HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-07-12, Page 3-We•••••,'"If• ' ..‘s • t.'..Anti: •••• It • A. •. Various groups, as well as individuals, were honored at the Bluewater Centre's volunteer recognition luncheon. Pictured from left are Mrs. Stuart Smith of the Colborne Snowmobile Club, Grace Patterson, president of the, Bluewater Centre Volunteer Colborne Corner Association, Tom Eadie of the Bluewater Centre Housekeeping Department and Stephanie Schilthuis representing the Christian Reformed Calvinettes recently. •,z Mrs. Pope sells household effects Another Colborne resident receives special mention. The community is pleased to knowe that Mr. Don Sowerby has been awarded a medal of bravery in xecognition. of his act of bravery in July 1978 when he pulled, a neighbour, Bert McCabe, from his burning building. • Mrs. Lottie Pope had, a Sale of her household effects • last Saturday at her home on Highway 21. •Mrs. Marvin L. Barz, Goderich, • president of the Mitchell Zone LWML, will represent her zone as a delegate at the 18th biennial convention of the International. Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML) to be held at the Omaha Civic Auditorium, Omaha, Nebraska, July 16 to 19. The :LWML, an auxiliary ofh Lutheran ynoa, has 6,000 local societies With 200,000 members in the United States and Canada. About '6,000 delegates and guests are expected to. attend the convention. Theme for the con- vention is "SOW THE SEED",. taken from Mark 4:14. It was chc;sen for its application to the League and consideration _of the convention site and - the "Sower" figure atop the Nebraska tate Capitol building. • Mrs. Pope is still a resident of Cdlborne Township as she now resides with her son, Mr. and Mrs. R. Buchanan of R.R. 6 Goderich. Her home was purchased by Mr. Paul Baechler, otvner of Sunset Golf Course. • — • Mr. and Mrs. Steve Buchanan (nee Joanne Walters) have taken up residence in their home at R.R. 5 Goderich, the farm purchased from Wm. Clutton. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Thompson arrived home on• Sunday from a week's vacation in Virginia, U.S.A. They flew from Toronto to Richmond, Virginia and while on their holiday attended a Naturalization Ceremony at Monticello and also re- visited --Colonial Milliamshurg and Car- ter's Grove Plantation • clolog4te- ' Convention speakers will highlight the con- vention theme: Oswald J. Hoffman, long -time Lutheran Hour Speaker, will speak at the opening convention service. Missionariesand their wives will speak of - their experiences in the' Philippines, Japan and Central America. Daily Bible studies will be led by the two. .LWML_ Counsellors Rev. Fred "Stennfeld, Ft. Wayne, Indiana and Rev. Thomas Zehnder, Stuart, Florida. Mrs. Rivers Teske, Philadelphia, Penn- sylvania,soprano will give Christian witness in -testimony and song. She will also serve as the -convention song leader, A "parade of blankets" ' "Will -he one of the features of • the conVention. Delegates.and.guests will bring blankets or' quilts for Lutheran World New supervisor for Authority The Huron County Housing Authority is pleased to announce the appointment of Elmer Sanderson as the new maintenance supervisor. Mr. Sanderson is • a' .Blyth, resident and active in church, work and brings years of ex- perience in the con- straction field with him. Mr. Sanderson will commence his new duties on July 23, 1979 and we all look forward to working with him. , • • Relief. Mrs. Barz will take one which was hand made and donated !by Mrs. Hilda Knarr, Tavistock,Kas the, Mitchell Zone's conti-ibution. Victor " Borge,/ stage and screed star/ -will provide an evening's' entertainment. CPn- ,cordia College, Seward, Nebraska will alsio be featured when students and faculty entertain. with song, drama and instrumental selections. — The League raises over half a mill(on dollars for special plants in addition to local service projects undertaken. Delegates will vote on new projects for the coming two-year period and elect new officers. Two proposed Canadian projects • in-. clude financial assistance for a French ministry in Montreal, Quebec, and help to rebuild at Con. cordi a College, Edmonton, Alberta following a fire in 1978. Rev. Marvin L. Blarz, pastor of Berea -by -the - Water Irlitfierail "Cliur--W- Goderich, will serve as pastoral delegate to the Synodical Convent* of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, at St. Louis, Missouri July ,6-13. Mr. Ross Clark of Neustadt *ill serve as the lay delegate representing the Lutheran churches of . the Stratford and Hanover circuits.• • "GAOpens boors" is They visited with friends Mr. Wm. Green at Batesville and Mrs. Earl Hamner at Schuyler. They, report beautiful weather and no gas problems where th.ey were. , While they were away, their children Ricki and Danielle spent the vacation with •their grandparents, Mr. -and Mrs. Carter Kerslake,at Staffa and Renee and . • GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1979—PAGE 3 Huronview news Father ' Hardy held Roman Catholic Mass on Friday morning, while on Friday afternoon, Mrs. Florence Doak, Alice Buchanan, Ruby McVittie, Phyllis Connell, Mrs. Agnes Sparks, Golda Tyler, .and Mary Van Camp went on a yan ride to Goderich and over. to Grand Bend where we picked up tickets for "Sound of Music", which we will be seeing August 29. On July 3, Margaret Mitchell Grace Peck, Mary Ross, Margaret McQueen,— Gladys Stanlake, Eunice Lamb, Mabel Garrow, Verna Elliott, Flsie Henderson, J. Cunningham, Louis Wild, and Morgan Dalton took a short trip to Blyth Little Theatre where we . were treated to com- plimentary tickets to see "I'll Be Bak •for You Before Midnight". The residents stated that they enjoyed it very much. On Wednesday af- ternoon all our residents, who were from Goderich went to the Kinsmen picnic at Saltford Valley Hall. After a musical program, the residents enjoyed a lunch of san- • dwiches-, cheese, ice cream and coffee. Our Mrs. Florence Doak received the prize for the oldest lady in attendance. Also on Wed,nesday afternoon, our Over 99 Club met. Mrs, Elsie Henderson, and Cecil Skinner provided the entertainment. C.00kies and tea were served by our volunteers at the close. Mrs. Proudy held Bible Study Thursday • af- t•ernoon. As Father Hardy will be away for the next two weeks, there will be no Catholic.Mass. Huronview would like to wish happy birthday to the " 22 residents celebrating birthdays tis month, and specially Mrs. Hannah Williamson who will be 91; and William Westlake who will be 94 years young. I Noelle visited with their aunt and uncle,- Mr. and Mrs, Jame g Durst of Colborne. Mr. Ted Pope of Smiths Lochalsh news Falls visited with his and Mr,. and Mrs'. R. Buchlanan over the mother, Mrs. Lottie Pope o'Loughlin family weekend. Mr. Mrs. Phillip Marzo of Hamilton and /Mr. Donald Marzo of Acton -visited with Mr. and Mrs. R., Buchanan and Mrs. L. Pope over the weekend. The sympathy -of the community is extdedfd Jamieson and Glen llibey in the passing of their brother, Morris Ribey of Wiarton. Mark your calendarS' for the Colborne Town- ship Cemetery Memorial Service, Sund.ay, July 29 at 2:30 p.m.• The Reverend Ron McCallum will give the message and music will be provided i?ty the McMillAn family. There will be a pork barbecue at Ben miller United Church, Wed- negday, July 25 from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Adults will be •eltarge-d ch.1d Fen -1.2 Leonard Fisher (4-8034) the theme for a con- venpon which will con- "Centrate on the various types of . mission ministries - the Lord has and continues to open around the world. • Dr. J. A. 0. Preus, St. Louis, Missouri, • president of the church body, promises a con- vention filled with joy and challenges. _ _ Mrs_ _Barz.,-,loarmaand_ Debbie will accompany Pastor Barz to St. Louis THE CHATEAU GARDENS STORY PART I . . . _ In this initial introduction of our unique community to the citizens of Kin- cardine, let us explain briefly what Chateau Gardens really is. We all know that Kincardine and Hanover are not lust towns, especially to the people who, live there and call them home, their community is very special to them, and so it should bel Chateau Gardens in Hanover is a very special community to its residents tool They are people who have chosen to live in a community offering in- ' dependence, security and status. - -The services, activities and facilities include extended care, minimal care and 1, 2 and 3 bedroom independent living units and studios. Facilities: Chapel *Library * Store* Chateau Dining Room * Pool & Spa Area* Auditorium & Recreation Centre* Laundromats (on every floor)* .Banking services* Garden plots* Solailum* Beauty/Barber Shop* Utilities & Spririces available at moderate cost. '• Housekeeping & Laundry service*'es selection Of food services Including • mealfin your unit. 24 13-6ur attendants on call service. ' So come and see us, write or give us a call. FOR HE SENIOR YEARS 364-4320 daily 364-4838 week nd CHATEAU GARDENS (Hanover) Inc. 101 - 10th Street HANOVER, ONTARIO N4N 1M9 p. where they will also visit their son Mark and wife,. Connie. They will visit their parental homes in Iowa before att-ending the International Lytheran Women's Missionary League conventibn in Omaha, Nebraska, July „ 16 te19, to which Mrs. Barz is delegate. • and under $2, Phone regarding tickets. Benrniller Girls' Group paper pick-up 'will be this SaturdaY, July 14. In case of ' bad weather, , papers will be picked up the following month. If you are not on the pick-up list, or . have been missed before, .phone 5,24-2034, 6235, or 7627. • BODY ON TAP SHAMPOO „. 4S0 ML. ONLY BAN , SPRAY DEODORANT 9 OZ. ,.. - 5 9 _,.......„...._....,,•• _._ ...„ •0(;! JoHNsows BAND-AID STRIPS • 100's $ I 79 (r • 1 • reunion held There were 19 of the, O'Loughlin family members camped at the MacKenzie Camp and _ attended the- la-Loug-hl in • family reunion. at lKaisntgsbridge on Sunday Recent visitors with -Mr. arrd-- Mrs. David MacKenzie were Mrs. Dorothy 0' Loughlin of Detroit and her daughter Sheilagh Knap agd sons Scott and Reb. •• Many • from the area attended the retirement party in Ripley on Sunday for Mrs. Isobel Martyn and Mrs. Catherine Collins. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. Doug • Martyn and family,_ "MF. nffMFBob Macintosh were guests at the •Cooke -Simpson wedding on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. • Kelso MacKay and daughter Evelyn have been ill in-*" hospital in Wingham for the past month. Mrs. Elmer Culbert and Mrs. George MacDpnald attended a TALI ANDSAUE A BIG BUNCH ON OUR 1 AIA, pos fR f' dr NICE 'N EASY HAIR COLOUR ONLY 39 • NEW FREEDOM MAXI NAPKINS 9)39 30's ONLY eratteutatadt, V APONA NO PEST STRIP $ 2 3 • ONLY Y'ALL COME AND SAVE NOW, YA HEAR! GODERICH 58 TheSquare Corner auare CLINTON Main SEATFORRTH IMaAin Corner DIS iE STONES VO wedding in Farmington, Michigan during a recent weekend. Visiting Mrs. Emile M actenna n—i s d a ughter Margaret and family kft Sarnia. Mrs. ` Warren Wylds spent a_ day - with her, mother in•her new home - in Goderich. Mrs. Stone 'formerly of St. Marys has moved to. Goderich to live. . It is with sincere regret we missed exteflcling sympathy to the relapves of the late IVI(es„....flpe Culbert. . '"- SUZ-A-DOR •— 10 DAYS ONLY UNIQUE HAND -MADE GIFTS for WEDDINGS, SHOWERS GRADUATIONS, etc., etc. WASHABLE TOYS, MILK CANS, & QUILTS See our display at the SUNCOAST MALL Wednesday, July 11th fo Saturday, July 21st 10 Great Days. Come & See Us!! HIRE A STUDENT, • TODAY! (BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE) iliarrnTitika140-0.1-M 524-2744/235-1711 35 EAST ST. 205 MAIN ST. GODERICH • EXETER A SMITH FARM & GARDEN SPECIAL 11..NTRQD.U:CTORY. -..oOFFER.' JULY 12 THROUGH TO JULY 19 1 "FREE" SHUR-GAIN DOG FOOD DISH WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF A 20 KG. BAG OF SHUR-GAIN DOG FOOD NUM GAN *food SHUR.GAIN SHUR.GAIN dog food SHUR•GAIN SHORONN dap fug • dog food family WHY SHUR-GAIN? 3 REASONS...GOOD NUTRITION GOOD TASTE GOOD VALUE available at.... 6MIT1f5FnRMG. GARDEN CENTER ° 82 South St., Goderibh 524-8761