HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-6-8, Page 8.EXE ''ERABVULATE, T. u RSDAY, JANE 8 1922 Exeter Markets Local Doings •I- NGEl) EVERY WEDNESDAY Mr. Gib. Dow Shipp -d a car horses to Toronto Monday. Mr. Newton ,Baker has been on the Birk list during the past week. It might be that the dark-haired svo- i,n a „air,) first; but light -haired vases merry *leeriest. For June weddings we have 3, news stRck of the latest envitations and ane pounce cents. Prompt service; fixst- class work; pric'e's right, Wilbur B.iss Ott, sot of Mr. d Gln, 1=d. Rssett o£ Winnipeg, formerly oz Exeter was marred on. Tuesday to a \Miss Dickson of that city. Mr. Case R. Howard of New York e of lir. and Mrs, J. N, Howard of .eter. s to be married on Jure 14th New Jersey to Miss Webber of that G.tv formerly of Tavistock. Week- _\Ir. Samuel Parsons was wort, 'ng colt in th, field it became frieete. -aced .Ind ran away and finally falling' injured itself to such ars extent, that death resulted shortly afterward. Netters. Chas. Jinks and Elate Row- chile have ` been appointed on the B:w:asd of i?':reetors eo assist in ar- rangau. _ora plowing match some time s ,fall. Last year a plowing "match wvas held south of Exeter, and this ;r the directors are arrangiztg for field centrally located between;Hen- sall and Exeter. 15h,at 1.33 Bar.ey 4$ to 55 Oats .. ,..... 34 to 4d� Alan-toba's I3 st Flour €.307 Family Flour 400' Pa t. v I >.nw”. ...-.. ... i,Etl Feed Flour 2.10 Shorts ..... , ,:. 1,60 Brats 1.60 Cramery Butter 37 1,? -y Butter 28 to 31 Eggst,. 23 to 26 ,. _ 20 $15 to $16 13.25 Lard Hay pier tort Hogs CARD -OF THANES dr. Win. Oke and family, desire to erpress their sineere thanks to the many freer ie and neighbors for their kindness and symeathy during the illness and death of Mrs. Oke, and al- so for the teeny floral tributes. t ARI) OF THANES Mr. to "'ge \V idsor and family de to return a thanks for the many keelacsses Shawn durne. the :illness end sula,.quett,t death of the tate ;a1rs. We dear. NOTICE Ie a,Krtime my her:Jet tett tits: Meed and -beard pf John, E. Wi,!h lm, Jr , will say that on account of rut:l y ,nd his unb=arable temper,. for which I Irety. teeny. witnesses. I wapell- .ci to x ve' and d'4 se without ad wire or eSsista ;cs;" from any person. I Left bun eeee beton: and returned only on his sincere promisees to rearm, ro he can therefore blame nobody but bila s. I have: teat, nor shall not tisk atnw from hen as 1 ^.nn quite crpale taking are of talk le MERLE WILHFL31 POTATO PLANTING. Iiaw you pat; toy:, pi;.t teJ 1» ma.. -b. -a. tars:= w tax, The job is dente opalzk- 7w evenly and well. Fertilizer attach ;::bast on ma,t.ine . I.. V. Hogarth„ M holm Farm. m. Piton: Crediton. 1.5r31.. LOOK AT THE LABEL. Th: A.dvoeate marling list has been Corr eted up to April 13th. Look at your label tied see if. your Ad: -a ate 'ss paid .n advance. If so, alright; if riot, why not pay at once HOGS WANTED. A. tnutnb:r o: bore Dt'1 t6a• 5tl potuels 3).eiers. T. Centralia. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. Th public is hereby notified that tr.speeeng on the School Property will b. prosecuted according to law. BOARD OF EDUCATION CHICKS FOR SALE—Baby Chicks from my Bred -to -lay Barred Roeb. Get your Order in :or these at once. Picone Crediton 1S-31 L. V. Hogarth FONG 1 WONG LAUNDRY. We do Laundry of all kinds on short node= Mad in the very best manner. We invite you to seed your laundry to us. Prompt service. We, have also opened a QUICK LUNCH ROOM, where lunches will be served patlllk>ns la best of style at all hours. PONG KWONG Opnos, to Dome Theatre CONTRACTING After being out of business for nearly two years I am prepared to contract on Carpenter Work —1arge or small jobs of every description, Special attention to hardwood floors Plans drawn and estimates given free of charge—Caleb Heywood. HOW IS THE PUMP ? New Iron n Pumps and Fittings in Stock Iron or woad pumas repaired. Wells pumped out or cleaned. e. J. V. CANN. Phone 115 DR. JOHN WARD, Chisopraetor Optician. Chiropractic and Electrical Treatments for Chronic. and Nervous Diseases. Spectacles scientifically fit- ted. Hours 10 to 12; 2 to 4; and by appa'ntment. Office—William and Sand'rs;Sts„ Phone 43. COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF EXETER Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Village of Exeter will hold its( first meeting >:nn the Council Chambers, Li- brary Bu ld:ng, Exeter, on Monday, 12th. clay of jun; 1922, at 7.30 p.m. jos. .Senior, Clerk. ' Contracting We wish to call the attention of the public ot Exeter and surrounding dis- trict that we are open to accent, < or tender for contracts for ail kinds of building We are experienced wo.rk- men and by strict atterut s on to busi+-- ness we hope to share in the contract work of this district W ARES & PRYDE, Exeter. Dray and `]Baggage Anything you have to move we move it reas•o� able Motor Truck and Horse Dray at your' SKrvic e. Auto Livery Horse Livery BAGSHAW & EASTON BOWLING. A. number of the Exeter bowlers atr.nding the doubles tournament Seacrrth this Wednesday. 3:xxter Scotch Double tournament ter tat: Zlerner-Either trophy takes Alec: on Wednesday of next week. Th.' Second Friday evening bowling tau n.y was a b..g success. Some 36 nett ;r: took part, about a dozen. of t1'.tnn being from 1-ie;nsa,?l. Three game', of eight ends were played. Out - iv vat. eintk succeeded Mut ww itming the thre.netgR .—Stburn' games., atd 9nderonhe u te was awarded to Mickte fkL ns;:ll Cochrane and Clark ',Hent ,x19 , sri;2 ',Hen - won two gan.s with a plus of 18. RANGE FOR SALE -- Coal or wood, zt first-class eenditio Apply at this .Sficei COME and ;,njoy yourself in W. J. Stath„m's cool and cosy lc: Cream Parlor, Bulk ice cream 20c. a pint. The Thames Road PresbyteriutSun- day School will bold their Anniver- sary on Sunday nett, Tune 11th, £ol- Vlcww.d on Friday, ,June 16th by the usual gardn party. Saturday, June 0 iIousehoid Et fcts, etc., the property of Sohn Hawk- shaw. Sate at 1 o'clock. C. W, Rob- inson, auctioneer. See posters ater. CITY DAIRY, TORONTO, Ice Cream bricks for sale at Statham's'. FARM FOR SALE. 100 acres in the Township of Mc - ay, being Lot 3, Con. 4. Brick house, hank barn; drive shed and oth- er buildings. First-class farm and in good condition. For particulars apply to Wm. Flynn, R. R. Anka Craig. Cars For Hire—Apply to O.L. Wil- son. CARS FOR. SALE... Two Ford cars in, best of condition. Apply at Advocate Office„ SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Services in Town Hall 11 a.m.—Holiness Meeting 7 p.m.—Salvation w:feeting. 2.30 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class. Cottage meetings in North. End an Tuesday night Caipt MacGillivray, Officer in Charge. Y. P. Q. A. Open each evening to membersl. Trivitt Memorial_ Church 11 a.m.—"Tlve Temple—The `Brigands' Cave" 7 p.m.—"The Mistake of Esau." Rev A. A. Trumeer, Rectos'. ()ADEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A, Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday school and Bible classes. 11 a. m.—"Strength" The Minister 7 p. in.—"The Good News" The Minister Boy Scouts will meet Saturday evening. JAMES ST METHODIST CHURCH. Pastor, M. J. Willson, B.A. 11 a.m.-' 7 p.m.— 3 p.m.—Sabbath Scheel and 13,i,ble Study, sA,11 .invited. MAIN ST. METHODIST `C-HURCH Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A. Phone 21r3 The regular services as usuel nex Sabbath. 2..45 p.m.—Sundae School.. P.T BETHANY Invitations have been reeeivedii n Ex- eter to the marriage of Katie Isobel Collins of Toronto, daughter of the late R. H. CoWLns ,of Exeter to. Archie PROM 32 Neil llacTavSsl... The marriage is to take place on June Zist. The Executive Committee of West Huron Teachers' Association; met in Gvd;>r ell on Saturdayy. There were present, R. Stonehouse, fres.,, Missld l�;irnsnr.at, vice -Fres., G. S. Howard: 'e- .', as.. and .1Was C, Le T usela. 47, J, E. Tom„and F. Ross. The program for the next COM -cation to be held in Goderich on Oct. filth 1Zth was arranged,, lir. j. E. Tom and Miss Kinsman were chosen, to re- iresent West Huron on. the Teacls., Fra trap ;to New Ontario in August; Th: committee eelected Mr. P, H, Walks of Toronto as :the Departments' „rtapxesentat_ve to lecture on Liter::,.. ture Civics and History, if any t act:er wishes a. aublect int on the program for discussion at tate con- v nt gait kindly send the „same to the M ccretary before tacat oa„ enasensmeeeneenneocieeelleseell BASEBALL. Exeter Jurors lost out agood asarse at Krlktosa. on Thursday night by a scute of 4-2, Lawson. ,pitched I's usual :good gaud and 1•Iarrisoan:fea turd at the bat, bringing in tww.oxtuns iwt tine first at the e.ghth by a. s4ce two bagger, Kirkton and their best ra;teh r Hayes, who also pitches for the senir team of than village; while St. :„lair did tat41 receiving for the I< ik on team. The Exeter line-up was—Lawson, t>:tch.r; Russell, catch. er; Dignan„ lst; Thompson, 2nd; Medd 3rd; : echo.l sltor•t stop; HUMOR, gene tr>' :Veld; 1 -End, left; Ctuuungba m, right. At the Big Four .Baseball Tourney in Zurich on June 3rd, the home team d feated Teeswater, 9-3; l Vingben% defeated Goderich, 10-1; and Ping dram and Zurich 5--55. Levan and Exeter Jur. vis played ague game here as Monday, tlao assiton w.iming 11-4 A good crowed sva present. Lucca made a rami rally an tier math, putting six mann ov- the plate and winning what 'ooked IsVa a .w sure game for the locals. 1-i'ar- r:a. n of the Exeter team played hie usual good game at the bat, Flatness and i rgusen umpired. Zur.cb defeated Stratford at time former place on Thursday 10-0, in a N. W..fixtur.. Lucan Sen:yrs lost Monday -tight: to Ild:-tan, 3-2. EuUatrton defeated Dublat on Mon- day night, 16-1. SHELL—LAIIvG. A pretty wedding took place on Thursday, June 1st, at the home of Mer. and 11rs, Thos. ;Laing when thein only' daughter, Margaret Hazel, was united in marriage .to Ulric Rae Snell, son, of Mr. and Urs. Wm. Snell; Rev:. Foote olf ciating. At twelve o'clock the bride entered the parlor on the arm o•.t her father to the strains of the wedding march being played by 1liss Lena Coates, and tool: her place under an. arch of evergreens, daintily decorated with pink and white flowers. The bride wore a pretty dress of cram satin, draped with bridal veil and banded with orange blossoms, and carried a bouquet of sunset roses, showered with lilies of the valley and', Ferns. Miss Nellie Anderson who act- ed as bridesmaid was gowned in peach: georgette and carried a bouquet of sweet peas. The grooms gift to the bride was a necklet of pearls, to the bridesmaid a brooch set with pearls to the ]test man, ,Mr, Silas Reid, and onyx tie pin, to the pianist and soap.. ist also a brooch set with pearls, During the signing of ,the register Miss Margare Moodie sang sweetly, "The Garden of your Heart", After the ceremony the guests numbering about fifty repaired to the dining room, which was decorated with pink and white, and partook of a dainty dinner. The bride and groom ,left on. alioney- moon to Detroit, the bride travelling in Navy Tricotine. and Black Mohair hat. Guests were present from Brant- ford, London and Hensel The Ad- vacate joss the many friends in con- gratulations and best wishes. Mr. Flamm 'was in Wndisor over the holiday; Mrs. Al. Bissett of Brantford is vis- ing relatives here. Miss Daly of Watertown, N.Y., is visiting Mrs. R. Luer. Miss Jessie Manson. of London was home far the week end, Ales. Fear visited her daughter, Mrs, W. S. Howey, this week, Miss Ethel Sweet of Tillsonbu.rg is visiting with her mother here. Mr. Beverley Acheson of Grimsby is holidaying at his home here Mr. and Mrs. Wood ,of Exeter vis- ited with their sour„ ,Dr. Wood, Blyth: Mr. and Mrs! W. 11. Ltevett of -Lona- don spsnt the week -end with relatives Mere. Mins Madeline Sheere after a visit b+ere returned to Brantford ,on Wed- nesday. Mr. J. J, Kerner, lex-Mi. 1?., of Sear:. forth game the Advocate a piasant cat' on Monday,.. Mrs. C. Dal e, after her visit with relatives here, returned .to her home in London ThursdaRy. Messrs. Harry Puke, 'Lail So,uthcott and Douglas Stewart spent the week. end at "their homes here,. lee. and Mrs. Wm. Smell left Monday morning on a two -months' trip to Weyburn, Sask, and other Western plac es. The Huron. County Council is in ses- sion ess ,en at Goderich this ;week, 'and the heads of the various councils in this seettee are in attendance. 'Mrs (Rev.) C. W. Baler oif 'Lhames- ford and children w all ,anlove. -to 'Exeter and will make their -home with the former.'s. •mother, 'Mrs,.. E. F•ollick. hlr Arnold Marchand and ''ttec dau_rinlers, Missies .Lily arid Florence, and Mr. Earl KJtch.n o!f Wait'ertord ! so'ntt h1e week -end vette iVIr,. and. Mrs: C' H. Sanders. JONES &...MAY ot Weather Merchandise at Lower Prices. LINENS FOR THE JUNE BRIDE: Tl ere, notlt.ttg more appreciated as a gift for a Juana bride Chap vod linens. We ,have art immense stock of table clogs, damasks by the yard, towellings, centre pieces, tray c1btlts, 1 Ran handkerchiefs, etc. at very reasonable prices, • DINNER SETS. - We Maitre several newsy patterns in English Dinner •Sets. These are.-full Voce sets fiat Fbe utf 1 designs and good quality, Prices from $2.7• Ask' tt> see these *Legs, OUR CORSET el 1 ARTMENT. vrWeiYonsider tour corset departmentOnof the most important in tate AIOre. carry ns large a 400. Of -;:liable :males sof Corsets as manly of 'the large City stares. We are local settling agents ;far the celebrated Nemo and Gossard brands. We also cam a large stock of Crompton's La Grace anti D. ,6: A, Corsets. We spzeial1zc in styles to wait stout fig. Utes as well as ,regular sizes. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR & READY-TO-WEAR. We are prepared un .fpr the suna ww<;.ather with anenarmaus stock px LadLs' and Childress Underwear, hosiery Wash Stets, Cotton Night GOwwns, Silk and Cotton B1onscs, Undersk its. voile, saw. silk and Crepe Blouses Etc. \Ve will be Most pleased to show you all these lines, BONNIE TOT lisle socks for chi1dr:n, ala :e CHILDREN'S HATS in blade and colored s' now ready for the summer season. and popular colors ewe, wine piques, MEN'S STRAW HATS as all the lates styles, including ,sallorr. Pan- aMaS, Ete , Smart Suits and Gaberdine eats. Coma here for young men's stylish. Spring and tiuznm r Suets. The vzry latest styles in either light or dark shades. Also large select stock of Boy's Bloom:- Suits,. souse of them with tsvo rete'; Bloomers, OXFORDS FOR MEN AND BOYS Wa Carry Astoria and Slater Oxfords for Men and Chums Oxfords far boys, the best goods on. the market,. Also complete range of Outing shoes BARGAINS IN TAPESTRY PAPERS. Ten patterns Living Room Tapestry Paps, regular price $1:50 double roll, for 75c. a double roll. JONES a MAY' A .L' I. R. Carling, B.A, Barrister Soliciteee Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor for the I.to1-- sons Bink, :Etc, INVEST YOUR FUNDS in Victory*, Dominion of Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds, all legal investment for Trust Funds. At existing prices from 6 per cent, to 7 per cent can be obtained from these bonds. inOrderslterest, received by me. Money to loan at lowest rates of Office—Carling Bk„ Matin St, Exeter Display Advertising—Made known on appltcation. Stray .Animals—One insertion 50c., three insertions $1.00. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Renu Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and Found locals 25c, an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 100..,per line per insertion: No fleece less than 25c. Card of Thankt 50c, Auction Sates $3 for on.e insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in length. Legal advert/4n'ag 10c. and 5c, aline. Farm or Real Estalte far sale 50c. each insertion for one month of four insertions, .G SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Men's and Boys' Clothing. This week we .mire •sliow3inig some New Models an Men and Boys' Cloth-. Jag, tailored from fine fancy worsteds serges, showing :extra value in .fine blue serges at $35.00. , FLEE FOOT SHOES FOR SUMMER WEAR,, They' are cool and comfortable We aoe showing a big range Tor every enember ,o£ the family,. The prices too are eery treasonable'. NEW VOILES AND ORGANDIES In Dress Lengths, no two dresses .alike and showing the new shades for summer wear, Voiles at 75c;,;to $1„25 a yard. Organidi,e Dress length $6.00. BILLIE BURKE HOUSE AND PORCH DRESSES. We are +expectini:g another shipment of. these ,popular dresses this week, Why worry about getting a, dress made whenn you can buy such pretty drosses at $4,:00, :$.4,50 ansi $5.00.. SILtC HOSIERY.: Faux Men. and Women, showing theNew Silk Heather hose. This line.ie selling well this seasosnt. , Extra value ;n Black and White Lisle Hose ::with Ribbed : top, Pet. pair 75c,.. p Southcott Bros rKE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTb. Between: MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car vendee Sleeping carts omt tight trains and Parlor cars on principal day trains. Full in£ormatsioo ftprn Pete Grand Tnaak Ticket Agent,, or C. E. Horn - ng District PassOa er At t, Tkro to N. J. DORS Phone 4bw, . Agent, Ear The correct way and the easiest way to dispose of 'Some property or sell 'some small article, !find a tenuaaat for your house, or an article you have lost or help when you. want jt, is to insert a. small advt. in the "Want Column” of the Advo'cete. DR. AL E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St, Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w Dr. G. F. Rou1ston, U. D. S., D. D. S, DENTIST Office 'over Ca.rling's Law Office Cloned :Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R KINSMAN, LI). S., D.D.S. Honor Graduate Toronto Undisna'sity Office—over Gladman & Stasiliury,'i Office, Main Street, Exeter, C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEk;R AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, M.iddles,ex and Oxford.. 'Forth Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Central Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. FRANK, TAYLOR Licensed Auctiioneer for Counties of Hunan and Middle'st>tx Prices Reasonable. . and Satisfaction Guaranteed;" Crediton, — Ontario. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan 'on farm and village property at low rates of :interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Banisters, Solicitors, Exatafi