HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-05-03, Page 7Kin:seridge kindergartin is registered BYDELORES VAN OSCH Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mote (Mary VanDiepen) who were mar- ried at St. Joseph's Church on Saturday. Their dinner ,and reception was held at Saltford Valley Hall, Goder- ich. Bill Van Osch held a very successful auction sale of groceries, hardware and many other store articles on Wednesday evening of last week. Rathwell and Associ- ates of Seaforth were the auctioneers. Congratulations to Larry and Melba Park on the birth of their second son last week. Melba taught at Kingsbridge a few years back and recently has supplied. Some little friends of Jen- ny Martin attended a birth- day party held in her honour on Sunday afternoon for her seventh birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Frayne of Brantford visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Gene Frayne and Mr. and Mrs. Don-Frayne and families. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Osch received word this week of the sudden passing of Mr. Van Osch's brother- in-law, . Jack Rambags of Holland last week. Mr. and Mrs. Rambags had attended Mr. and Mrs. Van Osch's fiftieth wedding anniversary a year ago. Eddie Sinnett• is . visiting his . parents and family for about six weeks on leave from his boat which he left at Point Tupper, Cape Breton Island.. T -he Garvey Public Speak- ing was held 'at St. Joseph's School for . grades five to eight.on Wednesday of last week. Grades five and six had a choice of a poem which they chose themselves 'or a reading. Grades seven and eight had a choice of Intro- ductions or a poem. The ones whn did speeches were heard in February. The Sacrament of Baptism was received by Vannessa Yolanda Hogan, baby daugh- ter of Raymond and Mildred Hogan on Sunday morning at St. Joseph's Church. God- parents were Tom and Karla Hogan. Following„•the Bap- tism, a dinner was held for family and guests at Ra mond. Hogan's. Attending were Tom and Karla Hogan and family, Father Ed Den- tinger, Brother Carl Voll, Mr. and Mrs. John Howard, See the priceless ROYAL DOULTON FIGURE EXHIBIT May 14 to May 19 , from England, 2'85 beautiful figures of the pat... Michael Doulton will be here to .autograph your purchase of a current Royal Doulton product. — The - Gift Shoppe Open Daily 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thurs. 8, Fri. Nights till 9 p.m. 127'Broadi'ay; Tilfsonburg, Ont. 519.842.8604 • Anita, Leona, Francis, Steve and Lawrence; Marianne Frayne, Jackie Van Osch and Wilma Janvier. Baptism services also took place in Kincardine on Sun- day afternoon at St. An- thony's Church when Eliza- beth Ann Zyluk, daughter of Dave and Vickie Zyluck was baptized. Dave Zyluk is prin- cipal of the school in Kings- bridge. The Mass was celebrated by Fr. Ed Dentinger of Kingsbridge and at the end of the Mad, Elizabeth Ann was baptized by Father Gro- gan of St. Anthony's. The godparents were Ray and Pat Brooks of Mount Forest. Grandparents attending were John and Catherine Bahro of London, and great grandparents Matt and Caro- line Majurac of Bothwell. A reception followed in the Parish Hall after which sev- eral of the guests returned to the Zyluk home for supper. Highlight of the day was Mr. Zyluk's former grade seven class from Precious Blood, Exeter, attending and some participated in the Mass and even helped baby- sit. Kindergarten registration was held recently at St. Joseph's School. Those reg- istering for the fall are Tommy Hogan, son of Mr. ..and Mrs. Tom Hogan; Jenni- fer Redmond„ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Red- mond; Raymond Dalton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Dal- ton; Rachel Brophy, daugh- ter of Mr. -and Mrs. George Brophy; Connie O'Neil; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe O'Neil; Dean Riegling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Riegling. HTA amended for May 1 • Two amendments to The Highway Traffic Act aimed at reducing tailgating by trucks and the lighting. of all coin- ' mercial vehicles' will come into effect May I, Minister of Tran- sportation and Com- munications James Snow said this week. "To -cut down on tailgating by commercial vehicles, trucks travelling over 60 kilometres an hour in Ontario will be forbidden to follow any vehicle closer than 60 metres or approximately 200 feet," said Snow. "And commercial vehicles are required to have all appropriate clearance and iden- tification lights on when operating after dark on any road anywhere in the province,"•Snow added. These two amendments were part of a group passed last'December but required proclamation before becoming law. Perhaps` most. .im- portant in the -original release was the allowing of a left-hand turn on a red light from a one-way street' to another, ore way street -after coming to a fu.11 stop. - MANAGEMENT SERVICES FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK The junior girls' floor hockey team at St. Joseph's School in Kingsbridge won the Huron -Perth Floor Hockey Championship inrecent competition. Back row, left to right, are team members Mary Anne O'Neill, Gerda Hendriks, Vicki Doherty, Christine Stapleton, Cathy O'Connor, Shannon Durnin, Mary Katherine Stapleton. Front row, left to right, are Linda \'an Osch, Sally Van Osch, Maria Dalton and Mary Lynn Doherty. (Photo by Sharon Dietz) The junior choir of St. Joseph's School, Kingsbridge won third place at the Kiwanis Music Festival in Stratford recently. Shown with their music teacher, Mrs. Park are back row, left to right, Marcia! LeBritfon, Wendy Miltenberg, Lisa Smith, Patti Durnin; Mrs. Park,'Brian Redmond. Centre row, left to right •are, Brenda Van Osch, Christine Connelly, Kelly O'Neill, Brenda Van Osch, Sharon Van Osch, Jennifer Dalton, Jenny Martin, Laurie O'Neill..Front row, left to right, are Elmer Foran, ,Jimmy Sinnett, Vince Doherty and Rhonda •Hogan.( Photo by Sharon Dietz) GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 3 , 1979—PAGE 7 Keep posters off poles says Hydro Many Ontario Hydro linemen grimace when they see the picture of a smiling political can- didate affixed to a wooden hydro pole. It -is not the posters which annoy them, but the tacks, pins, nails and staples used to attach them to the poles. "As' well as being costly and time consuming to remove, they can be dangerous to a lineman," says Ontario Hydro public relations officer Don Carmichael. "If a lineman's clim- bing spurs slip against a piece of metal on the pole he can get hurt. A number Of ' our people have been gashed by• protruding nails and staples. It's not very pleasant," Carmichael added. "This is why we are appealing to campaign managers and volunteers not to fix their posters to the poles. It is dangerous and, in fact, it is against the law (Power Cor- poration Act, Sec. 45, Para. 1)." - RED CROSS BLOOD CLINIC WEDef MAY 9 FREE BABY SITTING SERVICE 2-5 2-5 And 6:30 - 8:30 GDCI AUDITORIUM Advertisement Published By CHAMPION ROAD MACHINERY NOTICE Eedy Bakery WILL BE CLOSED MAY 61.11 TO MAY 21st for Repairs and Holidays The Store Will Remain Open For a World Of Furniture Values FREE DELIVERY ON MAJOR ITEMS BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE Cle,,\\ FURNITURE WORLD In The Suncoast Mall Highway 21 South GODERICH ftair CA M E 0 Stillinr ibl MIF SUNCOAST MALL -~' GODERICH 524-8515 II•. 11.` rJ�4 As % F �'2. ,,;., .. tid MAY SPECIAL SHAMPOO & SET & HAIR CUT REG. 510.00 ONLY $7•OQ SH£AMPb&SET....,. , STYLE CUT & BLOW DRY STREAKS complete with SE CHILDREN'S CUTS FROM $4.00 `PERMS complete FROM $18.00 $4.50 $8.00 T $1.8.00 HOURS: Mon., Tues., Wed., 9:30-6; Thurs., Fri. 9:30-9; Sat. 9-4 NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY • Public speaking inners, in the contest at St. Joseph's School, ngsbridge during Education Week competitions ere back row, from the left, Denise Connelly, Heather Ann Stapelton, Vicki Delbergue, Liz Vogt, Betty Jane Foran, Diane Van Osch, Cathy O'Connor; centre row, •John Lalonde, Lonny Doherty,,( Mary Lynne Doherty, ,Steven , Hickey and front row, Christine Stapelton, Marian Knoop, Shawn Doherty. Categories for the cam- sio CULBERT'S BAKERY 1877 "Home of Tasty Pastry" 49 WEST ST. GODERICH SPECIAL PUMPKIN PIES Reg. '1.49 $1 • 29 1979 524-7941 Here is a Business Management Seminar on two very common problems faced by rapidly growing Small Businesses Cash Flow Difficulties Whether or not to Incorporate � I petition included poem ' recital, . introductions, readings and speeches in Englisi and French. (Photo by Sharon Dietz) DROP INTO Bob McKin!ey's P.C. Committee Rooms South St. (formerly Glenmark) OPEN: 10 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. 1 - 5 p.m. Mon. thru Sat, Friday evenings 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. PHONE 524-21''49 A Management Seminar AT _ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION HALL, KIRK STREET, CLINTON ON WEDNESDAY MAY 16, 1979 . REGISTRATION 8 30AM Would you like to attend/ II so. please complete the coupon and return it. with your cheque, to the address below For further information please contact Pete Huxtable, Management Service Officer Tel.: 271-5650 (collect) -®®® MR MR MR® NI NW MOM OM MN The Manager Federal Business Development Bank '1036 Ontario Street STRATFORD, Ontario NSA 6Z3 I will attend the business management seminar at CLINTON Name(s) Address . - - -. Postal Coda Oho Rogktrallon Foo o1 '30.00'por porson Includoc lonchoon. IU•® MAY 16th, 1979 111111111111111 CENTRAL HURON SECONDARY SCHOOL CLINTON SEX IN SCHOOL TEXTS? COME AND SPEAK YOUR MIND Ken Campbell of T.V. fame, and founder of Rennaissaace Canada