HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-07-05, Page 5,r , Ontario • other a-oademieaw - lars and rd winners John Barz, son of the' Reverend ,and Mrs. Marvin Barz of Goderich, has been recommended as an Ontario Scholar for " his average of 82.8 per cent. David Simpson, son of Mrs. Lillian Simpson of R.R. 3 Goderich, has been recoMmended as an OnTario Scholar for his average of 80 per cent. Diane Van Rooy, • daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Van Rooy of R.R. 3 Goderich, has been recommended as an Ontario Sclielar for her average of 80 per cent. Mary Lillian Simpson, daughter. of Mrs. LWian Simpson .of R.R. 3 Goderich, receives the Peter Adamson Memorial Scholarship for the highest average in Grade 10 at G.D.C.I. She had an average of 92.6 per. cent. Business Procedures at Business . Procedures_ •at G:D.C.I. She types 65 net ,G.D.C:Ile Her final mark words per minute. was 88 per cent. Denise_ Aubut, daughter Jane Eichholz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John -of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Aubut of ..Goderich, rEeiccehihvoelsz • aof s iGgondav-si ctahr, . receives a Signal -Star award for the student award for the highest net with the highest final . typing speed -in Grade 12 Communications and marks in Grade 12 Communications ana D-Ohald Coughlan, son of Mr. and Mrs. William -Couglan of Goderich, has beenessuenliamiedas an Ontario Scholar for his average of .94 percent. Donald also receives the Robert MacKay ' Memorial Scholarship for the highest •average in pracle 13 at 9.14.C.I. Richard Sizer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sizer of Goderich, has been recommended as an Ontario Scholar for his average of 81 per cent. • • t • David Smith, son of Mr. Robert Cox, --son of Mrs. 'phyllis Cox of R.R. 2 Goderich, .has been recommended as an Ontario Scholar for_his average of 88.5 percent. - Andrew Koopmans; son - of Mr. and Mrs. Ruurd Kodpmails+ of R.R. 2 ' Auburn, Peter _Adamson Memorial Scholarship for the highest average in Grade 12 at ,G.D.C.I. He had an average 086:3 Per cent. ' . : Dear Editor... • from page 4 - specifications are based' on those of theOntario , Maratlion Ce Racing_ As:sociation. • The race follows .the route of the voyageurs. It begins at the Lands and "Forests- beeetf cM Trout -ta-k-e--71--Nokb Bay. It ends at Explorer's Point, at t -he mouth of- the Mattawa :River in the town of. Mattuwa. The course includes exciting rapids, portages and ........ _ _ _ Margaret • _K•unn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Erwin Kuhn of R.R. 2 Goderich, receiveS the Veteran's Memorial Scholarship fur one of the two highest. averages in Grade 9 at G.DX.I. SET "had an average of 87.9 per cent. and Mrs. Fred Smith of Goderich, has been recommended, as an . • •,..:- Ontario Scholar for his. average of 88 -per cent. •t . . • "-- - • • Ken Wood, s_on\. of the • - --Reverend and M s. John — Wood of Goderich, receives the McKim Meinorial Scholarship fey - the highest average in Grade 11 at G.D.C.L, He Pamela •Lanlbert, Audrey Vanden Heuvei, daughter of Dr. and Mrs.. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fenton Lambert of R.R. 2 GKase Vande,n Heuvel of oderich, has been --RR 2 Goderich, has been.,. recommended as anrecommended 'as an Ontario Scholar for. her Ontario Scholar for her average of 80 per cent. •average of -84 per cent. • SWEET CHERRIES STARTING JULY 9th Pick your own or get them ready picked MONTMORENCY (RED) STARTING JULY 16th ' ALSO PAILS OF PITTED CHERRIES • STARTING JULY 18th Pitting machine available for your . convenience OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ROCK GLEts1 FRUIT FARMS LTD. ARKONA •8283644 had an average of 03.1 per cent. 7;7 Ronald Vanderiinde, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Vanderlinde of. R.R. 3 Goderich, receives the Veteran's. Memorial Schniarsbipior one of the two highest averages in Grade 9 at G.D.C.I. He. had an average of 86.8 per tent. iues. • ST -- The Nugget trophy will be presented to the canoeists with the fastest GODERIC-HESIGNAL,STAR, THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1979—PAGE 5 fine markets...of fine foods SAVE $ UP TO WITH THESE COUPONS 6-% f• inishing time. There will - be trophies and prizes for other top finishers. • This challenging- race down the scenic and historic Mattawa River is expected to attract -- 'Canoeists from across the • • further u7r6:hirDe ertry r ar forms i n pn the Mattawa Ritier Canoe Race, please confact`the' North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority, P.O. Box 1215, Nuth Bay,' Ontario (474-5420. Wendy Martindale 4 7- North Bay-Mattawa . Conservatipn Authority. PETER,S. MACEWAN- _ is pie -used to announce that • JIM FROM is now associated with our agency Jim is a professional life -underwriter, fully -qualified to assist you witch personal life—programs, pension plans ' and mortgage protection. CALL JIM' AT • Mach -van Insurance Agency 38 ST. DAVID St. • pODERiCH 524-9331 ZEUS COUPON WITH IHLS VALUABLE COUPON - MIRACLE WHIP KRAFT 1 LITRE JAR • OUR REG. 1.69 SAVE 40c LIMIT ONE DEAL PER COUPON COUPON EXPIRFS TUES. JULY 10 .ZEHRS .COUPON WITH THIS VALUABLE COUPON SCHNEI.DERS QUARTER POUND. '1 Ib. PKG. OUR REG. 2.39 SAVE 90c LIMIT ONE DEAL PER COUPON COUPON'EXPIREFTUES. JULY 10 • ZEMIS 'COUPON- . WITH THIS VALUABLE COUPON S • E_ FIF- _ . . INSTANT • 10 oz. jAR OUR REG. 5.99 SAVE1.30— L1MI'lLONE DEAL PER COUPON COUPON EXPIRES TUESAULY 10 .0 • •EDWARD FUELS in co-operation with the BLUEWATER TRUCK,CENTRE is pleased to present an EQUIPMENT UBRICATION N1GH'T WEDNESDAY, JULY 11 at 8 P.M. at the 13LUEWATER TRUCK CENTRE • ON AIRPORT RD. As todays machinery becomes better and More efficient, the lube requirements 36.ebliie more and more complex. If you are concerned with theptoper lubrication and performance of your eciifprnent, you w'on't want to miss his event! MR. HARRY MdCENZli Senior Staff Technical Rep. from Shell CoMada will! be on hand to answer all your questions and pass on Some good pi:Miters. Harry -is extremely knowledgeable in this field and is a fellow 1\\\ youll rOally like to met. Join us on the llth and find out why we call him Shells :/reV'Anwer Man! AS A ROUGH HEAD COUNT IS NEEDED, PLEASE PICK UP YOUR TICKET AT OUR OFFICE EDWARD FUELS — 155 ANGLESEA ST., GOOERICH OR P ON 5248386 TO RESERVE YOUR SEAT .4..t!'!`" :It 27' • - .0 ' " ' • • 1!!!!AL..,lLlEic!,°01,1) MEESE SLICES KRAFT THIN SINGLES 1 lb. PROCESSED OUR REG. 1.79 SAVE 304 am.44\\ LIMIT ONE DEAL PER COUPON COUPON EXPIRES TUS, JULY 10 molt\ --------- • ----- ___ ___ ___ __ ZEHRS COUPON • •WITH THIS VALUABLE COUPON LAUNDRY DETERGENT SUNLIGHT • 12 LITRE - 4,8 Kg. OUR REG. 6.35 • SAVE t40 LIMIT ONE061L PER COUPON