HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-6-1, Page 8EXETER AInvu;;ATB, THIDIBLIAY, UNE ]y tB8 se - Exeter Markets ..IANGED EVERY WEDieh.SDA'X Whzat.r...1,45 Oats .,.,e.. 48 to too Maneolea`s Best Flour ........, 34 4.30 Family Flour „4.15 Pastry Fleur Feed Flour ,erre.,., Shorty BOA terztazrery Butter Deiry Butter Local Doings Home -comers for May 24th seemed to be, few; The resew generation has a habit of set g about the tinge ;mother has the breakfast ready, 3,901 esesdoea end Zurich are celebrating 65 June 3rd, the King's Birthday, with bas: ball and other sports, , ?w65 lir; Ed. Short lis Jnavhtg ora, addition,. 31 built to the seer,of hie house to afford hisses mor kitchen accomniodatson;• Lard ..,.,erre Q final cation, has beep xeceev• ed from Hay P%r ton ,erre... S15 to $16 SO candidates to, write on the depart.. Flees 13.40 COME ad enjoy yourself %rt W. J. State -ones cool and cosy Ica Cream P;rror. Bulk ic: cream Me a p:zt. A. E A'atttrd, R. O„ tin: noted Ece ;9ght Sp. s_el st,of Tove oto will be at tie- te-reeil ilote'•l, Exeter, Satur-. else-, June axd. POT: TO PLANTING. Have aeu po.atoe. pestrated by mach- -,; this a gar. The job is done .cyu:ck es : ecn?y sae cseil Fertilizer ettach- m et en srea.shele. L. V.- Hogarth, holm Far sea, Phon: Creditors lex' 3L RE 1] ENC ie FOR SALE Two story so id brick in good corms +litirora, near school; 8 rooms, bath, lin trace, hydro and good well Good br 1% barn .rid long: hen house: Porn ltrees Py 4t i ^I Ward,Z Street. alit^ `,, a.,,... LOOie. AT THE LABEL The Advocete notelet,,; list bee been corrected up to April I3th. Look at , -„ Vow'Vow'lalabelwedyd see, ,� :c pets' Aa.;a..a as peed advaaac:a I So, alrigart ; if riot, why not Parti at i>W. HOGS WANTED. A mime: tar '?,:o.gy, 0 to ail you:al roe -etre T. Weeis, Ceatrral'.'3. m .�...� 0.11•01. N0IICE TO `I tESP . SER ., The reth'esc tErsla ..es telae tr spewing on thee Sete Propest Te l b: prose °t red assoonting .o law. BOARD OF EDUCATION CU1Ci S FOR STP:—Baby Chicks from my Bred -to -.aye Barred Reeks. *et your order in. kir these at oxt.:e. Mont ti7redito:n 18-.31 L. V. Hogarth mental exan i ations here, This is the lergest number yet cti ved iosally., The 33rd Regiment, Including ' the Ex -seer. coznpziiy, hefi, received ordexs to camp at Leodon 5It June. Thte coni.. p;ny VA be ..en charge of Major Hea- man. • 'Ray 24 tit was quietly 'spent in tow=n{; So :. os' the bowers enjoyed e few hours o:t thin green. A, goodiy xtuR- b r spent the day Mt Gaud Beard sae at ,the MEtchell soccer ., Tea engagement ds a,rrtcou.uced Qf :afar gar„t 1Tas0, daughter of lir. and Mr; Tlrtas. Lag oz ,Sweeter, to Ulric sit sea of - r, arcd lira. Wen. SSB taf E,^. e ter; the marc ege to eke *ace. Tln: endless, rand scholars- of • the Exeter schools observed Empire lay: by solutieg the Slag os it was be,ng eseseted ...*td is other „patriotic exer- ci.s.s. Rev. Trump -stir yard Rev. 4IcA.i ister tsetse appropriate addresses. Ur. G. S. Howard, peincipal of Ex- eter Public School, and others who kindly_ drove their ears, tool: the pu- Pie; of the senior room tO, ll aslaw ood PP, Tie:setae atter school, end there the bey s of ties ettior Fourth cl ass ytlay- d a game •of baseball with the hash-. ead tarn. The L•crdoxa Conference of the Mstheiliet Chu lc meets ., l.ondan o;t Tun: 1st, CanttilletZ ebortt 10 days( pole urge Elleatt of Neworlk will r-z;,duet -the, • devotional erenews, Rev, J, W. Elbert, 4the Peesitdent, velli .tiro the orai,-rataoe sermon, and the Oriee o-1 Orntar.o ?IIr; Drum:, cr it the speaker at ;tare LayttlateS art- noir bertquet ors June led,. lir. T. H. Newell and frm9ts and Its. fleeteliaw last week moved *be, PONC KWONO LAUNDRY. We do Laundry o: all kinds en short notice art I in tee very beat manner. We invite you to send your laundry to us, Prompt sore—leo We have alae opened a QUICK LUNCH ROOM, where lunches will be serve;i patroes in best of style at all ?yours. FON• Opposite. Gl Dome Theatre The weekly half holidays commence on, Wednesday of next week, June 7, Rev. lar. F}etcher took the work of Rev. Foote in Cavell pleurch on Sun- day slant. The Deanery meeting of the County of Huron will lee eseid dor Brussels on June etle vvlteaa Rev; Trumpet and a number from here wall likely attend, Quite a large crowd attended, the Salvation Army service in :the Opera House on 'clay 23rd when Commission- er aed Mrs, .Sowd..er>1 gave interesting addresses,. Mr, John Pxaseeetor of Stephen has purchased the Milssea"Merrill prop- erty On the corner of Ann: and Will - •m Streets, and \\•n take possession io the fall. Bishop Willasns of London, ,will coag- duct Confirmation sexv'iCes M the Tru- itt Memoriai Church oarn Sunday atom- ise June 25th„ when a class will tabs Goof armatime The cut worm has been working to a coesiderable extent ire t.:,erts of the country particularly on sad,, whirl was broken up and seeded, Some fields have had .4o be re -sown A test at the milk supplied to cus- tomers by Ur. Heade-re Wilk vendor, was mad: the tter part of last creek and ;.t was found to contain 3.6 per cent. butter lei. Thea is e. good ass- ' . targe tests This new Canadian aiicleles are begin - at ;tat?, to mak; the :appearance. Bugg; s� much larger tlian. our urx:attire five cent Reece and not being accustomed to the ,new issue people are complain- ing of accepting them for twenty-five cextt pieces. Ira Irwin Bissett, son pi Mr, aaad Firs. John, Brasett of London, former ly of Exeter, VAS married in, that city o t lay 24th to Mese Lala Feed .Col- lans. daughter of ,lira and. Mrs. Thos. Collins Rev. G. W. -Dewey perform - :d the cerema ty. Tlr, lira of the local Friday night bowine tourneys took plaice last week The greens were en, ,perfect condltiptt and .zx rinks entered., The evittnkxs ,vire—Gem. Snell, Dr. tR'uistoa and T. R. Fergusaxr, who Avon thee, three gams . with a plus ctt 13 FATHER BURIED. Qin, Wednesday, aiay 24th, the fun - al took pace to Bards cemetery in eseezee "I::awnetey of John. Foote, one seue.laoass e.fteets to, deer new home of the old residents of the Township,', : tratlo:d. \%lii-1= re„ reteiang . to .end lather of Rev:. James Foote of los: therm ,-s a t:zens x)1 Cxeter wSeater,. I;Ls wzfe died 27 years ago. rash them overy prosperity =n the Two Sonars :.na two daughters ,urvave, Ciao:sic City.. leas. Iiaev>;>aaxc wh,D is R.ti: Jas, Foote, .Andrew on the honte- sta?1 111, Vgis taken over in a. Durant stead, airs. W. 1J3. McQueen of Van- Sedan, and stood tithe journey well a cell sr, and ;'skis Ane Foote ,it homy "efts. A. Waster accompanied them and will x.m:ata for soseetZ ne. "U" lXA 4S. COtiTR AC, I1,\G After being out of business .for nearly two years I am prepared to contract oan Carp'nter Work — large or small jobs of :very des: ipt on Spe.,sai attention to hardwood floors Pians drawn and estimates (even free of :.harg.,-Caleb Heywood. HOW IS THE PUMP? New Iron Pumps and Fittings, hi Stock Iron or wood pumas repa5red.• Wells pum . J out CrANN Phone 115 Saturday, Jun.= .--Household Ef- t chs, etc„ the property of John liawk- shaw. Sao at 1 o'clock. C. W. Rob- inson, auctioneer. See posters later. DR. JOHN WARD, Cleropractor & Optician. Chiropractic and Electrical Treatments for Chronic and Nervous Disea;ea. Spectacles acientificall_v fit- ted. Hours 10 to 12; 2 to 4; and by apprentrn-rat Office—William and Sanders Sta., Phone 43. COURT RT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF hXETER --- Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of Open each evening to m,emberst the V„u. a of Exeter will hold its! first meeting •'sn the Council Chambers, Li- brary i.brary Bee ling, Exeter, on Monday. 12th clay ,af June, 1922, at 7,30 pore Jos, Senior, Clerk. CITY DAIRY, TORONTO, les Cram bricks • ,for sale 1t Statham'$', FARM FOR SALES. 1011 ares ren the Township ot Me- Gillivray, being Lot 3, gone 4. T3ric'c }:sus•, bank barn, drive shed and ot'h- er bu'ldings. First-class farm and in good condition. For particulars apply t s Wm. Flynn, R. i2. i1,isa Craig. Cars For Hire—Apply to C.L. Wil- son. CARS FOR SALE. Two Ford care in best of condition Apply at Advocate Office. SALVATION ARMY SERV 1CaS Services in Tower Hall 11. a m Holiness fleeting 7 p.m.—Salvat-one.eting. 2.30 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Cas. Cottage meetangs in North End on Tuesday night Capt. MacGillivray, OfaJcer in Charge. Y. P. 0. A, MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The. Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich, at 3 o'clock in.. the afternoon, of Tuesday, the bth day of June, 1922. Arlt ac- counts against the County must. be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday preceding the meeting of the Council. G. W. Holman, County . Clerk Goeerich, May 18th, 1922. Contracting We wish to call the attention of the public of Exeter and surrounding di -S- trict that wie are open to accent, or, tender for contracts for all Wilda a i building We are experienced work- men ani by strict attest t' an to buSiF- ness we hope to share in the contract work of this d3aitrict W ARES & PRYDE, Exeter. Dray and 'Baggage Anything you ;batve to move we mover it reasonable Motor Truck- and Horse Dray at your Service. Auto Livery Horse Livery BAGSHAve & EASTON seen . Trivitt Memorial Church Tet: reperc of the Western Leii.ver- city Examinations at London show the following,—Irene Handford of Ingersoll formerly ot Exeter, obtained her certi.ticate of Public Health Nurse; Gladys Bluett of London, tortnerly of ;Crichton, got the Second Year Scho1 arship is 1lathamatics and 1.'hysiea; W s nlfr d. Guinan of aft_ Carmel bot the Third Year General Proficiency Sclvel<arship; M, F. tGlatlman of Exe- ter obtatnecl Cass IL,staniing in the Arts Honor Course res ,Economics. Whitt-Suntday. 111,00 a.m.—"The Ppwter ,oif the Holly Spirit". 7,00 p. ni: "The Purpose of the Gift of the Holly Spirit". Rev A. A. Trumper, Rectors EXETER JUNIORS WIN rwo. On Monday evening on the local db - mond Exeter defeated Kirkton Jun-. iiers int. the second of their Baseball League ..games, by a score ,;of 10 to 2, A lair .crowd was present -rind the full uin a innings •w re played. Fea- tures of the game were the pitching of Lawson, the three -bagger by Dig-, hart,. and Thompson's perfect fielding, Perry Doupe of IIarkton asicl Major Seaman of Exeter umpired. 'Exeter has • a snappy team anal they should go a considerable distance in, the league. The local line-up consists of. —Lawson, pitcher Russell, catcher; Dignan, 1st; Thompson, '2nd; Medd' 3rd; Nichol, short stop Harrison, con,., tea field; Ford, left; Hinds, right; Ct nni,nghant, spar':. In the first of the Junior League ball games Exeter won from Liman at the latter place tori Tuesday -revering of last week 16-15. Lawson. and Russ ell were ri tch•er and catcher, respectively For Exi.ter. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday school and Bible classes. 11 a. m.—Rev. Charles Deacon "Lord's Day Alliance" 7 p. m,—Rev. Chidley Will preach. Boy Scouts will meet Saturday evening. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wilson, B.A. 41,00 a,,rn.—Rev. J. Foote of Cavern, Church- will. tpt+ealch„ • 3 p.m.—Sabbath School ` and Bible Study; 7,00 sem,—Rev. Dr. .Dteecon London.. iAp1 ,iresetieds MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev Geo McAlister; M, A. Phone' 21r3 11 a,m1,—Rev, C. P. ,W eels: 2..45 p.m.—Sunday School. 7,Q0 p.m. -Service' withdrawnt, AT BETHANY 2,30; p.m.—Conference Sunday, the service withdrawn. AA PHONE 32 JONES 8 A PHONE' 32 Hot Weather M€rchandiu at Lower Prices. LINENS FOR THE JUNE BRIDE. There is troth ng more appreciated as a gift for a June bride than ,;trod . riensA We have an immense .stock` of table cloths, damasks by the .yard, tosejlatgs, centre pieces, tray cloths, linen handkerchiefs, etc,. a waxy reasonable prices, DINNER SETS. We have several, new patterns, in English Dinner Sets hese are full 97 piece sets in ,beautiful designs and good quality. Wipes from $ $35, Alli to sze these lines, OUR CORSET 1REF ARTMENT. We consider our corset department one of the most important in the e'tore. We carry es large a stock of reliable makes sof Corsets as many Of the large city stores. We are local setting agents for the celebrated Memo and Gossard brands, We also carry a large stock of Crompton's. La Grace and la. & A,• Corsets. We specialize in :styles sto ,suit stout ,fig- ures as wedl'tts ,regular sizes. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR & READY -TO -WEAL We are prepared for the sutnnier weather with tttn enormous stock of Ladies' and Ceeidreres Underwear, Hosiery \Yash. Skirts, Cotton Night Gowns, silk and Cotton Bo' sos, Underskirts.rtsvo>:, raw silk and ere pe Blouses Etc. \Ye will be most pleased to show you all these lines. BONNIE TOT isle socks .for children, all ,sizes and papular colors , CHILDREN'S HATS in black and colored straws, white piques, etc., now ready for the summer season. MEN'S STRAW HATS in it the latae styles, ineluding Sailors, Fae- roes, Etc:, Smart Suits and Gaberdine Coats. Com here for young men's stylish Spring and Sumer Suits. The very latest styles is .,either light or dark shades. Also large select stock of Boy's Bloomer Suits, some of them with two pairs Bloomers. OXFORDS FOR MEN ANIS BOYS We carry Astorie. and Slater Oxfords for Men and Chums Oxfords for boys, the best goods on• the market„ Also complete name of Outing shoes BARGAINS IN TAPESTRY PAPERS. Ten patterns Living Room. Tapestry Papers, regular. price $1,50 double roll, for 75e. a double roll JONES & MAY I. R. Carling, B.A. Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Salto/tor for the Mol - sons Bank, Bite. INVEST YOUR FUNDS in Victory, Dominion of Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds, all legal hivestmeat for Trust Funds. At existing prices from 6 ver cent. to 7 per cist, can bp obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to loan at 'low'est initerest Office—Carling Bk., Maser, St, Exeter lir Archie Towers .went to Park- hill ,on 1\2on:day. Mr. Alex Stewart p2 London was here for the 24th, . Muss Cowan., midliner, spent the weeks end at her home :at• Attwopd Miss Jessie Monson of London was at .her home here over the holiday Miss Curtiss returned Monday •ev ening from a visit at her Borne in, Bolton. Mrs. Harry Grief of Durham is here visiting her parents, ,i4Tr,, and Mrs. R. Hunter, • MT Cliff Spackman Of Guelph was a+'visitor with his pauenjts here over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kaistens of Lis- towel szrent the holiday w2th Mr,. and Mrs. N. Ogden. • Mrs, Whiee mf Dietroijt visited here with her sister, Mrs: Hedden, Huron street on Monday. Miss Bpayniey of Toronto is vioitiieg her uncle end aunt, ale and Mms'u, W. Blayney of towh,J. , Me C. W. Robamrsion left, Monday morning for Toronto where he will spenl a few days on business Mrs. Chats, Dadte of London is here visiting, with her sister, Mrs.: W. 1e Ac. esor. at the ,Central Hotel. Mrs, Jas. 'Taylor, (Mr. and IVIrs. 'JVr, Burke and famfily :and,M,s-st. Huston of Loxidon were vus,utors ;here" Jor the h'ot>ruday. Rev. Geo, M4c3jss'ter arid Rev. M; J. Wilson, left Tuesdaty ,morning to attend the Metihod se Cotnife•re{nce at Lon don. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Parks and ' little, draughtez- of London and Mrs. Peter Kingsnorth of Vain,couver, B•, -C: spent Sunday at the home pl.(' Mrs. Thos; SnteflI, Ito,peii Street ; iSJr. P, Case of town and Mr. a,nd ars, John'. Glenn, of Usbaraue, oatl Fri- cke utb,rsded the funeral ,oif a rela,,avc. in, Landon. Mrs, Wells, daughter afthe late John Caster rates of Display Advertising—Made known an apples:atio re Stray Animals—One insertion 50c., three insertions 11.00. MisceflaneOus articles of not more than five 1imles, Fpr Sale, To Re*, Wanted, each inseetapn 50c. Lost and Found locpls 25c. an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c. _per line per insertion: No notice leis than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction Sales ,$3 for one insertion and $1:50 for each subsequent in- sertion if unlder five inches in length: Legal advertisnng 10c. and Sc. aline, Farm Ker Real Estalte for sale 50c, each insertion for one month of four insertions, SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 House Cleaning Needs. WALL P.APE1t,S WALL PAPERS A ,few molls of our Nev Papers an the walls , of your home well work Wonders!. We will be, glad to look them over We are showing a°gee( of papers for bedrooms that we are offering -at ,exactly HALF PRICE. CURTAINS ANT) CURTAIN NETS Beautiful Nets and Scrims, suitable :forasw room en, your home, at, very moderate ponces( At per yard, 10c: 45c„ 50c., to $1.00. LINOLEUM& We are showing an excellent pattern In :tills Sanitary floor covering. Our prices acre as low as any, and we lav free sof chorea CONGOLEUM RUGS The patterns this ,seas,on are better, than ever. They come in small and large sizes, and make a very pretty, as well as a very serviceable elooe covering. BLINDS ANI) CURTAIN POLES. If in n,nieed of Blinds or.. Curtain,_Poles we want to show you what win are offering. The pruce,s are much ower. 5 dozen gregn"` blinds, goad quality lace trimmKed. SPECIA,L AT ..$1,35. Southcott Bros THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled led during car =eke Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor cars on prineepal day trains Full information fttomo any (mood Trunk Ticket - Ag,ank, or C. E. Hors- ing District Passdager Agent, Taroafio RE Phone 46w J. Exeter The correct way and the easiest way to dispo§e of some property or sell some email article, !find a tennarnt fol your house, or an artatcie yob have 1041 or help wirer; you want itt, is to inserl a small advt. in the "Want Column' of the Advocate. DR. A4 E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDoaell's Stables, John St„ Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w Dr.. G. F. Ro piston, L. D. S., D. D. ZS DENTIST, Office over Carling's Law. Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr, A. R. KINSMAN, L. D.S., D. AN Honor Graduate Toronto Uaaiver'tiiti Office --over Gladman & Stu:Je rel Office, Main Street, Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER ANI VALUATOR for Courtin% of Huron Perth, Mpddlsex and Oxford. Fruit Stock Sales a Specialty. Office a Central Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties a Huron and Middle's Prices Reasonable and Satisfaetvot Guaaant. Crediton, Ontario. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount orf privet, funds ''to loan an farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & - STANBUR7 Barristers, Solicitors, Estate