HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-05-03, Page 1Endofprogram could mean end of recreation job
Sentiments that a
program operated in
Goderich to integrate
mentally handicapped
people into the com-
munity will end if the
town does not receive
financial help from other
municipalities do not stop
with the program itself.
Suggestions have been
made that if the program
is ended Jane Netzke's
position on the town's
recreation department
will also end.
That possibility has
eluded most of the
discussions about the
integration .program but
came to Tight recently
when it was discovered
that the funds the town
was asking' for were for
both the program and
Netzke's salary.
Netzke came to
Goderich three years ago
to administer the in-
tegration program under
a grant from the ministry
of community and social
services. That grant paid
for costs of the program
as well as costs to ad-
minister it- Netzke s
When the government
announced it was ending
the grant the Goderich
recreation board, and
ultimately town council,
agreed to, pick up the tab
for the program until the
end of 1979.
But that agreement
was twofold. The town
paid the costs to operate
the integration program
and also placed Netzke on
the staff of the recreation
department. Netzke, the
rec board and some
members of .council
assumed that if the in-
tegration program was
curtailed at the end of
1979 Netzke would remain
on the rec department
According to reeve
Eileen Palmer that
assumption may have
been wrong.
Palmer said Monday if
the town doesn't get
financial help for the
integration program "her
(Netzke's) position would
have to be seriously
reviewed at the end of
this year".
Palmer said she was
only one member of
council but pointed out
that council may have to
give some thought to,the
situation because of
financial problems it
The reeve pointed out
that the position Netzke
now fills on the rec
department staff was
created by the govern-
ment integration
program. She said she
wanted to look at • the
amount of time Netzke
spends un town
recreation affairs and
time spent on the in-
•tegration program. She
said the percentage of
time spent on each would
have a hearing on Net-
zke's future.
The reeve did not mean
to be critical of Netzke's
work. She said the review
is not intended to see if
she is doing a good job for
the town•b,pt only to see if
her'serviees are needed Part of the confusion
in the recreation resulted from the town's
department if the in request to the county of
tegration program is not Huroti for help in
operating. operating a $14,200 in -
Palmer said many of tegration program. That
the questions raised by $14,200 was the total Gctst
the continuance of the of the program when it
integration programs was funded by the
"definitely depended on
financial assitance from
other municipalities".
"The town did not have
a need for the job until the
recreation program was
'affected by the. in-
tegration project,"
Palmer noted.
• Deputy -reeve Bob
Allen does not agree with
Palmer. He said Netzke's
job "is not in jeopardy".
Allen said Netzke is an
"excellent person" and is
a 'full-time employee of
the town's recreation sell. to get some county
department. money to -offset costs the
province but that in-
cluded Metzke's salary. If
the town has since hired
Netzke to its own staff the
integration program
would cost in the neigh-
borhood of $4,000.
Some of Palmer's
arguements to county
council when the request
for funds came up
suggested that she was
using Netzke's job and
the integration program
Lig a club. Some felt that
Palmer was trying a hard
town has to keep Netzke
on the. payroll.
Palmer said that
wasn't true. She said she
wants the town to take a
long look at the situation.
Netzke said since
starting at the recreation
department her horizons
have expanded beyond
the integration program.
She said she gradually
took on more duties and
filled in as rec director
during the void between
Mike Dymond leaving the
post and Jim Moore
Moore said Netzke has
a lot of work to do in the
Goderich recreation
department. He said she
handles all programs for
the department as well as
the integration project
and other duties. He'said
he was not familiar with
what was done politically
when the town picked up
the costs of the in-
tegration program and
hired Netzke and could
not comment on the
Town clerk Larry
McCabe said he believed
Netzke was a full time
employee of the town
whether or not the town
continued to finance the
integration •program for
the handicapped. He said
he had received nothing
,official indicating the
matter was to be
reviewed or that Netzke
would not be an employee
when the town ended its
support of the integration
program. He pointed out
that was a, decision
council would have to
Tenders let
for two NIP
area streets
Goderich town council accepted two tenders
for street constrction and paving work in the
NIP area at a special meeting Thursday.
The tender of Lavis Contracting Ltd. in the
amount of $27,486 for the paving of Cambria
Road and Nelson Street was accepted over a
second tender of $28,696 submitted by Cottrill
Fuels, Kincardine.
The awarding of the contract is subject to the
approval of the town,engineer and the Ministry
of Transportation and Communication.
Ken Gerber Construction of Stratford sub-
mitted the lowest of five tenders for street.
construction in the NIP area with a bid of
$411,801. Council accepted the tender by Gerber
which is also subject to the approval of the town
engineer and the MTC.
Other bids submitted'for the contract were by
Arnott Construction, • Collingwood,$453,459;
Three Hills Contracting Company, Waterloo,
$463,220; Levis Contracting Co. Ltd., Clinton,
$41.7,994 and Wayne Lowry Contruction Ltd.,
Kincardine. $417,941.
The street construction program in the north-
eastsection of town .will include ,storm and,
sanitary sewers for a number of streets bet-
ween Victoria and Albert Streets.
Clerk,, Larry McCabe estimated. that
Ministry approval for the projects would take
between two and four weeks with work
beginning in the early part of June.
132—YEAR 18
rogram good.. but not for county
Huron County council did not dispute the
worth of -an integration program for mentally
handicapped people in Goderich but balked at.
supporting the program because it is not county
Council accepted the recommendation of its
executive committee Thursday. and turned
down a request from the Goderich Recreation
department for funds. The executive com-
mittee heard the request in March and turned it
down at that time but council was asked to
delay final decision on the matter until a more
complete preseptation could be made by the
Goderich rec department.
At the stroke of midnight on Friday evening,
Laurie Nurse, 17 -year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mr's. Gerry Nurse of Goderich township, was
crowned high school queen at the annual At
Home dance by last year's queen, Una Costello.
(Photo by Joanne Buchanan)
Goderich reeve Eileen. Palmer persuaded
council not to make fipal decision on the
request without hearing a presentation from
Jane Netzke, program -,co-ordinator in _the
Goderich rec department. Palmer said the
mentally handicapped people in the program
were from Goderich and the surrounding area.
Sire said she did not know exactly how many
handicapped were involved in the program or
.how many municipalities were involved but
asked that a decision' be delayed until that
information could be presented.
Netzke said Thursday she had met with the
development committee and given it the facts
and figures on the program. Shesaid the entire
cost of the integration, salary and ad-
ministration, amounts to $14,200. She said about
30 mentally handicapped children and 15 adults
are involved. She said about two thirds of the
handicapped are ' from Goderich with -the
remainder hailing from Saltford, Varna,
Clinton, Vanastra, Auburn and townships
bordering Goderi.ch.
Netzke explained that the •program was
started in Goderich under a ministry of com-
munity and social services grant that paid all
costs. That grant expired in 1978. At that time
parents and people involved in the integration
program .joined in an appeal to Goderich town
council to keep the program operating and
council responded by funding the program for
at least one more year.
Council's executive committee sympathized
with organizers of the integration program bu
felt that because it was confined to the
Goderich area the county could not support it.
County .Clerk Bill Hanly summed up' the Con-
cerns of
oncerns.of the committee when he told council
Thursday that recreation was the responsibility.
of each municipality.
Hanly said that if the county got involved in
this sort of thing there would be "no end to the
requests for funds and the county would be in a
difficult position to turn them down".
The committee recommended that Goderich
seek assistance from its neighbors. It felt that
the program should be operated on a user fee
basis suggesting that Goderich appeal to the
municipalities in• which the handicapped people
Reeve Palmer appreciated -the fact that the
Goderich. request was for a program that was
confined to one area but reminded council that
Goderich was the county's largest contributor
of tax dollars. She told council she was "very
disappointed again" that the committee
refused the grant__._.
new manager
The Goderich Recreation Board named Peter
Imanse as the new arena manager in a motion
passed at a regular monthly meeting of the
hoard, Thursday.
Imanse has been an employee at the arena
for the past year and a half and succeeds Chuck
Jewell who resigned as arena manager April 1
to accept a managerial position in Sarnia. 4
As Community Centre manager, Imanse will
he paid a starting salary of $13,540 and after a
six-month probationary period it will increase
to $14.040 according to a Level I position in the
town's wage grid.
An interviewing committee of board chair-
man, Mary Donnelly, Bob Gibbons. John
Doherty, Mayor Worsell and recreation
director, J-im Moore reviewed 17 applications
received for the job. Four applicants were;
selected for interviews before Imanse was;
recom ended for the post.
The hppointment is effective Mayl 1.
Palmer said the program was very wor-
thwhile adding that despite the fact that the
county funds would be isolated in the Goderich
area she had "no reluctance whatsoeverrn
asking for a gdrant from the county". .
.Usborne reeve Bill Morley told council that
he -felt government had a responsibility to the
handicapped people. He said he felt the com-
munity should support programs like the
Goderich one adding that he" was confident
municipalities around Goderich would provide
the funds necessary to keep it operating. He
added that if the program was in his area his
council would look at it very seriously.
These were the,soldiers in the operetta, His
Majesty's Pie, performed at Holmesville
Public School last week during the spring
concert .there. The concert, which featured
three choirs and the school band, was part of
Education Week, The soldiers were played by
Michael Lobb (captain), Gary Fox, Fraser .
Abbott, John Wubs and Ken Davis, (photo by
Joanne Buchanan)
Inside the Signal
Election fever in Grade 5 m m m o o Page 12
Oldtimers win bronze m m o o ®m m o o Page 15
United plays Saturday m o a m o e Page 16
Teachers hedge on morals o q o Page 1A
Foreign ownership big concern Page 7A