HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-7-6, Page 3HOW TO BEST TREAT STOMACH TROUBLE ••••••••••••••••••••• A Tonic Medicine is INeeded Those Vain Regrets Sap Mental Energy. Do not allele your maid to be too much occupied wita regrets. It is a west() of time aud mental energy and Accomplishes notlarig. If you have made on mike or met with disr appointmeat arid there ie nothing you Strengthen the Steinaehn- can do to realty the matter, it is best The oid-feaseiened methods of treat- to forget it as sem as possible and turn your thoughts toward, the future. In stomach diseaees are• being dis- carded. The trouble with the Regrete belong to the past and the senses/4nd methods was that wenn the past we cannot elia.nee. Let les review it for ess icon- treatraent was stopped the trouble re - only the happinwinch t amed* essea aa aggravated Term Mined and for the good we were able The modern method of treeting to "emnPlish, or let us recall the mis- digestion and other forms of stomach trouble le to tone up the stomach and glands to their normal work. The re- eovery t tbersappetite, the disaimear- lives and it Is In ein power of each, of ante of pain, after eating, the absence us to mold ds own somewhat as he of gas, are stela on the road to 'health will. He cannot accomplish this, bow - that those who have tried the tonic ever, without the fell age -ate -ate of his treatment remember dietinctly. Dr. mind a-1.14 tbat heealmet have 1f his Plult Pills are a tonic which tb°ughts are turned in sorrow °11 tbe through their action on the blood are Past. We are all too apt to say that helpful in building up the digestive er- we cannot help worrying or cannot es- gans, and therefore the best remedy cape from our regrets. We can if we tor simple or Oreille eases of stomach will. but weoan only free our ulids trouble. The success of the treatment from dismal thoughts by reldaeing le shelve by eases Hee teatece Mrs them with hopeful °nee. However Joseph Leclere, Wellington, P.E.I bad things may seem, refuse to accept who saxs:—"I have been great Auk the idea that your life is moped. ferer from becueestion and eannece Concentrate- on making tee 'utmost trouble, and Milling that I toter tor of tha balance of your dayst. You will tt rIM me auy good until I began Dr. Ond that by turning Your thnudhts WilliamsPlult Pills. I was so bad ahead yoUr mewed atmospbere will that I did not want to eat, pad when 1 gradually become bopetti awl cheer - did take food it lay like a weight oninh raY otoreach, often causing no alma When fortune deals YOU a hand pain and mieery. I 1.4 An aver.. filled with regrets, throw It ie the dis- tisenteet what Jr. Williams Pink Fills card and cell for a new deal, had done in a similar case and began taking Mena with the roma that After The Pleappeinted Soldier, A YQUng Irish Soldier wee weended taking the pille tor five or SIX weeke, am feeling better than I bave done for years. I hope my experience will help other similar sufferers." takes for the 'valuable lessons whien they may teach us for future use. All we have left is the remainder Jet our by a shell in Viennese, and they car- ried him unconscious to a wrecked When he came to be lay in a You can get Dr, eonueene, Pink pins ruined house The walls of the house through any dealer in medicine or by Wore Partly gene, tbe root le. -d tallest mail, post paid, at 50 cede a box or in and debris from bunting bombs six boxes for e2.60 from The Dr. WR- wasfalling everywhere' Rams' Melleine Co., Brocitville, One "W"r° au/ 17" s4lid the wetunle4 Irish soldier. A Now Name. An orderlY, to cheer Wm up, rue Bobby at Ina little Meier were tra- 51Nereil: wan by (min uitu their mother. "You're beet in Ireland, mate." The soldier looked around at the "On see the lake!" preeleinted the eister. ruin mid desoloalou encompassing Presently they passed a ebineve?. "Faith thin," he said, "I've missed it "Another lean!" proclaimed the sia- all, Tell me, boy, tow long bave Mee ter. had Houle Rule?" Bobby knew it wasn't a lake, but he couldn't think what it waa eaUed. If you And a forest fire, try to put " 'Taint a lake," ho contradicted. it out; if you cannot put it out, notify "It's —a %cep -on-going!" the nearest forest ranger.• Surnames and Their Origin HAYNES. Vartetions—liaines, Hene, Heine. Recta, Origin—English, Norman, also Gorman. Source—A locality, also a given name. There are really two names here, confused into one in many instances through the course of centuries. That is to say, any one of the foregoing variations may have been derived from either one of two eources. If you boar this mune and want to be •sure which source it comes from in your case, your only resource is to trace It back genealogically until you come to the parting of the ways. The given -name origin from which it may come is plainly indicated in the form Heine. It is, of eoureo, Heinrich, or Henry. In most eases, however, you will And that the 131/1120 traces back to the medieval city of Toicne, in Normandy, or to the locality of the same name in Devon. That the name M. most in- stances comes from the place name is shown clearly by the number of times which it is met in the old recants with the "de prefixed. This word, as in modern French, had the meaning of "of," with something of "from" in it also. KEEFE. Variations—Ka:We, O'Keeffe, Keefer, K late r. Source—A given name. • Here is an Irish Family name tam ancient than the vast bulk of English hereditary surnames. It dates, as nearly as can be estimated, from about 060 A.D. The forms Keefer and Kiefer some- times represent Anglicized variations of this Irish name, but often are de- velopments from Teutonic sourcee. 'Caoxnb" is the given name trent which the name of O'Keefe Is derived. In the Gaelic the clan or family manse is spelled either "O'Caointhe" or "O'Cefada," the former being the more generally aceepted. And, strange as it may seem to one unfaraillar with the Irish tongue, the pronunciation of "O'Caoirnhe" is very close to that of O'Keeffe, the three vowels eaoi" hav- ing a single sound and the aspirated "m" being pronounced virtually like an ef." It is different, but no more strange, when you stop to think of it, than same of the pronunciations of "ough" found in English. The founder of this elan was a de.s- cendant, through twelve generations, from Aeneas, the first Christian King of Munster. Little Orphant Annie. Little OrDbant Annderg. wale to our house to stay, Ate wash the Cups and saucers up OA' brush the crumbs away, An shoo Lite elackene oft the porch, an' dust tbe heart, au' sweep, An' mane the ere, an' bake the breed, an' ea= her board an! keep; Axe all us other children, when the supper theses is done, We set around the kitchen fire an' has the eniestmatio to the witch tales 'at An- nie tells about, An' the Gobble -was 'at gite you Ef yoll don't wateb out. One't.there was a little. boy wouldn't say /els pray'— Anr when he went to bed at night, away TIP stairs, His manly heard hive holier, an' his daddy heard tine bawl, An when they turned the Itivvere eowle he wasn't there, at all! Are they seeked bine in the rafter room an' cubby bol ate prem. An' seeiten, tau up the chinthey flue, ever'where, I mem' Bet all they ever found was just his panes aad roundabout! An' the Goeble-uns '111 git you lEf you don't walla out! • 4a' one time a little girl kid allus laugh au' Keit. Ate make fun of ever' we, an? all ber blood me Itin An' ouc't when 'they was "'cot:111)41W" an' old folks was there, he mocked en t an' shocked 'ent, ate said see didn't care! Au' it as elm Melted her Iteele an' turned to run an' hide, They was two great big Black Thing asstaudite by lees' eide, An' tbey seatelted her through the cellin"fore site kriowett what she's about! An' the Gobble-1ms% git YOU: Ef you don't watch out! An' little Otphatit Atetie goes, when the blaze is blue. Axe the lamp wick eputters, an' the Ivied gees woosool, An' you hear the crickets cant, an' the motet ie gray, An tins hglitre bugs in dew is all squeuelte4 away— You better Rad yer pareete, an' y teachers fond end dear, Au' eburieb them 'at levee you, an' dry the orpharit's tear, An kelp the pore an' needy ones 'at clusters all about, Er the Gobble-ues '11 get you. Ef you don't wateb out! Large Motor Lifeboat Has Cabin Accommodations, There is flow hulding in England a motor lifeboat that wlI go far toward robbing shipwrecks of remit of their terror. Idle new ...oat is 60 ft. long with 15 -ft, beam, and boo a displace- ment of 40 tons; it will be driven 'by two 75 hp. motors housed in separate cater -tight conmartments. There will be two cabins for passengers with ac- commodations for 50, while the total capacity of the boat will be more the a 160. Ono unasual piece of equipmver will be a life-sa.ving net to be etretelt- ed across the bout, amidships ot it, so that passengers may Jump into it from vessels, ,t Expenses Deducted. John. Henry was about as careful of a quarter as a man could be. He mar- ried a widow worth moot). Shortly after the ceremony an old friend met him. "Allow me," he said, "to congratu- late you. I believe your wedding was a clear 00,000 to you." "No," replied John Henry, "not quite so much." "indeed, I thought it was every pen- ny of it." "Oh, no," said the benediet, "I had to pay 516 for the ring." ••411111.116.-••••mmr, . • a•.„. • ••••".••4., • - • . .• a -re hes. "•.47.-1;7.4:4•ij, - • a •••„......a • • • - : • ••••• .11% •-; • . Let this good food build strength for you That famous ready -to -eat food, Grape -Nuts, charms the appetite with its rich, sweet flavor— But it is more than an appetizing food. Grape -Nuts is the perfected goodness of whole wheat and malted barley, flours, scientifically prepared to pro- vide tissue, bone and nerve with the needed food elements. Served with cream or milk, Grape -Nuts is completely nourishing.. Splendid as a breakfast dish, delightful and sustaining at lunch—always ready when you're ready. You can have this economical, health -building food, by an order to your grocer today. , • re: .•;:- eserensenikesee.., . .,.-.s.e.,esneeee.e.sneeiOeleeeie,ieeente • Grape01kTuts—the Body Builder •'There's a Reason" New Receiving Aerial on FRENDS TELL classified Adirediseineut. Telegraph Poles. E LAHUE }IOW FINE Apply °Nyedaendre Basaitai. uan thard•— INra, Aog_NntTe,==to traltriEl '!urc Ordinary telegraph poles support an antenna area:tense crope-country for eight miles, that le now being used for the reception of treaseelautie wireless mese-ages from Release:el, Eranee, Gorr luanY, au4 Norway, at the reeeiviug station of the audio onmargiou of America. at Chatham, Cape Cod, Mass. Runnbag lees than 30 ft. from the ground, tine autenne I a decided cle- parture from the old tree strung be, tween towering p lo commonly 4 4 tor latercepting wirelees messages coming feoro, %erg-, disteneee. In one respect particularly is the new auten- na an advancement over the old, The wires can be used for receiving an nu- llmited numager of messages at the same• tune, provided a separate receiv- lig is employed for eaeb meseaget Fifteen messages have been received singe:Nacelle's- on this type of aerial without ieterferente. Four receiving sets at tbe station are eovetan.tly thk- iug messages over this single antenna to -day. The results have led to die- coutInuauce of bigh aerials at the ate tion. The wires are strung on glass inelk /ators on the arms ot the telegraph polee in precisely the same way that telephone mul telegraph lines are up There There are two arms on each pole, and a wire running on either side ot each arm. The wires are faired and Pitted outside the receiring station, Reese: on the same side or the pole forming a pale The pawed wires net in the genie way as woul4 a single wire except that tbey double the signal etre-nett ef tbe incoming messages. 11'.0108 OF PRAISE .FOlt HAWS .0W1 TABLETS' o medicine receives such great prate° from thankful =there as do Baby's Own Tablets, Once a mother has ;teed tbem for her little ones she Win liFi) nettling elec. The Tablets use e mild but thorough laxative. They regulate the bowele and stomach; drive out couetipation •.and ludiges- Lion; relieve colds and simple fevers; pre bealtbful sleep and make thing easy. Concerning them Nrs. r LeBleu. leaddington Falb, Que., rites—"I am well satisiticel with aby's Own Tablets and will always use them for my little ones." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers, or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville. Out, Spraying -Machine Strainer Prevents Clogging. Spraying solutions for wLetewashiag, tree spraying, water -color painting, etc„, invariably Contain certalq gritty ingredients which. tend to clog the noz- zle of the apparatus used. To tulevl- ate this nuisance, a non -clogging ma- chine has been perfected which has a seif-cleaning strainer, fitted snugly over the end of the suction pipe. On. the outside *t the strainer is an age tator, or scraper, tbat moves up and down with the action of the pump handle, thorougbly cleaning the strainer with every steoke. —..s. Minard's Liniment Relieve, Neuralgia The Blot on the Letter. The first thing that you noticed on drawing the white sheet from the esi- velope was a spot of ink. The pen had caught In the paper and made a bad blot. The letter began, "You must par- don the blot: I am sorry for it, but this Is the only sheet of paper I have here, and I shall have to send it any- way." The paper was heavy and rich -look- ing; the penmanship was beautiful; the sentiment of the letter was most cordial, and the information it con- tained was pleasant and interesting— but tie blot! It was the first thting you saw on opening the letter and the last thing you saw on putting it back into the envelope. In the circumstances tnere was no harm in sending the letter, but what if it had beena letter written, not with ink, but with the spirit of the living God? What if it had been written, not on a tablet of paper, but on the tablet of the heart? For God says that his children are the epistles of Christ to the world. What then, of the Wei on the epistle of life that Christ has written in our lives for the world of men to read? It is true of us, as it is true of the let- ter, that the blot, if there is a blot, shows above everything ease on the page. The life may be as nearly per- fect as. poSsible; it tiny have many touches of beauty and many Christian qualities; it may be most attractive in various ways—but the blot! An un- kind word, a selfish aot, an unfair at- titude, a quetionable transaction, and the world will shop and stare at the blot while the beautiful letter of a Christian life,' thb epistle, of Christ to men, is left unread. What a precious thing is a letter from a friend! It is altnost the friend himself. And yet how easily it is spoiled! What a precious thing is a Chrstian life! It is almost the same es Christ himself. And yet how easily it is spoiled! One false move, and the blot Is made, and the page of life is marred. Unskilled fools quarrel with their toola. The •oldest ftlitheritte soPounts of shts date back to 8,000 13,C. !ISSUE No! 26—'4 HE IS LOOKING allowance, ror information, write B. Greenwood_ Supt., Oarrielo Park 1.1osnital, Chicago, 111, I Electrician Had Stomach 1 Trouble So Bad .He Could w 10;1,4,9, .4.10e.asil pliRolp.aga Not Eat Enough to, Work tarlo. Price ngst YbenealTrrelge. 4Set% Regularly—T anlac Re- -- fan information to Wilaezt Pub/Midair evemszar 5/wee.4.rms wAernmie. stores Him, 144,. 73 Adelaide St. cr,,, Toronto. "I am .on,e roma wit* Will go. Olit et BELTING FOR SALE MY Way to reectmmen4 Ta4144," de- • dared James. Leltne, 22 Monet Eit., TION hose, new and used, shipped Montreal, Quebec, electrician for the twat utivrtrolatttg,Isztivtvo:41 TUREASEIRX BELTS 41.111) WC. Identreal Light, Rest and. Power CO3, st., Toronto, out„ "I don't believe indigeetion eme get much worse than, I had it I had such 1 Awful attaekI had to take to my bed Runtboldt tena no that a foltiower and I was forced to law eetasiderable Arrierka. Fie foun4 throe kerma* sof Cortez planted the first wbeat time !WM Pay work. The xo-s AYwheat in his svApp.1.7 xt,tiee, Them be atomach was awful, and I reached ",° 4 1:4140d Front that Ma* point where I was almost afraid to eat e hegieniax hae eeene the vat wheat and wee' I°eIng weight right along. production of our continent, "But things took a turn for the het. ter before I tintetted ray Arst bottle of Taniae and in a montins apse I was feeling like a different person. I haTe Wee built UP lis every way and my friends all tell me I am the WRY pi,, tare of belittle" Taillne in sold by all good druggists. Advt. with ewe museles, sprained Aulties, doe but just as soon as we eterted The Age of chivalry. sing Minard'a Liniment our troubles Little Tommy and bee yotiuger easter !14 Q. Mc? emoa. Furniture Dealer, Undertaker, Armlet:eon% B.C., nitna,rdei Liniment CO., Ltd. I-Arne/dn, N.S.: Deer Siree—Sitice the start ot base- ball season we. have been hindered taxied. Every baseball play= tamed were going to bed together without a light. They had lotrea,eited the, bot. eephottle of your liniment handy, tom ot nor dYours truly.une wben Temely, look-, . lug into the darkness and feeling g, WE. MePhereon, iSocrotary of Armstrong High little norm*, turned round and eekeel: le it polite for a gentleman te! Da43eball T°"(1" go before a lady when they have to walk in single Ale?" "No, MY $5014." replied tee mother. "The lady should always take the bean" "I thouglet ea-," 201 Tommy, delignt- edly. "Go ahead. Susie." MONEY ORDERS. Remit by Dominion Expecte; Money Order. If lost or Orem you get your Meow bade 'Complimentary. "Good heavens! You are the dirt- ied, worst looking man I have ever sera!" °That:awe, la4y; but 1 earet live on compliments." Minard's Liniment for eels everywhere BEFORE BABY COARSE SALT L A tri EnS A LT Bulk Carlota TORONTO SALTWORKS Ci GUFF • 000 en DISEASES Hew to Feet os to any A.4. Ills Author, lavor 04.• t 34th Street a ork. 114-A. ••••••••••••••••••e The Ilan% of =trying. "strike any -4 aims" inatchrs low° in the pozlzet reslas in many serioua firo. In tak- ing something out of the pocket a match drops out on the floor of barn or other place, is ,Vt-e-ppei en and re- Watchful Care Necessary suets in a lira—Deputy Fire Marstel , Lewis, Ontario. Compound is a splendid medicine and should be taken by the expectant mother. It will assist ber in keep - lug well and strong. This is verz necessary, not only for her own coin - fort but for the future as well. Read. the experience of Mrs. Bar- ton of New Brunswick, and please bear in. mind that every letter pub- lished recommending Lydia E, Pluk- tanes Vegetable Compound is genuine and unsolicited. It is the expression of gratitude from women who have been belped. Cumberland Bay, N. B,—"I was troubled with weak feelings, head- ache, all the time, a cough, fainting spells and pains in. my back and •side. I could not do a single bit of work and bad to be helped out to the 'hammock where I lay ill the fresh air from morning until night and I had to be carried up and down. stairs. After other medicines had failed a friend advised Inc to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound as she said it was excellent for anyone in the family way, Be- fore the first bottle wee taken I could walk alone and as I kept oat With It I got stronger, until / was able to do all my work. My baby is now six weeks old and is a big fat healthy fellow. I am sure Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done wonders for me and I recom- mend lt."—Mas. AlussKr J. BARTON, R. R. No. 1, Cumberland Bay, N. B. COMES Miss M. Bayington Tells How Cuticura Healed Her Scalp "I was troubled with a scalp trouble for several weeks. It broke out in pimples and my hair fell out. My head itched and burned a great deal. I tried different remedies with- out success. 1 saw Cuticura Soap and Ointment advertised and sent for a free sample which helped me. I purchased more, and after using one cake of Cudcura Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment I was completely healed." (Signed) Miss Marian 13ayington, Premise, Maine, Feb. 27, 1921. Keep your skin clear by using Cuticura Soap and Oinunent for every -day toilet purposes and Cuti- cura Talcum to powder and perfproc. • Bathe with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Before bathing, touch pim- ples and itching, if any, with Cuti- cura Ointment. I)ry and dust lightly with Cuticura Talcturi, a powder of fascinating fragrance. 241MplaEse.lareobyliall. Address: Dlysaons,Ltra. 3494, 344 34. Pool 8t, W., Montreal." Sold every- where. Soap2ic. Ointment28and Ede. Talcum2Se. DarCuticura Soap shaves without mug. Lydia. B. PinItharn'e Vegetable WARNING! Say "Bayef" when you buy Aspirin. • Unless you see the naine "ay" on tablets, you are not get- ting Aspirin at all. Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dos* • worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache, Neuralgia Neuritis Earache • Lumbago • Pain, Pain • Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets—Alec, bottles of 24 and 100 ---Druggists. Aspirin la the trad mark (registered In Canada.) of Bayer Manufacture of Moho- ', acaticacidester o salisencens. While it is welt known that A $1)3 rill moans )Bayer manufacture, to aaols' the pablic against lraitatIona, tho 'I'ablels of nayes coreesee inn es eteatost wits tier general trade mark, the "Bayer Crose," , e.,easetee4 s • 1 1 '1 44 4 4 1 "44 1 4 1 1 1 4 4 1