HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-05-03, Page 34PAGE 12A—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 3 , 1979 Port Albert fishway open BY J.y. DOBELL The Ministry of Natural Resources, Wingham Office announces the spring operations of the rainbow trout fishway on the Lucknow River in the village off Port Albert are underway. The fish run started early in April and should continue through most of May. The run is currently ahead of last year's rate, when a spring total of 550 rainbow trout were handled. The rainbow trout are being tagged with clear streamer tags ahead of the dorsal fin this year. In 1978 yellow streamer tags were used. The fish are checked for lamprey scars or wounds, sexed, weighed, measured, and relieved of a few scales that enable qualified personnel to age the fish. The fish is then released to continue its upstream migration to the spawning grounds. To date about 25 percent of the fish returning are bearing a 1978 tag. The public is invited to view the operations with daily lifts at ap- proximately 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Additional lifts may occur if conditions warrant them. Group tours may be arranged by contacting the Ministry of Natural Resources, R.R. 5, Wingham, Ontario NOG 2W0, telephone: 357-3131 or toll free Zenith 92000. Watch that disposal The Veterinary Ser- vices Branch of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food has recently received several com- plaints regarding the improper disposal of dead animals. O.J. Lutes, the Bran- ch's supervisor of The _.. Dead Animal ._Disposal, Act, says that the sub- stantially higher price now being paid for cattle hides has prompted a number of cattle owners to skin their dead animals. However, as many dead animal collectors are unwilling to pick up skinned carcasses, cadavers are being moved to inconspicuous areas on _farms and left on the surface of the ground. Such unsatisfactory disposal, besides being illegal, produces an environmental problem and encourages the spread of animal diseases. The Dead Animal Disposal Act requires the owner of a dead animal to dispose of it within 48 hours of its death. It must either be buried with a covering of at least two feet of earth, or be removed by a person licensed as a collector under the Act. As the`oowner of dead animals cannot expect a collector to pick •up animals that hake been skinned, he must be prepared to" bury the carcasses in accordance with the law. Lutes requests the cooperation of all livestock owners in ensuring that dead animals are disposed of properly. THE WINNING COMBINATION When you shop the Signal Classifieds, it's like having an ace up your sleeve! You can save money...and en- joy the convenience of shopping from your easy chair. You can't beat that! The Goderich SIGNAL -STAR WITH COUPON BELOW ONLY! It's A&P's Biggest Sale of the year... 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