The Exeter Advocate, 1922-6-1, Page 4The Exeter .Advocate l
Sanded. fee Cree.:b, Proprietors
Subscription Pricey -in adsanc , S150
Per year in Caaada; eeeee •n the
Charted States, All subacr>ptrone not
Peed ll.'
to advance a
- leveed
THURSDAY, JUNE 1st, 192x.
I4ev,Aar, . agaai xsll this wk-
tend the elethodtst Conieren e which
is being held at London tins year,
Mr. !. Soutikcott cxi Exeter will ad-
dress lite young people sof the League
here of Wednesday evening.
Mr- Jas, Taylor, who has been ac-
couakant in tali eloisons Bank here
,for doe past two years, Es benee :real
aerxed to Ridgeway ,and left foe
there on Tuesdv of the week.
Mrs. Eyrie). Hicks end baby, son,
liays returned home from Vi`to r
Home:tel. L adon, beer aunt.
Heighway of J,.ortdo,' accomp ey're
Mrs. H: Fsey was sn Stratford at-
tendieta tete £rater,~l of her sister _it'
eew, the late Mrs, Aer n Schultz.
Mrs. T. Bo; :.s and Mrs. W. Bow-
dee have been in London visiting their
me `tand rs. Q P. Edwards of Lon-
tlazn spall Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
S, Thompson.
'Ales. Spencer a,nd two daughters of
s. nd rson. and iorothet
fr ;ands.
Alias Fortner spent the holiday at
her borate lin Hyde Perk.
Three sheep are stray ng about on
Con, 2, :McGillivray. and it Is up to
the osv er to look: after them
hereto baseball Geain, xzivn as 1.
Local Doings i
the (red toai Greysteads, has been ar- GETTING RiO OF WEEDS 1
gan ed for the purpose .ot ,playing ball
.1.111001.10.1 heir melt The f'oliowiet;, Sire the.
NY!. nut} other teams that,
sv sh to test
The Zurich team lost to Meeswaeex
ti a Fig 1MoaitlFour aseball «atme,tebry totee officere,:---•Capt,, Wm, Schwarz1 man- Ca -operative Methods tiave Been
on score of 3-2. aa-;', Chester zawlstest a , Se y, Roy Tested for Tea Years.
Wolfe; Publicity expert, Herb Bower
•aro of S trnia, son ers ov \''l( i fe C. : aw unne =
Rev,. J. E. j. l� members. Roe of , l }
of a former pastor of Main Street Wm. Schwarz, Earl Schwarz, Lorni`e
Church, Exeter, is ,expected to be elle eneeocl , Herb Beemer, elelvin Wein
next President of the Loudon confer- Ernmersar Ween, Royal Hast, Leork_.
once of the Methodist Church. 'and Hast Alvin. Holtzman), Harold
9t a xneetene; of the James Street Gager. Edgar illewhia s ey, Gordon,
1M=thodist Church Quarterly Board,' M•erlock Wm. Fischer, Royal Geiser
t d \lo*iday 4ken`ng, Prof. Andertotk and Freeman eforlock. We wish the
was re-engaged as oxga(n:st for another,
boys -every success ,en thewe;;iterprise
v:ar Wee a. hundred .dollar !alae `n efBt r�' etliaort3 tannual«celebrPtt tip uta s
has salary • der the :auspices of the Crediton Astra
Tlt * Res. D. N. Abylten kee* gin taus Athletic Aseocia.tion to be held,
x-Bretoten priest of India, who is es Crediton on June 3rd, Judging from
takiakg a pest -graduate course in Hur: ' interest taken by the members of
ran College, London, gave a very cn- th_ different committees this willbe
tertain_xtq address :u the Trivia nMein- til:; best ever. The parade prom es
��rial Church on Friday e mitt; last to b: mucic aarger. :thaaa last year and
His address wa,s net only interesting the decorating commi#tee are assatr
but educational- ;se; us that th;e streets and homes and
i btteiness places will be decorated to
Mr. \Trill Amos of Stratford spire th , K ug•s taste. Liberal prizes nese
b:inf; offered. These are on: exhibit
Mr. S. G. Baawden Qt Goderich is with znfortnsttion showing for what,
flu>ndat a few days hn towns !purpose they have !aeon donated iky
Mrs. srhla aeier of Toronto is ; _ the different business people„ The.
lag bar daughter .frs, bore. ,toerlld_n1g \afixe-, - Ca lfarew oCar thruega1zaitces o4f-
Mr-. Skelly and Mrs. Straclett Commerce $5 Sayings account; Free-
VAIRA are v$ting with Mr. (Dr,) man. Morlock, pair rubber boots; Otto
aro. Ewald. 10-1b. roast G. E. Wenr,el, 3
Mass Madeline Sbeere of Brantford fr'e !Hats cuts; Ed, Feltner, box cigars;
as tisititrg her grandmother, firs. A. Jake Finkbelner, a ,small pig; Loyd
Sh:ere- Etleland abos of stationery; Dant
lira. john Hawi sltaw has rwturn'ed AMcisaac, m ckyoke ;. T. Trevethicl
Itratn, her visit with her sass Fred in ewh.fleetrees; Frank Taylor, a pair .of
T'tarartt4. 13,u„n a fowl; Wuerth & Son, and the
fir. Jolut Raker, after a few axeaks, reitort Mill.
0 lbthr1sbr each;
see -Ring relatives here, returned tolser Schroeder, 2 hours wort of Fars Wolf
,.rrday »;t1► Mrs, Amos.
an ;\ortls Iitutus & Rossaler, sa trip ,tri ,Centralia for a
Air. and Mrs. Samuel G:(lle «+lid :elf. load of coal; Chas. Zwicker, velvet mat
.ad Mrs; Harvey Galley Rt Blytit and 50 ,lbs sugar; Albert Beaver,break-
soent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. W. last tam; Fast Bros., d infra of silk
W. Taman. Utes'.. All roads lead to ,Crediton vert'
Sir. aced AMrs, G. 1�.. i•I,amarn of To-; Saturday. Don't miss coming, Sed
ra• to aur v- d here on, Tuesday, ow- f jo:an us in a gr .day's. celebration,.
`na Oa: serious ,illness of the tatter's
Thurstity, May :Stilt, Air, Jahn V:out ,.etas, Mrs. Wm. alae pi Usborae,
of the Sth ewe w: U#bt rote, bvl„ a : ilei and Airs. elarsha,:l Box and ghee -1@ Kirkton
'successful bee ta+ je•ck-tlp ekne� gas 1.Z4 d- ,t, end Air. and Airs, l e,nerath Bfat!
lade \!r ' ers: I d with Mr; and
lar;- barna woe a tonna st, war 1?,tr1L. ,1, .visited with
'i, int Treble' of Exacter, although td- NI:, etas, Ree, Staphe 1. Sunday. t kuleten won the first ball game
venin::d in .a ears_ dire: ted the job. and „ Mr, Wm. daaker of the west, - .wblo't ga!n,t�Dubliai vet Tuasday evening of
succ:.eded in multi; t.'te barn with(etnt,l,.^n; learn attending Toroanta !.Aver- .a?t week. it)- , ilatterwes--Kirktatt.
awe . M . 1 ut the
has exit. bent: •'•3, ss o:sitial; r olives 'rt � Exe nr, Taylor Kerslake. nd Shia.;
Major Dublin,
eainatt► f Kerslake
tiny. ow Pro aY H has obtained his Pe A, leave.: .rnd
(tip a couzsdation, grid a la:n this one . u,dl gra(ivata this nn( nth. Ex-
eter umpired,
; cotrn;sted use will ,have one �e' the Ala. a red Mrs. Arthur J. Ford and i
More Farmers Should Get Into the
G463700,—How to Control Perennial
Sow 'Thistle and Twitch Grass,—
Other Need Destruction Methods
Given Next Week,
(r ontr(bute* by <Matto Aepartmeakt of
Agrleutture,. Toronto.x
During the past ten years (19X1-
1921) the Ontario Agricultural and
Experimental Union has cainducted
co-operative experiments in weed
eradication.. Over ninety farmers
have carried out successful, ezperi-
meats, The weeds. experimented with
weres—Perennial Sow Thistle,
Twitch Grass, Bladder Campion or
Cow Bell. Wild Mustard, Okeeye
Daisy. Field Bindweed. Wild Oats
and Cheers. Those who took part in
these.expteriments profited by the ex-
perienee. In nearly every instance
they cleaned the field experimented
with, and demonstrated to their owri
satisfactions the effectiveness of the
method tried, and. at the wino time
their results furnished practical
irnterreattoa to others.
Experiments FOr the Current Year.
tergetst and most up -to -fiat:. 'au l(imas
in th community
Messrs E. G. Kraft and M. Melange
mead, a business -trip to Toronto last
week} rt`turnn:, with t•,v,M i)uraan: ears,,
Neese ela:da Route—dg- of Zurich
s(a:nt a few days last week with the
Miss ss ls.r'ait,
Mass Verden Fassold of Highgate, Mr,
S,'vatt- r Passold and Miss Terry of
London vi it; l at the home of Mr P.
family and fir, and Airsr. .Norman 1•.ord •
of' .Detroit tuatara(' over and spent, Grand Bend
Sunday and Monday with Mr. JON'
i i rd, Exeter North, and other rola- ' -•
t%s, Mr. Jams McPhee seed his house
Mrs. W. Al. Richardson of :Manor,' evc eptly and left for ,tate West; last
Saalt 1'rss_dent ct the Arcola Pres- av' a —Air, G. F.ce1esosL has rented
by t:r,ias, who has been attending the li les larg' bu Blinn used as a restaur-
W . M. S. Counsel of Galt, with r emir!,
Heol frtse. S xa zrs ae- Bay D 1itI a s -
b tl , 'ifs \'ir jenR'n' 0`' t, ante,
Oh t rim a N shin« guilt \lr� and Mrs.. :t''d ;et Johan Gill's last week:.-- Me
H. Gial were in Bayfield ea Sunday,
e iso . Kerreek at present. end Mrs„ G. Ectal=san and Mr. and Mrs
tln.tended for last week.)
Mrs. P. Baker left Sautday to visit
Fassotci orsr the 24th. c .tt Port Daren —\ter, Asaish Gravelle
and son. J,=rr} and Hector Gill vis
Air. Wm. Ehlers, who has spent some AT`„ Gladys Blan`tt, daughter of Air., feel near 'Medford wtday.—Mr.Ne
time in i st, -eek., visited web lt:, •
and :Sirs. C. K. Blu-tt, formerly of `: n Resnik has bought a new Ford
family Ia,t week. truck,—Our villa trustees held a
Mr. D. Bettschen, returned ro tins- ti sa len has again captured the g'
Western University scholarship in in-Ctsti� •0n Friday evenin•; to have a
rt a AMo Lu by -!taw passed to• prevent cows run -
ti' `is d-
$ Science. _Is Ga
tC.. and .-(i, 1
'1 a�th�nta k
has r' r �d ., .,
\ ,nLr
Ltu n
Luella . Mn. at ar las 'the ii a
elle' Lu 1• ys is taking a specialists ,course to ata 1 = 1 ae.
;'rant Londoat• \Iar 3.matias and took first rens: iron- Death of Aft Grattottt--This week
,� _cu•,, of
Fs, e� cs our•d du • to • � -
Miss Ada t b vrn sad t i La oro
\I s.tat
Hensel: spent the alezk-end with :lie - -in eel her second year subjects3 e
ideath of Air Aquila Gratton at tate
Marmzr s parents. The scholarsh.rrs valued at fi75„age of 64 years, who died about seven
Sarnia san of the
. spent .l . a,r
9Ir. and Airs. Fates ofp the ; tt )"clock Wednesday, May 17. Mn
the 24th with the Misses !salt,
Early yogi, Saturday morning fire
destroyed the baking plant of R_ S.
O'Neil, causing a loss of 51,000 in
Add t en to the loss to the owner of
� bg Powell. The ad-
joining l minis s of the Morrish Cloth-
ing Compete- and Counter's tewellry
stare suffered some damage by smoke,
Insurance covered the loss,
Looking into the mirror a woman
Falai her favorite work, of art and the
man his favorite subject of conversa-
The Kidneys are the Blood Filters—
When they Weaben and Stop Up,
the System Becomes Overloaded
with Uric Acid
Niagara Falls, Ont.—"I have used
nearly all of Dr. Pierce's medicines
and take great
pleasure in giving
them a boost.
The Anuric Tab-
lets are the great-
est benefittoman
kind. I was suf-
fering with kid
ney trouble and
was rejected by
different in s u r-
ance companies.
<r Today I am hold-
ing three good
policies. All I
ask the readers of this is to give the
a trial, b
Anuric Tablets
a We user in the futre." William
Dempsey, 32 Bridge St,
Montreal, Que.--"1 cannot praise
Dr, Pierce's Anuric enough for what
it has done for me. For three
1. The use of repo in. the destruc-
tion at Pereriaial Sow Thistle,
2. A systet, Q inteustve ct'oPPing
and cultivation for the eradication of
Perennial Sow Thistle.
3. The use of rape in the destrut-
tion, of Twitch. Grass.
4, A method, et cultivation for the
destruction of Twitch Grass.
5. A. method of cultivation for the
eradieatiou of 'Bladder Oampionn or
Cow Bell.
Spraying with iron sulphate to
destroy mustard In cereal crops.
7, A, ritethod of cultivations for the
destruction of Ox -eye Daley,
8, A method of cultivation and
ming for the suppression at Field
Bindweed or Wild Morning' Glory
(requires two years to complete).
9..A method of cultivation and
cropping for the eradtcatdou of Wild:
Oats (requires two years to coM-
10, A method of cultivation for tate
destruetlaa of Chess..
AU who have any of the above
weeds an their farms are invited to
co-operate in this work. Information
regarding the carrying out of these.
experiments may be secured by'writ-
ing to Prof. J. E. Howitt, Director,
Cooperative Experiments in Weed
Eradieation, Botanical Department,
0. A. C., Guelph,
The results of the ten years" ex-
periments would warrant the recom-
mendation of the following method
for tiro eradication of Twitch Grass
and the Perennial Sow Thistle. How
to prevent Mustard from seeding In
cereal crops, and how to eradicate
Bladder Campion or .Cow Bell, will
be with next week.
dealt wi i
aeon, !exegete, rens sn ri, age a le trratton has been, in poor health for
days age making a 'survey as to where
the street eights are to be placed, '' rss'J eat troubleeeks h bens;as the
For d
It s expected that E ark on the (.rine' to 'the house most of .he time., De-
smission lint= from Exeter will be I ceased was thrice married his last wife
started some term m July. es the,
meantime our people are having theiresur surviving him, Also onedaughter Irs.
houses wired, On Friday the Town-' 1Mauric Brenner of Grand Bend, and
ship Council passed a by-law author-'. two sons, Curtis, north of here and
izing the clerk to ,sign the individual, Noah on the homestead He also
contracts, The petitions signed by the i knaves one brother and three s'stere,
majority of the resident freeholders of Mr„ Gratton was a kind husband and
Cyntralla and Crediton were also re -
and was respected and es-
ceived and .filed. As soon as the ex-
tra. teemed by a large circle of fiends.
red to the He was a life-long and valued mem_
act amount required ,payger of the Presb er1aan Church. The
street lighting, system. is ,obtained de- ger of took
bentures will he issued to cover theplace on Friday and was
;largely attended.
cost, repayable fin twenty years.
Rlev, S. M. Hauch has returned af-
ter begs„ in Napervi le and Chicago.
the: past week. .
Rev, R A. Brooke is attending the
conference in London this week.
eft-. and Mrs. Chas. Fitzgerald and
Splendid progress is being made Mr. and Mrs. Mark j-5ndsay visited en
with the meson work of the Aietho- Sunday at G,reemway with Mrs. Witl-
dist Church, The work has now Rosi, past district organizer, p1 the W,
reached that stage which ,requires the �M S.—Mr. and ,Ms -s. ,Geo, Hudson at -
attention at the carpenters; tended the anniversary services at
John Moslock has bought a fine
Studebaker car, .and expects ,that de-
ti.very will be made in a few days;,
Our boys went to Strateroy oat
Monday to play ball and, met with de-
feat, the score being 6-2 against us;.
The ogre was tee .Untti1 the eighth im,-
Cooper's Church, near their odd home
on. Sunday, and stayed over Sunday
the home of his danghter, Mrs, Sid.
Chappeee.—Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wass
spent Monday •at Ziop. with the tatter's
brother, Arnold, and wife from De-
troit, who visited at his hogne at Zion
neng, when our boys ,wieekened. We this week.—The Woman's Institute are
hope for a lir e•�,gam.e here on Satur- boding a bee ,Thursday and Friday
day with Ailsa Craig, on June 3rd. afternoon this week to prepare the
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Holtzmann idiot :for this: Soldiers' ,monumenat, which
and daughter of Barttlecreek are vers- will he 'erected next mvmth,. This
citing M. •arid Ma jos. Heist and oth- monument wrt1 hoe inscribed an it
Ar relatives.
the names of all the •mein, in Biddulph
- The band stand has 1bieezn moved Township, who seevied in, the great
down to the athletic grounds, where wer—Rev. Mr. Karxue, a :former pas -
it properly belongs;, The band boys tor. will preach ,here Sunday even
are practicing diligently and will soon ing to the Order; of the Bilacic leni,ghte.
he as good as iewer. We nope the or —The balll. Igamte .played ;here last Frii•
ganiiatnon will continue,.day even ng between Kirk:ton, , and
\Ar: are . glad to state are improving Granton gavie Keirktop the easy mon-
anic•lly alnld with little care .will' soon 'y, the score being g 4-0, in favor of
r ga&n their streanges Kirkton,—Thier will play again at Kirk
Mrs„ John Swlsitee;r tagud (Herb Ent- ton Friday evening,.
bar 1i(aeve imPravied the appearaance Of (Iriberuded frau Waist Ivweek.).
months I was under the doctor's care their residences by retrnovi g the rem -
(elate to a akvmlrer fromearoundeek here
and got no better._I was always es Ste :Erma of'tbiedr Iota. a
complaining of nay kidneys. Finally I Judging •from the large Jean -Ibex of attended the Memorial services at the
I made up my mind to try Dr, t strangers coming to our town every TOW Centralia Methodist Church on
Pierce's Anuric Tablets, I took two dee!yo interview:tnterview 'the Divine Heeler,Sunday and repast a very impressive
packages and don't complain: any Crediton iis. •agretting an the . map. To service. They were also very' much
enthused by the two fine sermon
more. I have gained in weight and Ihay. th:,s 'town. mlentilon,ed in the daily o garbed by Rev. Raycraft of' Gad
are still gaining, My ::appetite is cress of thelamge cities something ,h —1VJrs s. Scott e v sztim; 'th s
great and. sleep has come to me., not to be asharned,af. Quite a number er- . Jabs. g
g week• wiit'daughter her 'dau hter near Mitch -
That is what the Anuric Tablets have of ,people clam they have been, bees
'truly recommend them• 'fitted by the header, whiles ethers have
elle—Mr. and Mrs. John Wright have
toone thosefowhomeY and moved anti 'their new,;residence at the
. are suff.ering from kid- 'not much U:•ar:th in his operations, n,
ueyailment's tee way I did. They 'so the matter stands,.' - bass:bell park: edits. Wrtgiht left Wed
x n The d our local .rasday for
London arsd wi,11 spend two
are mighty good, though not e pe I Th, many IGrlein s f
sive; easy to buy; but hard to beat" sportsman, Fred. Keri, wig( be de- ereeka -with relatives there and :at
—T. A. Drown, 415 Dorebester St., W.„:elle-el to know diet lie has coausemte Lambeth. -••The exceptfipnally heavy
:' tor. An- exhibit tro hies won' refs), ,last Friday and ,Saturday has im-;
Ask You nearest druggist ti •d to tJie many p
uric in tablet form., or send 10e to by _iii,n1 thrmugho:ittCanada and the: °"y`e'll - the lacks 6.E th,:m,gs, It was
Dr. Pierce's Laboratory 3n Bridge- United States. They wee : be ,cm, ex_ indeed much •needed,•. The fall wheat
burg, Ontaxfoi for trial `pkg. and h':hitian. June. 3rd in the show vrindow '`sL dooki!n�g good aiowi. All *ark on
write for free medical *advice. lof 'J: H eltzmaita. th land is comipletee,
We will cask your Victory Loaf:
Coupons or place them to your credit
in our Savings Bank where they will
draw interest at 3% .per annum.
Capital Raid; up $15,000,000
Reserve Fund $15,000,000
Exeter Branch, - F. A. Chapman, 'Manager
Creditors Drench, 1 R. S. Wilson, Manager
Dpaltwood Branch,
Tho Rape Method for:the Control of
Perennial Sow Thistle and Twitch
l' ss.
G a,
Cultivate the field until about the
middle of June, running'over it fre-
quently with the cultivator so as to
keepthetops down and thuswe e
„ t broad
a 0 1
the "roots." A cultiv t r with
points should be used, which will cut
off the Sow Thistle or Twitch Grass
below the surface of the ground and
not break up the root stocks too
much. About the middle of June
apply manure at the rate of about
twenty tons per acre •(twelve good
loads). Cultivate the manure inthor-
oughly and with a double mould
board plough slightly ridge up the
land, making the ridges about
twenty-six inches apart. On the
ridges sow pasture rape (Dwarf
Essex varietat the rate of about
one and a half pounds:per acre. It
is important that the right amount
of rape be sown, for if too little is
sown the stand will not be thick
enough to smother the. weeds and if,
on the other hand, too much is sown
the rape plants will be too crowded
and not grow vigorously enough to
keep ahead of thee. Twitch Grass or
Sow Thistle. Sow the rape when the
land . is sufficiently moist to secure
quick germination of the seed. I!
the rape is slow in starting the
Twitch Grass or Sow Thistle may get
a start in the rows and thus neces-
sitate hand cultivation. Cultivate the.
rape every week or ten days until it
occupies all the ground and makes'
further cultivation impossible. If,
when the rape is cut or pastured any
of the weeds remain the field. should
be ridged up" last thing in the fall
and put in with another hoed crop
the following year. This has not been
found necessary when a good stand
of rape has been secured.
In our co-operative weed experi-
ments it has been found that rape
is a much more satisfactory crop to
use in the eradication of Twitch
Grass than buckwheat and that rape
lives much better results in the era-
dication of Twitch Grass and Peren-
w u
nial Sow Thistle when sown in drills.
and cultivated than it does when
sown broadcast.—J. E. Ilowitt, O. A.
College, Guelph.
g ,
VOA Paid Up $4,000,000
Reserve Fund *5,000,000
Over 12S Branches.
Itcx'ses, farm implements, �etM., cheaply are canstanily
turz;m up. The, farrier with money saved m the ar►e
who, gets biose snaps,
Plage yotir crop earnings bt, a Savings Account with the
°aeasest branch of Tho Mol us s Beet!., where, whileaa
ling interest and bei% abso!lut ly safe, your motley ips
available at any m:Aute. Deposits s;an be made by mail.
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch open for business 4aitY•
atety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Brach•
Furniture Bargains
Funeral Director & Embalmer,
lor yr_
ra �► ; a►ww�.�'�
POI \ 1' •\_t�
1.\ �Rtt� �t• ��l..\{ \ ti
7 \
e ♦t
7 _/ .Yt tL ..
w k 'ate
:S Ni:
1 e rrtry,%ss
k .,
.. rii* , La l.� ..e.,110,:.74.,....,:;:?;‘,..*..i...f.4,1 f,ijil*:: ..;1.;:o..f.L.,,,,.\44::\:.44:` '.2:749:::%:,
tt.. �. $
�'°�..."'�"�^���`�,,..,�,,,,,•�.�„� ms's' e° tt ��jsg�.
, •,�
You can take pride in the appearance of
your poultry yard if you use Greening's Lay
Flat Poultry Fence. It doesn't buckle, bag
nor sag. It makes a fence that is not out of
place in the fiinest surroundings. Keep your
back yard as neat as your front ye:d—
use Greening's.
Heights from 12 to 72 inches. Sold by
good hardware dealers.
Easy to control it—lays flat when you unroll it.
Indirect Income Should Appear In.
Farre Accounts.
Labor income is not the limiting
factor in determining how touch the
farmer : shall. : have to eat, but it is
the determining factor for the wage
earner in the city. Food, fuel,- and
shelter are primary requisites of life,
and thefarm furnishes its proprietor
a good proportion” ,of these neces-
saries. in addition to ,.the income he
derives • from the sale of farm pro-
ducts. These -things that the farm
furnishes directly toward the living
expenses of the farmer's family en-
able'him •to live even though his crops
are poor. This indtrect income from
the farm is often underestimated, of-'
'ten unrecognized, unless pro -fission ,'is.
-made' for accurately recording it "in
the farm accounting system.—IL 8.
`Meekly News Letter.
l i
.nt�•7;1;41‘°.);4"4,1T1" .�
�7i�.l-1 If 1 `�I-=t. t�I 1(I @ I It O IIt_
'G� C F,MAp IF.E.��uu1:
"s=ilo ' „r aitderAVIErsw eta:ra'``,'.I•--
Z:. wi= - ftttar�i. --
r s
d-tr , ,
"CANADIAN" fence is bigger.
petter, stronger and more per- .
iectl galvanized than others
We arconvinced that this
fence made by THE CANADIAN
at Hamilton,is everything at is
represented to be. -
It's such splendid valuethat
we'll stake our reputation on
it every time. All we ask is a
chance to show you the wonder-
ful "CANADIAN"fence and the
equally wonderful and durable
"AMERICAN" galvanized steel
••fence post. 207
We can sell you this fence as cheap as you can buy fence anywhees: