 1 U OF M. PRESENTS • (Wed., Fri.) AMER. RELIGIOUS TOWN HALL MEETINGS (Thurs. ) 3.15 U. OF M. PRESENTS (Mon., Tue.'. Thurs.) FARM AND HOME SHOW (Wed) WITH THIS RING (Fri. 6:15-6 30) SCOPE 6.45 MORNING NEWS 7:00 TODAY SHOW 7:25 MICHIGAN TODAY 730 TODAY SHOW 8:25 MICHIGAN TODAY 8.30 TODAY SHOW 9:00 THURSDAY, JULY 19 "SANDS OF IWO .IIMA". John Wayne -,John Agar - Adele !.1a'rti The tough trailing that :I U.S Marine sergeant gives a squad Of ebelliuus recruits i�� New Zealand Jesuits In the int• 11 nrtalized rapture of 1440 Jima FRIDAY, JULY 20 ':\\' A K I•: DET TILE 12 i' i) \x'I'i'('H". John Wayne -Gig' Young. A feud between an East Indies trade monarch and .I hell•I wising sea cap- tain. ends in the loss of gold nd a woman they both love. MONDAY, JULY 23 "I. ('Ot.'1 i) GO .ON SINGING". Judy Garland - Dirk Itogo•isie. Singer, ho 1114(• up•her illcgithnate son.. In' order to 'continue her -tweet-, yowls iatity' 'visits the boy 144ho believes-hintselr to be the .nlhpted child of his ea. father f. TUESDAY, JULY 24 E:SENTING 111 Y 'MARS". Judy Garland Vau Hefl(n. Stage•struc'k '\lid• Western girl falls in I04t' with li•'()adw,)y pi o(lu(•er w hO ' Is \ ISII lllg with her nothtr. WEDNESDAY,. JULY 25 ."1'110R01JG 3HRT•:1)S • CO\..1. ('I:Y Judy Garland -Mickey Rooney. Jockeys tight for .chance to ide h:'rglish horse belonging to yuan:: i lI1 lishnian. Jockey's father wants kin, to throw the big tare, • 10:00 CARL) SHARKS 10:30 ALL STAR SECRETS 11:•00 HIGH ROLLERS 11 :30 'WHEEL OF FOR- TUNE '12:00 NEWS 5:AT. NOON AFTERNOON 12:3.0 HOLLYWOOD SQUARES 1:00 DAYS OF OUR LIVES 2.00 DOCTORS 2.:30 ANOTHER WORLD THURSDAY, JULY 19 AFTERNOON • '4 00 MOVIE FIVE: "TI1E THREE STOOGES !MEET HER('(.11.FS.', Throe Slonges.Vlcki 'Prickett. '1'hrec Stooges find then.t- Selves hock in 11IlCi •nt Ithaca with a young scientist -(in- \ontor of ;1-(tn1(r machine) ; ' <1 his girlfriend,. 530 THE NEWLYWED (;AME•: 7 EVENING i,00. Nl-WS • r 30 N.B.C. NEWS 7:00 EBEWiT("HED ' 7:30 BEST OF GILLIGAN 8 00 SHA NA NA 8'30 TIGER BASEBAI,1. • Detroit at Minnesota 11:00 NEWS 11 TONIGHT 1 )NrC ,FIT SHOW 1.00 TOMORROW 2.00 Ai.I.-NIGHT MOVIE. •_ "COMIF? iiAcl( LITTLE. SHEBA". Burt Lancaster - Shirley Rooth-Terry Moore 4:00 AI.L•NJG}JT MOVIE • "A CRY IN THE NIGHT". Edmond O'Brien -Brian Donlevy•Natalie Wood. - Raymond Burr FRIDAY, JULY 20 AFTERNOON' 4:00 MOViE FiVE - "THE THREE STOOGES IN ORBIT". Three Stooges3' C'lirol '(:hri•s,tinsen, Martian spres capture• a newly - invented 'combination submarine-helicopter-iank and go winging thf'ough spare with the Three Stooges clinging to its side, 5.30 THE NE.WLYWI•:i) GAME EVENING (:00 NEWS 0:30 N.B.C. NEWS 7:00P BIONIC WOMAN • "MARTIANS ARE R, 00 DIF'FRE:NT STROKES- -- R 10 TILT•:F2 RASE HAI I Detroit at 1111nncsnta 11 00 NEWS 1•I :30 'TONIGHT SHOW 1 00 TOMORROW • 2 30 AIL. -NIGHT MOVIE: - "I WALK ALONE". Burl I.Lncaster-l.izaheth Scott - Kirk Do:ugl.as-Wendell Corey 4 30 Al -I NiGIIT MOVIE - "l'APER MAN'". Dean Stock 44 ell -Stefanie Powers SATURDAY, JULY 21 MORNING 0 OOA` FAMILY AFFAIR 0':10 i3UFORD AND THE (;Al 1 ()RING (311051' 7 00 FABULOUS FUNNIES 7 30 BAY ('ITY ROLLERS 8 00 ALVIN ANi) THE CHIPMUNKS 8 :30 THE FANTASTIC IF(OUR' • 4 00 G.OD7ILI.A SUPER 90 10.27 ME'FRl(: MARVELS 10 30 DAFFY DUCK 11 :00'riii-: NEW FRED ANI) BARNEY SHOW 11 30 THE JETSONS 12.00N BONKERS AFTERNOON 12•30P SOUL. TRAIN I :10 THIS WEEK IN IIASEBALL. 2.00 NRC BASEBALL- - flouston ut Pittsburgh 5:00 JA('QUE:S COUSTF:AU "DRAGONS OF GALAPAGOS" EVENING 11:00 N[ -;WS FIVE AT SIX 0:30 HEE HAW 7.:30 GONG SHOW 8:00 CHIPS 9:00 SWORD OF•JUSTICE 10:00 SUPERTRAIN - 11:00 NEWS FIVE AT 1•:I1•:VEN 11::30 SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 1:00, FiVE - STAR THEATRE • "THE HAR- DER • THEY FALL''. Ifu iii ph rey Roga rt-Ro.d -Steiger-Jan Sterling'. Unemployed. reporter promotes a fighter for the syndicate. and through devious oceans gets hini a title •bout. The reporter (feeling remorse). (loess an expose on the fight racket. SUNDAY, JULY 22 MORNING (V45A DAVI-':Y 8; GOI,IAT}1 '7 b0 OPEN CAMERA 7'30 CARTOON CARNIVAI. . 8'0(1 REX HUMBARD O 00 ORAI. ROBE:RTS 4•:30 TI•:L1•:V•1SE•:I) MASS (0:f)0 .A4IIBOT'I Rr ('OS'i'L':1 LO 10.:30 LITTLE RASCALS • 11:00 COMEDY CLASSICS • "ROOM SE' RViCE". Marx 11'olhers-Luail.le Rall -Ann Millet'. Penniless theatrical producer and slides" fake n caslcs to keep from being kicked out of hotel. AFTERNOON 12;30N LONE RANGER 1.30 MEi•:T THE PRESS 2 00 OPEN CAMERA' 2.:10 SUNDAY AF- I ER NOON MOVIE - - "TOKYO JOE". Humphrey l logs%% Alexander Knox. !Mai, who believes his wife died in d ron('entr•ation can p. (Hui rt5 10 Japan to discover she is alive.. 4•00 SUNDAY MOViE SPECTACULAR - "CRY OF THE PENGUINS". Hayley Mills -John flirt. Phi1ali- (leret biologist seeking to (011 '('ss 11 girl ventures into the wild Antarctica EVENING 0 00 NEWS FiVE: AT SIX f3 30 Wif.D, WILD WORLD) of: ANIMALS 7 00 THE WONDF:RFUI. WORLD OF DISNEY 8:00 BiG EVEN•i' • "Pi,F•:ASURE COVE" 1000 PRIME. TIME SUN- DAY 11:00 NEWS FiVI, AT ELEVEN 1L.30.. _('.CNL=,MA. _F=#VF' _.._ "COMMAND DECISION". ('lark Gable -John. Hodiak- Walter Pidgeon. Air Force ('aptain, battling superiors and congressmen, fights for permission 10 send bombers fu1 they into Germany where their airplane factories are located, MONDAY, JULY 23 AFTERNOON" 4 00 MOVIE FIVE: -- "WILD WOMi•:N". Anne Francis-ittrgh O'Brian. Wooten prisoners are freed 10 pose as wives of soldiers on n (Iangerous mission into territory uncle,- the control of the hostile Mexican Army and the Apaches. 5 3Q T'H1- NEWLYWED GAME - EVENING 0:00 NEWS. 0:315 N.R.C. NEWS 7.00P BEWITCHED 7.30 MUPPETS 8:00 !ITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE 9 00 MONDAY NIGHT MDViE - "ANNE OF A 'iIiOLISAND DAYS" 11.00 NEWS ' ,11 3Q 'T'ONIGH'T SHOW 1 .00 'TOMORROW :OOA ALL-NIGHT MOVIE "WITHOUT RESE•:R- .VA'I'ION'' John . Wayne - Claudette ('olhrr•t' ^ 4 OOA Al I NIGIIT MOVII-: -HAVE IZO('KE•:'P, W`ELl. TRAVFI.". The Three Stooges M' TUESDAY, JULY 24 AFTERNOON 400 NIOVIE FIVE. "HIGII 1 I IGHT". Ray !\tilland• A(,thony Ncwley WW 11 %eter"n,. (teaching cadets to fly supersonic jets at an R A E. training school) eels l'he son of II Dian whose death he caused malty %ea, s before. 5 :30 THE NEWT Y-WE•:I) (;A'411•: EVENING 0 00 NEWS 0 30 N.B.C. NEWS 7 001' B F:1A' 1.1' (i H E D 7.:10 SHA NA NA R 00 RUNAWAYS 9.00 BIG EVENT "1311.1 Y: PORTRAIT OF A S'I'RE -ET KID" 11.00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 'TOMORROW 2.00A ALL NIGHT MOVIE ':TIII-: 'FIGHTING SI•:A111{1•:S;'. John Wayne- Susac, Hayward - 4:00A ALL-NIGHT MOVIE - "STOP! COOK! AND 1 AUG111". Three Stooges-, Paul Winchell WEDNESDAY, JULY 25• AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE:' - "IIARD('ASF.". Clint W 1 1. ke t. St -t` -f -a n'i e Powers. Soldier of fortune at the turn of the century is determined to•regain what is his after ret ul Hing to Texas to find that his ranch has been sold .and his wife has run away With ,I Mexican teV(•)lutibnary. 5.30 •11)E NiEWLYWE':D GAME: EVENING . 0.00 NEWS 0•:30 N.R.C. NEWS' 7'700 fiEWIT'('iIEi) 7• 30 FAMILY FEUD 8.00 REAL PE.OI'I E•: , 9::00 TV 5 WEDNESDAY NIGHT MOVIE, . "BUT- TERFLIES ARE: FREE". Goldie 11,444-I-:(Iwurd Albert-i;ileen I,leckart. An •Ispiring actress helps her next door neighbor. a'voung Wind n•an, gain in-' dependence from his domineering n other. 11:00 NEWS 11 30 'IONIGH'1'.5I IOW • 1.00 TOMORROW 2 OOA ALL NIGiH'l' MOVIE "'1'131•: FIGiI'1'ING KEN- TUCKIAN". John Wayne_. Vera Raison, 4 OOA Al I. NIGHT MOVIE "'PIH': OUTLAWS IS COMING". Three Stooges• Adan West. -49 Midnight isn't for faint hearted audi BY JOANNE BUCHANAN. Wow! What a play! The Blyth Summer Festival has done it again with • another top notch production. P11 Be Back For You Before Midnight, which opened July 3 and runs off and on until July 27, is one of those. • "don't miss" plays. In fact, it may just be one of the best plays the Festival has produced to date --and they have produced some mighty fine plays. - Billed as a comedy - thriller, I'll" Be Back, is not a play for nervous types or for those who are easily frightened. Written by Peter Colley, who also wrote The Huron Tiger, I'll Be. Back is about a city' couple who rent a far- mhouse seeking the peace and tranquility of country living. Greg (Peter Snell), the egg- heqd husband, jogs and works on his Ph.D. while h.is3 wife, Jan (Angie Gel), tries to' recover after being in 'a psychiatric institution for seven Some of the dealers at the second annual Antique Show and Sale held at the l luewater Centre last Friday and Saturday were just as interesting as their displays. Cliff Griesbach of Stratford wore a MicMac 'Indian head dress from Nova Scotia dating back to 1880. He said the head dress is not for sale because it is priceless. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) Angel Street offers audience few surprises BY CATH WOODEN Angel Street isn't a bad pllay at all; in fact, there are even a few sitting -on. the -edge -Of -your -seat moments: The Victorian era play, also known as Gaslight, was written by Patrick Hamilton and is directed at the Playhouse by Lynn Gorman, It opened July 11, and plays to July, 21. Direction is the thing the .play seems to lack._ The characters all come across as one- dimensional, a result of the attempted portrayal of the Victorian per- sonality. Irena Mayeska is Bella' Manningham, the sub- missive Victorian wife, who is convinced by het 'husband that she is going insane. Mayeska plays the part adequately, obviously . wishing the character ,to be something More. Something more finally_ emergesin her trium- phant final speech, which leaves the audience breathless As Jack( Manningham, Paul Craig was a fine dorhineering : husband living an evil lie. However, the 'desperate villain' side of the character hardly emerged at all, especially -.-i-n t -he -last -act: •Heact-ed- as though he ..- was discovered with his hand in the cookie jar rather than caught as a mur- derer. Jpohn Codner provides the comic relief as the detective, Rough. He receives the most audience response in the whole play by almost forgetting his hat, which explains what kind, of twists the plot offers. The play's action is straight forward all the way, with no bends or curves. The only ex- cellent literary device Hamilton used in the script and ,Gorman picked up on was the subtle foreshadowing in the first scene. Jack invites his wife to the theatre and presses her for an answer to his question, "Which will it be, Bell"a, comedy or tragedy?" As the play unfolds, the question is finally answered. months with bad nerves. They are joined by Greg's charmingly wicked sister, Laura (Kate Trotter) and things take a turn for the worst. As Jan feels she is losing her mind again after some mighty strange happenings at the not-so-peaceful-afterall farmhouse, she turns to her only friend in the remote countryside -- George. (Deter Elliott), the farming neighbour, and landlord. The plot remains a mystery to the end. Is Jan really going mad? Is Laura plotting against her? Are both Laura and Greg plotting against her? Are there really. ghosts in the farmhouse? Who is responsible for the strange goings on? To tell the ending of the play would spoil it for those still planning to attend but I can promise you that you will be scared out of your wits. Those of you who pride yoursel'es ' on • being calm, cool and collected, t lay , actually find that you will let a 'scream or twoslip out (if not a scream, at least a gasp or some nervous laughter). You will feel the frustrations of Jan as she tries to cope with her sister-in-law, the far- mhouse and an in- ' nee sensitive husband. The well-written play is enhanced by the fine acting ability of the cast of four, the direction of Keith Batten, the lighting by John C. Hughes and the eerie no_is.es and, excellent sound effects by Bjarne Christensen, Even stage manager Marcia Muldoon and set and costume designer Tony Abrams deserve a pat on the back. The high calibre' of the play is obviously the result of a well -coordinated team effort on the part of all those who worked on it. I'll Be Back is reason enough to keep audiences coming back to the Blyth Summer Festival. A column BY CATH WOODEN My kid brother has returned from summer camp. He and his duffel bag disappeared two weeks ago to lovely Camp Hepatitis, which promised to return a full grown man that could hunt bear with the best of them, and also speak Ojibway. He reappeared with 43 mosquito bites, one ear infection, a repertoire of 19 camp songs, and the ability to short sheet a bed in ten seconds flat. That's just the beginning. His duffel bag contained treasures from Camp Hepatitis that King Tut's tomb couldn't hold a candle to. I had to take over emptying it when Mother collapsed at the , sight of a whithered rattlesnake skin. "Jeez, . don't throw that away!" scolded little brother. "I had to trade my flashlight for it." I found several crumbled bits of clay that were once. a Beautiful Ashtray,, plastic string woven together to make a Really Neat Bracelet, someone else's towel,. four pairs of clean underwear, lots of sand, and a letter to home that was never sent. It's a good thing that is wasn't. The letter Was short but descriptive. Dear Everybody, Camp is fun so far. I'm writing this from the nurse's cabin. She had to tape my ribs because when I dove off the 40 foot cliff I was going straight for the rocks. I didn't.hit the rocks but I forgot to keep my dive in form and I really creamed myself. I like mycounsellor. He beat up the guy who bunks over him because the kid wets his bed. He can also do 100 -push-ups. Send food... "What was wrong with the food?" I asked him. "I guess it wasn't that !Sad, except that we had chili for lunch four days in a row, and fruit cocktail for dessert." It's going to take a while for all of us .to recover from Camp Hepatitis. Every time someone tells him to put the twist tie back on the bread bag, he ties it in a half hitch, and throws in a sheep shank for good measure. SAVE YOUR OLD WINTARIQ TICKETS FOR SAVINGS ON CANADIAN RECORDS AND FILMS.. May 1 to September 30, 1979 save up to $2.00 on Canadian records and tapes costing at least $3.95 and at least 50% onadmissions to Canadian movies. Look for the HALF BACK symbol at partici- pating record stores and theatres. Hon Reuben C Baetz Ministry of Culture and Recreation OSON'STRCTOR POINT'S[RIES for the MOLSON CANADIAN AWARDS I.UCKNOW, ONTARIO SATURDAY, JULY 21 at 1 P.M SUNDAY, JULY 22 at 1 P.M w 4,4nrci-kroP C' c1( S ctiNSS.8).N. lilGGIST I'Olth' I\SOI)li1 Ll l:h.\OJ.4 Tll.IL'I'I RP 1'1.1.,l.",SO(,IiT111,\' 4IN WESTERN ONTARIO , ,S %\( 110}taIS)4 \\%l4I%\ I1(4411tit 1.11%4%1:1,,,,,i%1134\ 1\i(r C\11)F4Vil1\I Ilt41 IOltitiii-i(sT^:N0frv1T(Ts 6 Classes of Mini Tractors of Super Stock and Modified Plus 4, `heel Dr -i " Trucks * 7 Classes SATURDAY, JULY 21, AT 1:00 p.m. 1000 Ib. Stock Mini 2000 Ib. Single Cylinder Mtn, 1700.1b. Modified Mini 6500 Ib. Super Stock 4.Wheel Drive Trucks C.T.P.A. 50001b. Super Stock C.T.P.A. 70001b: MOU111e'd'C:T:P:A. 9000 Ib. Super Stock CTPA SUNDAY, JULY 22 at 1:00 p.m. 1200(b. Stock Mint • 1000 Ib Single Cylinder Mini 1500 Ib Modified Mini . 5000 (b Modified C T P.A 7000 Ib Super Stock C T.PA. 9000 Ib Medi,ied'C T P A. 120001b. Super Stock C T P. A PROCEEDS FOR COMMUNITY For Curator Information Co •t: ART I'IELM - 529-7627 CLIFF LiViNGSTON 529-7488 PLEASE BRING Y(It!R :- OWN I,AWN (:HAIRS' m SPECIAL OCCASION PERMIT IN EFFECT TOTAL PURSE $10,975 -'t1r 4` • FROM THE. BREWERS OF (Super Stock) •