HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-6-22, Page 8Exeter Markets CHANGED a ERY WEDNESDAY Wheat ....... 1.15jj Barley .. '' 48Oats to4 o 5d r.tvba's B: st Flour 4.10 Family Flour Pastry Flour F=•ed Flour .`.kions Bran. Creamery getter Dairy Batter Eggs Hayper Ton ..,.........,.$14 to $15 . teven. EXETER ADVOCATE, THU•RSII .X, JTJNE Sys 1922 Local Doings Dr. McGillicuddy sof London, 'called a old tr :nd,s itl, town Friday. William C. Montgomery of Hensall,1 jeweller, has made an assignment to 4.00 F. N1= Raymond of London. ., „3,55 Oa. tost purse advertised in. last 210 ,ti el'a Advocate .has been, _restored to 1.o0 ,t: owner through the publicity given' 1:60 :n the Advocate, It pays to advertise 38 Six rinks tools ,part in the Friday o9 to 32 iaurray the prizes beim; avert by W. o3 to 24 w Seaders, R. N. Rot e and R. N:' la.,.:••:eeia w:,ah twva wins and a plus of '9-3; Zurich beat GoderieIi 12-3;; and Zurich brat Wingham, 16-1. The "divine Beeler" has. moved from Crediton to Glandeb.oye. ale. C. F. Hoofer has the fotuedation :work of his aeone and house about come feted. Mr, Lyle Statham is able to be out for a few hours each day, and gives mines:: of a complete recovery,' Aster tee, days ;n camp at Caring's 11ei iwts, London,. Major H.eanlan : nd trek: volunteers returned on Tuesday 1Qoking fit a£t.er the training. The .baseball tournament at Wing - ham out Wednesday in the Big Four resulted-Winghau beat Teeswater, Hogs ... 1325 tien_y lord saw his,si.x millionth car -- turnol art the Headdan.J Pars, plant aLR3'IC-E..,t week. And some of the first ones e sofa running. ea. wonderful aca- Tao Anand County Orange Service-_veinent. 1) .• °?4d Sunday, July 2nd. „SI w . Tr:w _':t temorial Church, Exeter, :.s : ptt, Sontrain by the Cowtrlty C....ta a:a, R . v. A. A. Trumpet. DECORATION T E tete=r Side of Odd Fellow will dee aar to the grave's of departed brethren tan Sunday, Jurte ZSth, meet n ; at 'telt. cemetery at 2.30 p. m. .A IttU att:adanace :s requested. HAY FOR SALE 20 acres clover, -00 timothy, Lot 18, eon. ?, Cabofte I will be at Yarm Monday, ,Tune 25t?t, at 2 o'clock. ----G. N. Williams. STRAWBERRIES. Fresh dcl:.vered the same day as picked—no waste. Lawn soe al sup- p ed. Special rates izn quantities Phone George 'flay, Crediton, R. R. 1.• TEACHER \ ti` ap—For `F S No. 13 Hay and Step'ten; Salary pi 'Stew. Apply to Ilorace Plata Sec Treas. Hay P. 0. RANGE FOR. SALE— Coal ALE t Gal or :w'f!od„ ari .iratne ass et':ntlitir Apply at this ozf5ce- .t..' =:C :ire severs:.. UJ N14.114 uurna- :u.ni to es Wednesday, -- Lend= ant. •a, at. wiarys, cede ch, and A- spa -x and some ryD: tract bowlers a.Co aitenta ng meat. SF r;nor me two r nos :root asapped oy Dr. aletlel.: ono u. ,.r,e:-ti„n. won toe Fain trophy, also the „ova a..Ln» d • panes ;n :toe rink o •wv ;ngi eompeation, Other claws in wr ..olupetaton aro taode:rich, at Maras, canton, Sea orth and Str-t- rd. :a ,ganga_ story comes trout God-- r vin ,tn wi eh it is stated that ;a app posed -corpse' was wrought to. on the FARM FOR SALE. 100 acres in the Towr sh p of :ttc- Giilivray. being Lot 3, Con. 4. Brick house, bank barn, drive sited and oth- er buildings. First-class farm and in good condition., For particalars apply to Wm. Flynn, R. R. Ailsa Crag. Cars For HireApplyto C.L. Wil son. CARS FOR SALE. Two Ford cars in best of coni thou Apply at Advocate Office;. LOOK AT THE LABEL The. Advocate mailing list Inas been sorr.cted up to April 13th- Loo's at your label and see of your Advocate is paid in aa3vaae:. If so, alright; if dot, why not pay at once, The members of the Huron, County Council will bold tTeeir unseal Pictdc int Jawett's Grove, Bayfield, on Friday June 23rd. The Advocate acknowled. gs an invitation to the picnic, The Advocate acknowledges anin- vitation to .the picnic of the Huron Oid Boy of Toronto to be held fat High Park. Undoubtedly they will have a good time, and we regret out inability to be present. About a half dozen of tbe shades of .night held down the boards of the, Opera house on Saturday ;night and; entertained a small number by ring- ing Southern songs, dancingowl put ling oaf a few stale jokes. A team .belonging to :►Ir. Frank aims made a lively run bn urling-St. Satter day with a load of ,gravel, and for n time they threatened serious results, st:ame: "t.areyhauzed" ;:inn °e°1;•4ter but John Walpers persistent efforts menet at I)utty,annoi Attar the "um.' t+ get deem stopped brought them to standstill„ with no berm done, ax- ptin,g slight damage to the harness. rel" soap cion was. aroused, and Lnc- n u inspee: to ° Pillow and diets Con- st:Gi: 1#4rfies1de:s, it is said, unearthed t. 'i nal). and found therein a eonsid- .rabte quantity at, liquor. We eannot t -au..' for the truth of the story, not t -iv;ng vi -Axed the "remains'•. • J. Harold Couch, who,has just grad- uated at 'Toronto University, w r.ning tita, wad medal in biological aind med- ;Vat $6,414 :0, .s ? son o1 R4:w1. Isaac of• Siratieroy. Ile 'duated from Ottawa Cofegaate In- �ttut: :n 1918, obtaining honors in rsies. nlnatbiroatics, modems •and scene; and • taking tine general pro- .ci:nt a god medal. In his nnatricula- t vet he won two Blake scholarships; and during his aoademiw: career at the Ons vessaty be has WO. a s;ientific seholarsh:A at the end oi each -year. HOGS WANTED„ A number of bogs, 60 to SO pail ds Denalers. T. Willis, Centralia. CHICKS FOR SALE—Baby Chicks from my Bred -to -lay Barred Rooks. Get your order in for these at onee. Phone Crediton 18-31 L. V. Hogartb STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL On Thursday, June 22, on Lawn of Trivitt Memorial Church. Good pro- gram. Tea served from 0.80 p.m. Ad- mission 30a., Children 15e, WELL LP ALAI\. Fred Kerr at Hamilton last week got third place at The Eastern Canada Trap Sboot. with 195 out sof 200, and also- tired lsotied dor third place,in the disttance handicap with 94 out of 100. He and R. D. Bell of Hensall were trophy winners in other events. SCOTCH DOUBLE TOURN1Y. The third annual Scotch Double Tourney was ,held one Wednesday of last week, colder most favorable weath- er conditions, and the greens were 3h! Epee shape.Thirty-two pairs of bowl. :rs were present—thirteen 'of them +tncttg from the ,rasions Loudon clubs ten from Exeter, four from Seaforth,. and single pairs from other thee,. Four games of twelve ends each were played and £iv -e pairs succeeded 1 n, ulamarta all four roman, as follows :-.- SOCIAL SERVICL. At a meeting of the Huron County Social Service Council in Goderich on Wednesday resolutions were passed against cigarettes, the manufact:1re of native. wines, race track gambling, Slut- day golf and Sunday motoring, The officers were elected as follow Hon. Pros„ Thr, A. J. Irwin, Wingham; Peon, J. A. Irwin, Clinton; vice-pres., Mrs. A. McQuira, Brussels; Mrs A. Cooper Clinton; Mrs; S. Fitton, Ex- 4ter; G. M. Elliott, Goderich;; James'. Cowan, Searorth; Jas, B.ialcLean„Kip- pen; secretary, H. Willis, Wingbam treasurer, A. M. Robertson, Goderich; field secretary, A. T. ,Cooper, Carlton; riding representatives ,North Huron,S.' Bennett, Wingham Centre Huron, G. Raithby, Auburn; South Huron, Chas Hsrv'-y, Exeter. CONTRAC'I`ING After being out of business for nearly two years "1. am prepared to eontract on Carr anter Work --large or small jobs of every description,. Spacial attention to hardwood floors, Pians drawn and estimates given free of charge.—Caleb Heywood. ----- HOW I5 THE PUMP? New Iran Pumps and Fittings in Stock Iron ar wood pumns repaired. Wells pumped out as cleaned. S. J. V. CANN. Phone 115 DR. JOHN WARD, Chiropractor & Optician. Chiropractic and Electrical Treatments for Chrome- and Nervous Diseases. Spectacles scientifically fit- ted. itted. Hours 10 to 12; 2 to 4; and by appointment. Office—William and Sanders Sta., Phone 43. Contr acting We wish to call the attention, of the public of Exeter and surrounding dis- trict that we are open to accept, or tender for contracts for all kinds of building We are experienced wo.rk- menn and by strict attent w on to bush nets we hope to share in the contract work of this dositrict W ARES & PRYDL, Exeter. Dray and ° Baggage Anything you have to move we it reasonable Motor Truck and Horse Dray at your Service. SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Services in Towwp. Hall 11 a.m.—Holiness Meeting 7 p.m.—Salvation Meeting, 2.30 p.m.—Sunday Schooland Bible Cuss. Cottage meetings in North End on Tuesday night Capt MacGillivray, Officer ;in Charge. move Auto Livery Horse Livery BAGSHAW & EASTON ea Y. P. C;, A. Open each evening -to membersl. Trivitt Memorial Church 11 aim°—Confirmation Service. Ser- mon, by His Lordship, the Bishop of Huron{. 7 pun.—"Life Within a Shadow'; Rev • A. A. Tr°umper, Rector. Retb and Ross, London Thistles ,.plus #2Reid and Jarvis. London, Elmwoods, plus Rivers and Anderson, Exeter, pus 27 Hill;r and Hier, Lon Thistles, ;plus 28. Broiler and Cornelius, MvClary's, L oindon, plus 20. Th' four lz g h pairs played off for tbe 1 : prizes. The floats began about 10 pm. and resulted in Rath and Ross def•eatias Hillier and Hillier 17 to 8. winning the South Huron. Trophey and first Trues. Hillier and Hillier bunt; awards 'eeond prizes. The • th?rd prizes went to Rivers and Anderson who. defeated Reid and Jarvis, 15 to 12. The latter pair were awarded fourth prizes. \Les Lour, teacher, is home for the holidays. Mrs. M Sheere bas returned from a visit in Brantford, Miss Pearl Rollins of London i3 visiting Mrs, W. May. Mr. Douglas Stewart o. Toronto is holidaying at his home here Mr. Gerald Fitton of London spent Tu:.aday with his parents here. M$sn Vera Jones of Stratford Buda n.ess College was home over Sunday. Mr. R Vrnstone of Brantford visit- ed his aunt, ,Mels;, ,Aamos, for a day or two, QA.VEN PRESBYTERIAN OHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday school and Bible classes. 11 a. m. `What the Earth Teaches" The Minister 7 p. m.—"The Faith that Conquers" The Minister 13,oy Scoots will meet Friday everuing,. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Willson, B.A. 11 ani.—"The Man with 'tlhie Sacret Care " 3 p.m.-Sa(bbaib School and Bible Study. 7 p.m.—"Awtomobile Religion" Services attractive and helpful. All invi bed. A "Sind, sing" with old pieces for 10 minutes, beginning :at 6,•50 p.m. •; MAIN. ST. METHODIST C-HURCH Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A. Phone 21r3 11 a.m.—The manus ter. . 2.45 p.m. -=Sunday' School. 7,00 p.m.—The 'minister. AT BETHANY 2.30 p. m.—The minister. Miss Pearl Sanders of London Bus- iness College, London, was home aver Sunday. 1Irs. 3i. E. Brokensh.re of Fergut has returned home after a visit with relatives. • Mr. Beverley Acheson returned to Grigsby after holidaying with his par:nts here. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Powell, after a visit with relatives here, returned to Brandon. Man., last .week. Mr. and Mrs. Samnal Bagshaw of Toronto are visiting with the farmer's hr -other, Mr. Wm. Bagshaw. Mrs. McTavish and child of Shakes- peare are visiting the formers par- ents, Mr and Mrs, John W. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Ward visited with the latter's ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jennison, near Parkhill on. Sun- day. Mr. Arthur Jackson, of the staff of the Superintendent's office, Londonr, G. T. R„ is holidaying for a few days at his aunt's, Mrs. J. Sutton's, Mrs, Motherwell, wife of 1-lon, W. R. Motherwell, Dominion Minister of Ag- riculture, Ottawa, was last week the( guest of Mrs;. Ketchen, Andrew St . Mr, Millar left Saturday evening for hiat home in Rodney. Miss Ross and. _Miss Dorrarr.ce, teachers in the High School, also returned to their homes last week. Mr, Garnet Frayne, who has beersaf- flieted for some years with asthma, left en Friday for ,the west, where; aa_ the climate helps him, he will remain for . several months,. Mr, and Mrs. B. ;M. Francias of town aa -id Mr. and Meet Ray Fletcher of Us= bor;,:e, left Tuesday morn' ng for. Cross - well, Mich,., where they will attend the annual Francis Re -Union, Picnic„ Mr. aiad Mrs: V. C„ French; aE We t sskiwvin. Alta., spent a few days, here this guests of air,, and Mrs, W tbuln Martiwi and iother relatives. They at- be,nde4 the Press Association Conven- tion in 'Ottawa. Mr. John. White of Outlook; Sask., editor of the Outlook, and 1ornierly f the Exeter Times, spent Thursday n.,ght with his sisters in. Hensall. 1e vas itt Exeter ,for an hour or two Shaking " hands with old' friends; Mrsi. White is spending some months in Detrnf: 7:: JONES & MAY TRU E ALU E At this time of generally unsatisfac- tory buying conditions, it is empha- sized to the thoughtful purchaser that the true value of a corset -foes not lie in the number of dollars you pay for- t, but in the number of days it will, wear beyond the life of the average corset and continue to give you the joy of possession it gav- the first day you. poet it QI1, YOU may buy every Fro s Ai! zsg with our assurance of yoatlx caznlalete Sat fac> ion. WE ARI: LOCAL SELLItiG AGENTS FOR THh CELEBRATED GOSSARD AND NE;aMO CORSLTS We carry a large stock, of the most papular styles in, these brands, as well as other lines, such as Cromplton's, • 1,.a Grace, a?sa IL t A. broad., We knee models to suit every figura Gtassard Brassieres in new s tyles at 75e. =xi $1, 5 each. PHONE 32 2 Big 11 LOT NO '1— utd fie] 25 t�ca s soft doub LOT` NO. 2-7 dozen inen'.s fine sluts, heavy material, with pattern en right through, sizes 14 to 1614, Very special value at $1.50 e atz en's Fine Shirts P,ligee sln»rts est good materials 4 to 16MI bargain m thins week at, OUTING SHOES AND SLIPPERS. Come here for :ill styles of Outing Shoes with leather Colors--wbitei brown, black and white trimmed with blae Flee' Foot or Life Buoy' brands. rubber soles. STORE CLOSED \V1.I)NESD AY AFTERNOONS DURING JUNE, TULY AND AUGUST. JONES & MAY 1. R. Carling, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mol - sons Bank, Etc. INVEST YOUR FUNDS in Victory, Dominion of Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds, all legal ;investment for Trust Funds, At existing prices from 6 per 'cent. to 7 per cent can be ohlained from these bonds. Orders received by me. , Monsey to Loan skit lowest rates of interest Office—Casi£tng Bk., Main St., Exeter Wr Andrew," represent`..ng. HaM.; . to ,Court of Canadian Order of. I'or- s and Mr, Chrcis Luker the Exeter Court, left here Monday to attend the I7 h Court at Quebec this w.egk, The matter :of a .substantial raa,se nn... 'th,e, dues of. the individual members will be discussed and dealt with;. • Display Advertising --Made • known on appcatson, Stray Animals—One insertion, 50c., three insertions $L00. Miscellaneous articles of not more that, Live limes, For Sale, To Rent Wanted, each insertion, SOc. Lost anci'. Found loads 25c. an insertion Local reading notices, etc., 10c. ,per line per insertion. No notice lets than 25c. Card of Thank's SOc, Auction Sales $3 for one insertion and $1,50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in length. Legal advertiaang 10c, and 5c. aline. Farm for Read Estate for sale 50c, each insertion Lott one month of four u,sertions, SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Mien's and Boys' Clothing. This week we are showing some New Models in Men and Boys' Cloth- ing, •tailored from fine fancy worsteds serge,, showing :extra value in fine blue serges at $35.00, FLEE FOOT SHOLT5 FOR SUMMER WEAR. They are cool and comfortable, We are showing a big range for every member of the'famidy. The prices too are very reasonable. In, Dress • for summer $6.00. NEW VOILES AND ORGANDIES Lengths, no two dresses alike and showing the new shades wear 'Voiles at 75c. to $L25 a yard. Organdie Dress length* BILLIE BURKE HOUR, AND 'PORCH DRESSES. We 'are expecting ,another shipment of these popular dresses this week, Why worry about getting a dress made when ,y+ou, can buy such pretty dresses at $4..00, 54,50 and $5,00. SILK HOSIERY, For Men and Women, showing theN•t-w Silk 1 -leather hose, This line is selling well this season.' Extra "value in Black and White -Lisle Hose with pair 75c. Ribbed top, Per Southco.tt ? Bros TIfE DOUBLE TRACK ROUT . Between MONTREAL., TORONTO DETROIT mad CHICAGO Unexcelled dig car wilco Sleeping carie on night traits and Parlor cars on principal day train& Full information fiver soy Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, ar C. E. Horn- ing District Peeserseer Agent, Taroat°. IT, J. DORE Piiooe 46% Agent, Easter The correct way and tbe easiest way to dispose of some property or sell some spall article, find a ter nlant 14 "" your house, or an article you have lost ar help whenyou want it, is to insert a small advt. fn the "Want Column" of the Advocate. DR, Al. E. TENNANT Vete ninary Surgeon McDoaell's Stables, John. St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w Dr, G. F. Rau1s.ton, L. D. S., D. D. 8, DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed ,Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. Horror Graduate Toronto Umirtekt'iiti Office—over Gladntan & Stanliureil Office, Main Street, Exeter, C. W; ,ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Fend Stock Sales a Specialty, O•ffic,e' t1f Central Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Hunan and Middleton Prices. Reasonable and Satisfactiion Guaranteed. Crediton, ' — Ontario. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large ansount of private funds to loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURX. Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter.