HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-5-25, Page 5�idx�e� U�ssase
F froy Ould guar gainst eh Dile diseases of',
the Id ndy or b1 der, take Gin Pills at the
ea;lies tgn of i nee' trouble. Whether. it is
e . e a , a k throng . the coins, swollen Joints,
b an lee z #nes, restless nights, brick duet de-
actt r 1t tt1 urination, he thewarning �o a a n, �fl warmg and
At once
if Gin pills o not give you genuine relief, we will
refund you t e purchase price. Fifty cents a box
Ivy -ether . mpie fr e, if you write to: National
rug-& C @luteal Co, o C ad'',
da, «, Tarotito, Ont
re Idents should add Na-fru-+ o., Inc.,
-86.88 Exchange St., Buffalo,
e (IF SE.APORTki--•firs, Win, Dell of De -
!THE CAUSE WARBLES tr%it cli;d on May 15th. £ront;1 ears fain-
urs, aged 59 .years; Fac(.; many years
the lamely rres.ded iia Sea(git,h, but
The Gad Fly Annoys Cattle and mot•.d to D.etroitt three years agq.
t. -buy where your uloney goes
farthest is just auother way
of saying BUY A. FORD
' y stet 4s t ;;le
CHASSIS -- $445
RUN'ABOU •- -- $4a5
Starting and Electrie I,ERhainn
03 above $S5 Extra.
.- $640
-- $$93t1
tely EquiPPed
Touring Car
WTI -RN you require a roof, the measurement
will be in squares (100 square feet). A
basis for analysis of the costs of Brantford
Asphalt Slates is given. below
1 IIIITIAL COSTS OF MATERIALS—Brantford Asphalt slates are
sometimes higher in initial cost for the material
9-eeetes REQUIRED—Brantford Ashphalt Slates require ONLY 484
4 nails to lay a square. Brantford Asphalt Slab Slates require ONLY
450 nails.
3—COST OF LAYING—Brantford Aspkalt Slab Slates aze four on
one strip—require only ono operation in handling, one operation
in spacing—Individual states are 8 x leg inches—Cut easily. St
easily, fit on angles and bend over round surfaces.You save
30 to 50 per cent. inlaying.
1fO PAINT OR STAIN RBQ11R D --The surface of Brantford
&shalt Slates is in nature's permanent colors, green and red,
adeable, always attractive requiring no stain to produce
a7[lasde effects, no liquid coats to make them fire-resistant
gYING OF INSVRANCL—Brantford Asphalt Slates are classed
as non-combustible by fire fnsuranco companies—a direct saving
of from 10 to 20 per cent. on premiums is effected. In certain
localities fire regulations demand asbestos paper ander some roof
thateriala, hat Brantford Asphalt Slates are fire-resistant and are
immune from special regulations.
6 -COST OF RFPAIRS—From the day they are laid Brantford
Asphalt State roofs showalmost100 per cent. of the original roof un-
touched. Brantford Asphalt Slates do not curl, split, crack or rot.
Complete protection and permanent protection aro built into Brant-
ford Asphalt Slate Roofs.
Compare these roof costs with those of any other
ipofing material; it is your money you are spending
and you want value for it -then buy
Asphalt .Slates
Distributed under. Brantford Roofing Trade Marks:.
through Brantford Roofing Dealers. Stock , carried,
information, furnished, sex -Ince rendered ,by our dealer
in your district.
Brantford Roofin Co. Limited
Brantford - Canada
Branches at Toronto, Montreal, Bels and Winnipe
For Sale by:
Ross Taylor Co'y
. Injures elides.
ST. IIARYS—Hugh Russell, on,e of
ti'ow the. Pest Operates—.Effects mita s;1nl`cq6.n1hefarMmtecrs}eoroBalazd, shwahridle, rootlet
Losses,I escribed P reventioizand milking cows on. Sunday Moe:nine,
Treatment of Warbles •e- Weeds dropped dead with heart failure. The
Versus Wheat. was 63 rare of ago, leaves a wife and
small fainly, ,res a wall -to-do farm -
The husband and two sons survival.
(Go,ntrtbutea by gptarto pe»arttnent of er .gid was , sr. 'Marys a couple of
gr c _Itiire, TorU4t .) days ago. apparently in the best of
The name "warbles" is appied to health.
a rather e5miuon conditien affecting
cattle which is characterized by tine STAFk 1--A quiet but pretty w ed-
aI>Itearancc oL small lumps along the a� as sooiamniced at the home of
back and loins. The lum s,. radually !sir. end Les, flim. $neer on 17ay 10.
g at 6 o'clock, when their daughter
develop during the late winter Cleereotta Rhea, becatlle rite bride of
months, and as spring approaches the MIn 4rcbibeed S. Jeffery, n so of Mr,
skin along the back and loins is �
a small walnut. The lumps are quite s.
tender at first, and when they be- ll Ann a Elli h is snappy et conte fully developed a round Rote,
surrounded by a little frothy raatterf
becomes noticeable in the centre of
each little swelling. Through each of
these little o .endlit the skin a t ,needs
grub or warble finally
s emerges. The
explanation tit the Occurrence and
develoAmeltt of warblea it cattle is
rather interesting.
The Orad Ply Is Reaponaible For the
Remember The Name
LA, A"
'UV MI 41116
The Sealed Packet is your safeguard
and .firsWm. Jeffery off Statf<t.
our Si.nraoe.tier
oticed to lee coveree with
ounded swellings about the eiee of CLI TON—A aquiat weddAnn too
peace at the ltaluY a£ the bride's son,
Mr. W. ,jt oft, ; Ittclb.lt; =ix,at week,
w . n Mrs. - ott of 'that toren
beCan a the bride of: Mr. D. Eckmier
4£ C:ton,
ST. deity$ -Al a.srs. Wood aid
Ross have just cletectl•the epntrac for
Vet beautifuliitames. to be erected en
the R*ger8' uu-division, and complet-
ed by the • end of this summer.--Katb-
i'eaa, the little eight year old claath-
ter of Mr, and Mrs. Dan: Mclepoti of
Al St. Fast, was struck by an
sutcahnobJ=, d4v9tt• by a yow malt •,
front Deivni=, and leer right lc frac- "otiCe l*o Credi QTS,.
t �datthethil
look it over and tell you what
The Primary 'gauge is the "tad
Flee" of which there are two varle-
tieb-teehnleally termed. tate Biyderrna
bawls and the Hyderrea lineata,
ar se flies attack ea.ttle while at pas-
fess duringthe warn summer season,
and are seldom troublesome during
eeld damp weather. They make a
1 razing sound eillen in flight, and
-tris when attacked by these become
reified to such an extent as tQ cause
^:tern. to stampede. which is coraau4u-
ly known as ""gadding." They Mee
attack the lower parts ot the bode'
and the legs. They deposit their eggs
in the hairs close to the akin, and
Such a, manner that the eggs are
family* attached to the hairs. After
a time the eggs are hatched, and the
larva or young insect passes down
the hair follicle, through the Skin,
into the tissues. Further develop.
moat ot the larva takes place in the
tissues, and finally they succeed to
making their *ay to the region ot the
back. which they appear to select tor
the last stage of their development,
and form little lumPa in the Skin, in
each of which a grub.or "warble"
is present, which is the mature larva.
Finally the grub bores Re way out
through the skin and .tells to the
ground, where it passes titrouglt the
chrysalis or caterpillar nage elacased
in a cocoon or shell-like covering,
and is transformed into a pupa 'which
in about a month becomes fully de -
,eloped and emerges as the mature
adult gaff fly.
Effects and Loss Sustained.
The effects produced by gad flies
and warbles are chiefly economic.
losses, which the flies cause by
worrying cattle while at pasture dur-
ing the summer time and lessening
milk production, and the aantage
which the warbles inflict to the skin,
thus lessening the value of diides for
tanning purposes. The extent of the
injury done to hides through warbles
ie considerable, and it is conserva-
tively estimated that twenty-five per
cent. of cattle hides are thus damag-
ed each year. Tanners and hide
dealers do not want warbled hides,
as the uses a grubby hide can be
p::t to are limited, and as a result
they are graded low and reduced in
p't .ventltm and Treatment.
.oar. .gig }�
In the matter of e estate o£ Wiliam
R, Bzeter
Anderson, fats of the Township of
Tb: reduction of the English duty
a a t:.t by lour pante a pound a4 i11 un
doubt:djy- result in greater 'onsump-
tion on th: pert of .he puma! of great
Brazen, nlavh it new by tar the ,erg.
f :et tee. consuming eountrY . In :he
w find Thi satr ased demand ividl
tend to 174 -ie the preset' abnormally
h, It hits: t, at aniner, ase 'n cost
of ts•a; throughout the vorl.l may be
r.triuus preparations have been
r « onuuiended and used as repellents
to ward off the attacks of gad flies
and prevent them laying eggs on cat-
tle during the summer season. Local
treatment of the backs of cattle with
a mixture of sulphur, oil of tar and
train oil Is popular, but it would
appear to be of little real service.
It is now generally considered that
in districts where warbles are
troublesome that the best course to
be adopted is to keep the cattle un-
der shelter or the shade of trees
during the heat of the day in sum-
mer to prevent them being attaoked
by the flies as far as possible. Dur-
ing the winter months the cattle
should be examined every week, and
If any of them are noticed to be
affected with warbles the grphs
should be squeezed out.of their barks
every few weeks or at least once a
month. To facilitate the removal
and destruction of the grubs the
little openings in the 'skin over each
lump may be enlarged' a little with
the point of a sharp knife and a
little iodoform-vaseline ointment
applied. This ointment is composed
of one part of iodoform and five parts
of vaseline, and. is very effective in
killing the grubs. The grubs can be
readily squeezed out of the lumps at
,the proper time and should be de-
stroyed to prevent their further
development and this lessen the
nanabeh- of flies, for the coming sum-
mer. If these precautions and sim-
ple measures were carried out by
cattle owners each winter the occur-
rence of warbles would be largely
overcome,-aud a needless loss avoid-
ed- which
void-ed-which in the aggregate is very con-
siderable as it involves loss of con -
clition, lessened milk production and
damage to the hides...—O.,. D. Me-
G•ilvray, Principal Ontario: Veterin-
ary. College, Toronto.
Weeds Versus Wheat.
Ragweed removes from the soil
14.,6 pounds .of nitrogen and three
pounds of phosphoric acid for each
ton of weeds, while the same weight
of wheat in grain and straw removes
only 12.2 pounds of. nitrogen and 2.8
pounds of phosphoric ,acid. One ton
al such wheat is equivalent to a
13 -bushel crop.
Warm water, green feed and hot,
leashes boost the egg Production.
Stephen, In the County' pf Huron,
Implement Agent, deceased,
NOTICE is hereby given, Pursuant
to R. S. 0. 1914, Chap. 121. that all
crbd tors and others having claims ng-.
a:n>k the estate of the said deeea-ed,
who d1ied en or about the 29th day
co March, 1922, are required on or
b for- the first (by ot June. 1923,
to sanal by poet prepa :l. or to deliver
to ll.ssrs. 11. E ber Son, ere -Viten,
acting for the executor :aS :he estate
their Christi..an names and surnante .
addr.tssen and descriptions, end ^till
n;trtieulars o7 th._r clams .er. I ttae
nater ori their security, if any, held
jby- tem.
And further take notice that after
such, east m,antioned date the executor
will proweed to distribute tlle?assetaud'
said deceased among the parties en-
titled thereto, having regard only to
such claims of which notice shall have
been given as above required, and the
sad exeeutor w111 not be liable
IA sae! assets, or any part there-
to any person, or person of whose
laaint or c.aime notice shah not have
;la;ate reeeeeed by hien at the t:.me, of
such el:stributta z.
Jaen;, Wilson Anderson
R it 'a., 3, C tate; iia , Ont.
iletel thio 11th day May, 1922.
It is the PREST 0 -PLATES in
PREST -LITE Batteries that
Give LonjerLife
and More Pep
THE life of a battery depends
upon the plates. That is why
Prest-O-Lite, when it set out to
make the Automobile Battery better,
began with the plates.
Always a maker of a better plate,
it turned its sci, °.tic shill and re-
search to improvi 1g it and produced
Prest-O-Lite Platen the long-lasting
Here is a battery plate as different
from ordinary plates as gold is from.
gilt. Unusual hardness combined with
a peculiar porosity gives it unrivaled
This explains its ready reserve
power in biting zero weather and its
great non buckling strength that re-
sists overheating in summer.
That is why the Prest-0 Lite Bat-
tery outlives an ordinary battery and
why it is the best all-weather battery:
Drive around to the' local Prest-O-
Lite Service Station and ask .about a
Prest-O-Lite for your car.
Prest-O-Lite Batteries are
Canadian thru and thru.
Taylor's Tire Shop tk Garage
Unequalled quality in your jams and jellies
OU can compare your jams or
jellies with any others—yours
will come first with honors
every time -- if you use. the Certo
Just the proper amount of fruit
and sugar: boil one minute and add
Certo—that's all.
The fruity flavor and delicate color is not
boiled away or destroyed but stays in, giv-
ing the most delicious jam or jelly you
ever tasted—just the right consist-
ency. It's really and truly a revela-
tion—and so very easy to accomplish.
Try the Certo way. You will suc-
ceed the first and every time. Free
booklet of recipes with every bcttl<e.
At your grocer's,
How to make delicious
Pineapple Jam
4 level cups (2 lbs.) Crushed or Chopped fruit.
8 leveled cups (31/2 lbs.) Sugar.
1 bottle (scant cup) Certo.
Use frilly ripened fruit for finest flavor. Put prepared fruit
through food chopper, or chop fine. Measure Brushed or chopped
fruit into large kettle. Add sugar, mix well, stir hard and con-
stantly, and bring to a vigorous boil over hottest lire. Boil hard 1
full minute with continual stirring. Take from fire, add Certo, and
stir it in well. Skim,' and pour quickly.
Douglas Packing Co., Limited, Cobourg
Selling Agents. W. G. Patrick & Co., Limited, Toronto and Montreal