HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-6-15, Page 1THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. PHONE 81 The Men's Store Have • A Summer Suit Tailored to Your Personal Requirements SPRING MEN'S FURNISHINGS IN SHIRTS, TIES, HATS, CAPS SOCKS, UNDERWIsAR,. GLOVES, J.TC THE SMASON'S SMARTEST STY I.LS axe drown in our offerings of Men's High Grade Furnishings. All the lateat fabrics are here, made up in th* latest models in the very best manner. You certainly* will want one Of our sults whine you see the goody and learn what a saving our prices afford. W. W. Daman Tailor&Furn. sher AGENTS FOR "THE HOUSe. OF HOBBERLIN" Closed Wednesday afternoons dur- ing June. July* and August, E,,.YET .1Rs ONTARIO, THURSDAY JUNE 15, 1922 Our Corner A I'ALSE REPORT Local News Just recently ea organization Of dis- gruntled ex -soldiers in Toronto, made a march to Ottawa: with a view to helittline Canada and to show up the Government ,in treatment of those who went overseas. We are an elined to tlntik the ,scheme did not fulfil the. purpose for which it was intended and reacted as a boomerang to the object of the organizers, The ex -soldier should receive every consideration, but there is a lint tto 111 things, and we are ;reclined to thiol: they have reach- ed the limit of fairness. Just to sluew what has been done for ex -soldiers we give tbe following figures: Unemployment .relief $ 15,000,000 Was Service gratuity 164,000,000 Pensions 135,000,000 Voeatiaual training Medical treatment Land settlement Insuraatce 41,000,000 41,000,000 80,004,000 20,000,000 ':There were 65,000 pe sorters, 123,000 patients xreated, 42,000 vocationally treated, 27,000 settled on. the land, 33- 400 placed in employment, and on May lst 22,000 were receiving relief, be- sides which the Government has pro- viders 10,000 artificial limbs, and 21,000' pairs of orthopaedic boots. YOUR EYES Dli'SERVE EXPERT A.TTl ,NTION Such a thing as your eyesight shrauld not be trilled with or neglected, but should Jaw immediate attention arid Inton of oefraet. a errors and 'c eye muscles to preserve normal gra for later years. l'1': haz a all the modern instruments for making complete tests and giving muscl exercises. Service and Satisfaction guaranteed Reesontible Prices. J. WARD, D.C., Optometrist Willimn & Sanders Sts., Exeter. Phone 43 for eppo;ntment, ^?Fi Consult the Agent A. DAYMAN Phone 172 r 3 Exeter JIOEGEBRITrHERS MOTOR CAH A Oar with a Good Name. 700,000 Owners. TOURING CAR $1315; ROADS TER $1275*; SEDAN $2145 Including Taxand freight F. O. B. London. New Machines installed to repair work on all kinds of Automob es. PILON &. FOOTE Huron Garage - Exetet r xeter Rolier Abundance of Feed OATS --- We ehawne gust nrinilpaded two cars of Western Oats which w(e. ,brave tcaeane as usual, tang out tlrte ieeeds, hulls and dust CORN — Just atnioacled a car of spl• ndid American Corn. CHOP --- We, can supply you with just the ,kiirad of Chop you See ;our pile of .Mixed Chop, good and cheap. p MILL FEED .- Yes,,ave have a supply ,of that Baby ,Chick Food, Etc. Come in and have your wents supplied. FLOUR Always •i erriernber that our Flour is • siecand six none;. wai too, also .T1.g. Oil Cake arvey tiros. A sensational story, reflecting onthe good name and character of George Tuffin, sof near Stella, was in circula- tion. throughout this community last wenn, The ;first heard of it here was on Tuesday and the telephones rang in, from all directions to ascertain fhe authenticity of the report. The Ad- vocat, at once sought to get direct in- formation and phoning to Stella as- ce.rtained that it was unfounded. It appears that the story took its rise from an item appearing, in the Mitch- ell Advocate, taken from an, iasue of 1866, in. which .one A. .Tuffin, in ai quarrel stabbed a man named Peilow, and a reader of the article got a wrong fmvressioa. A sensation of this kind naturally creates a big stir in a law-abiding community, and needless to say .it .l>'ad that effect here: CHANGES IN PROPOSED TARIFF. The Arrster of Finance, Hon, Mr. Fielding, on Monday proposed several changes ne the Budget. Some of thein €trey^ -r Soft Dr;atks—Excis-' reduced from 10 to 5e. a gallon, but extended to car soda ,fountain beverages. Ef- fective July 1st. Ale, Beer, Porter and Stout— Re- duced learn 15c a gallon ce 12 1-2 e. Effective July 1st. C gar4'ttes—Instead of S6 to $9 per thousand, will be $6 to $7.50. Che quer Tax—As proposed. 2c. for each $50, but not beyond $5,000. thus the maximum tax is $2. 1, apples a1 - so to express and postal money orc?ers Stv'LI,; Transfers --Proposed tax of5 cents per share reduced ,to 3 :tents. Former tax was 2c. Includes bonds. lt:.eenets—New tax on receipts of $10 and over, 2c. Effective June 1. 132et Sugar—Reduced from 49e .,to 24 1-2 c. per 10.0 lbs!, Tobacco -Proposed Se. per pound tax abolished, Cables, Telegrams -5c. proposal re- duced toi 3e. Automobiles --Former proposal 5 per cent. up to $1200 and 10 per = cent, above that amount, Modification is that cars above $1200 will pay 5:per cent on $12.00 and 10 per cent on. re - meander of ,> •e. Cigars—Reduction of tax on cheaper lines, middle sante, expensive, higher. The increased sales tax must be paid an, all shipments or deliveries of gioods e,ontracted .for before 'elay^ 24th, if such shipments are made after that date, is a ruling .from Ottawa. But if such goods bad been, fully manufactur- ed and :fully paid for prior to May 241 the increased sales tax does not apply A man ;goes rS,ght ,up in" the, :ova,, if the ." Hello" girl does . not give him his 1 call in a burry, but he will sit all day 3n, the boiling sun. waisting for ane little ;fish to nibble at his bait. "Everybody has a day but father" says an •exchange. Father has a few nights, however, that he does not want taped about nor celebrated. Send in the local news —but sendjt. early, The weather got pretty close tothe freezing point on. Monday night. High School examnatlions are now being held. Mr. Wethey is presiding at Cretlit•on and Mr. linter at. Wiz ehetaco, Toa Exeter Scotch Doable Tourna- ment is :taking ,place this Wednesday en the local green, with a large en- try list. A ,number of Exeter people motored to (latter/eh on Monday evening and ‘enjoyed ti:e moonlight trip on the lake in. the Steamer Greyhound. Mrs. C. II. Sanders received the sad news on Saturday :of the death of her uncle. Ma James 1?equegnat, a, life_ leen resident and jeweller of Strat- ford. Mrs Sanders attended the fun- eral on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Fred. Davis, Biddulph, announce the engagement of their only dao bt r Vera A., to Mr. nierenn H, Elston,, son of Mrs. Laura Elston, Gent- , ranee. tble anarriage to take place the Ulster part of Juno, i louring tate severe electrical storm en Saturday ~night the front gable of the root of Jia_n Street %1e:hodist Church \sas structs, Out sly sl'ght damag , wan clone. A few sh'ngles and a little plaster was knocked off. Word has been received ey the e cretary of Exeter Lodge of Odd I X111>w.. thrt Mr. S. A. Poplestore. P. G. 11., wwe., ,,re Victorian :iespetal. London, t.., recovered sufficiently to be out tel bed, end ]tapes to be :stele ' to return home ;n a week or ten days the Creamery, causing. The Saturday might storm pu: a hydro' tr nsformer out of buss at a loss of $200 to the Utilities Commissions. On Sun- day night a falling branch broke a wire at the corner of Carling and Huron Streets and was a menace to boys and dogs for a time, The Promotion Exe.ntinations of the Huron Public Schools will be held on Monday and Tuesday, June 26th and 27th. Teachers will send at once, to the Public School Inspector, the number of papers required for each class. The papers will be mail- ed to the teachers about June 19th. THE ARMY BAND, London Silver Band of the Salvation Army spent Saturday evening and Sunday in cExeter, and also gave a. concert in Hensell Saturday evening, Ran interf.ered with the evening even- e irts in Exeter both nights, but the weather was fair Sunday morning and afternoon. In, the morning they played at various points in, ,town, and in the afternoon, a large crowd greeted them on tho river bank, The evening ser- vice at Victoria Park gave promise of great success, .as the park and the surroundine streets were trilled with hundreds of cars and xigs—a thousand or more people being present. Only ono or two selections had been given, however, when a sudden, storm came un and the crowd ;scattered in every direction. The Band is a fine organ- ization and their music was apprec-- ia ted. Ev. n mules cnnnat pull while they : lS"EL)DING '. are kicking; neither da they kick while The Crystal City Coiurier of last they axe pulling, week contained the fallowing particu- lac, o the marriages of two former It is alright to love your enemies, ww.,,11 lin,.^.wn residents of Exeter- but xeterbut don't slight your friends. 'Twas .hay making time in the park last waek, COUNTYCOUNCIL A grant of lSUU was made to the Children's Memorial Hospital, London, and $750 was granted to Seaforth hos- pital. A grant' of $100 ,was made to Huron County Trustee and Ratepayers' As- sociation„ Robert Robertson of Clanton vas ap- pointed keeper of the „Aged People's Home at Clutton. This position was made vacant by the resignation of Jas,. Reynolds, who had been an excellent keeper:' The Council passed an assessment of two mills to raise ;5:85,002..80 far good roads in. tire county, and a grant of $51;0.00 was given to Wiinigharn for im- movement of streets,'and 51,500 to Clinton; wh.idi the $10,000 given Gad- erich last January was raised to $26- 000. Vfrs., 'DeJea . and little . Betty of Harrow were visitors here during the 1 Mr, W. S. Calle spent a couple days Bissett—Gkrexentvay A. quiet wedding took place at the parsonage on the evening of May 25th when Mr. Wm., Gne•enway, Sr., ,of Cry- stal City, and iVIrs,. Bissett, late of Pilot Mound, were united in matrimony by the Rev. R. ,H. Gilmour, pastor of the Union Church. They have taken up thou- residence in the Brice home,, MVIcLellan-Brooks. A quiet ceremony took place at the Congregational Manse, Winnipeg, on June lst, when Christena, daugh ter of Mrs. Fanla,y McLellan, was united n tn,arriage to Mr. W. 3, Brooks, bath of C ystal City, R,ev. Cearge Laugh- ton officiated: .Mr. ,and Mrs. Brooks wall reside in. Crystal. City where they ane well-known, and respected, and the best wishes of many friends attend them for their future lia,ppiness. Miss Bertha Mack its visiting her parents here. Mr. Fissett,e of Brantford was a. visitor in town, avlondary. • BURLARS AT LU'CAN in. Hamilton this' week attending the Burglars successfully looted the bar- Druggists' Coswention,:, b•et strop ,amici pool room of Honie Lewis during the .night of `Jun:e8; get Uig away with ,tabacca and cigarettes vaited at .$$50jto,:'860 and about $3 ;n2 cash,. It is thought ii.se ;thieves were familiar with the piacie. Emttance was effected by cutting out a piece of glass iri the, rear door aired shootingback the bolt. Na clues were yeti. wwre eke TO CORRESPONDENTS:. To insure publication. all news must Mrs. john Snell, Win; ,his spent the winter with her .son Richard, • in Cal- , gory, haus T. tun ;ed to her hame here. Mr, Robe. Woods of Usbart e leaves, on 11 ursda,y ofthetas, week ;foriV ontreal and bloatLverte *Ill take the:,Steamer \fawntrose and said ,for England, wyhl'ere, doe will visit for at 'tiimie among olcl. friends and irela.tives in Lancashire. and other parts,. It is about 40 years sitnce Mr. Woods ; carne to Canaria; and rtureag that t me has only 'visited his .lnaitrw'i', land once, about 30 years. be _n the Advocate office_ by Tuesday ago. Ince ng of each week, ;lying to the half holiday an Wednesdays !o8 June July a•nd August: Adriitioal Locals on Page SANDERS & CaR,a o,C H Dr. MacTavisli, Toronto, UNDER THE AUSPIChS OF THE VIOLET RAY INSTITUTE OF CA- NADA WILL. L ECT• URE FREis IN THE TOWN HALL, EXETER ON .. Monday) June 19th 1922 ArTERNOON tiEbTING AT 3 O'CLOCK -. SUBJECT "A WOMAN FOR SALE rEN1Nfr 'MEETING AT 8 O'CLOCK — SUBJECT,— "DIRT, DEBT. D UBT AND THE DEVIL" NO ONE SHOULD MISS THESE LECTURES, ADMISSION -- ,FREE, \sirs :Marg Tum has arrived hones to Goderich for the summer, having ram•. plated her course in, .medicine at the Toronto Un:v rs ty. \Ir. R. S. Lan g, a former w -ell-• kn'+wwn business man of Exeter, but Jew of Toronto, shook hands with nutni>'r of old fr.ends here on 'Tue:a- day. BIRTHS Dougall --In Usborn, on Juste 2. to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dougall, a daugh- ter. Elliott --In Exeter, an June nth, toMr.. and Mrs. John Elliott, a daughter. ?Squire,—lea Blanshard, on June ]2th,' to Mr. and Urs. Frank Squares, a son. A.1.xander--L'a. Tuckersmith, on Juni: 5 to Mr, and Mrs. John Alexander, Jr.. a son. MARRIAGES Slenten—Lanxon—la Clinton, on Juice. Martha, daug1 tsr of John, Lannon, to Alexander T. Stomata East--Plgrim•T At Varna, on Jun: 7th` Esthor Lavaca, daughter of Mr. and C. Pilgrim of Varna, to Norman C. East c'f biull,''tt. Wes:°-.Cantenen--In Goderich Tp:, o$ June 7 tit, Catherine Emma, daughter ot Mr. and nre . Adam Cant°.Ion, to Chael s E. Wise. DEATHS :yckmau—in, Exeter, on. June 12, %Weil= Bair Allsert Rycltman, formerly of filbert. aged 72 yearn. gird—fn Detroit, on June`t'i, Martini Elizebeth Pickett, wife of Olivet Baird, Parkhill, Phone 9 OERVICE ATISFA CTION Picnic Time i B: sure to have your cooked meats and bacon machine -sliced, "They satisfactory way". We sell KITCHEN BOLOGNA and BACON, CIiOICE BEEF, PORK and LAMB all the time. TRY OUR PURE PORI' SAUSAGE and HOME MADE BEEF GOOD LARD — LTE SELL IT. Let this 13right Sanitary Store supply your wants, RIVERS' MEAT MARKET WHERE QUALITY IS HIGHER THAN PRICE. Wa close Wednesday afternoon, but are open every night, VEA'2 LOAF, J. A. STE A Phone 16 " THE BIG STORE WITH THE LITTLE PRICES." DINNER SETS F OR THE JUNE BRIDe, We offer 10 per cent. Discount off all Dinner Sets this znonith Our sets are the ,Finest English Porcelacn China, full 97 pieces, with Chine. Cups and Saucers in, very neat 'floral and conventional de- signs. 9Sc,. MEN'S WORK SHIRTS 98c. Black and White, Tan and nice Grey Stripes, all sizes. They are eaoeilen.t value. Regular $1.50 Sp eclat 98c, WHITE VOILE BLOUSES. Dainty White Voile Blouses in a number of. nifty Styles, They are priced very low for quick selling at ;,1.19 to .$2.50. SUMMER CORSETS. In our Corset Department we aro ready for the hot weather with a full range of up-to-date models, Also a latus light weight corset for the hot days. All sizes. Regular $1.5Q—Sale price 98c. OUTING FOOT WEAR, Summer Shoes :for •every member. ,of the family. Barefoot San- dais, White and Tan Canvas Shoes, Oxford and Pumps, Many other, lines, all prided very Low, Our Grocery Department is the place togo to save money. Pric- es are Rock Bottom 6 Rolls Toilet Paper ,[or 25c,. ICetlagg's ,Com Flakes per pk. 100, All brands Laundry Spaps 10 balrs far ,.....,.. ' 70c. one lb., cans ,choice pink Salmon .For 35c • Palmolive Soap, 3 cakes far 23c.' 7 Cakes pure Castile Soap.far 25c, Shreaded Wheat Biscuits plc, 12c, Pure bulk Cocoa per mound 15c, Jelly Po der, alit flavors 3 for 25c,, 3' Bdttles best Extract for 25c, SUGAR PRICES have been advancing daily, We „have a good stock. ' Order your Preserving supply now, before anothcri' ante. J. A. ST W RT This Store will close Wccltesday .afternoons during Jwte, July ?. and August. •