HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-7-6, Page 8RAND TRUNK SYSTEM EXETER Ainini;AT6., TRff.5DAY, JULY 61 192 xeter'Markets i Local Doings CIIAANGED'~,VERY WEDNESDAY e1rs. , J. Christie undtv erent ursog we ..,..et . 4 O 5 G,exati'oEr in Victoria Hospital, Landolt; Manitoba's Best Flour ....,.... .., last Thursdayand ^s Acing nicely, 390 - ' Family dour 3,85 s Mr. 'and Mrs. Thos. ,Cameron are Pustry Flour Fed Flour ......... 2.-,3.0 spending the summer apt their simmer Sitarts ,..,.... 1.60 h^me .in: Hibbert, spending only the Bran 1.60 week ends .here. B ... Creamery Butter .. 43 \Ir. Nelson Hill of tate Bank of Com - Dairy Butter 33 to 36 merce staff, NTingere Falls, has been Hay per Ton 26 to 27 transferred. tTorpedo, awe lir. Fran- �� .La � $14 to 20 cis Hill has been c r�s�erred from Ot- '16 taw to Montreal in the Dominion 13.50 Baal; Hogs GIRLS WANThD. BASEBALL. See the lest Juneor League game of CLINTON K.NITTI:I;G CO., CLI\- Baseball on the Exeter diamond this cot last week when their daughter, TON ONTARIO Nice. clean work. Thursday eveneug at 6 o'clock. The Ethe May, became the bride of Gar- W.el lige:tee. well heated factory Lu -an team 41 be .here to play the dor' Rudd of London, R•ev. Capt. John bu.idine. ideas to learn- Knitting, local boys. Corm_ out and see the Garbutt of Dundas Centre elethod st Loofeng a -ea Finishing. Good position hem brews wort;. It is real ball, church officiating. The house was feeexperienced help. Well equipped Aereee.)n 25c. and 15e. prettily decorated, and the bride was Club and R_creation Room connec- _-- gowned in, white taffeta with embroid- tion with the miff. ffeam.aiioe. Day was a. quiet one in. `*' "' ^' town Many of our citizens attended the c elebrati'oe, in Centralia, or went to the Bend. PHONE. 32 Members of the Masonic. Order of, Exeter. Parkhill and Ansa Craig held an e tioyable ,o craic at Gxand Bend Wednesday= of last week. Theme 'Norma, little daughter of lar. and Mrs. Norman Hockey was taken to London :Monday and was operated on the same day fob strabismus, The lit- tle patient es getting along nicely-. RUDD-BRICKWOOD. The. home of Zr.3and e'Ire, J. B. Bdckwood, Landon, formerly of Ex- eter. was the scene of a charming ev- se rowed whit. 1.114 'etlot:ks, carrying a at ,�gbt, Report to John Hey, Phew 88, BO'I'LING.Bred bridal veil. arranged in high plats at the back and ,caught with a cluster 'f.b :e reeks of tenter bowlers at-- of oran : blossoms and circlet of teride.l the Elmwood tourney in. Lon- pearls. She carried Ophelia roses, Her don an July est, and one rink attend- sister,Miss Jessie, was, ,bridesmaid and d. the St. Mathews ;tourney m that she was gowned :n sand canton crepe day, J malb ho rse; e toe (city. At the Elrwood greens R. G. br attend with crimson roses. Wm. w he;TR V HORSE. Peen strayed from Zurich, on Fri- 23rd ir: .3rd a CARS FOR S. LK Two Ford cars in best of Apply at Advocate Office, LOOK AT THE LABEL. The Adve ate Itieeelg last has bee corrected up to April 13th. Look at your lab -1 and see :f your Advecate is paid in advance. If so, alright; if not, wily not pay at once. Mite> HOGS WANTED. A number of hogs, 60 to Si) pounds 3')teeiers. T. Willis, Centralia. $e den's rink won the lig Charles Sib aid of Londe% were esti4'' man. Af- Hyman. Troop}, anti first prizes s4hich x�r a ,a,otor iris to Toronto. they ware laattdstame silver teapots and i. n reside in London. Exeter friends cream and sugar howls.Three racks will wish th.nt every bappaneas. - won lour games, and. Seldons rank won three gantes with the highest plus, qualifying s other three. in the semi-finwith S.eldon defeated Trick of London, and is the. finals he de feared Hanley of Arlater. R. N. Creech's .rink •won three games, but their plus was too small and N. J. ;O'r's rail: won two crani s. The rinks were, -Woods, Stew nr t, Tainan and S.eldon; Sanders, Fer- gus e, Ham= and Creech; Rivers, Harness, Anderson and Dore. On Dominion. Day R. N=. Rave's rink at St. Mathew's green, Landon, won three games •with a plus of S and they quel fid for third prize Ria interfered with the Friday ev- crime, local tourney last week. T1te regular tourney will be held this Fri- day evening. - R. G. S eldon's .rink of bowlers at- tended the St. Marks ;tourney in Lon- don on 'Wednesday or last week. On 'Monday morns a Weal rink. composed of W. E. ,Sanders, Hugh SpeeI mac, Goldie Cochrane and G. k,. Anderson went to Guelp'b for e. two- day tourney, and here's hoping they win, out. Exeter bowlers will also .attend the Clinton tourney this week.. CHICK'S S FOR SALE -Baby Chicks' from my i3,=d-to-lay Barred Rocks. Get your order in for these at once. Picone Crediton 15-31 L. V. Hogarth CONTRACTING - After being out of business for nearly two years I am prepared to contract on Carpenter ''Fork -large or small ;obs of every description. Special attention to hardwood floors Plans drawn and estimates given free of chars:. --Caleb Heywood. HOW IS THE PUMP? New Iron Pumps and. Fittingsin Stock Iron or wood pumas repaired. Wells pumped out or cleaned. J, V. CANN. Phone 115 DR. JOAN WARD, Chiropractor &. Optician Chiropractic and Electrical Treatments for Chroni,. and Nervous Disease.,. Spectacles scientifically fit- ted. itted. Hours 10 to 12; 2 to 4; and by appointment. Office -William and Sanders Sts., Phone 43. Cars For Hire --Apply to C.L. Wil- son. PARENT 1 Help your boys and girls in the struggle of life. Give them a g ood course in Telegraphy, Shorthand or Book-kzep'ng at THi. O'BRIEN COLLEGE 361 Richmond St., London. takes a spe.cial interest in each stud - dent, Short courses July and August 011161•1010.61.F.00.1•10., •MINIMMM.INVIMIIMMOINIM.1111 BETT'S HOME BAKERY, will o- pen for business in the Old Carling Block on. Friday, July 7th. High Class bread, calces and buns.. sir. \Valt.r Dearing was up from the city Lor the week end. Mrs. T. S. Woods ,returned Thurs- day front a. visit ist, Oakville. Paul Collins of INxtisor and stems friends ;pent Monday in town. Mr Clyde Beaman of Norwich spent the week end with his parents here. Lloyd Beavers has returned front St. efary.s High School for the holidays.,, >ir. Alex. Stewart of London spent the week end with h, children herd. \Ir. Will Hanson and efiss Jessie. Mans:.a were home tor ,the holiday. \l;,s Ida "Wambold of London has been visiting friends here during the week. Me, and airs. Harry Gould of W 'i nd- sar ;,pent a Lew days here with Tela nes. Mr. and airs. Isaac Statham ,of Win.. ham, a sxt:d over the week end here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Latimer Grieve and son of Strataaroy are hol elaying with rel - Millinery Bargains 3 DAYS ONLY 3 Thursday Friday and Saturday 6 7 8. Big Sale of trimmed and untrim- med Hats. Black Brown and Navy dress Hats, Black, Brown, Navy and Red. Sailors, Leghorns,'White 1lfilans, Panantas and Transparent hats. BIack Veiling reg. 40c for 250, Baby Bonnets Pretty trimmed muslin Bonnets reg. '$1.35 1.50 1.75, offered at 65 76 and 85c. Pretty white bro- caded Satin bonnets worth 75 and 85c offered at 36o. Crocheted bon- nets worth $1.50 for 75c. Cushion needles, laces etc. etc. Store open evenings. hXECUTRICES FARM SALE Th.: Executrices, to close the Estate of tine late William H. Horton of •the 'IOwnsb:p of Usbarne, are offering fox ;;ale Let 30. Can 4, Township of 'Os- borne, County of Huron, containiing 100 acres. On this property is abrick dw ll ng large bank barns, drive shed h;o, pat and Hen, house, a few acres hard -w rod bush. Also parts o.f Lots 31 and 32, Con. 4, Townah,;,p of Us - berme, Cotutty Huron, containing 80 ace s, On this pnaperty there is a brick dwelling, large new up-to-date bank ham and so, large a Lew drive house new hen •bause, windmill striving wat2r into barns; good hardwood lruslt.. Both properties. are :in a, first class stat: of cultivation, well situated, be- ing (los::: to Exeter and Hensall; con: uenient to church and school; phone and rural mil delivery. Will be sold with ,a:• without crops to suit nurchas- ers. For terms and particulars apply on. t ' pr,emises to Mrs.. M. Louise Horton, .-D:nsaal P. 0., ar to Miss Mand A.. Horton, Exeter P. C., ar too Thos. Cameron, Exeter P. O. Contracting A. Yelland. anti's rt town; SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Services in Town Hall 11 a.m.-Holiness Meeting 7 p.m.-Selvatxon Meeting. 2.30 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible Class, Cottage meetings in North End on Tuesday night Capt. MacGillivray, Officer in Charge. We wish to call the attention of the public of Exeter and surrounding. dis- trict that we are open to accept, ' or' tender for contracts for all kinds bu•iding We are experienced wo.xk- men and by strict attest Y on to busi- ness we hope to share in the contract work of this dusiriict. W ARES & PRYDIt, Exeter. Dray and ‘Baggage Anything you ,,lave to move we move it reasonable Motor Truck and Horse Dray at your Service. Auto Livery Horse Livery BAGSHAW & EASTON Miss Idella Davis of Windsor visit- ed at her home here for a. few, days during. t.'h- week. Mr. A.releet Davis and friend, llr. Wm. Tarranr of 'Toronto, visited here °set. the holiday... Y. P. Ci A. Open each evening .to memberst Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a.m.-"Life's Vicissitudes". • 7 pm. -"Imperfect. Ideals". Rev A, A. Trumper, Rector. Miss i.. Link of WWalkzrtorn visited here over the holiday with her aunt, Mrs. Wire m. Liotti. Mr. and Mrs. French of Detroit vis- itd with the Patter's sister, Mrs.. J , W. Bawd.en, -Monday. Mr. and etrs. Rausam of North Bay are visiting the latter's parents. eft, and Mrs. W. J. Bissett. Mr. and firs. Albert l.'amm end eon, Marvin, visited in De -trait ± or a few days during the week. \vis, Blanche Quteeee, whit has re- signed .from her position on the P. O. staff, is visiting in Flint, Mich Jufge L. H, Dickson, Mrs. Dickson and 'Miss Dolly of .God rich ;;cent Wednesday of last week in town. Mrs. Newman and child of leingston are visiting with the former's par- ents, Mr. and lira. R. G. Selden. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Flynn and Mr, and Mrs. Richard Treble of London spent .the holiday with relatives here. "Miss Aida Collingwood of Port Hur- on, Mich., is spending her holidays with her grandmother; Mrs, Win. Coiling- Wood. OA.VEN PRESBYTERIAN OHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a.m.-Sunday school and. Bible classes Union ser,ices during July „with the ethy of London are visiting with Mrs. Main. Street Methodist Church zt W PI , Armstrong of town, and Mrs. Heywood - of Usboinnie. Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Baker visited Mr. John Baker, -near Brussels., over Sunday Mr. Baker not being in good health. Mr. McDonald and ,family of Guelph and the Misses Weekes left Monday en a motor and boat trip to Duluth- and Mas tStoba, i 11,ss May Armstrong is visiting with her sister, Mrs,. Smith, n Toronto!. Miss Fehr .has charge sof the millinery busitle,s here. s4I and Mrs. Chas. Link and family of F:raakenmuth, Mich., visited - with the .l'ornner'.s sister, Mr. F. W. Baw- den,:last week, Mr. and Mrs Jas. ,Callccpr,gwood and family of Hamilton motored here and stent the Holiday with Mr. and Mrst VGtn, Colliln,gwoo& Mr., and -Mrs. Chris. Zuefle of Flint Mich.,vits2'ted With relatives and friends in. Exeter and Crediton, far a few days during the week. Mss. 0. Bedfore and daughter, Daze JONES &-. M-AYPHONE 32 Special Values for the Hot Weather 1-Ladies'1;,ADIJ:S' VOIL E BLOUSES.. - Lot No. Voile Blouses, ,odd lines and sizes, goad end styles, while they Last at only $1,00 each.. Lot No. 2--Ladises' Voile Blouses, sizes 36 to 44, beautiful quality goods r >guiariy valued up to $3.50 each, areal bargain cl.mrirtrg at $l.95 each. LADIES' WASH SKIRTS We hay. nearly ene hundred white wash skirts to select from. These come in, Misses' Ladies' and extra large sizes. The materials are in zotton gabardiates, piques, etc., at much lower to ees then last season. Wash Satin Skirts -Good quality all sizes at $6.75 .eachi Fine pleated skirts zn..navy .serge with tsbxt: embroidery, also plain whites p 'ated skirts at $6.95 each. MEN'S STRAW H:.A.TS We Heave all the ,new styles is !NUR's St: a., Sailors and pan anus :at rea- sonable prices, Asa. to see the new rough Straw sailors with blaeN., Una brown. bands. MEN'S FINk SHIRTS. AT $125 EACH. 5 dozen Meets Fane Shirts, light colors, good washing rttattrruals, siz- es, 14 to 16, on sped sale at only $1.25 each VENUS SILK HOSIERY FOR LADIES. W. are pleased to =Oa -ace a further reduction in the price of the celebrated Venus Silk Hosier . This is a pure silk thread, splendid wear- ing :earisag quality,All popular colors, such as white, blade, na.vyp,sated, verge, ea - dart, Russian calf, Reduced price $1.7i Ver.. We also have cheaper silk hosiery from 85c. a pair up to $1.40 par. DINNER SETS, Several good patterns t select from. Prices much lower. - qualiay New Shipment of Young;den's Stets Several smart new patterns just pair+t.d into stat:!:, of Young 'Tea's Sty- lish Medium Priced Suits, in colors of Brown, Nat',*, and Grby, Tae are beautiful all wool cloths, made for particular dr ssers, who demand the very lataot in clothes. CHILDREN'S KAKI Tis re i- nothing to beat these Khaki or Blue Combination. Suits Los• small boys. They are good washers and will last a what: suasutaer. fust the thing for the holidays at $1.25. OXFORDS CANVAS . SIHOE S SANDALS SUITS. Black, Brown or Wl.t. Oxfords for hien And Outing Shoes in White Black or Brown for NOTICE On account of Saturday, July lst, being to hol da.y, this store will remain open, on Friday night. STORE CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS DURING JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST‘ JONES &MAS 1. R. Carling, B.A Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mol - sons Bank, Etc. INVEST YOUR FUNDS in Victory, Dominion of Canada, vincial and Municipal Bonds, all investment .for Trust Funds. this church, Rev, Geo. McAlister, B:A, the minister. Boy Scouts will meet Friday evz;nang JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Willson, B.A. 11 a.m.-The antnsster. 3 p.m. -Sabbath School and Bible Study. 7.00 pm. -The minister. All invited most cordially,. Helpful music. MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev Geo, McAlister; M. A. Mime 21r3 Union service with Coven Presby- terian church in Caven ,church during July. Rev, Geo. McAlister, B. A., the 2,45 p.m. -Sit 4Y ' School. AT BETHANY 2:30 p, rat. --The minister, At existing prices .From 6 iter to 7 per cent can be obtained these bonds. Orders received by me, Money to loan at lowest rates of irsltterest Office -Carling Bk., Main St, Exeter Pro- legal cent from Display Advertising -Made known on appl!catlon. Stray Animals -One insertion 50c., three insertions $L00. Miscellaneous articles of not more than fire li'n'es, Fear Sale, To Renit Wanted, each insertion SOc. Lost and Found locals 25c, an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c, ,per line per insertion, No nolticee less than 25c. Card of Thames 50c, Auction Sales $3 for one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in length. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. aline. Farm pr Real Estate for sale 50e. each insertion, for one month of four insertions. M,r.. Fred Gould and newly wedded bride of Stratheoy were here duri the week ispend3ng a part of their hon eymioon with ,fraiends and .relatives,. Mr. and ;'Mrs. Fred 3. Hill, son and daughter el Toronto, spe,nt the week end here with relatives, ,loan their way bS' motor far a week in Det,roctt. Mr. and Mrs'. F. Boyle. and on, Mrs, Ni. SHre:ere, Mr. Frank Sheere,, Mrs. G. Hockey and son motored to Lansing, Mich,, on, paturaay, returning Tees- dey. Mrs. Logan after a pleasant visit with Mrs. ,Chas. Birt'y`lteft Monday, moan:mg to join her husband at. Sar- nia and return to her home .ini Win= Mr. Wpnbarn:e, who has been on the 1 Bank of Commerce staff here, for s;om.e. time, has resigned, and left this week for Toronto, where he ,intends Peeistutg sn a• broker's office.. SOUTHCOTTBROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 2 Real Bargains No. 1 About 50 ,pafirs of Children's, Miss•es', and Women's' W,hete Canvas Ox- fords aliee Laced Shoes that sold as High: as $4.00 a pair, N;ot this sea- son's ;goods, of course, but every. pais worth a great deal more than we aslf for them. YOUR CHOICE 98c. No. 2 About 50 pairs of Woanen's Canvas Oxfords and High Lace Shoes, with some small sizes of high top leather 'Sloes in. 'this assortment,' Shoes' that sold at $5,00 .a par. Come 'early for ,first choaoe, PRICE ,per peer, $1.48. Southcott Bros r THE DOUBLE TRACIC ROUTIs Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Usnexcel,led dining car service Sleeping caro on night trains and Parlor caws on principal day trains. Full informs** from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Eorm ist g District Passbktper Agent, Toro N. J. DORE Phone 44w Aunt, Ezeter The correct wary and the easiest way to dispose of 'some property or sell some small article, find a tem ant ter your house, or an article you have Mt or help when you want Zit, is to insert a small advt. in the 'Want Column" of the Advocate. DR. At E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w Dr. G. F. Roulstom„ L. D. S., D. D. 5, DENT13T Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr, A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. @. Honer Graduate Toronto •Unker*llty Office --over Gladman & Stan/tulle Office, Main Street, Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEbR AND VALUATOR for .Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Far* Stock Sales. a Specialty. Office at Central. Hotel, Exeter, Ontario FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middletaet Prices Reasonable; .,and Satisfactnoa Guaranteed. Crediton, - , .Ontario. MONEY TO LOAN We havle a large' amount of private funds to loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter