HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-5-25, Page 8EXETER ADVOCATE, THIIR.SDAY, MAY S55 1822 Exeter Markets .`H..NGED EVERY WEDNESDAY Wheat ...e. ...L45 Barley 4fi to 5" Oats .. 34 to 4 11an.teba s Bast Flour 4.30 Fan{:ly Flour 4,1.5 Pa try Flour- 3.90 Feed Flour .. 2,10 Shorts 1.65 Cre65 r mon Butter .'.., i• 43 D.1;. --y Butter ......... 34 to 37 hogs 29-$0 Lard 20 Hey per ton .........$15 to $,16. Ifegs ., ....,. • 12:5{1 CHICKS FOR SALE -Baby Chicks y.r,orn my Bred -to -lay Barred Rocks 6 t your order in for these at ante Kee: Creditors 18-31 L. V. Hogarth PONC KWONG LAUNDRY. NDRY. We Flo Lauedry of a:A kinds or, short notice an. I itt tete yen- best r canner, We is:vite you to send your laundry to us. Prompt service. We !rave a;so ope:ted a QUICK Li.NCH ROOM, ieit:re lunches will ee served p Irons i best of stye al hours. PONG KWONG Oplso..ta Dome Tlsewtre Ct3:"fTRACTING After beine, out of business nearly twit nears I am prepared contra::, Ori Carleeeter Work -iarg or small ;obs of every des:riptiar Spacial attention. to hardwood floors Penis drawn and estimates given free of a ree-..Caleb Heywood. Local Doings 11r. A. J. Ford has set out a thous - The rains during last week diad mil- toae of dollars worth of good to the country. Among the estimates brought clown ad trees for silk worms, covering five isn the ,Oomaaion parliament last week cres. , jfor harbors in Western, Ontario $8,600 will be apprept'ated for the Goderich' harbor, An urgent appeal for a. great- r amotuit was :made by different members of the louse, :including Mr. Tae Clandeboy e Patentors' Club has y"Black . but no, action was talion. A gene into liquidation ,and the' affairs•larger appx'oFr..ation may, lawwever be of the company are berg wound up {nude in the ;supplementary esti/name Ex. ter Jatn:.ors vrirxt to Luc Tues- day to pay the postponed game of baseball by F. W. Raymond, authorized trus, tee, London. least ielenday :Messrs, Bal, Atl„ mee C Z refe purchased from the Harland Estee:, the hardware business and :WO stares and 'took possession at once. The Harland. name 'has been; before the public: for 55 yaeare-C1bkton New Era. "Mr. Atkinson as a former Exeter p so,r.:eat. Messrs. Ware & Pryde have been t Vena ,for several dans assisting in modelling the summer home of De tilx* fe tt of London, who is making hex- t.nsive improvements, adding another storey to the house, ,iinstalithg plumb - :ed electric lights, e. lily pond, a beweng green, as well as planting a arurnber of shrubs and trees about the grounds. 121.• ^ Rev. D. N. Abyhenanker, an ex-Brehmint priest sof 4a1.lia, who is taking a post-gm/tate corer.n Hur- n College, London, will deliver osis ad- in Triv. tt ieleneorial Church on ridgy '-),'ening of this week. The �a*.ss « without admission. fee, 'HOW IS THE PUelP?: New Iron Pumps end Fittings in Stade Iron or wood pumas repaire& Wells purneed out or cleaned. S. J- V. CANN. Phone 115 DR. JOAN WARD, Chiropralator Opti,4;.ate Cleeopraetic and Electrical Treatments for Chrone. and Nervous D`s-:a es STe..tacles .scientifically fit- ted. istted. Hairs 1e to 12; 2 to 4; and by alit'-ntre eat, Office --Wil Ian ere! Sanders Sts., Plroe 43. COURT OF REVISION VII;1..AGE OF hXETER Neige hereby that a Court o: Rep., .o n of the Assessment Reil of the Vi {age of Exeter will hold ite first meeting ;.nn the Ceuxnc.1 Chambers, Li- brary Bu a'•:ng, Exeter, on Monday. 12t. c'ati of Jule. 1022, at : 341 rem, Jen Seaior. Clerk. • MEETING OF HURON COUNTY C OUN CIL The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet le the Council t hember,. Goderich, at 3 o'.elock in the eeternoorn of Tuesday, the 6th clay o; [tint, 1932. . I ac- counts cgainst the County must be in the hands ai the Clerk not later than Monday preceding the meeting of the Council G. W. Holmen, County Clerk Goaarieh, Aley Vote 1923. COURT REVISION TOWNSHIP OF STEP1il;N :notice is hereby ,given that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Stephen will hold its first meeting in. the Town Hall, Cred- iton on. Friday, tii.• 26th day of May, 1922 at 1 o'clock ;p.m. HENRY elLBER, Township Clerk, Crediton, Ont NOTICE TO CONTRAC FORS Sae 4 Tenders, endorsed `Tender ter . of :r: to Culverts ". will be receiv- ed by t i.' undersignee up to 5 pen o; Frelay, the 26th day of May, 1922 for tii: steeply, erection and comple- tion at'. three 8 -ft. cement culLr.tse Plans and ap c..fications may be seen at the office of the clerk. Tenders must stat. a ;lump sum for the three rule:ets, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted HENRY EILBER, Clerk, Crediton, Ont Dated, May 6th,. 1922. WANTED -KEEPER AND MATRON Man and wife to Have charge of the Huron County Horn near .. Clinton, and the farm in ;peranection. therewith Applications, personal vreferred, to be mad,. to the undersigned, the appoint- ment to be mode at the next meeting of the County Council .which meet$. on June 6th. JOHN TORRANCE, Inspector,, C'linitoa Ont. Clinton, May 2nd, 1922. Contracting We wish to call the attention of the public of Exeter and surrounding dis- trict that we are open to accent, or tender for contracts for all kinds building We are experienced work- men anti by strict attent t on tobusi- ness we hope to share in the contract work of this district • W ARES & PRYD1., Exeter. Dray and'Bag gage Anything you have 'to move we move' it reasonabae Motor Truck and Horse Dray at your' Service. Auto Livery Horse Livery BAGSHAW & ASTON • LOST -Gold riff; with blue se , valued as keepsake, Reward. lfre, M. „Selerr. RESIDENCE FOR SALE Two story solid brick in good con- dition, ondition, near school; 8 rooms, bath, fur: nace, hydro and good well. Good brick barn, and large. hen house. Four Pots, front trees arid, small fruits. Ap- ply p-p v 0. C. 'Ward, Main Street. LOOK. AT THE LABEL, %3= Advocate mailing list has been t rr eeed up to April 13th. Look at your label sad see if your Advocate is paid in aclranc . It' so, alright; if'. ,frit, why riot pay at one.. iiOGS WANTED. A rumba of hogs, oil to h0 pounds ne.lers. T. Willis, Centralia. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. Th. public is hereby .notified that trespassing on the School Property will b: prosecuted according to law. BOARD OF EDUCATION POTATO PLANTING. Have you potatoes planted by mach- ine this year. The job is done quick 1t' evenly end well. Fertilizer attach- ment on. machine, Lt V. Hogarth, M - holm Farm, Phone Crediton 18r31. Cars For Hire -Apply to C,L. Wil- son. CARS FOR SALE, Two Ford carr, in best of condition Apply at Advocate Office. PINEAPPLES -Leave your order at Wilson's for Pineapples as they will soon be at their best and the prices the logit. We will deliver any quantity. C. L. Wilson. SALVATION ARMY SERVICES Services in Town Hall 11 axe -Holiness Meeting 7 rem. -Salvation Meeting. 2.30 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible Claus, Cottage meetings in North End on Tuesday night Carpi, MacGillivray, Officer in. Charge. Y. P. G. A. Open each eventing to members: Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a m.-"Th.e. Meaning cif the censaofn." 7 p.m. -"RM spoms1.birlitiaes and Privil- eges." t , As - Rev A. A. Trumper, Rector. OLD PONY DIES,. The aid familiar pony owned by lir; Thos. Hearnan, London. Road, south Dossed in her checks Jast week, after 17 years of faithful service toAts own. ver. During those 17 wears .she has mothered eleven colts, the last r which is sj4f t to. Joe raised Ort the bot- tle. Needless to say telr, .Heaman and wife are now mourning the loss of the good old beast. STANDARD HOTELS IN HURON. Tire Ontario Q.ovezzunent has auth- orized permits .tor Standard Hotels fox six moetbs, commencing May 1, to. the following hotels 2n, ,flus county;., Grad Band, Bre,titter's a,id Iiossen berry's; Exeter Achesun.'s and Mitch - elle; Iieasall, The Commercial; Zw- ick Edagheffer's end Waiver's; Bay- field Albion; Seaforth, Commercial and Queen's; Clinton;, Rattenbury ;ui4 Gr'aham's; Goderich, Bedford, British and Unhon; Auburn, Commercial; 'Wel- toe, -1111tr's; Brussels, Queen's and American.; Ethel, Commercial; Wing - {nam, Queen's and'.13runswiele; GQrrc, teerumercial, ONLY A PAIR OF BRICK BATS. One of our town. wags, whom we shall ,nae "Johnnie" for short, got off a good joke Ise a aiumber of our citizees last week,. He secured a tidy little box, nailed a .few ,slats over the fate, of it and then, ;;laced, it well .up on a sh4f. He mentioned to a couple of our citia'nrs That he had two red bats in the box. The word was soon ►aassad around and .there was a rusit. to se these carious mammals. They ha,dseen many of ,the mouse -colored species but had never seen rednes. It was, however, necessary for them to elf late themselves by means of a chair and a box, and after much neck stretehbnt and anxious looping they discovered two red brick bats. Joha- n; you shouldn't do such things, as it ' m: ht hat : resulted in heart failure ;v spm.. OAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CLHUROH Rev. James Foote, R. A., Master 10 a.m.-Sunday, school and Bible classes. Dr. Fletcher will conduct both ser- vices next Sabbath. Boy Scouts will meets. Saturday evening. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Willson, B.A, 11 aim.-"Lelseetrs from Fiieid and • Garden" 3 p.m. -Sabbath School end Bible Study. 7 p.m, -"The Fdrst Submarine' Rider' Congregation and Chod,r Singing, Services short and attractive All invitee, MAIN ST. METHODIST CIIIIRCH Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A. Phone 21r3 11 a.m.-"The Ps'lgennage of 'Life." 2.45 p.m. --Sunday, School. 7 p.m. -"The Ernpine". AT BETHANY 2,30 p.m -"Empire Day/' ASKING FOR A CHANGE. Since the eommeneement of the Rural Mail delivery in. the Township of Usboxma there has been a great deal of d!ssahisfactiton, in..the way 'the fines were run, anti from the stand- peint et not having Exeter for the point of distribution. As at conse- quence onse-quence a movement its on foot throu gh out tire township to have the whole system changed, making Exeter the stert;aig po nix A petition. ,has been circulated among the box holders, and which has been largely signed, to be ;assented to the Post ,Office Inspect- or 'of then distre t for his ronsid era,- than. Any parson fanmillax with the pr -sent system could ,not help but condann it, land the wonder ;s that the farmers of the Township did not take action long ago, ,ter liav i' rem- edied. errs R. Hoskins of ,London ..pent a few days int town . Mr. Maurice Harvey is home from Toronto Uni'versity. Mrs. Hubert Jones is visiting in Londoe. and Toronto{, Miss Curtiss, milliner, has returned to her home in Bottom. Mr. John. Baker of Grey Tp. is spending e few days with his broth- ers and other relatives here. Mrs, Noyes of Oakville is visiting her sister, Mrs, T( S. Wtaode Mrs, E. 3. Weth,ey and her mother have returned from .London, where they have been, for some time. - :lass Chatriotte Dearing who has. been 5ni Detroit ;for ,several, months, ineturne1 home on Monday morning. Mrs, Janes W, .nbes's, after several ;weeks with her parents here, retuxnr ed to her home in, Duluth last weep. Mr. and Mrs'. Thos. Newell and family are moving to Stratford this' kveek, where they wall make their fu - tune home, Mr,. "and Mrs. Wm„ ',McLaughlin of Erantnord visited over Sunday with the former's parents, ,Mn. and Mrsi. Toni McLaughlin. Mrs,. Haas, who has Veen here for some time owing to elle illness, of her father, Mr. Atberrt tF;ord, returned to her home in Buffalo, ,N; Y., on Satur- day. aturday. Mr. W. D. .Sarnldiersr returned Sat- urday from Victoria. Hosjpittaj1, .Lone don, where he 'hoes been for nearly two =torahs, s eceireing treatment to his eye, Mr. and Mrs'. Smith and the :Misses Smith of Strathroy were visitors with Mr. and Mrs, I. Armstrong Sunday, as was •a,1so Mrw lt. M. Graham totf London Mr, C. L, Wi ,sjon, „returned Monday )from London, wltjene he hard under- gone ati operatitei on has nose and ithhtoe.'t, Although w`ak he is recon ening nicely, Mrs. Wm. Ballantyne of. Fort Wil- liam a delegate to the Missionary Con- vention. at Galt, ivltred" wvirth her sis- ter Mrs: Toss. McCurdy, a few days. during the week, leaving for her home Tuesday moimfng. Mrs. Ballantyne formerly resuded on the Thames Road. \1 Wm. Beaver ,son of Mr. Nich reins Beaver, of ,Steptheni, evho'was 'e - er,s(.a:i; and tater wilth, the mounted pol- ;ce at Ottawa, ,and for over 'a year I has ba•? -tub rcj,7o'sis of the bone in,hir left fc.ot add, hand, ,is visiting with hu fath e. He its much improved l in health but it wiitl ;be ,sternetame before be ful- ly recovers; PHONE 32 JONES & MAY THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED Wednes day After nooni DURING JIINFS, JULY and AUGUST PHONE 32 MEN'S STRAW HAT,S We are now reads ,for the hot weather with a complete range o1' kten's and Boys' Straw Hats, in Sailors and Panamas, in the eery ,latest styles' and shapes, These lines are much lower in price this season. CHILDREN'S' HATS We have a large range of hats ranging from styles for little tots, up to Ines .fee' Sch"ool mGkrls and Boys at very reasonable prices. We also have tr nice rauge of write wash hats for children LADIES WHITE WASH SKIRTS, Leslie's' White Wash Skirts are here showeein a vast :range of styles end materials{. We have them front Misses sizes up to outside sizes for stout people. Get your supply early. LADIES VOILE DRESSIS AT $3.75. A REAL BARGAIN. Ladies' fine quality colored Voile Dresses, sizes 36 to 44, very special Wis week at $175 each. ANOTHER HOSIERY BARGAIN. About five dozen, Ladies' White and Black Fibre Sin Hose; sizes 9, Te, and 10. Good wearing quality at 85c. a pass', Cotton Stockings ,m Whit. and Black for La/,' -,es at 25e. pair: AWNING DUCKS. We have two good patterns in Avenin; Ducks in green and white, also bias: and white stripes in. heavy quality, SPECIAL VALUES IN DINNER SETS. We are just placed in stock seven beautiful patterns in English Din- ner Sets. These .are full 97 piece oats and range in gree from 325 'to 338. OUTING SHOES. Come here for your Brown, White or Black Canvas Shoes. Prices are away down, and we keep nearly every style. MEN'S AND BOYS' SULTS WITH TWO PAIR PANTS. Big values in. Men's Suits, smart stylen Sn Boys' first long -pant suits Boy's Bloomer Sults up to. size 35 se $7.50, BARGAINS IN WALL PAPERS, Lot; of Oder{ Papers to suit any room at low /nicest 'JONES & MAY 1. R. Carling, B.A. Banister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mol - sons Bank, Etc, INVEST YOUR FUNDS in Victory., Dominion of Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds, all legal investment for Trust Funds, At existing prices from 6 ner cent. to 7 per cctt,'t can be obtained from 'these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to loan at 'lowest rates of initerest Office -Carling Bk., Main St, Exeter Display Advertising -Made known on apDilecaticai. Stray Animals -One insertion three insertions $1.00. Miscellaneous axticles of not more than fine limes, For Sale, To Rene, Wanted, each insertion, 50c. Lost and Found locals 25c. as insertion. Local reading notices, etc.., 10c. „per ,line per insertion, No mace less than 25c. Card of Thanke 50c. Auction Sages 33 fon one insertion and 31.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in length. `Legal adwertiseng 10c. and 5c. aline. Farm per Read Estate for sale 50c. each insertion, foo' one month of four insertions, 50c., SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 House' Cleaning Needs. WALL PAPERS .. WALL PAPERS A few rolls of our Ne;w P.aipers on the wades 6f your Home with work' (,vpaid,exst We will be glad to "look them over. We acre showing a :One ofi papers for bedrooms that we are offering a,t ,exactly HALF PRIDE. CURTAINS ANT) CURTAIN NETS Beautiiful Nets and Scams, .suitable for any ;room in, your home, at vrery. moderate roes At pew yard, toe 45c., 50c., to 31.00. • LINOLEUM'S. We are showing an, 'excellent pattern int this Sanitary floor covering,. Our prices are as low. as any, and we lav free of charge, CONGOLEUM RUGS Th•e patterns this ,s'easom. are better than ever. They come.. in email and large•, sizes, and make a very pretty, as well as a very serviceable. floor coveting. vetitig. BLINDS' AND CURTAIN POLES. If itn., need sof Blinds or Curtain, Poles we want to show you what we are offering: The prices are much ower, 5 dozen green blinds, good quality lace trimmed. SPECIAL AT 31,35. • Southcott Bros THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTii Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO O imxoell,ed dining car .ervrice, Sleeping . care on night trains and Parlor caws on prinelpal day trains. Full information front say Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn- ing District Passehger Agent, Toros. J. DORE Phone 46w Aserst, Exeter The correct way and the easiest way to dispose q,f 'sotpe, pxaperty or sell some small article, {Find a tennant f your house, or an article, you have log or help tvbert you want et, is to inseff a small . advt. in the "Want Colin{{,"{' of the Advocate. DR. A. E. TENNANT Vetedmasy Surgeon i12cDom,eirs Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w Dr. G. F. Roulstore L. D, S., D. D. S, DENTIST; Office over Carling's Law, Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr, A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D: D,1, Honor 'Graduate Toronto Unisferiar Office -over Giadman & Steatite -fit Office, Main Street, Exeter. C, W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR. for Counties of Hum Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. FerTti Stock Sakes a Specialty. Office at Central Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. FRAN'l1 TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of • Hunan an d Middles Prices Reasonable and Sitt21sfaetioo Guaranteed. Crediton, - Ontario. MONEY TO LOAN eWe have a large amount of private funds bo loan on farm . and village pr opiexty at low rates of interest GLADMAN' Si STANBRY Barristers, So icitors, Exeter