HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-6-22, Page 4he Exeter Advocate eantiors Yr Cresei, Proprietors Subscription Price -In advance, 3150 per yea.r :n Camels; Se.tet •n the tietited States,. All subserrptions not paid in adta;we ?tw ltareed, NOW Grand Bend Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) and to Zurich Mrs, Rentbe and Master Karl spent a few days with relatives - in Hamilton, ,while Rev. Rembe and Mr, H. Steinbach attended ,the sessions of the Evan. Lutheran Synod of Canada et Waterloo, No service was conduct- ed at the local church on Sunday- R, J. Kafl f1eisch of the Molsons Bank Wndsor is holidaying with his par - eats Dere,-airs, Ed. Kalbfleisch and. daughter Verna and Mrs. Bann of De- trointare visiting relatives lheret-Dr!, P; J. O'Dwyer has been. confined tohis bed with flu for ,the past week.- Mr. and ?firs, Jos. Wertz and son Floyd anal: friend Emerson Fainter of Pigeon, Mich, visited at the home of Mr. an4 frs, A. Meli k, --There passed away at her home an the Goshen Linesouth. on June 9th, Elizabeth Koehler, wife of Jacob Brown, aged t64 ,yearn, She had been ill for sometime and besides her husband she is survived by a grown up .family, three brothers, Henry, Ja- ceb and Peter Koehler of Zurich, and a sister, Mrs. Wm. Schwalm of Zurich. -Th_ car driven by ,Molton Deitz, as he 11."'S return ,g from the Bend dur- ing a severe storm, became unmanage- able when west of Dashwood, turned over several times and rolled into the ditch wheels up. Luckily '1r Deitz escaped with a sprained ankle, and was able to walk back to Grand eBena. The next norm the car was found 'almost covered with water, and clon- s.derably damaged, ut= a. number sof farmers have been draw ne ,gravel oa.the roads lead- inr to the Lakes This road will be built .of cement\, Mr. H. M. Gill is bu?tine an: ice cream; parlor this week, -it :s reported that several 'Masonic Lodges will paenit here on June 28th, THURSDAY, JUNE, 22nd, 1927, : -Mr. andMrs. Cyrus• Green visited at Part Huron last Sunday,. Centralia rRarquhar Mn Jon eE lls has ;been nonfat- ',Cess F. iNfaroltds visited Sunday at ed to his bed through illness for ,a leer bane s., Cit►tion*-11x. and Mrs. Sveek Or two. :Chas. Hodgert:anel fam.?y of Seaforth' Ger, A. Hicks, :ft./F.P., is 'tome from. visited Sunday in ,this v scan ty-,- -\Mr, laic parliamentary duties, the session and _Mrs. Wm. Pollen, Miss Reta and hasz,tg closed. Harvey visited Sunday at Statfa.-Tom ir.. J. C. Smith pressed for Mr, Oowe d visited at •his grandparents, Geiger et Hexnall 140 tons of bay, 130 _lar. and Mrs, T. Huttkin's over the tens of Nok 1, and 10 tons of N o.2.. week end. -The annual picnic of the Mr. Smith ee beea with M. •C.ol-, Themes Read School will be held In will ,fear a :,.numb: r :of years and that Jams Ballantyne's bush on Saturday, is the biggest ,lob in, hay pressing he June 2.40,, Two ball games, races and bas had. Once be pressed for Mr. sports. All welcome. Bring baskets. Grieve of Parklesill 13e. tons .�. . Mr 'ffo land Nichols of Lan=roe* and,, `S ,ees son, SFr:., `�, l?'.: Detroit vi itsel Tat: , .4.0.urtt Car171C' 1, ts,a hom;« of .11 .. =d Mrs. ,Ilittoa Mit- R.v. Fatlactr t (lrcirran s attending chr;11 ore; tl.e week -end. �, Mr and Mrs. Marslhell Baynitant and r tb.; Retreat, heed at Asumption Col - 1, -”.. d o.7Bon:r Law, Olt., are v sit -1 lege. Sart:du-len, this week, -lir. Jos; ;i14:4 at the hos, of the farmer's par- Mahaney has purchased a Chevrolet .^its, fir. and Ars. Geo. Baynham. car. --.4r and firs. John Miall, accom- Miss I. hien Brooks and Mee. ( ,teenl:d by dr. and Mrs. J. C; Kerber' Thompson spent a few days last week and son, and \ir. Ball's grandson, Mas visiting frt.nds iso Brantford,! ter Howell l'thtnem, Miss Anna Suek- :err. John McFells std continues quite l -y, alt of Detre t, tnatored. hers; on z11. w%; hope. ,,,:.r a speedy recovery. Saturday to vieit friends for a few itis. Hess of Zurich £s visiting. with days. --Mr. Jacob Querelle held a suc- cessful barn •raising one day last week. \lr:end sirs. Tlias..'Carlin have -Mrs. Rich. O'Rourke hu t last weep moved their household effects to Lone for St Joseph's Hospital, London, for tion flies w :el:, where the family win .itreatnent.-- Mr. and ;firs. Jerry •Ca np- reside.bell v,.ssted at Dublin .ort ' Sunday..- Miss Geraldine McKeever of London !arrived home on Saturday. -\Ir. John O'Rourke of Alpena, Mich., son of Mr. • ae. O'Rourke after an abseW a of 'te Dashwood • J n yea -C. 15 1,".S.tit1:4 .i)J.S j]ah':'.II�S,--.13 \Michael Ryan is WI smiles at the ar- Mr. Walter Fassold of London spent rival of a. baby girl. -Mrs. Catherine Sunday with t`es parents here. 1 elclsaat; and „family .ef Detroit motor- Mr. otordr. feed M.ra. E- F. Kraft and lir. -.d here on Saturday and .•;sited at end e1rs. L. J. Rest eneyer visited in .. the heme • or 1rs, Mclsaac's sister. Octroi, - over the weele end. i 1Irs. 1Bchael O'Roulke.--A number Mr, and d ,vara.. I,'napt+oa and dau ht..r from leers attended the Garden party :hiss 1)s,:. 1:7.r..';-.', and Mr. L. ..\Mart':, ii:lel at I-ucan Thursday : last ~eel*, of. Los.don were Sunday visit>ra at i -jr.:l`Phos: Hen has areNee home the Lathe of P. Kraft irem Detroit 'Mrs. Fessold is under the. doctor's .. nen: et see t. We hen: fOr a ep:edy re ov ery . Clan,deboye" :e1r. end Mrs, Same Fred of Seattle _ are v siting with Mr. and 1Mre. J. Nei- l ::h: at:d \'lefts,. H >u i' is at?er I r'nar ear hy e tr Geer'siw l in S ir. ld;v ' l n; i :cruse for the airst nine in a: sv t week- crtd. "lits history. ;Sine.) the earliest 44., of. :NE3,1 al Emma Taman and tape settlement, when 't was 'nt'luded 'ends i Y l u:n ^2 vesited :iib reels ilt Huron County tlh building has been, 1 .' 'a hetet 'i'he first owner was the late tire'sheft Standee . S P. Flanagan. St, Jams' Church ch eb- batih schtol picnicked at Sprin bank June 17. -The small son of Har- old Hodgins, of tape 2nd concession p£ t'trfixed Btldulsl:h :; at lar sent suffering frcin a broken collar bene, -During the .se- vere electrical storm of Friday a valu- J, w. P; sura . find R. Pell anesies cblecow belonging to Mr. Iialloran eci the €,hoot - n Bahl ton last week, .i Bid du'i killed by lightning,1 Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Wilson and �Ir. �'h t'h: 2nd concession of McGillirray: and Mars. to orge Fairburn motored to 3 'n tila,rr's barn was struck and ; orate' Niaga.a and spent a few flays with leafs was ignited, but with the assist- i the ferrite:es, daughter, Mrs. t'hambere anti- of Wallace Cunningham, who for-1 iain.-At Toronto University L. A. y tunetely happened to be at Mr. \Iarr's MacKay, a ki.nsnlhl boy, took first th anyd particulare wasxtdamuiehed Abel,ore it Place in First Class Honor for third year work, winning the \foss Scholar- of tree, Were also damaged by light- ship in Classics, -Dr. James Bell left ring. Iast wick on a trip to the Old Country Mr. and \Mrs.. W&Uiam elacWilliams • ;!Miss Hattie. Sutherland is suffering their little r can Donald few accda3der sinces from a sore grin the result of a fall,- y Thee. Farquhar has been engaged as swallowed a small nail. An X-ray in -1 rural earner on route 2, -Mrs. J. W. Bonthron visited her fatlher, Yountblut who is quite ill at Waiter- 1oo,--The "Misses Minnie Reid, Mar- garet Hobkirk, Nellie McArthur, Sa ins, B -aver and Gladys Petty spent a few days in. Detrtst-\Ess L. Stakes of Toronto is visiting her sister, Mrs. Naylor at the rectory. -Mrs. N..H-ior ten is visiting in. Toronto,---Noirman Cook leis been. -111 of flu for several days - tit ;s M. Johnston and Miss E° Johnston spent a few days in Detroit -During a rece.me storm Robert Elgie had a valuable 'yeast killed in the field and a horse belonging to Hy. Hogarth was killed by Zighteing,- diss Maud Glenn of London is visiting her broth- G^code. cause the same to be paid into the hands of the Village Treasurer for the purposes and with the objects a - hove recited, 2. It shall be lawful for the said Reeve and Treasurer to cause any number of debentures to be made for such sums of money as ntay be re- quired for the purposes •aforesaid. payable for not less than One Hun- dred dollars ($100,00 each, and not exceeding in the whole the sunt of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) and the said debentures shall be seal- ed with the seal of the corporation and to be signed by the Reeve and Treasurer, and be payable at the of - fie of the 'said. Treasurer in the said village. Se The said debentures shall bear date from the day of issue thereof and shall be payable yearly there- after for and during the said period of Ten Years and be for the respect- ive amounts following:- That is to say - Year. Int. Prin. .annuity 1923 330.00 466.02 796.02 1924 304,ss 491.64 796.07 1925 277,32 518.70 796.02 1926 248.82 547.20 79.6.02 1927 218.70 577.32 796.02 1928 156.96 609,06 796.02 1929 153.45 642.54 796.02 1930 118.14 677.88 796.07 1931 80.82 715.20. 796.20 1932 41.52 754.50 796.02 4. The said debentures shall •°have coupons attached thereto for the pay- ment of interest thereon. Which in- terest shall be at the rate of Five and oue half per Gent per annum from the dating thereof in each year, and shall he payable annually from the place where the said debentures are ,fade payable. 5. The said debentures shall have printed across the face thereof the words "Exeter Sewer Drains Deben- tures." 6. During the currency of the said debentures there shall be raised an- nually bee special rate on all the rate- able property of the Village of Exeter the sum of Seven Hundred and Nine- ty Six Dollars and Two Cents ($796.- 02) for the purpose of repaying the. aznonnt due each of the said years for the principal and interest in re- spect of the said debt. 7. This by-law shall take effect on and after the passing thereof, 8. '1h: vales of the electors for ?n.1 against this by-law shall be taken bv ballot on Monday, the lith day r•. July, 1922, from the hour of none jetoc4 !a .tlha forenoon, until --five o'clock u. the afternoon of the same day at the places within the said ear- perationpomtion. of the Village .of Ex- ', and by the Deputy Rt ttarn"ng', Officers hereafter specified. That is to say: - Polling sub -division No. 1, at Mrs• Elizabeth l•landlord't Residence, on the West side of Maim Street; Ed- ward Treble, Deputy Returning Of- ficer: Sidney .Davis, Poll Clerk, Yoll»ng sub -division No. 2, at the Town Hall, east side of Main Street; Wellington Johns; D. R. 0.; J. H. Grieve, Poli Clerk. Polling sub -division No. 3, At the office building at the corner of 'lain and 'Wellington streets; James Weekes, D. R. 0.; Alfred Gambrill, Poll Clerk. Palliate sub-dir sign. No, 4, at the north end Fire Hall, corner of Market and Elizabeth streets; Frederick Wit- wer, D. R. 0.; John Kydd, Poll Clerk.\, 9. That on Friday evening, the 14th day of July, 1922, at the Coarecii Chambers in the said Village i Ex - ter, at the _hour sof 8 o'clock :n the afternoon the said Reeve shall appoint in writing, signed by himself, two per- sons to attend to the final summing up 'of the votes ;aforesaid by the Clerk of the Council, and pne person to attend at such palling place on. be- half of the persons interested in, and desirous of promoting the passing of this by-law, and a like number .on be- half of the persons interested in, and desirous of opposing the passing of this by-law. 10. That on Tuesday, the 18th day of July 1922, the,Clerk of the Council shall, at the Clerk's office, in, the said Village. of Exeter, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, sum up the number of votes for and against this by-law, in the presence of the persons appointed to attend thereat, or in the presence of such of them, and any other persons I entitled by by-law tto be present as !may be present, Signed Reeve Seal Clerk 'a at Dien Acbpl>C Most in Women e is Fe feet ea!th -the Sign of airengsh 1, bottles, and was restored to my natural strength. I canaot praise Dr.. Pierce's medicine too highly and will be willing to write to any one sending a staraptd envelope." -Mrs. Bishop, R. R. No. 1. Barrie, Ont. -"I was suffering from a rundown system some time ago was unfit to ee perform my daily duties, and was advised to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I tried it, took two Mothers, Advice for You! London, Ont. -"I wish I could tell all the women in the world who suf- fer with woman's trouble, what a wonderful medicine Dr. Pierce's Fa- vorite Prescription is. 1VIy earliest experience with it was during my first expectancy. I became dropsical and my people were quite alarmed about my condition. The ':doctor's medicine did not seem to reach my trouble at all so my husband urged me to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- poration of the Village of Exeter en- scription, and to please hint I did. actsas follows: Before I had finished the second bot- J..It shall he lawful for the Reeve tie the distress' and dropsy left me of the Village of `Exeter, an ''.the and i felt inf absolutelythrroperfect health. Treasurer thereof to raise by way of 1 had no further trouble from that time on I afterwards took Favorite loan upon the security of the deben- Prescripfion whenever in a nervous tures hereinafter mentioned from any rundown condition and it always person or persons, body or bodies cor- strengthened and built rr;e up." -Mrs, porate who may be willing to ad- Lily Stoddart, 438 Ontaeio St, At all drug stores, or send 10c to Dr: Pierce's Laboratory, in Bridge burg, Ont., for trial pkg. tablets. dilated that the nae was progressing !read downlvard and the child is now out of daingen YilIage of Exolor By-LawNo.. . A By -Law to provide for the issue of debentures to the extent of six thousand dollars ($6,000.00) for the cost of the construction of Sewer Drains. And to provide for the borrowing the said sum of Six thousand dollars. Provisionally adopted after the 2nd reading on the 19th day of June, 1922. WHEREAS it is necessary to raise by way of loan on the credit of the Village of Exeter, the sum of six thousand dollars ($6,000.00) to provide for the eost of Wor1S, Tile Sewer Pipe, Basins, etc., necessary for the said sewer drains and to provide for the expense of discount and other charges negotiating the said loan. AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the Vil- lage of Exeter according to the last revised assessment Poll thereof is 3781,750.00 AND WHEREAS the existing deben: ture debt of the Village of Exeter is $96,049.50 and no part of the principal nor interest is in arrears. AND WHEREAS the sum of Six Thousand Dollars (6,000.00) is the debt intended to be created by this by-law. AND WHEREAS it will require the sum of Seven Hundred and Ninety Six Dollars and two cents ($796.- 02) to be :raised annually for the period' of ten years, by a special rate sufficient therefore on all the rateable prdperty in the Pillage of. Exeter. • Therefore the Council of the cor- vance the same upon the credit of such debentures a sum of money not exceeding the whole sum of Six NOTICE The above is a true copy of the) pro- posed by-law which has been taken into consideration, and which will be finally passed by the eCouncil of the corporation of the Village of Exeter', in the event of the cansenit of 4he electors being obtained thereto after ane month from the first publication thereof in the Exeter Times and n.x .ter Advocate newspapers, the first publication, oif which shall be on Thursday, the 22nid day ,of June AD 1922, And at the hour, day and places therein ,fixed for taking the 'vote of:e of the Electors a pall will be held. Every tenant of laroperty who de- sires to irate on. ,the said by-law must deliver to the clerk, of the Municipality not later than 10 ;days beefare the date appaiated for taking ,the said vote, a declaration ration provided by sub -section 3 of section 265 ,Chapter 192 of the 'VI un.icipal AcG, Where a corporation entitled to app,o nt a nor, nee' to Toteton its be- half desires to vote it shall not later than the tenth day before, the, day appe6tited for takinng the vote file with the Clerk of the Mtmeciipality an ap- pc.;retment in writing of a person to mote as its nomi ee -and on its behalf: Dated at Exeter :,this 14th day of Jwn ; A. (D; 1922. JOSEPH SENIOR Clerk of tee Corporation of the; Videese of Exeter: GRANTON Warren Brock of Zion, aceorepcnhied bv his mother, and ;Mrs. Wm. Row - cliffs visited with Mrs. J, 1+1rrfght,_ Rev, Selby Jefferson will preach his farewell sermoth Sunday morning and Ross xtext week to Laanbet.h. Phe pas- tor has completed three years of use - rid service in the ehureh here.-- The ;'Masonic Lodge of Granton held their annual outing to Springbank last Wed- nesday. About 300 were present,. in clutliag many old .friends, former Gran ton :stes a.nem Sstc�,erty andntansi enjmoyablebers timeof was spent by nil, -••Rev. Geo, Rivers, Hen - sap, ;a, cached to large cangregatiens Sunday morning ani 'evening. The chic rendered splending music, end the Male quartette was appreciated-- Mr.end Mrs. Caleb Willson of Wilton Grove south of London, visited their na.'ce Mrs. J. Wright last week. GENUINE. 'ASSISTANC....... E TO FARMERS That this Bank las anxious to assist. the apt., cultural development of Canada is shote by the fact that two-thirds of our borrow. customers are farmers. An application for credit from you will be given the most considerate treatment.. sse THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid up $15,000,000 Reserve Fund $15,000,000 Exeter Branch, - it: A. Chapman, Manager Crediton Branch, 1 Dashwood Branch, g, S. Wilson, Manager THE :�,�„1 t,���0 BANK �. INCORPORATED 1855 .capital Paid Up 34,000,000 Reserve Fund 35,000,000 Over 125 Branches, TEACH YOUR CHILDREN INDUSTRY AND THRIFT Reward them ,for doing work around the house and impress upon .hem; the importance of eav^;.thgtiler earnings, Why not open an account for tlhem izia title Savings Department of The .zliolsons Bank. Money may be deposited and withdrawn by mai3. EXETEi3,, BRANOR T, S. WOODS Manager, Centralia. Branch open for business daily. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch, ONTARIO'S forest wealth is dwindling. Every. year forest fires take disastrous toll. Careless campers cause eleven per cent. of Ontario's forest fires. Last summer 112 cases of neg- lected camp fires were reported. This summer be careful. Save Ontario's Forests They're yours DON'T take ehanees with fire in Ontario's forests. DON'T throw away cigarette or cigar butts, pipe "heels" or burnt matches until you are 'deed pure they are out. -• DON'T neglect %o drown out your Sm wdti lots of. water. DON'T build your wimp fire against a rotten log or stump -nor' on windy. Points ; nor near moss patches • nor sethe base of a twe.. Build it in q framer fire- place, or on a at rock,. or on'sspot cleared down to the true soil below, or by the edge of the water. DON'T forget that t h e upper layer of geound in the forest consists -of par- tially rotted wood which will, bum. When you build your fire to make tea, fry bacon or add cheer to pipe and story -telling time, use a woodsman's precautions. • The real woodsmatr builds his fire on an old fireplace, if there be .one handy. Failing that he scrapes away, all hitter, moss and fibrous rotted wood down to the mineral soil, or the bare rock, and preferably some place close to the water. He knows that if fire gets into the moss or the upper woody layer of forest soil,. or in a half -rotted log or stump, it "holds over," burns away unnoticed underneath, and unless fol lowed up and carefully put out, is liable to break into a flame later. He knows how hard it is to put such deep -smouldering fire out. So he makes his cooking fire surprisingly small and compact, and chooses a spot that is absolutely safe. It is a mark of his finished woodsmanship how thoroughly he drowns his fire out with plenty of water when he is through with it. Save the forests. You may want to camp again. Ontario Forestry Branch Parliament Buildings, Toronto