HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-6-29, Page 8EXETER . E`S7i1t AT'E TRITE SIl'AYr JUNE 591 1932 Exeter Markets CHANCED EVERY WEDNESDAY M'l h -at L as,:riey E,.. 48. to Oats 34 toy#: ?ttmtaba•s Best Flour .. ,.. 4.10 namely rL ur 3.90 Pastry M e. Fac ai i. , a.85 i•- el Flour - ...ea .. Ale S e es 1.00 Brag1.60 e _ , ra a Butter ,viii,.. 42 lenet Ben r 33 to 36 /7. -es 25 to 126 leer ,viii. ...20 Hay per Ton .... .-.,.0.06" ..<,$14 to x15 flees.. 1325 Das:ra ,nava was recently xsn- cI ;:i: .: ao atelfe out his ;ncoanie Are s end a successful mite oa r - - ,ts eonl i :.t; is on Sstertlay e e n Art.:nee-events have ben anode to told the k ivitt Memorial Snr :fey School P 4 t e ors We kesd,ay, juiv 14 Just Titins its to .Ii; ]aced: h:,; not yet been demi+=3:1. b.STRAY HORS E- T , e strayed froZurich, on Fri- th)", .1==.• 23r4, a seal brawnhoarse; 2 white ,tend fetlocks, carrying a �}tot; ,w_igbt,, Report to Johne Hey, Nuri WI, Phone $6. +,YTS r..,.w.... AFTUR SUPPER SALE. --On, 'zein day evertng. from t~ o'clock p. r». Mill 10 o cic l: p rra , Mrs. W. L' Yea w: , i.;.. a S;vac.aI "Aster Supper" SaIe of Summertill• Dyress Goods, Blouses, White v.gid Black Hosiery and Tow- els. 3t will nay ,you to , call early. BUS ShR.i'ICE, JULY 1st. 4. J. V. Cratr: will shit a bus s_rt,ce between hxete,r and Grand Bend on July 1st. Farr $1,0.i.) and return. ORANGE anRVICE. Tse::1.neual County grange Service well b held one Suede}, July =ltd, ~zt he Tr.v;tt Memorial trial Clnurtiln, Exeter, at 3 pan Seernen by the County Ceepl: in. Rev. A. A. Trumpek. STRAWBERRIES. Fr,4.1 delivered the ;same dray as peeked -no waste. Lawn socia; Sup. tided. Speci:.l rates in quantities. Mort: George Hay, Crediton, R. R. 1. TEACHER WANThD-For ;". S. S. No. 13 Hay and et;phen, Salary pin 51000 Apply to klo-av e Pfaff, Sec.. Trews. Hay P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. 100 wires en t;s0 Township of Me - being Lot 3, Co.. 4. Brick boos., back been, drive shed :end oth- er buildiings. First-class faun and in good c.ond:tr ,a, For particulars apply to Wm. Elyasn, R. R. Ailsa Craig. Cars For Hire -Apply to C.L. Wil son. CARS FOR SALE. Two Ford cans in. best of ct�nditaon, Apply at Advocate Office,. LOOK AT THE LABEL The Advocate mailing list has been torr: cted up to April 13th. Look at your label and see ;.f your Advocate' is paid in advance, If so, alright; if not, why not pay at once. HOGS WANTED. • 3. numb: r of hobs, 60 to St) pounds Thee:ean. T.. Willis, Centralia. CHICKS FOR SALE -Baby Chicks from my Bred -to -lay Barred Rocks, Get your order in for these at owe. Phone Crediton 18-31 L. V. Hogarth CONTRACTING After being out of business foe nearly two years I am prepared to contract ai Carpenter Work --large) Open each evening to ' members{, or small ;;obs of every description Spacial attention to hardwood floors Plans drawn and estimates given free of ehargz.-Caleb Heywood. Local Doings Mr. Sidney leaxi dug, fluting tl week. a tine sample ;af ;what is know as the Si3c-Weeks potato. The tub were dug just six weeks after plan which s pretty qul-ck growth for et tato en Mr.Wm ltivw_rr ies the first to net hon grown potatoes •tit's =ease the family haysntq enjoyede fir steeply last Suetdat, Tins .s rennin h!y for "spuds." It is coneidere early to et them around the 12th Jt'... BOWLING. A number of the Dashwood bowl me.�.ci up with the ,Exeter players in, tourneyon Fr day might, when sigh rinks of four im i each played thre games o: eight ends each. First pr' went to the rank composed of W. Sanders, E. I . istiver, W. Rivers R N. L r: call, who wort .three games wit pan ca: ee. Secotxd prize was cap ten=d by i J. M1'ethey, T, Pryde, t:. Ceche-nee and Phil Fassold, wlnq, r d two wins ani t gats of three. 1)awlers who• trent to S a1 .ys last week had a good. time w.ata all They spent the evening in .Stratford with Mr. T..Il Newell, and took zn t1r. industrial Show. A anti,. was also at Listowel, and they ha .'njoyable clay. J. A„ Stewart and 0..Seldoo represented Exeter le: Thistle Scotch Doubles Lt Lond d hacl pretty £v,:r success, but dm of went (gut. a>e n ens Mr. Maurice .Neil is the new junior at the aiolsons Bank, .1 Ir. Bette of R,idgetown, formerly -o€: Clinton is installing an equipment to Start a baketry .aro sire .south." side of Carling Bros.' old block.. ti \ix :tad airs. Thos. Cameron enter- o.. ta'ned their -Sunday School classes at their summer home,; Farquhar, over xe- I riday might and Saturday'. All repent n a jell} tint=" st the 25th. Annual ,Convention of tiro Heron. County Woman's Christian;;, cl Temperance Wan will be held at of Hansail Presbyterian Church, ,T,,1 . 5th i elegttes will please wear the White • Riblraa. • Cars d ry n by airs. N. Baker of rs Stepa.t.r_ and Mr: Well. Kern. of Exe- ter cres.hed. together et the .Orner of t Maar. veal Jamas streets epee' evenhig e neat Week. Sonne damage 'to the caws :ze resultet3. E. The strawberry' festival given ort by Main Street Methodist Church on the lawn last Ttr.sday evening was abrgbt J, and successful elf*. The Sunda ..cheol orchestra, under the leadership of Mrs. :Cambria, furnished excellent music and the recEo selections were t listened to with a great heal of €n- - '',.rest. The proceeds amounted to about $100.00. -the Miuu?cipal Clerks and Treasurers of 'Huron County organ/. at Goder- cla recently with the following attic- . rs. President, C. E. McDonough, at As'rfield, Vice-pres„ J, E. Harrtwell, an, Sterne}; Sec'y, .. Porterfield, East Wawanosh i Treas., J. Fingland, Hullett Ex..cuf:re-The above officials - and Messrs. Wilson, Seaforth; Erwin, Bay- : t :Id; wlia"J,}onald, Brussel, and J. Seng of tor, Exeter. DEATH OF MRS, HICKS. '3atet` only a few days' allit4'S: pn umoatz the death took place atth bores of her daughter, Stafta, on June 24th, of Mrs Hicks, widow of the late St,phe:a Hicks of Exeter, at the age of 80 years, 5 mouths. Deceased was born in Cornwall, E- >, and earn.? to Canada. over thirty years ago with her husband and family. They lived in Usberee until about eighteen years ago, when • they retired to Exeter, where the husband died 16 years ergo; After r his death Mrs. Hicks lived with Icer dauginter, Mrs. W. J. Robl,uson, rc:ax Centralia, until two years ago, at w]a:cka tiree she made her home ;tt Stazfa. Site s survived by one son, Arclr;se of Okotoka, Alta., and your daughters, lits. Jos. May, London Rd. south, Mrs. R. J. Robinson of Stephen, Mrs, H. Peters of Atwood, and Mrs. ,I. Leary of Skaffa. The funeral, whish was of a private nature, took place on ''iosedey afternoon frpsn the home of Mrs. Leary to the ;Exeter cemetery, HEIUkMMAN-SKINNER. Merguarates, peonies and greenery decker; the home of Mrs, K F. White, alilt:rton boulevard, Toronto, when her cousin, Miss Ella Skinner, former- ly of London, became the bride of William F. Heideman of Toronto, for- merly ormerl} at Exeter, being the son of lir, Lind sirs. Edward .Heideman of town, Rev. Mr. McTaggart officiated, The bride wore, n gown of blue . canton cr.oe. trimmed with beads, also a cor- sage: bouquet of Ophelia roses and lily -of -the -'Salley.. Miss Betty Heide - men en ;park silk and carrying a bas- l::t of baby roses =al lily -of -the -val- ley ,made a;.ratty flower girl, Afte: the ceremony a wedd'ng luncheonwas partaken of by A number of -friends and relatives, after which the happy couple ]eft on an extended motor trip to Exeter and other points. The bride travelled in a suit .of brown gab- ardine ab- ard n e with ]tat to match, anda greS't squirrel scarf, the gift .of the groom, On their return they will .reside in the_, new home on Burwick ave., North Toren to. SALVATION ARMY SERV IC1.S Services in Town Hall 11 a.m.-Holiness Meeting 7 p.m. --Salvation Meeting. 2.30 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible Class. Cottage meetings in North End 'on Tuesday night. Capt; MacGillivray, Officer in Charge. Y. P. O. A. HOW IS THE PUMP ? New Iron Pumps and Fittings in Stock I_on or wood pumps repaired. Wells pumeed out or cleaned. • '3 J. V. CANN."Phone 115 DR. JOHN WARD, Chiropractor &, Optician. Chiropractic and Electrical, Treatments for Chronic, and Nervou Diseases, Spectacles .cientificaily fit- ted itted; Hours 10 to 12; 2 to 4; and by appantm:nt. Office -William and Sanders Sta., ?bone 43. Contracting We wish to call the attention of the public of Exeter and surrounding dis- trict that tee are open, to accent, or, tender for contracts for all kinds : of building We are experienced 'wo.rk- men and by strict attent s on to busii- ness we hope to share in the contract work of this ditstrriict W ARES & .PRYDI., Exeter. Dray and' Baggage .Anything you have to move we move it reasonable Motor Truck and Horse Dray at your Servic eL Auto Livery Horse Livery 8AGSHA' v ex EASTON 11 3 Trivitt Memorial Church a m, -"Our Report on, Life." tem, -County Orange Service. Sub- ject -'By the three -hundred that Jawed. I will Save You,': Rev A. A. Trumuer, Rectos,. OAVEN PRESBYTERiAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a.m.-Sunday school and : Bible classes. 11a. m.-"J1ie British and Their The Minister Dominions" 7 p. m. --"O Canada" • The Minister Boy Scouts will meet. Friday evening. JAMES ST, METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wilson, B,A. 11 aim: -"This Privileges orf God's C:hdldren." 3 p -m: -Sabbath School and Bible Study. 7 pm --"Unider the Flag of Britain" All invited most cordially.. Helpful,: musts MAIN ST. METIODIST Ci31JRCH Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A. Phone 21r3 7.00 rem, -The .minister. 2..45 p.m. --Sunday School. 11 a,m,-The ennister. AT BETHANY 2.30 p. m. --The minis ter, The' Truitt Memorial strawberry Festival on the Rectory lawn Thurs- day create?,was a gratifying sucess,. they having, taken 9nt .over 580.00. The weather was rather chilly, butnotwith.. stastding this feature a large crowd was in attendance. As usual a. program was rendered, and the ,solo selections cif Mass M. :goodie and comic songs sof alt; 'Morris Ramey of Parkhill were very mulch enjoyed, The fish pored proved an interesting attraction for- th: iuvenile element. Engineer Geo. A. tiMeCubbin of Chat ham estimates the cost of the work of tie: big Canada Company drain at 559,000 divided 'among the four townships Interested, as follows, 13os- enqu t $43.905; -.McGillivray, $12,505; Stephen $2.170; and West Williams $420. O•• Bosanquet's assessment the; Canada Company share :a $24,000. The _ engineer estimates that 234,000 cubic yards of earth will have to be moved. at a cost of $55,000, The work will be eomutenced this summer. TIN W1.DIJING CELEBRATED. The home of 1Ia: and Mrs, Joseph Northcott was baseeged with about forty friends, relatives and nelghbora on Monday evening last, the occasion' being the celebration. ,of the tenth wedding tau i ersary of the frost and hostess' and a Inst joyous event it was alljoining in to mak;: merry and the event was most fittingly celebr- ated in games and ,other harmless amusements. Shortly after midnight the tables were cleared and a chanty repast partaken of. The event was mast generously remembered with most appropriate and useful gifts. :Sins Lulu Haest ngs visited .;n I -on- don, last 'week" :�Ir: Ulric snail .was i,n . Tpronto this week onbusiness. vers. Jas, Swenterton ;of Detroit is visiting relatives here .tor a few days. Miss Vara Jones returned Thursday from attenclaig Normal school at S tra tford. 'Alas, Geo. Crawley of Lucan visited with friends here the latter part of the: week. Miss Woods of Stratford spent Sun- day at the home of her brother, :tir, T. S. Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Bryson of London suenc tthe week end with alt., one airs, Thos. Pryda. Miss Vera .Esser} is visiting with Prof. and Mrs. Anderton, who are. camping at Bayfield. Ins. Walters has returned from her stay in Stratford, where she had been caring for Mrs. Win; Hawkshaw. Mrs, Wm. Rivers of .town and her daughter Mrs. Rout:edge, of Cen,'tralia ar,, viisiiting wixh .friends in Simeon Mrs,. Wares, of London, spent the week end with Me. Wares at rhe borne of Mr,. and -Mrs;. John Pryde, Miss Emily Hogarth has completed her Normal course at London, and re- turned to liter home here Friday last; borne Mrs. 1t Irwin, after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bissett, returned to her home , n, London Sat- urday. Mas. Frank Hill of Detroit is vis- iting her ewith her rnather, Mrs. Vee M tclvell, acrd other relatives in Use Mr. and ''iris, E. Howald and daugh- ter and Mr, and .Mas!, R. N. Ca•eech and soon spent Sunday pith friuen.ds}n, S lratford, Rev, and Mist Willson, attended the marriage of a cousin, Leonard Mc- Ewen to Miss Il'alases;• at Stratford on Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Harry•gaist and 111,r;. Wm" Cornish and son of Marlette, Mich,, spent a few days with rela- tives here, Mrs. W. R. Kingsnorth of Vancouv- er er ;13 C., alfter a few days' visit with Mrs. Turas Snell, returned to Kincar- dine Monday' moaning.: Mr. and Mrs;, 1V ,C French,after a visit with relatives here, left Satur- day morning on their ,return to their home in Wetaskiwiru, Alta. :4L-,- J. J. Knftght of Guelph spent Saturday: En :town Mirsi. Knight of -11-; dsrtan. .Mrs, Drew ,.atrnrt Mrs. Knight of town. occotn,pan'ied h;,m to 'Guelph on his meturue. \L s:: May Ford, Miss Gladys HnrVay and Miss Vera Jones are home from.. Norma; School, and 'Mass Myra 1~;. Morgan is home lfrom the Guelph Me- n m:1d Institute erslineellse PHONE 32 JONES & iEhY PITONS 32 Special Va Iues foi the Hot Weather -.010000000,000 LADIES' VOIL E BLOUShS. . Lot No 1 --Ladies' Voile Blouse;, odd lines and sizes, good quality and styles, wb;le they Jest atonly $1.00 each„ I ob No, 2-Ladi,as' Voile Blouses, sizes 36 to 44, beautiful quality goods regularly valued up to $3.50 each, areal bargga,'n clearing at $.1.95 each. LADIES' WASH SKIRTS Virg ham early cpm hundred white sense skirts to select from. These come in Misses Ladies' and extra large sizes: The materials are in .otton a.berdintes, piques, .etc., at much lower prices than, last season, Wash Satin Skirts --Good quality All .cies at $6.75: .each; Fine pirated skirts b navy serge with whets embroidery, also plain white pleated skirts at $&95 each. MEN'S STRAW HATS We have all the anew styles in Min's Sx ,t.. Sailors and pan:ma.s at rale souahle prices. .Ask to see the new .rough Straw sailers with blaci and brown bands, !TEN'S h'IN10 SHIRTS AT $1,25 EACH. 5 dozen Men's Fine Shirts, light colors, good washing materials, siz- es. 14 to 16, on sneeia,l sale at only $1..25 each VENUS SILK HOSIERY FOR LAUB.S We are pleased .to announce a further reduction in the price of the celebrated Venus Sally Hosiery, This is a purr: silk thread, splendid wear- ing quality, All popular colors, such as white. black nary, sand, 'verge, car dove, natssiana Galt Reduced price $1,75 ,pear. We also have cheaper silk hosiery from 85c, a pair up to $1.50 pair. DINNER SETS. Several good patterns to select from. Prices xnuch lower. New Shipment of Young Men's Suits Sat'eral smart stew patterns just placed into Stock, of Young, Men's Sty.. • a?s;r Medium Priced Suits,n color, of Brown, Navy, and .Grey, These are beautiful all wool cloths, made for partiedar dresser:, who demand the very latest in clothes CHILDREN'S KHAKI 1•L AY SIJITS. There is nnethint; to beat these Khaki or Blue Combin;ttioai, Suits small boys. They are good washers and n -U11. List a whole summer. the thing for the holidays at $1.25. OXFORT?S CANVAS SHOE $ SANDALS Black, Brown. or White Oxfords for Mess and Boys+ Out: atg ,Slarve s era \V3i te, Malawi, or Brown for 'everyone. for fust NOTICE On account of Saturday, July 1st, being a holiday, this store will oven on Friday night. main STORE CLOSED M'tt1;DNESDAi'' AFTERNOONS DURING JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST. JONES & MAY 1. R. Carling, B.A Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Comm sxioner, Solicitor for the Mol - soots Eta, Etc. INVEST YOUR FUNDS in. Victory, Dominion of Canada, Pro- i trinczl and Municipal Bonds, all legal tt vestmtett foe ''`rust Funds. At existing prices from 6 per cent. to 7 per cent can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to loan at jow;@st rates of interest Office -Carling Blf., Main St., Exeter Display Advertising -Made known nn apptecat,eua Stray Animals -One insertion 50c., three insertions $1.00, Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion, 50c. Lost and Found locals 25c. en insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c. _per line per insertion: No notice lets than 25c. Card of Thames 50c, Auction Sales $3 for one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in length. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. aline., Farm pr Real Estate for sale 50c. each insertiga for, one month on four insertiont. t SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134* PHONE 134 New Sport Oxfords T,btes.e. Styles are smart and serviceable as well. as comfortable,. and axe big sellers this season. They are soldwithin at prices i in the reach of all $3.5_0. and $5.00 BILLIh. BURR J DRESSES„ Simp1•e, clever yn, design, made to give wonderful wear, • no matter how often they ,are laundered, Colors are perfectly fast, that's why we Sell them, $4.00 $4,50 to , $6.00 BLACK PAILLI TTE SILK. 'S inch's wiide, good weight; fine etneir weave, and splendid finaslr T,hes silk weal weer ,well arud give entire satisfactiossi Special at per yard,' $L85. SILK AND LISLE HOSIERY FOR WOMEN,. A snecial lane made with ribbed tori. Comes in-w,lruite, black a;nd brown. Ask to ,see this line as it is,excenkienal' value at per yard $1.,00 Ile00' NEW GOODS IN MEN'S WEAR. ''DEP,Te Silk Shirts New Braces Sq:irt Shoes: ' B,.V.D• Underwear New Neckwear " New Oxfords Silk- Socks Outing Shirts Khaki Pants New Hats Bathing Suits. Flannel Par tts Southoott Bros THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTe. Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Uto*xoelled dining car "Rendes Weeping cars on nit trey and Parlor carr on :pxiperjpal day trains. Full inifoxt at on from arty Grand Trordc. Ticket Agent, or C. E. Hots. hag District Passelnuer Anent, Toronto N. J. DORE Biotin 44w. Agent, Rzeter The orrect way and the easiest way to dispose of 'some property or s same smallarticle, find a tetmant I your house, or an article you have lost or help svb ert you want '' t, is to intel`'t' a small advt. fon the '"Want Colum" of the Advocate, DR, Al. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St„ Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w Dr. G. F. RouLstoan, L. D. S,, D. D. S. DENTIST Offire dyer Carling's Law Officio; Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A,. R.. KINSMAN, L. D. S,, D. D. e. Honor Graduate Toronto Ustar_er'itita Office -over Gladman & Staiiliury,' Office, Main Street, 'Exeter, writ)' C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED 'AUCTIONEJ.,R, AND VAUATOR for ' Counties of Huron Perth, Middles,ex and - Oxford. Fare' Stock Sales a Speciality. . Office at Central Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. • FRANK TAYLOR Licensed. Auctioneer for Counties of 1-r ntrole end' Middies Prices ,Reasonable- ani' Satieractitola Guaranteed. Crediton, - Ontario. MONEY TO LOAN .r We have a large ' amount of private funds too. loan On farm and village protnerty` at low rates of interest, GLADMAN & STANBURY Barrieters, , Solicitor', Ex ter