HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-05-03, Page 5Letter to the Editor ec Dear Editor, What is meant by existentialism? As a philosophy it means, "the ultimate absurdity of life"! Life can only be lived. Conjecturing on any purpose of life can only result in the con - elusion .that there is no ultimate purpose - . just existence! Like all philosophy, it does contain a grain of truth! One must always be aware that every cherished belief of the'-' past has a foundation tin hope for reality! Belief is essentially "wish - fulfillment" - a desire to achieve something believable in the mind. GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 3 , 1979—PAGE 5 use we're hu _an, we need faith The Alchemists believed that is was possible to turn base metal into gold! Science now accepts this view - it is possible, however, thanks to -a small equation ennunciated by Einstein and proven to be true, transmuting elements results in a tremendous release of energy (E-MC2) - a factor unknown to early alchemists! This provides a conditional acceptance in the desire to create gold! (or build more atomic power plants). The "family unit" has always rerraained the goal of humanity. Children are Dear Editor... • from page 4 you will be informed of the watered-down version of their in camera deliberations. As to who agrees or disagrees you will not know or be told. I personally admire Jim Searls as a public minded citizen for his attitude and deter- mination to be so open in his time consuming ef- forts to find out why the taxpayers should pay thirteen thousand dollars to create nJore unem- ployment for people in this facility who want to work -t it--is_aLL.well and -good for the board Members arid administratig'n'to say at this time -no layoffs - but time will tell the true answer to this laundry facility removal. Yours truly, Geo. T. Young. You're invited Dear Editor, „,------- All former students and stuff of East Nor- thumberland Secondary School in Brighton, Ontario are invited . to .. bare_ in the_ festivities of the silver anniversary weekend. Although a high school had existed in Brighton since 1916 on another site, the present school was opened in May of 1955. To celebrate the 25th year on its present site, students are invited to return on May 16, 17 and 18 in 1980. Former students and staff should contact: Mrs. Edna Faulkner, ENSS Reunion, Box 219, Brighton, Ontario K0K 1H0. Yours truly Brian M. Todd Principal Big weekend Dear Editor, The weekend of May 4-6 will be a very special occasion for Federation of Ontario Naturalists (F.O.N..) - the opening of our• permanent home at the Locke House Con- servation Centre. F.O.N.'s restoration of the historic Locke House, located on a ravine in Don Mills, provides a sub- stantive link between 'conservation of our historic and natural heritages. Members of the public are welcome to . the. opening. Best regards R. A. Reid a living part of their parents -- possessions of their desire! A recent science, genetics, dating from the year 1900 has now weakened the whole personal view of the family unit! Children today are no longer just regarded as a fulfillment of "love" but as the result of a complex chemistry (D.N.A.) related to everything alive! There is a chemical relation between the cells .of.a plant and the cells of our skin! lou can see it on TV. Today more people really have a greater concern for all living things - they now see an interdependence in lig - •that only became visible as a result of new knowledge based on the recent science of genetics! This same science has also affected our fun- damental outlook on life in a different way! In 1790, a scientist Lamarck, outlined a theory of evolution in which it was claimed the acquired characteristics could be inherited. A more recent scientist contradicted him this way! One could inherit a "wooden head" but not a wooden leg! In other words, a degree of intelligence could be inherited, but because you lost a leg through an accident would not mean that your future grandchild might be born without legs. In the Victorian age, it was popularity believed that a pregnant woman should read good books and listen to good music--• this would increase the chance of the child inheriting a more blissful character! It was then also believed that "good breeding" made gen- tlemen! a Here we see •''wish fulfillment" in an • ex- treme form, still adhered to by millions today! Staff Environmentalist _ _really _amazing quality of human beings is•how quickly they adapt to the "new" and forget the past! They will swear that "nobody ever - --- F.O.N. 355 Lesmill Road Don Mills, Ontario M3B 2W8 (416) 4448419 believed what you're saying", - they always had more sense than that - because if it was true, what you are saying is my forebears would have been stupid. They were proud, British, French, or other and I will not believe that I am basically not any "smarter" than they were. 'Here we take a stand on genetics and you are absolutely right. You may not be any smarter - but you may have been subjected to new knowledge - which can have unpleasant con- sequences .concerning things you were taught to believe! Time atone heals and today we are still In•the midst•, of changing our minds to fully accept new facts!• Karl Marx lived right in the middle of Victorian myth when he proposed his romantic notion based on "science of Lamarck! We would breed a new generation - to live ideally under Com- munism. They would be changed by inheriting the teaching of Marx! "Each according to his Jim Searls protests ability - each in accord with his need"! A grand philosophy - but only to be realized if through inheritance, we could change human nature - which Lamarck and Marx guaranteed. We should k,pi'Gv better. Even Charles Darwin accepted this idea of inheritance in the human species - few know that fact. Darwin and Shaw were "famous figures'", luminaries of thought, not because they were that revolutionary or creative, but because they offered what people want! Something that can provide the basis for hot argument! Mind you, nobody argues with Mendel and few argue with E-MC2! Darwin of course, did advance science, but he left us the tail of the monkey to chew on! A little existentialist thinking can do no harnt - many things considered true in the past were absurd. Its pays well to realize this, but because we are human, we need faith. • J. G. Macdonald Goderich Surplus.. wasn't surplus at all Dear Editor, Re: Editorial B.I.A. Project Cut, quote, "The $60.000 set aside for completion of the Square was the culprit behind Council playing games at the budget meeting." To my knowledge there was at no time $60,000 set aside fcr The Square, but was requested by the B.I.A. I fail to see your reasoning for the statement it would only save the taxpayer ap- proximately one per cent or an average of $6 to $10 dollars per taxpayer. This- may be. true, but will or would their taxes drop $6 to $10 dollars next year? I hardly think so. I could say the same thing, that it is only going to cost the taxpayer bne percent or $6 to $10 dollars to install sanitary sewers in More Letters to the Editor on Page 22 AT SMITHI ETS..., We havejust been issued a distributorship for INTRODUCTORY " OFFER FROM APRIL 24 - MAY 31, 1979 DASMWOOD INDUSTRIES LIMITED ASK ABOUT OUR 1O0/ 0 OFF SPECIAL PRICES ON FULL HOUSE LOTS AVAILABLE We also handle the > > cpfinglefe!electi¢ll.Of BELVEDERE KITCHEN CABINETS INTRODUCTORY OFFER FROM o� ° APRIL 249h 90 ffe le OFF. MAY 31st, 1979 We carry a complete PANELLING WITH OVER 500 SHEETS IN STOCK! AZ L00PR1GESt the Industrial Park, or pave Delbar subdivision, but tell me, where do you draw the line? I was opposed to The Square project, but realize it has to be completed, but not to the tune of $60,000 per year. As I understand, once The Square is completed they will start on streets leading off The Square. So by committing our- selves to $60,000 again this year we could put a burden on the taxpayers for the next three to five years, until the whole project is completed. With regards to, quote "due to a large surplus ($190,000,000) town was able to take on protects such as NIP and Highway 21 widenig."- These projects were not taken on this year, but by the previous council, so in reality the $190,000. is rHANIMEX I• nota surplus, but monies that had been set aside for these projects. My definition of surplus is, if you budget $2,000,00 for a car and it only costs you $1,500.00, then the $500.00 you save is a surplus. In conclusion I think Council made a wise decision and one they will have to live with. Respectfully yours, Jim Searls. RED CROSS BLOOD CLINIC WED®, MAY 9 FREE BABY SITTING SERVICE 2-S 2-5 And 6:30 - 8:30 ODCI AUDITORIUM Advertisement Published By DOMTAR CHEMICALS LTD. Sifto Salt Division, Evaporator Plant PROCLAMATION WHEREAS the United Nations has declared 1979 as The International Year of the Child: WHEREAS the United Nations marks the twentieth anniversary of the Declaration of the Rights of the child, passed on November 20, 1959: AND WHEREAS the Goderich & District Pro Life Group is focusing on special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection for the child before as well as af- ter birth„ and adequate prenatal and post natal care for both mother and child. Be it Declared that the week of May 6 to May 13 be declared Respect for Life Week in the Town of Goderich; Harry Worsell, Mayor Town of Goderich -v MOM WILL LOVE No setting to set. Nothing to forget- Just pull fhe uiCt=in flasfi-point and shoot - up to 150 sharp colourful pictures without changing batteries. LAGREAT MOTHER'S DAY GIFT X5 995 1c. Beautiful MOTHER'S DAY CARDS That are sure to please Check over our Targe selection Tabu by Dana Perfumes 8► Colognes _._. Full line_of WALLPAPER Tramp Perfumes Colognes -Spray Colognes 09 2 ® SUGGESTED OFF RETAIL PRICES Sweeten her day with Nina Ricci L'AIR DU TEMPS the romantic perfume h Nina Ricci Paris WALLETS CLUTCH PURSES °HP! We carry a complete lino of ALUMINUM DOORS & WINDOWS FOAM & CELLULOSE INSULATION also AVAILABLE ALSO IN STOCK EXTERIOR LUMBER ANO PLYWOODS And of course WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF CARPETS & LINOLEUM (ARMSTRONG, CONGOLEUM & DOMCOR) we also carry CERAMIC TILES CANDIES Make fresh and delicious gifts for Mom on Mother's Day „FREE Jr'„ are given and wo have qualified Installers to guarantee 1`R ESTIMA professional i nstallations. GORD SMITH CARPETS 1 MILE EAST OF GODERICH CiN HIGHWAY No, 8 PHONE 524-7123 CAMPBELL'S forCAMERAS Royal Bank BlockGoderich ��!®''