HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-6-22, Page 1-
The Me-n's Stare
Have A Summer
Suit Tailored to
Your Personal.
shown ha our offerings of 'Ale,
High Grad I urneeta1gs, All the
latest fabrics are here, made up in
Ilia latest models ir} the very best
ritattuexz You ccrtainlY will want one
a our sults when, you see the good
and learnt what a saving our pieces
W. W. Taman
Ta lor& Fur ishe r
Closed Wednesday afternoons dur-
ing June July and August,
Our Corner
This question. arises involuntarily as
one reads the statement made by thel
enlister of justice In Parliament Haat
153 Ca:nadie n .boys are ,inmates of our
Pen texttaxie,st Over half of these are
18 years old, 43 are one year younger;
and 18 have not reached more than 16
years, the age when:they leave school
under the new law. The government
$ in eec,e pt tof ,protests against the
taractiee of sending youths to pen-
itentiary. The public will be pleased
to hear that some sy=stem of prison
reform will come under consideration.
But meanwhile let us not overlook the
circumstances that brought these 151
lads into confinement. Let every
father of one or more boys between.
tate ages of 10 to 17 years satzsfact-
ar ly answer the �questi,on, "Where is
alai boy to-night>e
Solite: men are never allowed to say
a word around tete home, yet otrce °€ti,
while: they are pressed to get around
and give their daughters away at'the
matrimonial altar,
To play squarely Pad without price,
to win Seiner without deceit, to lose
onorably and without laititer"nt ss--
tltese ;are the thus worth while in
amateur sport, -
Such a thug as your eyesight should
r. �t be trilled until or neglected, but
GlaDeed Inaw immediate attention and'
-emotion of retie t ve errors and
weak eye muscles to Preserve normal
vision for later years.
all the modern instruments
for rrna'rirr;; complete tests and giving
muscle exercises.
Service and Satieraction guaranteed
R eeeonable Prices.
J. WARD, D.C., Optsnm.trist
William & Sambre Sts., Exeter.
Phone 43 for`dApcairttmernt.
Consult the
Phone 172 r 3.
A Car with a Good Name.
700,000 Owners.
ROADS TER $1275; SEDAN '321.45
Including Tax and freight —
New Machines installed to repair wort; on all kinds of Automobiles,
F, 0. B. London.
Huron Garage - - Exeter
To Farmers Feeding Pigs
We h'eve a variety ;off Feeds and
wish to mention .especially our Cheap
Mixed Chop, which .is very -suitable
for feeding and finishing your growing'
pigs! Do not allow your biogs to go
tel market bight tai we ,ght, as there is
et present' price's a profit of five cents
a ,poundto be made on, them)
Come in, and see tour Feeds..
Harvey ,:Bros.
_tepee -el -tee
T?L'c atteat;:an of the readers of the
.pool li a vs School Report
Advocate s drawn to the ;advertise-! T1SO MAS DOIG ACCIDENTALLY -
meats in this following
Read thea carefully r T'ta e oht-g•
ear old ft d1 tx
and res issues an SHOT BY HIMSELF,
}?xQtects>n of the Forests of Ontario.
anc, see that all daughter er o, 1Ir. I 1• recent changes 'Si the s' arses
one can c o is done to protect the mid \Irs, Russell Schroeder of Usher= }of study in the High Schools have
forests° a pro -
!lay f painfully injured
on r furs ylast rnad, ,.necessary a new method of pro -
against mot; from to form. A Inst ed
e car wheel, nflieeng averu Painful Ari farm
wound that r u_re�r several r„sa,i.�?3.d ai' claoa
It ,s announced by the, r -meat;
,Department .or Ontario that listsoof q e tial strt�}t.s a to svhcr;a'1h4 stiff
are ready to grant complete promotion
successful Students at 1)erearernentoaLt'to close.
as in lea ec., The amount 01 promo-
Pxamrrakcrrts vvt1 .not be published in' d' t a 'Ili
at ,s r1 peppers thus }ear. Cexttftc SHAVE. � tion some others solei ,receive will de -
t! : dail • e hers A N gRRQW S .
will be mailed to the 1 r-neipal of :air, George. Gs>d ,t p pend upon the showing these c crt-
:'h school for distribution halt oa Stephen Ira..ldates ” an
a narrow "escape with his life on fiat ams.
1'.naltaes are date .away M1�with under machine yla on the had set his saw,ng R
n !ties. rare eX a .a titian; :or 'nigh premises of Mr, •Al F—promoted in French; 1---Promot
school uol stttment. In cede eo i high
bort Germ in town. to cut some raids ed �2 Latin, B--.prc noteet in Doth,
a l e ;, al t � a
per cent, ,an any paper and a ,� ..' : plat on the
-•a.1 ° e, �} orate . , to
ta :'neral average of 60 belt, but the belt broke and in some • Othees to be granted complete,
all, n a 4 per cervi, on way caught hent .acrd threw him with tpartial promotion upon. recelo ear
ivie year's pupils are required to' terrible force egahtst the wagon, break- !S. results. p •pt of I. -
r --50 seer
et,taxore on rant mg a. small ban= inhls ankle, and in- i
genera' attention..s ,,.vee to the jtrrrn ; him otherwise, An e e -witness Abbott. Francis., Abbott, Ma. B;,
g mere average . Those who ness •n, stated thee it In } Leh sere Charles F x3 !vin tea gi
Possible orb subjects on whacit the
dents wore required "t ' make e no fess after putting the els put engine',
4t! 'e op:ration proceed t tF 1 I1
any subject are fi'ni'shed with that sub- acolous, that was
s escaped short of mire drew.. B. Alexander, Revere R., An-
j:ct, Supplementary exam'nations areF with his ._.e. yens,. Alen. $., Andrew Ruth B. Bea-
owns, George B:, Campbell, Charles B.,
t Coifing+wood, Grant B., Ford, Fred I:.
On Sunday- evening a large nutnbe.
of the nrrembers of Lebanen Forest n .acme, health for some years miter, froward B., jory, Rutin B„
de 3, Exeter, land vision ; brethren Matt r!;• had been :n the eta sp tel for ; i'':st1e, Hazel L., 'Bann:; Elh B., m
met at Cert trala `and attended ht; tri atment For man} years he re- ; Ler loud B,; Po -Berg, Hann* 13 ,
''''"wen ug service t3 the ileo \lethcdrst sidid, at RogervIlle, bele„ connnected''s-'41 Tom B,, sRoulsttr:y,, Vernc 'I3.
: ch. where with the cheese factor ire the ' n ll,+T]nroth}' I3 Th�rmcon Car}'cld
Rippeo, June 16th, --'Thornes Doig,
aped 44, a well-Ice:ems farmer of this
district, was instantly killed 'Chau
mor n:z og in one of titre saddest ehooti g,
'•..eici.att giver known £ JCppen,
Mr.• Dig started from his home, tsye
miles from Rippen, early hi the morn.
Leg to bring horn: the cattle,, He
took his shotgun along, hoping to get
a chanceat groundhogs, which had
been reported era, t'n4 t:a�sture• Passing.
through a gate ;tear the barn, altar
'rigger of the gun ceught on; the side
tit:: gats and the charge of heavy
rh0t entered hes body and tore a
t rible wound in his side and chest
1-I s body was . ounce later by bro;.
then, The deceased is survived
three brothers, Andrew and WifD,iaaip
Doig o: Itiippan, and Alexander Qf
Windsor, and one sister, Mrs, Simpsoij
of ' Freeport.
It was deeeded ,that an :request w4FM
xnec essery°
Tij ,'death took plaec on so ndny 'n. Gardiner, Elsie B., Gi.liilIan, John B'1
: Vict mee Ilusixiel, L melon, of .era aced Giadran, Charles P., Gower, Herman
"r s deint atf the Loniten Read n f tt 13., Hamlton, Elizabeth R. H.
� t1v.� n^:rsa.n o James •Tapir :at the R.
Ae"' Greb, Leonard, Hackney, Margucr
ager or 83 years. Deceased had be i r son, Oscar B., Hodgson, Herman B.
they !.stented to a } 1d
r.ry= able address by Rev. fro; e.krtlaur ans when
that was a !tidying ,Von \\rass resit Wanda. B., Li`. they.
` v t F. Tuek y , Bruce F. ;except Ai
village, ' p ,.}
a vela r, th , ; and yin a r sears do -get in tor
gar;ier.•• H^.l,;n B., \\'oacl, Oli B.
pastor o: the a'lrurch. eve His telt died a°„hteen years ago
elan} of the brethren first met in Two ‘sene survive, James in the 1 e%t, II, to 1Ii.
tlx: Lodge Room, twhere, after aspera and John 'n Henson; also them bio_+
.mg, the Lodge uas called oft for the th e's, Weeam of Exeter, and Thomas Other ores to follow for part
Aurpos.. of .attend' e cl'
At Centralia the brethren, with maria wens tatWen to le . e .r S o
a ensile asci its.,, ,cit. of results are received :--
.noire aworshn
R:clras<t of the tVest, The re ; 4: comp'te promotion when the i.ow
rtumtb.r from Luei Ailsa. • •g. Tann rel two c, l
1,f , !s Cr,a,,, and k ala 4 faom era. Stat int Altiawctrtlt, Erica, rcl, Christie, Celia
.a., o� es, met at Epworth Part;, f finer. '1 vo sd as st1Arir,;rtg, iatterraent bei.
and artarcb.tt to the .church, On the mead, in the Union cemetery,
ctttte union, of the service the return!
ran �� ,
�+ It was
envied- and after "calling Onl';,...„ 11r �.tarust Kuhn, mtr.gcr of the
in, the lodge room the usual votes of item KO« commerce at Kerrobert Sas
thanks were tendered the pastor, the:acc"omperiied by 1lr.. Kuhn, atnd, two
officials of the church and the choir children are visiting relatives and
R,ar. Sinek4r took, .for his text parts' friend. in Exeter and Crediton. Mr.
of the loth and 16th verses of tine Kuhn is in rather poor health and is on
Third Chapter of First Corinthians,— tea . e of alasenee for a few months.
feAs a wive masterbuilder I have laid
the foundation, an{1, another latuldetli
But let et every man. take ZION
hied how he buildeth thereupon, for ^--- '
g, are .the temple or Gad,,, The garden party held in c:crunec-
Freoi this text hepreanhed e mostC-Rat4=' tis. church here on ues-
appropr,:at' d htstructise sermon vetVnr of last week, was a most en-
saying in part,— ' Joyabl • affair, and one of the most
"\lat.t has been a builder from the successful held under the .name aus-
t> a es. Thee program' was 'rood and
dawn at -ecreation- Many biblical in» m'rst heartily appreciated,
Wane.* are shown where man built
to ap rte tarn, such as the Temple of v -
Solomon, the temples of Egypt, the
perfect are itecture of the Grecians, - Crediton
•i n
and later the roads of the Romans' but
the greatest t.
aunt a°
s 1_
:s that ti a' .
�a r
and character. Man should have ant Civic litii.day on, Thursday of this
ideal to aspire to, and he should try t week. All places of business `losed,
to attain his ideal., Such as trueture itIrL Ewald, is visiting leas daue h-..
will last, It is the greatest challenge t'r art's, 'Telfer, of London
the ages --to be a masterbui,lde.r The 0Misses Rauch Of Chicago hare
ar'teter. Man all along his jour- 'arrived in. town to spend their boli -
Ivey should endeavor to do his best days.
to attain the. height his soul cries out` The Methodist Sunday School pis -
tar We in this society seek, to be in Pic.' at Grand Bend Thursday.
life a nnasterbuilder, The teachings of Mt, C Triek has completed the
the Order .are founded on. the Boolc, i-;+undation of his shop.
Let every man* take heed !taw he Mr. Everett Feltner ?s all smiles
builds, these days—its a boy,
A sur. foundation. is necessaryin f M. and 'Airs. Thos. Buckley and two
the building of life, just as it 'Lein any tla.loraxt visited with 11r, and Mrs. Ed
material. building. The wise builder Fainter for a few days during the
looks wall to the foundation. He who ac eeb.,
builds on the .rock is wise. .Build your Mr. and lies, Wm. Brown visited
ctruth and jaracter ustice.e Reputation. Reputa onon e ihonor,
dif- `i The wridi his ing or Hydro nts over pro ;ress-
ferent from character. A. mast may =iL. i .sorahly, \lr, Thos, "Tra5ethtd:
have a good reputation, but the Alar-. and teases lttast', premises are be-
at ter may be wrong. The ;;rent =n m-r':d.
rock of character is Faith in God, l gr. and firs. C. Zn clotr and son,
Faith links ,man -to God, makes him U raid, spent the week -end in tiara -
obedient, nuts the helm on God's hand • burg visiting at the home of errs.
and opens channels of good in the Lvv eker's parents..
livens of men. Build upon the .ound-' T:- Div-irze Healer has moved to
align of Chris,tt. Clendeboye to continue his work.
G-oocl workmanship is a great meed. Crediton}aeon Cemwas etery Suobser ed at the
"Let every rnan take heedhaw he th'
graves of the departed were beau -
of the
'thereupon." It is the spirit' thhuily decorated with flowers: A
sshis .work
perfect builder.12Theretris s-. ort ?darnoraa,I
Service was held by
ono.' substitute, If we rail in, this, life i Rev, Hauch Quite a large number
is a ;failure "The .art al: government vv re present.
is the art ofbeing honest"' — a itue' A number from here attended the
motto. There is not enough honesty C ason c at service C ntralsa .one Sundayo est
5n the world—too much veneer, too
much makebeleere,. We need to corn- rest z'
bate and champion the cause of *hoes- St, -tial Quarterly services were held
eesty, Go, by the principles—Is he n L Evangelical Church ;on Sunday.
honest? Is he a man? Is he on, the The an'n`ual Children's Day Festival will
square? Can he be depenried upon? take place .next Sunday. A splendid
program is being prepared.
Then the builde:r must be shilft:tl. The. Evangelical Sunday School will
Teta parts anon be .fitted by square cin."c .at Grand Bend and compass. Our lives must fit into t} ort Thursday,
other lives 5n the spbrit of brotherly- (ttee week), Let's got
° love, relief and truth. Let your 'good—
ness be such .as to shine before God respected citizens, in the person of
and masa. "Let me lame in a !louse b y , Join Felcrkbeiner, passed away last
Gl; -dn.s ay 14th rent„ at the age -orf
hemi „ of the Toed, and be a friend 77 years and five mam,ties The de-
ceased had been elle for some time
Another essential is fidelity to de- with cancer' of the ,stomach. He erni-
taut. The eye of God can see even grated from Germany some ;36 years
if h.cl nt; front the eye off ma+n'. Faith ago and s_Inc,e .hies :arrival in our midst
fulness is a great thing. The every. with his wiife and family he beca,m+e alta
day devotion is the thing that brings honorable resident. Ibis remains were
Ii1e bo its , completeness;, Build well nberred at Creditotu on' )aridly;.'' Ike
\ atever tiwe.d'o.
leaves. to rruottrn his loss; his widow,
Dealing specifically with the Order, sous, John of Pittsburg, Wvlliartt
t1'- minister spoke of the recess' ty o'C Svvrissvalee, Pcnna., Polak of Cleve-
of se-recy tin. Use work, just as in ev- land, and Charles of Seatorth;' and
cry •order oz army, or family; or the daughters Mrs,. Pack •r'f Londozi, Mrs:
beasts gladdened, the destitute pro- S,. r of Cleveland and Miss Barbara
video for, th'e. great fights in history of
on »! thy F' to.ewbo.nmue;t extend the
the Order lams wa.geri for liberty, how ni 5
i'1 +s cd'ett`a,tz�ed with, - revery greaet:I fti�Ezrat gna at aftti's asrevom use ed t t the
movement for liberty, ` equality and
fxa�b rnety,. Masons, be true to the expected drat 111i<hael Finkbe.iier wil
upon which our, system is found- ?tart :work on its luousrs int th;e near
cl, anrr the can work out a glorious future
finish. We will be judged by out
lives Live a u ell-s•egula.ted Ivfe
and b (rad tlae world sit bonds, of brasher To insure publication all news must
hood, peace and charity, be in Hire Advocate office by. Tuesday
The singing ,o,C the choir, and the notn�stg' of each week, owing to the
solo parts jay 'Mise Neil and Mr. Hicks half h•o'lielav� c 6. Wednesdays tof June
was greatly appreciated, July atad August
Creech, Ruby F., Farquhar. Maurice
B., Fulton, Lula F., Gap; h air, Mary B.
Heist, Lloyd 13„ Harvey, Florence F.,
f .aman, Fred B., Hodgson, Cecil I3..
Iiegarth, Jana:, Forney, Ella I3.,Horn-
. y, fiery 13., le•night, !:.aura, Medd
Nellie B.. \Mies, Trueman, Neil, Maur-
ice, Sanders, Grant. $., Snell, Lille H.,
Stanbury, Kenneth B., Statham,, title
Thomson Pearl 13., Tuckey, Henson F.,
Woods. -Marion B., Yellorw, Tom.
Following g is a list -of the School
ie tier.. !avant!: and dotes for 1922;re
Grand 13:nd ................... Septi 7
Ci Baton. Sept, 8
Zurich , .. Sept. 11
Llan ort .,.. Sept, 12
Varna Oct. 2
Dashwood Oct. 3
\\^irach:lsea Oct. 4
KL -1n Exeter Nerd), on jural: le
lLr. and Mrs. John Kydd, a daug
Ui nan—In Hay, eat June .9, to
and Mrs.. .David Dienaat, a gore,
sill --I
n He3tSa
S�ti :lune ;Nile
�. A 11 t
and :airs, W. Bell of Windsor, as
Tipp—In. Victoria Hasp , on, june18
James Taper of London Road, Hay,
a ,etl 83 years.
Ws. jos. 1-ollicL of Hamilton is vise
The Public school closes next week it ng her pare,mts, Mr. and Mrs. N.
for the summer holidays.
Phone 9
A CHANCE t. iA, E Barr those who were no at on our hist Big Sale, Can
Saturday, Jun:: 24th, with ,every tnzrehas: of SLOG or,over of our "Quality
Beef", we will give 1 lb, of our Pure Pork Sausage, or 1 Ib. of Bologna
as before.
A Full Lute of Smoked and Cured Meats.
Have your Bacon and Cooked Meats 'Machine Aired. The only satis-
factory way -- any thinn:ss you desire.
We close Wednesday .t; ternoon, but axe open every, night,
3. A. S.TE
Phone 16
We offer 10 per cent. Discount oft all Dinner Sets this month,.
Our sets` are the-Fianest English Porcelain China, full 97 pieces, with
China Cups and Saucers in very neat floral and conventional de-
Black and White, Tan and nice Gray Stripes, all sizes. They are
excellent value, Regular 31.50 Sp:cial 98c,
Dainty White Voile. BIouses in a number of nifty Styles. They are
priced very low for quick selling at $1.19 to $2.50.
In. our Corset Department we are ready for- the hot weather with
a full range of ;up-to-date ra.odels; Also a line light weight corset
for the hot days. All sizes, Regular $1.50 --Sale price 98c,
:Summer Shoes :for every member ,or the family., Barefoot San-
dals, White and Tan Canvas Shoes, Oxkrd and. Pump's. Many other
lines, all priced very Low.
Our Grocery Department its the place to go to save money, Pric-
es are Rack Bottom
6 Rolls Taii:et Paper for 25c,
Kellogg's Corn Flakes per pk. 10c.
All brands Laundry - Saps -
10 bars Boa 70c.,
2 on: lb.. cams choice pink
Salmon for,. ... 35c,.
Palmolive Soap., 3„cakes for 23c.
7 Cakes. pure .Castile Soap for 25c.
Shreaded Wiseat Biscuits pk. 12c.
Pure bulk Cocoa per pound 15c,
Deily Powder, a4, flavors 3 for 25c,
3 Bottles best Extract for 25c.
SUGAR PRICES have been, .advancing, daily. We have a good
slack, Order your Prese:-v'stg supply now, beforeanotheradvance,,
This Store will close Wednesday afternoons during June, July
and August: