HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-07-05, Page 38•
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Grade 8 academic winners at Colborne Central
School were, left to right, Lori Dykstra (social
studies), Brad Armstrong (science), Jana Dam.
(English), and Scott Stoll (math). They received
their awards from their teacher, Mr. Snell, at
, •
Grade 8 graduation exercises rdst-Tuesday evening.
Scott later also, received the Foresters award for
integrity from Jamieson Ribey. (Photo by Joanne
Dale Baer. won the Alber-t-Brindley math award
•,as. -•presented by Mrs. Brindley at Colborne
Central School's Grade 8 graduation exercises
held last Tuesday evening. (Photo by Joanne
Leave Grade 8,
withmixe emotion's
I . •
.-. , .
BY JANA DAM-: ' ' sclieol when"..they- were, "7.'„t --,--7.-----"'-'-:;,---L'''',"' 77---*-
',. young;-burto us trying to
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What is a graduate? In pass a math exam did not •
„j--------;-- the ""dictionarY it - state S sebrih-fun.
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that. it is. one Who has, Tonight it does seem
.. *finished a course -of study worth all the effort. We -
in *a' -school and, has. are now taking a majOr-,
received • a degree. ...step towards our future.
Somehow, .this does .not There are m'any,unknown
-express the way we, the obstacles hhea*cl.,
graduates' of COlbOrne. Whatever they are, we
• Cnetral, 'feel about must all 'meet them with
• ourselves tonight: We are fortitude and deter -
approaching, the. last of •,• niination.. We must never .
our • days. at,. Colborne, S'ettle, for less than what
Central School. Our ourcapabilities allOw..We.
emotions are -mixed. all hope to succeed in our
On this -day we look goals. If we meet, them
back to, the very'begin- ,-vv,ith' determined -minds,
••;-•, -,--•ning- of 'our schoOl-yearS.- -
• . We were full •of ah-
•ticipation but also
.hesitation what.the
- following • years .- Would
"bring us. Through all of
them, . our happy
We must never ap-
proach ou'r‘goais hastily.
We all. should: take, a'
sufficient aMount'of time
and complete 'them to
their fullest. Now we
memories have remained Must, set a goal for our -
with us. We have enjoyed selves.
ourselves --from _ What careers will we
classroom discussions to -': follow' in future years?,
the production of school Mafi3rThf us will find
Aconcerts. ourselves applying for
r'• There was an abundant 'courses in universities or
amount of work involved colleges...We,must always "
when we 'participated on ,head into. our courses of
school teams. • Our , study with determined
parents supported us " minds. When choosing
- faithfully, Weil' though .careers, we should aim
our .'regtga-t fOl- rides for ones in which, we will
...._—___Ibme--after-practises-did—do-coin mendable
,bring, . a Jew :groans. Thecourse of works that
• 'Nevertheless, whether •'we c-ro--o-se should be
we won -or lost, it was all suitable fbr us and also
worth the effort. enjoyable.
• .Many times we. have There are many goals
heard our_p_ar_ents.„.„say_we_teLnut_to-L-clo
a—him, much fun it" wal,,in Turn to -page -9'
Jeff Feagan -won an award for 'IndustrialArts, exercises last Tuesday evening. The awards were
Rhonda Bean won an aivard for,Fainily Studies and presented by Mrs. Bruinsma. (Photo by Joanne
Scott Stoll won an award for Industrial Arts at Buchanan)
, Colborne Central School's Grade "8 graduation •
• 1
Karen Hyde (left) and Glenn Feagan won
citizenship awards -and Barbara.....Clark.„...svon-
-ConitiiltrierifTei award at Colborne Central
School's Grade .8 graduation exercises held last
Good Luck in all your
Future Endeavors
wherever they should take. you .
Tuesday evening. Reeve Bill Bogle presented the
community service aWard. (Photo by Joanne
This Is A Good Beginning
Best Wishes
From -