HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-05-03, Page 11Over 125 delegates attend District $ meeting 1 District horticultural society elects officers BY ELEANOR BRADNOCK Over 125 delegates from the Horticultural Societies in District eight attended the annual meeting held at Tara last Saturday. The president, Mrs. Maisie Bray of Lion's Head, was in charge of the meeting which commenced with a dinner served by the lady directors of Tara Agricultural Society. The guest speaker, Mrs. Charlotte Erickson - Onion growers' success Ontario onion growers turned their excessively large 1978 crop into one of the marketing success stories of the year. Last fall, the province's approximately 400 growers produced a record crop of more than 87 million kilograms -'70 percent more than in 1977. "Growers feTt something had to be done to market this ex- ceptionally large crop," says Matt Valk, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food muck crop specialist. "During November and December they collected money from growers to mount a large scale campaign to promote Ontario onions." The promotion cam- paign, assisted by the Ontario Ministry . of Agriculture and Foods Foodland Ontario program and the federal government, resulted in increased exports and interprovincial sales, and increased consumption in Ontario. "More than 900,000 (24 kg) bags were sold ,to export markets from October until mid- March," says Valk. "This represents 'an increase of 330--percent--over-the 1977 exports." Ontario onions • were also found on produce counters as far away as Vancouver. Inter- provincial sales totalled more than 273,000 bags as of March 1. This represents a 96 percent increase in 'in- terprovincial sales during 1977. Sales in Ontario in- creased 42 percent over last year. By March 1 total sales topped 1.4 million bags. "I think the growers deserve a lot of credi.t_.for taking the initiative to start this promotion campaign," says . Valk. "If sales continue at this 'rate, all of. the crop may be sold by June 15." Ontario -on-i-ons---are-- -- grown primarily in the Bradford, Thedford'and Grand Bend and -area marshes. Some acreage is located also in the Leamington, Blenheim and Port Colborne areas. • Brown, was introduced by' Mrs. Bray and She spoke on the topic, Herbs in Ontario. She grows many of the herbs in King Township and stressed their medicinal properties and told why our early settlers used so marry of thea}. She spoke of portulaca, May - ap- ples, onion, garlic, dandelion, wild ginger and many others which are found growing wild in Huron County and especially between Auburn and Clinton. Miss Helen Arkell of Teeswater thanked the speaker for her inspiring address. Prize winning slides of flowers, planters and trees were shown and Ramsay is director Gordon S. Ramsay has been appointed National Director of the Canadian --eEkre=�l�ilran.mx= effective May). The Canadian Save the Children Fund is an in- dependent, non- governmental organization which has been helping children for almost 60 years. Its annual budget of some $3 million, raised by volunteer contributions, is used in self-help and social development programs in more than 30 countries, including Canada. Presently the Canadian Save the Children Fund is contributing $50,000 towards the erection of, three 50,000 gallon water tanks for, use by 30,000 Vietnamese refugees on the island of Pulau Bidong, off the coast 'of Malaysia. It is hoped that the tanks will provide suf- ficient storage to prevent a serious shortage of drinking water during the rapidly approaching dry season. Mrs. C. Hemingway of Brussels won in all the categories. Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock thanked the Tara Ladies for .their delicious beef dinner. Civic `greetings were brought by the Warden of Bruce County, the Reeve of Tara, A. Speers and also from the Reeve of Erin Township, G. Kirkland. Mrs. Amy Trelford, president of the Tara Horticulture Society, welcomed all to the meeting held in the Community Centre. Mrs. Effie Stephenson of Seaforth gave an impressive ,memorial service. Mi s. Bray reported on her year's activities and thanked all societies for their co-operation. Herb Markel spoke of the coming O.H.A. convention in London. Mrs. Willaim Klie of Hanover brought greetings and urged all to attend the annual meeting of the Ontario Horticultural Societies to be held at the Holiday Inn, London in June She outlined her work this past year as president of the O.H.A. and stated that she has 253 societies with a. membership of 66,000. Ed 'Fielding of Wingham spoke of the International Ploughing Match and thanked all for assisting in the Hor- ticulture tent. Gordon Baxter of Wingham gave the financial statement, showing a balance of $408.44 for District eight. The next conventions will be held in Chesley in 1980 and in Hanover in 1981. It was decided by the delegates to start earlier, maybe at 10:30 a.m. and have only one speaker. Mrs, William Klie• presided for the election of officers which are as follows: director - Mrs. Maisie Bray, Lion's Head; assistant directors - Roy Bennett, Wingham and Mrs. Ruby Lobban, R.R. 2 Owen Sound; People inparticular secretary - Mrs. Iris Morrey, Wingham; treasurer - Gordon Baxter, Wingham; auditors - Mrs. Margaret Bennett, Wingham and Mr. W.E. Fielding, Wingham; members -at - large - Miss Helen Arkell, R.R. 3, Teeswater, Mrs. Eleanor Brad.nock, Auburn, Mrs. P.A. Ferguson, Chesley, Mrs. M. McCharles, R.R. 3 Lucknow, and Mrs. Effie Stephenson, Seaforth; .and nominating com- mittee - Miss Helen Arkell, Mrs. Ruby Lobban and- Mrs. Iris Morrey. Mrs. Ruby Lobban thanked ...everyone and especially the Tara Society. Dianne Bogie of the Goderich I1 club and Lynne Dodds from McKillop II received County Honors' at the 9-H Achievement Day in Clinton last Tuesday night. Each giil has completed six homemaking clubs. (News -Record photo) For completing 12 clubs three girls were presented with Provincial Honors at the Clinton 4-H Achievement Day. They were, left to right, Doris McClure, McKillop II; Darlene Eckel; McKillop II; Irene Heykoop, Holmesville II. (News -Record photo) OT STARTING NEXT TUESDAY MAY 8th BONTHRON'S OF HENSALL ARE HOLDING THEIR KROEHLER FURNITURE SALE "BRAND NEW" FURNITURE IS BEING SHIPPED IN FROM THE KROEHLER FACTORY ON SATURDAY TO THE... HENSALL ARENA MANY ITEMS '/2 PRICED WITH FREE DELIVERY — MASTER CHARGE AND CHARGEX CARDS ACCEPTED, SOFAS, SOFA BEDS, RECLINER, ROCKER& SWIVEL CHAIRS — PLUS — WOOD FURNITURE, SALE RUNS MAY 8%12 - DAILY 10 a.m. - 9 P.M. SAT. TILL 6 DON'T MISS IT SEE OUR AD IN NE T WEEK'S PAPER Lynne Hildebrand from the Taylors Corners, 4-H Homemaking club was awarded her Advanced Honors at a recent Achievement Day in Clinton. Lynne has completed 18 4-H clubs. (News -Record photo) DISCOUNT DAVE'S HOME CENTRES CORRECTION In our advertisement on Page 2A, we advertised Sakrete Sand at '1.99 for a 66 Ib. bag. This should have read 99' per bag. We regret any inconvenience this may have caused any of our customers. Owners ofsmalkr busi'iesses... • 7 * Fth n ial assistance - * Management counselling (CASSE) * Management training * Information ongovernment programsforbusiness Can we heleyou? See our Representative BOB FURTNEY AND/OR BOB PEARCE at: THE BEDFORD HOTEL GODERICH, ONTARIO on: EVERY TUESDAY (Next Visit: Tuesday, May 8th) FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK For prior Information m call 271.5650 (collect) or write 1036 Ontario Street, 54tratford, Ontario. GODERICH SIGNAL; STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 3 , 1979—PAGE 11 mom ®low ■ Imo® =NM WNW 1121IIIMB MEM■rte um- IN N AME B' ANUS" ONAMIPRICES IBONNE BELL '/3 OFF - 480 ML. IHAND AND BODY LOTION 66% MORE Ten•O•Six Lotion (Jean Nate 1 1 11 400 ML. w 1 1 1 1 i 4.951 $3.951 Rose Milk Skin Care Cream 340 ML . . . . ....... . ... . ... 9 .391 Bufferin Bonus Pack 25°/0 More 125's . , , S SSS .... , ... S 1 .271 BONNE BELL "Gift with Purchase Bonus" 1 ° -9v LIP GLOSS WITH LIPSTICK IPOT OF GOLD I Chocolates 1 BONUS PACK 75 for the price 1 LB. REG. '4.95 of 60 52.75 iCurad 'Ouchless Strips Breck Shampoo 400m1. plus 25% 1 1 1 1 1 X3.1 9 $1 .661 m0,0500m„$1.891 '2.09 ITampax Tampons 40's I625 ML. FOR PRICE OF 500 ML. Listerine Antiseptic 25% BONUS $2.08 i IWITH FREE CLORETS 32's Efferdent Denture Cleanser - 79c I IDISPOSABLE - 2's Gillette Twin Blade Razor 25c1 _ 1 Ban Roll OOn Deodorant 75 ml. $ 1 .49 ARPEGE OR MY SIN FRAGRANCES 25%. While Present Stock Lasts VITAMIN and MINERAL 104's REG. '5.00 1 Ayds Reducing Plan II.D.A. WHITE 200's 'Facial Tissues i • z 1 1 1 1 53.491 .o.s1.1911 1- 1.891 791 991 991 IMaalox Plus 340 m1. or 50 Tablets II.D.A. Cotton Swabs Box of 180 IPalmolive Dishwashing Liquid 24 oz. !Palmolive Bath Size Soap Pack of 2 !VIMShampoo "1/3 More Special” 60oml. SSSS<.,, 1.991 I I OFF ALL 2O % OFF 20% 1 I SUNGLASSES ii,1 t ILOTION 130 ML. 1Profan Sunscreen � Z . 7 �,I I.D.A. WHITE OR GOLD $ 7.7 �Ifi 1 Bathroom Scalesi mICK, PHARMACYo� I A ICHARGEX MINIMVISA `SHOPPERS SQUARE, I ® f GODERICH 00 524®x'241 OPEN ALL DAY EDNESDAY B.111.19 IMPOINS MUM SPIBINVI BOMB IIIEWEIs MM. mum mown •