HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-6-1, Page 1• THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR;• PHONE $1 The Men's Store Have Your Spring Sint Tailored eco ..r to Your Personae: Requirements SPRING MEN'S FURNISHINGS IN SHIRTS, TIES, HATS, CAPS SOCKS, 1JNDERWhAR, GLOVES, 1:TC THE Se ASON'S SMARTEST STYLh,S are shown in oar offerings of Men's High • Gr«de Furnishings. All the latest fabrics are here, made up iuw the latest models ii tlie, very best ttlau ere You eertainly* will want ane of our suits wham you see the goods and je rn what a saving our ones W. W. Taman Ta lor& Furuishez AGENTS FOR "THE HOUSle OIs HOBBERLIN" . Our Corner THE BUDGET. H'on. W. S. Fielding's budget has brought forth a series. of • criticisrus It meets with disfavor from all classes of taxpay::ra. it ties .hard to please all in the matter of adjusting tariffs, but a finance minister must be cell sistestt, and it must lee done he a way not to injure the gauntry. We must love the revenue, -And. ,it is simply as matter sof getting it front the source of least .res;starxcoer, : Would it ,not ,*wee been better to have worked oat the either side of the fence, Thai is, pare down on the estimates inseead of penalizing certaen branches of bus- rn.'ss that will prove a burden.. Let us bsante;ne the estimates Sor the year, Last -year heavy • expense was oleite etery and diad to be met for poste war paupt ses, and there was an ex- p:nd;ture of $80,000,000 an; railways alone. There were largo. and =awed,. able outlays for soldier land settle- ment. for civil establishment, as well as for other projects arising. out of :he ,war Retrenchment in, this wasm- t possible, but this year is different; many of the • .tem; the; were the. atone in 1920-21 are not to be met this year. $150,000,000 whish had to be :yat,cuded last year, could be saved this year. Mr. Fielding emphasizes the reed of retrenchment, but has he at- tempted -tempted auything along that lute? On the contrary iere has asked parliament for $406,000,000. (with supptamentary esetneeteh to follow}, which is *en mel• lion more than Mr. Meighen asked for n sim lar account ;Utas year, and act ttally fifty millions more than was ex- p;rded. Uatder the circumstances itis nit surprising that matey are a.eletng vvkky a saving of twenty millions in the os.'rathe would not !bee as valaable to the country as twenty millions of extra taxation by a severely - heighten- ed sales tax? Closed. Wednesday afternoons dur- ag lune, Ji;ly and August TO CORRESPONDENTS. To insure publication all news must be in the Mvocnte office by Tuesday morning of each week, owing, to the half holiday on Wedntesdays af June July and August GOOD GLASSR.S IF YOU NEI:JI THEM. Good advise if you don't 5. WARD, D,C., Qptomt:trst, Exeter flonJ3E BROTtIERS MOTOR R. A Car with a Good Name. 700,000 Owners. TOURING CAR $1315; ROADS TER $1275; `SEDAN $2145 Including Tax and freight — F. O. B. London. New Machines installed to repair work on all kinds of Automobiles, By the Fielding tariff the farmer gets a slight cut in certain, things in customs, but has to pay about an equal amount :n ;extra sales tax, so that h: benefits to only a small frac • snot of one .per cent The Canadian manufacturer of these articles will have. a lesser profit, however, and lust now theyseem to .be hit hard enough —at any rate one would judge so, since the concerns are nearly all shut down. Automobiles will now increase in price to cover the Sncreassed tax set by the Fielding budget.- Cars of °vet SI200 in value will carry a ten pea cent, tax besides the sales tax of 43i ,*.r cent, wh•'!ae the ,car of less ealue well 1;1V.: a tax 'of 5 per cent. less. than the $12tt0 car. The buyer will have to pay this extra cost, -^- The stamp tax tea cheques win he a a;nn,derableexpense to large bush noes interests w?to' 'pay by cheque iurt eipaet es wiU also be hit Lys thi s tae, since 4t oasts 2c. for each cheque below $50, And 2c. for each add°tionet $50 or :£action thereof. The stamp tax an cheques ,sloes not came hot force until ju]y 1st, while other pore t iwts of the: budget .axes became law on May 24th,, 7022 Local News \Sr. W. G. Denis, Huron St., hashed a new roof •Fut on his• dvv lung. r A real mean, after climbing to the grit., ,In oo.'t io': et i hes held he lad- der a i -der :-,r him. t• ;Sirs. E. M. Dignan is still confined :to her bed with"but slighi: change in 111.:-T condition. Mr. W 1). Senders' this week mov- ed ,ata the home he recently . pur- `chas.d from fir. To. H. Newell. . d'ty Wain at Seaforth brought s:rover a rink o' bowlers Tuesday edge[ and cl :gated Dick Seldore;srink by 13 11. r Cad: lineman. of the hlolsons'1 Bent ..as ben transferred to Nor aw;ah, and a Natio: takes his pace; hire. Mr James Taylor of the Mol - eons Band: at C'ntra,:a noes toR dge wayhand lir. homers ot: Norwich comes t o to entralia,. el^ S. A. Pop;.stone of Blyth f er,n:rly et Exeter, went to Lon - den ase Thursday last Mare he was l,o rated on for a troub:e that had s:t ;n under the .eye following an at 'Mei: of influesaga, .He :,.t reported :o diene come through the; operat� ort al- v'nein end hopes are .held out tor a teenspote recovery. Ws sister, Mrs. C. W. eV elsh accompanied hi,m to the city. C rata outlook n the West is th best Knee 1915. Nature ettu'ps s me me th:enelves; others get married. he peckers saatght be forgiven if • they could e.rrange to p Neat ane a oa heel .-i cold storage. o ;ore PILON & FOOTE Huron Garage - Exeter Exeter Roller Mills abundance of Feed. OATS — We thtf 1C just unloaded two caars of W,esttern Oats which w(e .honetcdeassed as usual, taking out thie tsleseid's, hulls and dust CORN --- Just ewnlioaded a car of 'splendid American Corn CROP --- We . can supply you with just the ‘kind d of Chop you See ;aur ;gile.of. Mixed Chop; good and ;cheap, MILL FEED —"Vest nee have a supply of that too, ,aislo Tankage Oaf Cake, Baby i Chick Food, Etc,. Comte Spend have your :w,autts :supplied, FLOUR -- Aiwaiysrerrsearrbuir ,that our Flour as ,second eta nine, wane, ai've, rcs• ' OFI IC EB$ ELECT4D. T..e letlowtng was the Jesuit of the L ct-ns of officers in the Exe.es ale o Qdelfellows on, Tuesday eve •r.'n:, Jr P G., As: Peahen; t ; G. L. Day, V. G., E. \I. Qac^, lit • I t t'v, R :y, Creech, kin. Sec), \\ Jfu'ans; Treas., E. \I. f3 nan. t30D RO1-T—IIEWITT. A surpr,,,5:t > number o, Ina a $ turn len : stat rinee r ok plan: on Mei dots • cut *•dealt :t spite ,of the reser nitt ; dam: ani •- ;ng, 11ay' list at Ma.. 'tr:ei Cools:nee of their parents, paresnn..g-, t xetter, of Charles Oliver G adisolt of Usborn a Township, tc The half of the world who donna �1: ' Myrtle Hewitt, daughter of \lr Epti ...0 Hewitt of Exeter. The etre• knew how the other lei:t ayes wall was performed by Rev. :WAS toad out if h: tries to cross the road.msnw .ieas The young coupe were neat; Th: Ontario Le islature believes in tended. Mr. and .Mrs. Godbolt will fi newt the best wishes of their man fitting :a fellow het onthe races, but fr:eiads. will tali, it away from him when, he wins. DEATH OF MRS. WINDSOR. It Jai. reached the paint with a lot Aster a berious ;illness covering t of us that every atne we spend a ttru rid at several rfam�lyweeks s the aslih oc nickel feel we are robbteng a tax nn : wt, e I ibaut 4,30 am, on Saturday, of filar caTh etor. 1,, •.amok tree.: of George Winches l e * d 65 years. Mrs. \1• radsor was Some day s race; of supermet% naay i ucll admired and esteemed woman ba evolved with arms ,tong enough to t for .her many k nney qualities, a faith fit the sleeves shorts, es that manufacturers at- tach to our tut and listen; wit' , on a kind tnoth• en She was a consstent membero Jum.s Street 1lethodist Church, ant Nature is looking iter prettiest just w1 health permitted constant ?n he now. Get out and enjoy it. Try it lattendance at the church services. Be. early :in Use morning, and you will ;think it good to the a+livee \V rortais are never just stisfied. While the weather has been pretty close to ideal, we imagine that a little rain would be alright about naw. What's become of the,ficton hero- ine who used to tear off a strip from her skirt and bind up her sever's wounds ? If her laver gets cut now be would bleed to death. The Workmen's Compensation Act plays a big part in tithe industrial life of Ontario Accidents totalling 54 - 851 were reported under the Act nue- •n.; the past year, of which 452 were fatal. The sum of .$7,076,769 was paid to bnefits to injured workmen. Public or private clanging at Tea- neck, N. J., must be done discreetly. Otherwise the dancers receive cards indicating their .faults,. If they per- sist they get a second card, "Discon- tinue Dancing", This might be ef- fective with some of the clinging vjnles in, this neck of the woodst Is there any doubt that: the world is travelling at a viery fast pace? The daily papers are. Titled with, murders, suicides, failures, swindles, divorce suits, raobbe.rees, thefts, aorto accidents .etc. The fast pace demands the fast pride As The Advetrtiiser says, "It is time the world was taking stock of itself and cutting out much of the damned nonsenses." fore coming to Exeter several year. shun:, the thi n.i resided in McGinty ray Township. The funeral took plaef to the Exeter cemetery on Monde afternoon.. The bereaved family hay the sincere sympathy of a wide sir• cls of friends. Besides her hu.banc slue is survived by two sons and fou daughters, Enos of Toronto, Perry Mrs. Herb. Ford of Exeter, Mrs. A..\l Hodgins of Stephen, 'errs. Wm. Rob tenon of McGillivray, and Mr; itIcKein of Toronto, all of whom, wit] the exception of Perry, were hern, for the funeral. SUICIDED ON TRAIN. Jahn :wiel.,aod, a returned soldier, u 1'u:sday martzng got teave absent from the Westminster San_.ariurn an boarding tis • London, Huron and Bruc grain for lois home in 1iverton, r•om mitt.:d suicide by cut.ing pis thro with :t razor, somewhere betwee Cland.eboye and the Exeter stat o H. was seen to ,center the lavatory Clandeb•ay,e and it would seem though the aasb act had been connmi tad shortly water entering as he w dead when the door was opened. was a man about five feet, tour inch n height, of medium ,build nand won be about 45 years ,af age. On his pe son was fourxd :his leave of absen paper from the sanitarium, a sum money and some other small articl His .remains' were taken, toff the tra Here and taken to Mr. R. N. Row undertaken. moons, where- the bo was prepared Or burial: The deceas had 'served some time overseas a White there bad been gassed, the eau of which necessitated his confineme to the sanitarium. Dr: Hyndman, the rail"ro:ad physici I here, was called and decided an .i clues t 'unnecessary. Canadir.n weekly newspapers are be- Mr. D. McLeod, brother of deceas ing :inundated with copy for half -Page in response 10 a telephone mes.sa and even whole -page adverts,semernts of came down; on the evening train a Wednesday morning accompanied e united States awl and mining compan- remains to 'T_"�ivertoin for burial. Bee along with tempting offers of In conversation with the Advoc commissions on sakes made in their Mr.McLeod stated' that his broth respective neighalbo,rhaods.. To their hod been residing with him up to ab three weeks pogo, when he wept to t: everlasting honor; be at said, :till are Sanitarium :taor treatment, Same tin turning down these questionable ad- previously deceased had been told. wertiasements. We enquired of the a doctor that he had contracted to Weekly Newspaper Association re,-' erculai trouble from the effects of s gar;d'mg this, and we are informed that gas wr' cln Sact..aseni d to worry • very much, and hte load expressed e the weekly newspapers have.been for- self on def'faerent occasions that: he ward ing these intended advertisements[ not wish to carry the disease am to the centrad office as they arrive, leis brother's children. and it is thou along with the.. comment which show this dread prayed on jails mind wit that tete editors are. determined to on his way back that caused him provide no revenue by which their t take his Wet. have their hard 'seen- The deceased was among the fi, subscribers }vial 1ta I t ed sav'sags filched from them, The to enlist amd load passed through so• edito are of the ,opinion that most l of are greatest .bathes. In two o:f tb_ money sent ,Nut of the coentry , these he was awarded medals ,in; pally m;enit -'' oi'' and mining stock of , baav pry. He was unmarried, but lbs kind will nrver ,return, .and that a! survived by leis aged father, two, bro-. reputable newspaper could therefore titers and +em(e siister,. n,ot afford to sell its space to ouch a, connpaan:iea—Saturday Night. 0 l Additional Locals on Page 4 Phone 9 for SAND S & CT .:CliI Q�+ RVIOE r�A.TISF.ACTION For Business When a young fellow keep's company with a g,,rl. That's his busintess„ When they become engaged. That's their businesa�. Wh•a they get rt arried. That's the minister's bushiest :wan they start jtousekeep'aa a :d raeetl meat. That's sour busines�7. Choice Beef einal Veal, also Pork and Lamb o1 thee we.ei. Now that warm weather . is here, we will carry the most up-to-dahet a: of cooked. meats elevens. L:t tins Bright Sanitary Star 1*: .rowFd of satisfied customers,. utspts' your Wants .and come RIVERS' MEA T ARE WHERE QUALITY HIGHER THAN PRICE. HIRE) ANNAI m at at as He ld Ce es„ e's nd the ase onus himn did. ing tto fOT June 3 '22 o+ the C. A. A. A. ,, C E CELEBRATION €! RET Saturday, Uhler else Ausp cies >1ORNING — PARADE .1NI1 9 3f Gr Chet Parade t''l b the ?land, Tradesmens Floats, Shoe Children, 11,30 Incycl: R ce, I m. e, free for BICYCLE RACE, Ca1'tlaump ans, D:, -,-orated ted Autos, assd Ete, all, Liberal Prizes 'offered. LEAGUE .BASEBALL Jumphog. Novelty Contests, Tug; tarns, Etc. Liberal Prizes. on ;'ti,!ste Craig. A battle of old 25e. CONCERT. to be given. ,by The Brunsweek Trio of 1•Iael at 1lforlock's Shoe Store. The tosent t*f the Season. All roads as an and<ed to the best decorated This" ICING,. R. S WILSON �'. + re tart' Treasurer+; AFTERNOON — SPORTS AND 1.30 Field Sports, €onsiating of Ratots, of -war between two .rayl U. IrO 3.3e League Baseball game, Creat:ton revels Admission a0f', and EVENING — GRAND ri 0(a Grand Concert :tat, ;thee To ti n 'hit t of London, See Posters. Piaat, Adnaxsssion, 55e. toad 35e. Resreshment Booth on the Grounds. lead to Crediton June 3rd. Pri' pace of business or dwelling, - GOD AVE+ IT, K. EMBER G. W. $WEITiER i Chairman s BIRTHS 'rui.fin—Ir. Hilbert, on May 2S, to :Mr. : and Mrs. Chas. 'T'ufthe jr„ a daugh- der—Dorothy Amelia. I MARRIAGES G•odbol t—Iiewitt—At the Main Street 4. 1 narsonag:., Exeter, on May 3.1st, by e Rev. W. G. H MI'Al11ster, t le^ -les Oliver (Godbolt of Usborn:, to Miss Myrtle Hewitt of Exeter. DEATHS `-- \\y.wds�or—In Exeter, on May 27th Mary F3 Snaith, wife of alr, ,.Teorge Windsor, aged 6a years Eagleson—At Bayfield, on May 23,hla.. tilde, Boyd, wife of Mr. Wm, Eagle----- sen, aged $7 years, Crie h—In Clinton, an May 24th, Jolie T. Crich, in his 53rd year. : I.tett:—At Bannockburn, Stanley Tp ten May 22, John cPoote, aged Si gars, a ® t9 n Phone 16 " THE BIG STORE WITH THE LITTLE PRICES," LS t HOOVER es THAT VACUUM SWEEPER. You would find spa handy far houseclearixr,g may be much eas- r- ler to own than you have ever imagined;. Why not ask us :about the reduced price tort the Baby Hoover, os be�t!ter still allow us of to Demonstrate oc e right in your biome. IT BEATS - AS IT SWEEPS — AS IT CLEANS in SCARCE GOODS—If you want one ,buy quick—Grass verandah, d Rugs. We Have a good range :in Brown.. and Green Effects,. The ed Prices are easy to reach. Came and see,. ,. LINOLEUMS-THE BEST EVER se We have a goad range of the m patterns—good quality only nt .- We never touch the.low priced lithos. Quality annd. value ,its what. we 'Offer you., - - an RUGS in Tapestry, Brussels, Axminister, Velvets and Wilton-Ev- n- ery sine made, from smallest to;satrgcst, 4x434 yards.." Come and look the lot over. No o'bligatioa to :buy. d OUR` MEN'S AND BOYS' READY-TO-WEAR SUITS dare some value, believe us. Cloths and valuas are back to, pre- war levels againa • We have a very pine assortment of Biig Men's Suits... FOR THE JUNE BRIDE er10 per cent•dtsconi;nit ,off every Dinner Set in tthe store; Be you 1 a cornjinig b:t?idte for pat the discount is all the same 10 per cent. he Our $42.50 Semi Porcelain Dinner Sets with English Chinas Cup rig and Saucers' are now . $38,50. by The merchant who ,th-hx s he can beat .our GROCERY PRICES has 1 b- one thunk more coming We s ell cheap all the.,. time,. he Best Staindard Granulated Sugar $6.,25 ;peen bag. I m- SOMETHING NEW IN GIRLS AND BOYS' CAPS. i 25c. ;each Ifior the new Skull Hug Cepa. 50c, each for . the new 2 -tone Byng caps. ;1st 60c, each tfatr ;thee; nevi 2 -tone Penrod capsl, Ile 75c, each ,for the new 2 -tone Babe Ruth eapfsi. HERE 1S WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING est 25c., or 4 pair for 95c,, Ladies' me: Black Ribbed and Plain Hose: of COME T A P- /'tt1 FOR, Girls' 'Boys', and Childles s's This is a wonder Bargain AGAIN. +j'TT V A T1 T This shore classed Wednesday afternoons June, July and August. sImessithshOfessneenahrehuse