The Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-05-10, Page 2PAGE 2—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1979
Tid Bits...Tid Bits...Tid Bits... Tid Bits...Tid Bits...Tid Bits...
If this week's column
seems a bit shorter than
usual, it's because I'm
writing it prior to taking a
one week vacation. There
were just a few items I
wanted to mention before
I left.
The Maple. 'Leaf
Chapter I.O.D.E. has
asked me to inform the
readers that a Children's
Art and Crafts Show will
be held on June 9 and 10
at the Goderich Centre
for the Visual and Per-
forming Arts on South
The show is being
sponsored by the Maple
Leaf Chapter and all
participants will receive
ribbons and judging in
eight different
categories. There are
many talented children in
the area and this show is
a chance for them to
display their talents to'
parents and' other . in-
terested citizens.
Children will be in-
volved, from Victoria
school, Robertson
Memorial school, St.
Mary's school, the
Municipal Day Nursery,
Colborne Central school,
Holmesville school,
,Brookside school, St.
Joseph's school and
Hullet school.
So keep the dates of
June 9 and 10 in mind and
watch for ads in this
paper concerning this
If you cannot vote on
polling day, Tuesday,
May 22nd, or at advance
polls, held May 12, 14 or
15, because you are going.
to be away from your
polling division on those
days, you can still cast
your ballot in Canada's
31st Federal General
Election. •
Under a new rule, if
your name is on the
voters' list, you can vote
in the office of the
Returning Officer of your
electoral district.
The new provision is
part- of a package of
changes to the Canada
Elections Act passed by
Parliament in December
Votes may be cast in
the office of the Retur-
ning Officer between the
hours of 12 noon and 6
p.m. or between 7 and 9
p.m. beginning Monday,
May 7th, and ending
Friday, May 18th. There
are exceptions. Voting in
the office of the Retur-
ning Officer will not be
carried out on Sundays or
on any day named as an
advance poll day.
Summer staff
The Signal -Star has
hired a student to help the
editorial staff over the
summer months. She is
Cathy Wooden.
Cathy began work on
Monday. She has just
completed here first year
of journalism at Cen-
tennial College in
Toronto. She is a resident
of Bayfield and a
graduate of Clinton high
We look forward to
having Cathy help us out
over this busy time of the
year. If you see a new
person with a note book
and a camera at various
events around town,
you're probably safe to
assume that it is Cathy.
Please make her feel
welcome in the com-
Seventy years ago the
president of a bible class
playing handball in a
church- basement became
the first person in Canada
to get help from a
member of Canada's first
official St. John
Ambulance Brigade unit:
The president was hit
on the nose and‘Was given
first aid' treatment by
William Loveday, one of
the founding members of
the Forest City Division
of the St. John
Ambulance Brigade. It
was founded in London,
Ontario on May 3, 1909,
with 19 members, most of
them trained in England.
Another of the founding
members, William
Pinnock, had served with
the Brigade in the Boer
The Brigade now has
4,000 members in Ontario
who last ,year cntributed
450,000 hours of unpaid
public service. There are
over 12,500 members in
These volunteers, in
their familiar black and
white uniforms, provide
first aid service at all
kinds of public gatherings
across the country. They
are also part of Canada's
history, with service in
both world wars, in the
wake of the Halifaxrex-
plosion, the Springhill
mine disaster, the
Noronic fire, Hurricane
Hazel, in floods,
epidemics and air
crashes. Their services
are built into emergency
disaster plans in
Canadian cities.
ceremonies for the St.
John Ambulance Brigade
began in London on May 3
and extended through
this week.
And while on the topic
of the St. John
Ambulance, .members of
the team from Denison
Mines Ltd in Elliott Lake
were declared Ontario
First Aid Champions for
1979 when they were
overall winners in the St.
John Ambulance
Provincial Open First Aid
Competitions held on
Saturday, April 28 at
Moss Park Armoury,
Toronto. Forty-eight
teams from all over
Ontario took part.
Winner of the vice-
president's trophy for
senior mixed team (18
years and older) was the
Bruce Nuclear Power
Development Team,
Graduation ceremonies
were held at Fanshawe
College recently for
apprentices enrolled in
the Advance Electricians
and Advance Motor
Vehicle Mechanics
A Lucknow man,
Donald E.Ritchie,
received the Advance
Electricians' award for
academic achievement.
A graduate in the
Advanced Motor Vehicle
Mechanics course was
Edward F.Breen,
Graduation time Is
close at hand. The Signal -
Star will once more be
publishing free of charge
your graduation an-
nouncements for students
who have been attending
post secondary school
educational institutional.
Just send a picture of
the graduate along with
his -her name, address,
the university or college
attended, the degree
earned and his -her future
plans to the Signal -Star.
It should appear the'issue
Please keep in mind
that color photographs
can be used for
publication, but may not
have the sharpness and
clearness of a black and .
white print.
Also, please consider
Randy Kiseh,;son of. Mrs.
Sandra Kisch, 121 Quebec
Street, Goderich, has
recently graduated from
Fanshawe College in
London as an Emergency
Medical Care Assistant.
Randy is now working at
Alexandra Marine &
General Hospital as an
ambulance attendant.
that color photos with a
red tinge will b e dark
when reproduced. A color
photo with a blue tinge
should be satisfactory
.Don't forget the Kin-
smen-Kinette auction on
Saturday, May 12 at the
Kin Centre starting a 1
.,pm •
You are alsoreminded
that donations for the
auction will be picked up
Friday evening. If you
have something you
would like to get rid of
that you think someone
else might enjoy, call 524-
That's the home of
Sandy Pollock. Sandy will
see to it that somebody
picks up your con-
tribution in time for the
Harold Lamb donates
his services for the day,
and all proceeds go to Kin
work in Goderich and
The choir • of
Metropolitan United
Church in London will be
performing The Creation
by Joseph Haydn on
Wednesday, May 30 at 8
pm in the church.
Joining the choir for
this occasion will be
soprano Constance
Newland; contralto
Margaret Adams; tenor
Carl Duggan; bass Alvin
Reimer; the London
Sinfonia; organist Brian
Jackson; harpsicordist
John McIntosh; and
director H.Alex Clark.
Sounds like a great
evening tor music lovers.
The Goderich Rotary
Club will be sponsoring
an appearance of the
Martin and Downs Cir-
It will be held on
Wednesday, May 30, at
6:00 and 8:00 p.m. at the
Goderich Waterfront
The Rotary Club will
announce ticket prices
and sales soon.
Home gardeners can
prevent costly mistakes
by selecting trees and
shrubs carefully, says the
same Mr. Fleming as
mentioned above.
First decide whether
you . want to plant.
evergreen or deciduous
types. Evergreens have
winter foliage and
deciduous plants lose
foliage each autumn.
If you are considering
plants for hedges,
remember deciduous
plants generally grow
faster and recover faster
from damage than
evergreens. Deciduous
hedges can be pruned
back periodically to
renew vigor but
evergreen hedges cannot.
Buy trees and shrubs
from reputable local
nurseries. Local nursery
staff can help you select
plants suitable for local
climate conditions.
Deciduous trees and
shrubs can be planted in
mid-April as soon as the
ground is workable.
Evergreens are usually
planted a little later,
from May to early June.
Civic Corner
The Huron County
Planning Board will meet
at 10:00 a.m. on Thur-
sday, May 17, 1979, in the
Council Chambers, Court
House, Goderich.
Mr. & Mrs. Herman Fisher, R.R. 2 Clinton, wish to an-
nounce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter
Nancy June to Mr. Dale LeRoy Baker,son of Mrs. Evelyn
Baker and the late LeRoy Baker, St. Thomas. The wed-
ding will take place on Saturday, May 26, 1979 in Ben -
miller United Church.
You're invited to attend the
of the newly renovated
Thursday - Friday - Saturday, May 10, 1 1, T2
Saturday, May 12 at 3 p.m.
- Door Prizes - FREE DINNERS
- will be served between 5:30 & 7 p.m. on May 12th
to our first 200 visitors
Don't miss the outstanding entertainment
which is being featured during this special
grand opening occasion
Your hosts Rene .tincl Nicole Dupuis
Lucille Starr
Main Street
ryel !.i 1n7t
Of The London Symphony Orchestra Series
FRIDAY, MAY 25th, 8 P.M.
Goderich District Collegiate
Concert includes:
Overture to Russian and Ludmllla
Au Bard de la Foret
Heritage Suite for Band and Orchestra
-intermission -
Symphony No. 6
Adults '5.00 Students '2.00
Sponsored by the Goderich Rotary Club under the patronage of
the Sully Foundation
For A Strong, Fresh Voice
Meet Graeme at
Exeter May 10th
Exeter Legion Hall
Beef On A Bun
6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Clinton - May 13th
At the home of Spence and Lenore Cummings
49 William St., Clinton
Goderich - May 17th
Goderich Arena
Beef On A Bun
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
MAY 12, 14 and 15
For Information, Problems, or If You Wieh to Work - Phone Walton 887-6886,
Exeter 235-2788, Clinton 482-7801, Seaforth 527-0607, Goderlch 524-2161,
Wingham 357-1560
Published by The Official Agent for Graeme Craig, Walton, Ontario.