HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-05-03, Page 22-GODERICHH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 3 , 1979 Colborne operetta success The students of Grades 6, 7 and 8 at Colborne Central School put their school in the limelight again when they excelled in their presentation of the operetta The H.M.S. Pinafore on Thursday and Friday evenings, April 26 and 27 in the school auditorium. John Kane, principal, welcomed all and spoke highly of the co-operation of the students and staff in making, the operetta possible. The stage presented an excellent scene on board ship with the blue-green water and the almost real sky with seagulls flying to and from with some almost ready .to light on the ship's lookout where one of the sailor lookouts (Jeff Coulter) was busy with a telescope vi=ewing_ thehorizon to the right and left to watch for the ship, commanded by the Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph Porter K.C.B. First Lord of the Admiralty (Ken Linner) approaching. Other sailors (Sarah Hoernig, Tammy White, Sofia Rasa and Jennifer Whitely) and boatswain (Glen Feagan), sailor Rafe Rackstraw (Jeff Feagan) and sailor Dick Dear Editor Cancer aid? Dear Editor, This is springtime and the violets are in bloom. The 8-ish Medical Journal says that violet leaf tea is a cure for Cancer if taken in time: so it is a good time to gather the leaves wash and let dry. Put a handful in a dish, pour boiling water over them, let steep, strain off coloured water and drink as much as possible. The Red Clover blossom herb put in with it is good too. Dandelion coffee is also a help. The value of these herbs consists in clearing the poison from cancer out of the blood stream which takes down the swelling and lessens the pain. I do not know if they will have any influence on the cancer itself. It seems to me that cobalt bomb treatment or surgery would be required for that plus the herbs. The doctor book says thatcancer is caused by a chronic irritation caused by different things. Tartaric acid in "pop" is bad for causing cancer. Beware of using "pop" as a reducing agent. For an outward cancer bathe it with water to which a few 'drops of creosyl or creolin have been added. This is a cure for warts (tried).• The Princess Margaret hospital in Toronto is working on the theory that, cancer and warts are related. Yours truly, " A.D. Allin. Clark best Dear Editor, When is the gullible Canadian public going to realize that Trudeau's Bilingual Policy is the greatest force for disunity in Canada? It' should have been obvious from its inception that it was intended mainly to protect the political base of the Federal Liberals in Quebec. Has it been forgotten that since the days of MacKenzie; the Liberals would stoop to any means to protect its Quebec political strength - Yes! even jeopardize' Deadeye (Chuck Egener) were down on the ship's deck cleaning while they sang, "We Sail the Ocean Blue" with considerable vim and vigor. Little Buttercup { Lori ,Dykstra) seems to always add a touch of love as she comes on board ship, singing her song, `°I'm" Dear Little Buttercup, Sweet Little . Buttercup" as she tries to sell her basket of trinkets and toffees, etc. to the sailors. Captain Cocoran (Kent Milburn) is thrilled that his attractive daughter Josephine's (Margaret Vanderlinde) hand in 'marriage is sought by Sir Joseph Porter K.C.B. but is alarmed at the fact that his daughter loves a common sailor on board his ship, none other than Rafe Rackstraw. The play carries on and suddenly tfe lookout sights the long awaited boat and in an excellent manner, the boat ap- proaches with the oar- smen (Chris Starkey, Cathy B,altzer, Paula Feagan and Mike Hogan) bringing her alongside the H.M.S. Pinafore. The Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph Porter K.C.B. with Hebe (played by Lisa Argyle and Teressa Cannon) and the cousins' and aunts (Sharon Lomas, Gwen From, Joan Lamb and Anna Marie Young) in beautiful costumes are soon all on deck singing songs which fully explain the reason for the meeting and also with a touch of sailor quibbling back and forth. • • Act two is also on the ship's deck but at night and the sailor Dick Deade _quietly_informs Captain Cocoran that his daughter is in love with one of the sailors on board and plans to elope. This is hard to un- derstand and the fact that she would step from higher rank to marry a common sailor is almost too m(pch for her father or our Canadian Active Army Overseas rather than enforce con- scription. In this vast North American continent with a population of 300,000,000 • of more, what chance has a small pocket of French- speaking people got to spread their language? It is physically . im- possible for most Canadians to have any opportunity to hear or to speak French. Certainly French is and will be used by elite groups - highly educated groups, etc. as a cultural achievement and for business and social reasons. The knowledge of French for the masses is an impossibility and in addition it has no appeal and certainly there is no need to use it. It will continue to be an im- portant regional language of a minority and nothing more. Governments in Canada - ,Federal, Provincial and in some cases, Municipal, will continue to expand their services in French where possible and where numbers justify at, but this -is a far cry from Canada ever becoming Bilingual The sym,holism of the, present Bilingual Policy of the Trudeau government is false misleading. It has completely back- fired and ,may well cause the downfall of the Trudeau Government. At long last the voters may realize that—the Liberal Party is and has been for over 50 years basically a Quebec Party with predominant strength in Quebec. Is it any -wonder we have so much disunity? There is no hope, for unity as long as Mr. Trudeau is in power. He has become too abrasive. He relishes power as an elitist and his motives have become suspect by the Provinces and by the public. The open hostility between Mr. Trudeau and Mr. Levesque worsens our ,National Unity. Only a national leader, who has not been a centre of controversy for 1'1' - years such as Mr. Clark can ever hope to mediate our conflicting interests and reduce our prejudices. C. C. Hillmer t, Oakville, Ontario Be Safe. HONEYWELL 'SMOKE. DETECTOR N.\`®M 11 ll� Honeywell Smoke & Fire Detectors are designed with an exclusive Sensitivity Calibrator giving you the extra benefit of "fine timing" your detector to minimize fhb. possibility of nuisance alarms due to cooking and firepiace•.smoke. Each and every Honeywell Smoke & Fire Detector is Individually poweredand tested for hours at extreme temperatures to assume maximum reliability. A largo, Push -to -Test Disc checks the com- plete circuitry, sensing chamber, alarm & battery. Easy <10 test with broom or mop handle. SERVICE DOMINION HARDWARE .rz A VICTORIA ST. N400/1'H a0DERICH her suitor, Sir Joseph Porter to understand. Buttercup then ex- plains in a song that she raised Rafe Rackstraw, the sailor, and Captain Cocoran when mere babies and changed their identity and after the song, the two men changed their costumes with Rafe Rackstraw now in captain's uniform so Josephine will be marrying not a common sailor but a captain. The play had a happy ending with the former captain Cocoran finding a lasting friendship with Little Ruttrrrop The other pupils of the Senior grades formed an excellent background choir which ' added greatly to the music and with music supervisor, Mrs. Shirley Dustow, director, Mr. Robert Sod4urning today The Honourable Lorne Henderson, Minister of Government Services, last week announced that the construction of a swine research centre at the Arkell Research Station will be marked by an official sod -turning ceremony. The public is cordially invited to attend this important event which will take place on the project site, ap- proximately 18 kilometres southeast of Guelph at 11:15 a.m., today, Thursday, May 3. A Ministry of Agriculture and Food project, the // swine research centre will consist of two buildings approximately 58,000 square feet in total area, as well as a manure handling . system. These new facilities are being provided for the year round use of University of Guelph research staff involved in swine and agricultural engineering research programs. Completion of the centre is expected by April of 1981. , Dr. J. Clare-- Rennie, Assistant Deputy Minister; Education Research and Special Services Division, Ministry of Agriculture° and Food will act as Chairman at the ceremony. Other par- ticipating 'officials and visiting dignitaries . will ,k LL�' u Yv vvLti VARNA, ONT, GIVES YOU 5 DAYS TO SAVE BIG ON YOUR NEW SUZUKI AI 'DURING Feature forfeature you can't beat a Suzuki ...And dollar for „dollar it's tough to beat the values we're Offering during _ .... Suzuki s_Spring Savings Daysl . Suzuki bikes, from the big 4 -stroke street machines to the off-road/play bikes, you'll save big when you buy now. We've got 1978 models at the old prices. And although there's been a recent price increase on the 1979 models, we bought some stock before the increase, so you save on the 1979's too. We're ready to deal. E NOW. C1AL EVE MAY 5'1979 COM HIS SPESATUADA PHONE 1 d2624809 OR 3318 SALES — SERVICE & RENTALS include the Honourable William Newman, Minister of Agriculture and Food; Harry Worton, provincial representative for Wellington South riding; Archie MacRobbie, Reeve of Puslinch Township; Larry MacKenzie, Warden of Wellington County; Professor D. F. Forster, President of the University of Guelph; representatives of the project associate ar- chitect and construction contractor, Snell, pianist, Miss Kathie Richardson, acting, Mr. J. P. Kane, set, Mr. Clare Harman and a wonderful group of people, namely Mrs. M. Dykstra, Mrs. A. Feagan, Mrs, A. Linner, Mrs. L. Milburn, Mrs. C. Egener, Mrs. E. Whitely and Mr. H. Dykstra who donated time and effort, another successful'. performance for Colbgrne Central has been recorded. Proceeds from this concert will be used to purchase risers that may be used at Colborne Central for any future musicals. Colborne... • from page 13 are not enjoying the best of health and they are all wished a speedy recovery. Business being at- tended to, the meeting closed with the Queen. A meeting of the executive was called for Monday, April 30 to prepare the programs for 1979-80. The senior students at Colborne Central School performed in the operetta H.M.S. Pinafore last Thursday and Friday evening as part of Education Week. Here Captain Cocoran (played by Kent Milburn) sings a song to his sailors. About 75 students were involvedin the production. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) ••••••••••••.•••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• •• •••••••••• • ••• • • • • • • • • • e all vegetable • • fl • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • TOWELS 2 ROLL PKG. • • • 994 • • JAVEX • LIQUID • BLEACH 41 SCHNEIDERS BULK WIENERS $.1 .29 La. • $5.99 • • 64 FL. OZ. • • •'1O LB. 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GRANOLA 0 • • LEG OF PORK• $ • BARS • • • • • FR-ESH HAM • • LB. ® 275 •GRAMS SMOKED 5-6 LB. AVG PICNIC STYLE ® ' $ 2 5 PORK SHOULDER $1..2v 1 B. • • •- • PURINA • '• .BOLOGNA B THE 99 ®G • • • CHOW • z. 10 KG, GINGER ALE 1 L. t DEP. 9 4 Clark beans • • 14 fl. oz. tin •• • • '• i i40 McCain fancy frozen, all cuts french lh. fries ,,k . • Above prices In effect Monday, April 30 until closing time, 10:00 p.m. Saturday, May Sth or while quantifies last. J.M. CUTT Limited • RED 8 WH FOODMASTER ST., GODLRICH • 91 VICTORIA •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••• •I••••••