HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-05-03, Page 33.9 GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 3 , 1979—PAGE 11A Farmers turn dreams FARM CLASSI into working projects Innovative farmers don't have to keep their inventions locked in their imaginations. A number of Ontario farmers have dreams into working projects through the Innovator Incentive Program. This federal program, administered provin- cially, provides up to 50 percent of the cost for innovative technological development related to the feed and grain sec- tors. "The program was established because we realized the need for this type of practical on-farm study," says Howard Nodwell, project coor- dinator for the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. In the two years of the program, about 20 farmers have 'received grants ranging from $4,000 to the allowable $10,000 maximum toward innovative projects. "Farmers par- ticipating in the program must present a detailed proposal for the intended project," says Mr. Nodwell. "These projects must be innovative and that means you can't buy the idea off a shelf." Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food engineers and extension specialists provide technical assistance and guidance to the farmers. Projects are evaluated, and measurements are taken regularly to determine the economic feasibility of each project. "Because of increasing concerns about' energy, and dissatisfaction with the equipment available, many of the projects are looking into alternate energy sources," says Mr. Nodwell. . One farmer near Brussels constructed a solar collector on the roof of his farrowing barn to heat, the barn. There are also a number of projects ex- perimenting with solar energy to reduce the costs of grain drying. One imaginative farmer is using a'heat exchanger to warm the one million ducks his farm produces each year. More information about the Innovator Incentive Program can be obtained from agricultural represen- tatives at local offices of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. COAT grads Doug Jamieson, administrator of the new swine farm workers training program at Centralia College of Agricultural Technology presents James Johnston of Auburn with his graduation diploma while Howard Malcolm, chairman of the Ontario Pork Producers Marketing Board presents Robert Vanderpryt of Dublin with his diploma. The I5 -week coursewas offered at Centralia to meet the demand for ex- perienced workers for area swine operations. Conserve tionAu thori ty will plant124,497 trees The Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority will plant 124,497 trees this year in its Reforestation Assistance Program. This number is down from 135,658 last year because of a shortage of available stock, ac- cording to an authority press release. The release. said the purpose of the program is to promote reforestation on marginal lands, such ds wet, poor soil, steep slopes or other land unsuitable for agriculture. It is available to lan- downers within the Ausable and Bayfield River watersheds, but the release cautions due to financial limitations and • a limited -tree stock, trees will be available to landowners on a first - Better yields? We never miss the loss that we can't see and yet it's as real as the visible one. As a general rule, the highest yields come from crops, which have been planted early. Researchers claim that there is a yield reduction of one .bushel for every day that the planting of spring grain• is delayed beyond May 1. In a similar fa, bion, corn yields are depressed one bushel for every day that planting is, delayed beyond May 15. LARGEST STOCK IN THE COUNTY WORK . BOOT!S__ rl —Industrial —Farm —Factory Plain or safety toe PUNCTURE PROOF SOLES ROSS.. SHOE SHOP 142 The Square Gotl,rich, Ont. come, firstserved basis. The program is divided into three components. The mechanical tree planting assistance program assists lan- downers in planting large amounts of seedling stock, such as 1,000 to 5,000 seedlings. There is a charge of "$35 per 1,000 seedling,'to cover the cost of supplying a mechanical tree planter and authority labor. The second section, the hand -planting subsidy, assists • landowners in areas where mechanical tree planting cannot be done because of fences, slopes, corners or wet areas. The subsidy is paid. one year after planting, ,.provided there is a 75 per cent or better success rate. And the farm tree replacement progranm supplies landowners with a larger stock for the purpose of establishing or replacing windbreaks or shelterbelts. In addition to supplying trees to private lan- downers, fhe authorfty plants trees on its 'own lands. This program has been going on each spring for the past several years. Better yields start and finish/With Green Cross tora 04 -AO ST READ A. For sale EIGHT ROW John Deere plateless corn planter with transport. Phone 529-7124.-17-18 BALED hay for sale - $1.00 per bale. Phone 482- 3340.-18,19x NOW AVAILABLE - Seed grain, flax and rape seed contracts, .full line of agricultural chemicals, seed -corn, white bean Seed. Anderson Flax Products Ltd. Phone 528- 3203 Lucknow--18,19,20ar FERGUSON 7085 with loader, $1,650.00; Ferguson 9N excellent condition, 3 point hitch, new paint (blue with grey), $1,550.00. Phone 482.7552.-18-19 BALED HAY for sale. Phone 526-7719.-16tfnc M 1 FIED SECTION B. Custom work BULLDOZING, Allis- Chalmers No. 650, with six way hydraulic blade. Bill Robinson, RR2 Auburn, 529-7857.-13tf D. Livestock FOR SALE: PUREBRED Yorkshire, purebred Hampshire and Hamp cross York boars. Good selection, ser- viceable age. Bob Robinson, RR9 Walton 345-2317.-....i8,19 • F. For rent 240 ACRES of farmland for rent at Amberley. Mrs. I. McCreath 396-2313 or Mrs. T. Schilrt th 453- 0066.-19,20x GRASS available for approximately 20 head. Phone 482-7419.-18,19x N� NOW AVAILABLE! herbicide for white beans. 401. "THE BIG SPREADER" Give us a call. Have us put the 8 TON CAPACITY of this Dry Fertilizer Spreader to work for you. Remember...here at M.J. Smith we carry only Top Quality ANDERSON'S FERTILIZER In bags and bulk to fulfill all your requirements this year. PUT M.J. SMITH'S WINNING OMBINATION TO WORK FOR YOU! Green. Cross Patoran•controls weeds from the start of the growing season. And it maintains that effective weed control right up to harvest. You get clean fields and better yields. 'When applied pre -emergently, as 'directed, Patoran is safe for beans -white, lima, snap, kidney and others. Green Cross Patoran. The quality herbicide more and more bean growers depend on. For more information, write to Green Cross GREEN Products,1 Westside Drive, Etobicoke, Ontario. M9C 1B2. CROSS W., "The of one-two punch" and GREEN CROSS PRODUCTS 1, Westside Drive, Etobicoke, Ontario Division of CIBA-GEIGY CANADA LTD. MONCGTON • MONTREAL • TORONTO • WINNIPEG • CAL6ARV • !IVANCOUVER ' Rt3 isterwl trademark E1171M OUR 65th YEAR AND STILL GROWIN' STRONG! M.J. T• (:hathamGodrrichl • SEED • GRAIN • BEANS HWY. Ni JUST NORTH OF r IRT ALBERT PHO : 529.71 5 or 52 -7700 seALt OF OUR FACILITIES ARE TO SERVE