HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-04-26, Page 50Recycle garden in compost pile DO IT YOURSELF. By constructing two side-by-side compost'bins, you can easily turn your compost after 3 to 4 months of moderate to warm weather. Long before modern, ecologi- cally -conscious man "got into" recycling natural resources. com- posting was a tool of the farmer and gardener..It's still a good way for you to build up and maintain your soil for good plant growth. Composting involves returning dead plant matter to the soil— after it has been supplemented with commercial fertilizer and al- lowed to decay—to help strength- en the soil for growing new plants. Compost material is applied just like any other mulch material but it can do a lot more, according to The Fertilizer institute. Com- posrean add organic matter and- plant ndplant 'nutrients to the soil as well as furnish food for earthworms— essential for aerating the soil. As a mulch, compost also reduces soil erosion by wind and water and can help suppress weed growth. In addition it helps retain essential soil moisture. Practically any plant can be composted. Leaves, lawn clippings, tine twigs, old sod straw, and kitchen 'and garder vegetable refuse are excellent. Avoid using diseased plants. In the fall, great. quantities of leaves are available from neighbors for the asking. Begin by selecting an out-of-the- way place in your garden or a hidden corner of your lawn. If you have the space, two bins are better than one—permitting you to turn the compost by moving it from one bin to the other. • You can •make the bins by at- taching wire fence or boards to. posts, or to adjoining fence or wall: Each bin should be 4 to 6 feet material high, 3 to 5 feet wide and any convenient length,., tailored to the amount of compost you need. One side of each bin should he remov- able to enable you to till and use) to each 10 square feet of sur- face. Then add one inch of soil and enough water to moisten but empty the bid. In. the fall„you. may wish to extend -the .sides temporarily to, boost the bin cap- acity; by March the compost should settle as much as 2 feet. • The sides should not be airtight or watertight. Build your compost pile by spreading.out-a--layer-ot plant, -re-- - fuse about 6 inches deep across the floor of your bin. Add one-half to one pound of regular lawn fer- tilizer (1-1-1 or 1-2-1 are recom- mended fertilizer ratios.. for this not soak mixture. Repeat this pro- cess as bin is. tilled. Make the top of the pile concave to catch rain- water. If you desire an lalkaline compost, add ground limestone (about 1/2 to 2/3 cup) to each • layer as you add fertilizer. The de- caying action will proceed most • rapidl'y during warm weather. Ap- plication of lime and fertilizer, in addition to adding plant nutrients to the mixture, also hastens organic matter breakdown to form humus mixture. You can' further accelerate decay during midsum- mer by torking•over the pile.,help- ing to evenly distribute moisture, and aerate the pile. if you begin your conhposr pile in the fall it should be ready tor use by the -end--Of t.he_tirst-sum.mcr_. Youmayinsure a-cont-inui-ng-com-- post supply by starting a new pile J Seedlings need T.L.C. Organization and careful preparation before transplanting seedlings can. help ensure a healthy garden, says T. J. Blom, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food horticulturist. "First, remove stones and debris from the garden. Next, loosen the soil and poke holes for the transplants.” 7);d mg pre -we te—fic peat mosso the. holes before transplanting will give the plants a good start. Mr.—Blom says it is best to transplant seedlings at night. Water seedlings several hours before transplanting. • When ready to transplant, gently tap the sides of the pot to remove the plant. "Keep the roots and soil together as much as possible, then put the roots in the new hole and pat the soil around them." After ,transplanting, Mr. Blom recommends watering as needed and fertilizing after two or three days. _ "One-half to one pound of reguiar ferU it icr per 1110 square feet of garden. space. should be adequate." Provide cucumbers, squash, tomatoes, and melons with up to four square feet of space. Cab- bage, peppers, broccoli, and brussels sprouts require less space. each year. Compost can he used as a. mulch—covering bare ground next to flowers and vegetables in the garden—or as an addition to -soil by working it in with a spade or shovel. Compost will not take the place of fertilizer, but it does .aid in maintaining loose. easily -worked soil for favorable roo*growth. ' Page 17 Beat the High Cost of Small Engine Repair WE WILL TUNE UP YOUR LAWN -MOWER OR GARDEN TILLER For Only $ 14. (Parts Extra) Until May 12 INCLUDES: Clean and adjust carburetor, check ignition, change oil, clean air filter, adjust and olI up all controls, shar- pen and balance blades. PICK-UP AND DELIVERY CAN IkE,ARRANGED NEW EQUIPMENT IN STOCK I Canadian made Grand Prix LAWN MOWERS 3 -HP TILLERS Roper 8 h.p. - Electric Start LAWN TRACTORS $120. uAND P $250•' SLO95. USED MOTORCYCLES 1973 CT -70 HONDA 1974 175 HONDA We service what we sell 5250 • $450. HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SALES & SERVICE 7 mile north of Londesboro 523-9202 HIGHWAY NO. 4 SWIMMING POOL OWNERS SWIMMING POOL CLINIC Saturday May 5, 1979 Mr. Bob Jorden of Lawrason Chemicals, London, will be in the store all day to answer your questions about your swimming pool. FREE COFFEE & DOUGHNUTS Come and see the Sun and H.T.H. swimming pool chemicals and discuss your problems with an expert. In SAYINGS TIME or Sprung Gardeners AERO LAWN & GARDEN FERTILIZER 12-6-6-40 LBS. covers 5,000 sq. ft. 10-10-10 33.33 k.g 10-6-4 with KILLEX 10-6-4 with 2-4-D $495 • $725 • • $ 689 • Free delivery - Free Spreader C.I.L. Paint - Garant Garden Tools, Lawn & Garden Seed, Fishing Tackle Itis _ &�iiiti; ('HAl2GF.x ti/SAMINN � Tag!: eM,q 84 KINGSTON ST. HARDWARE (Formerly H.O. Jerry Ltd.) 524-9671 GODERICH