The Exeter Advocate, 1922-5-25, Page 1TI-IIRTY-ELFT H YEAR.
.HONE 81
The Men's Store
Have Your Spring
Suit Tailored to
Your Personal
are shown in our offerings of Men'
High Grade Furtttshngs. All the
Latest fabrics are here, made up in
the latest mgdelsxtp the very best
diatuxer. You certainly will want one
V our suits when you see the goods
Wtcdi learn what a saving our prices
Our Corner
When you bear a woman say Inert
are all alike, she ,Inas been, married for
e -nn : time.
Centra may fa:11 at tones to get a
rig -"t number, but she ;bas the world
beat in the matter :of getting goats.
Some at our rc z 1 makers still retain
the idea that damp:two, a lot of gravel
and cracked stone ,in. the centre: of the
highway is 'ens glorious way to make
Is goon road.
Clanton and district have fully de-
cidt d to engage a• school nurse of
two years experien(ce.. Forty-two
rooms w.t-ll tri served sols) Clutton as
etntre, going as far Mirth as Blyth
and ,cuth to Bruce.fia1d end Bayfield
Ths nurse will commence her duties
'tn September.
I Little success ]las attended the ef-
trt5 of the agent of the Agrictrltutal
t]+ tiarttrfent of the Dominion. Governs
'front who tool; three car loads o: flag
to Europe sax Weeks ago to try ;o
testablish a market for Ontario flax.
Elax producers in Ontario have had a
hard time of ••it since 1924., I'fractt;-
te lly the whole .of the crop of .1920
tl 1921 remains unmarketed.
For the year 1920 the average svan-
.v of farm helix were the highest :r1
t eeord, For 1920 the returns show a
very substantial -reduction. For the
hole of Canada the avt:rage wages
ttsr month of farm helpers during the
ii traTnar season a1921 were. for men
$67 and for women $42. including;
board. the average value of whieh was
$.22 a month for men and $18 a month
for women. In 1920 the correslpontl;ng
averages were $86 ;.for ,men, ancludana
bard, value $26, and $47 for women,
including board value $20.
To rasure publication all ;news must
be in the Advocate office by Tuesday
�i a 1118 rno:n'.ng ot ,each week, owing to the
half holiday on, Wednesdays fof June
Tailor & Furnish er July and August,
"THE HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN" THE63• Good advise if you don't.
Closed Wednesday afternoons dur-
ing June, Jany and August
Moron CAR
A Car with a Good Name.
700,000 Owners.
• TOURING- CAR $1315; ROADSTER $1275; SEDAN $2145
Including Tax and freight - F. O. B. London.
New Machines installed to repair work on' all kinds of Automobiles, ..
Huron Garage,
Sorn'el!ne ago our home was sad,
And sal because the bread was bad;
Ma grieved, Pa frowned, and little Ted
had a wan when, be went to bed.
Ma said "I <1Oiii't know what to da, -
' I'v lout my skill, ,my patience to;
To make good bread's .s Beyond my
We must buy ,some of Harvey's Flour."
Now bakirig day has lost its dread,
Eor mother makes the best of bread
And now she's ;smiling ev'ry hour
Because she's using Harveys' Flour
Dad says he wishes all around
Dud ,only know what we have found
That MODEL FLOUR sitan;dsthe test
And so does MANITOBAA'S BEST,.
Last eight at tea it Was so ,nice,
all called for an extra slice;
Again at Imine, csaed ilittle Ted,
"I want a piece of Mamma's bread,"
When Dad comes home at half -past
He was again at .his old tricks ;
He sraiid he wishied to hug ,the bread
Rut he kissed deal old Ma instead,
And now good- :Calends, we want your
Our Flour tivis year's the best we've
made, `
Our prices, boo, .are always right;
Our rule in bastim'ese, Honor Br tghy,
A newspaper may boost and even. It take.; a wedding to bring out
oaf a anan off and on, for a decade abut 57 varrtaos of Pickle forks.
without alarm, and usually withoutt1 The firemen are ahead ot the flap -
thanks, but let .that paper print .one : pers In labor saving devises,. They
little fide that touches the sameman , Iry reels t) roll their hose;.•
ondirectly and faits to tickle his caste
its he shoos his teeth, and he dm -DEATH
put •s all kinds of false Intentions to. OF ~IRS. TREBLE.
that paper, Verily, the echoer ,calks' The net's was rete t^A here last
on than lice,. iww7_ek of the death ,of a former well-
and highly respected citizen Qi
Exeter. in the pension •pf 'Fury FW-
idwices from various centres :n On- ton' widow of the ,Mate john Treble,
she haw og passed away at W:VOnisipeg,
kar,o _sr.?Scaire that there ~rill be an oR Thursday east, fay 18, at thin age:
enormous itcrease in the number of gra 77 y.ae3. 'wbrs. Treble lead been
•and'sdates td write on the depart- ill only a little, ',over ,s, week. II.r
nt ntzt examinations this year. These dzin se was due to a growth for which
:saintinak'ons include the lower school si= was operated' on about ten years
middle school (.Normal entrance), jun- ago This furs shed relief and she
matr9cutat<on, upp: r school artd 'xoer=encs I pa bad effects since tau_
honor matrtcttlation ;4o censors t•an bb 131 eit .short tlrl- ala when the trouble
def:niiely assigned for this nnexf eeted turtre l w s.`h Gaon ended her life,
increase which is necessitating an en B'tore ,o;ttg 1iTest' about ten years
larrement of the .staff whish a,tends dao• d:ee;ts4d resided with the lama}
to the holding acrd sup:mo ing of the for many years 'at sthe south of town
examinations. It was unofficially Stat„ Pill was XtI,Illy esteemed by a Large
„d at the Dcpartmen. of Fdu awtpan 'f ,.,;le of frena tp4d oneighbors for
that the number of application recess- h• r many admirable flua hies, Iier
ed to date was approximately husband predeceased her about 21
that of last year..year..1 years, She is survived by two sons
and three dauooltters--Robert and
prank of }~:alae, .Man, Mrs. Arthur
iraadman, Mrs. Allen Williams and
Miss Violet of W'Irir't;-fipeg, Mrs. Geo.
Coward of Exeter is a sister, front
whose. home the .funeral itook plarse
Liftuor sales to the value of S3,n131,-k \Iond.y tot th- Exeter Cemetery;
410 was made by Government :lispe The cera Its were accompanced here
sanies during 192L
Local News
- by Mrs. Loadm: n and Mr -Rohn Treble.
Seventy-three. faaurea were reeords. Mr. T. S. 1.3,''ools was 'Z Mutton this
...I :n Canada -last =viz, 78 being : n w ek,
Ontario and 21 in Quebec, •
11r W- Iy 'a „eft Mont v to r=:ss
^after. Juan ltst radio .receiving lie Ivor s;; •tea- at I'. oker 1r,
:Issue ~hill be issued ,through tha Post f Mrs. Cir: ^cert Text Tues:f at to v•qt
Ot a z Dcpartrnent, the lie being SI I ti sir Gregory, ?isatf'rnrd t
hor Son, \ s '
()ace upon .a taus' a love leiter a'r.d. al :
with the wtrr,•:ng, '`Burnt the= le _ :lr. .,. •;*Ire. T. R. F,rSlosorn :lean
1:r" -and the g,ri did.. .Note you tell .laughter, :ire Spend ng 24th ,n Te,e-
It is understood that the Province lir, I.oe W:Nan, who underwent an
of Ontario st iii A:ceave Aver $5,000,000 tn:ration tact week at Vic oria Ros-
in succession duties front theesate Isttal, Loddon, returned to hies home
of the late Sir John Eaton h 're Ni'wn.iay and is recovering nicely
Lyal Statham is c•oatin.d to his bed
through illness, suffering from heart
trouble. His medical adviser state;
that ho will haeme to keep his bed for
at least three months.
On• League Baseball games in
this neighborhood were scheduled .for
last week. Teeswater was defeated by
Goa„5eh, 7-1; Ailsa, ,,Grail defeated'
Strathroy, 7-3. The Crediton vs;
Lobo• Exeter V4 Lucan; and Zurich
vs. 1,Vingham tiames were called off
owing to rams The game in. Zurich
had gone two :ratings each when the
ran veins lone
Owing to, the hgli,day: coming on
Wednesday The 'Advocate .s being
printed on, Tuesday afternoon this
week, It may be .potssibl+.e that some
of our nt.ww w1U •atrric^e too late for
this ~creek, but sante still appeear in the
next issues, Let ars oonee more llna
press upon our correspontdenks, Who
gra a anost faithful dot, the necessity
of writing nal news Monday nights for
th.e next three months, that the bud-
gets may arri:'w;e in the Advocate Of-
fic,e not later titan, Tuesday morning,
Advertisers will also govern themsel-
ctea nccord„ngiy. Ads. must be in our
hands by at ,ndoau
The bowlers opened their green
for play on Friday evening, last, and
found them iin excesllent condition: A.
tournament Is being. Fhe;ld on May
24th, and the first weekly tournament
will take place vn Friday evening of
days week„ These Fi.i'Jay evening tour-
neys were very popular last year, and
with the increased membership they
should ba better .than ever this seas
son, :To enter your presence is need-
ed on the green not later 'than s`
The Exeter Open Scotch Double
tournament 5s to :be .liiepjd on Wednes-
day . Juni 14th„ And invitations. have
gone out to bowlers of the surround-
ing cities, towns rand „villages.
Norman. M. Graham taf Parkhill, who
has been .attesndiamg the Ostttario Col-
lege of tat T,otnonta, els
among the successful students, he
having passed with honors, ranking
fourth In a large list and also captor -
ed the Paacticall ,Ch•enaistry medal.
vers. Graham has been residing here
with her eau-ernts, Mat and Mrs,. David
Rowvcliiffe, during Ma. Graham's at-
tendance at the college,
Committees .from Cavan Presbyterian
Church and Ma7n Street 'Methodist
Church have, heli two meetings with-
in the week to iscuss.argatnic union,
and to mime at a basis oini wl'h eh the
two. congregations ,might unites. The
committees, wane understand, are fav-
orably innpreased with, ithhe, pdssi,bility
ed ffectsn,g the union of these two
churches. The congre,ga,tiomts are not
large and -one. . church could well hold
them broth.
Grout?; three of •the junior' Serie
in the North Wellingtoart Baseball
League, play the followiln,g schedule. -
May 20 -Exeter at Lucan.
Mar 29-Kirktom at Exeter.
June. 5-Lucan at Exeter •
Jun:' 10 Kirkton .at Lucan
Jure 30-Lucafn at : I:i,rkton>i
July 6 -Lucas at Exeter-.
July 11-Luca`n: at Kitrk'tora
July 15-Exate,r at girktoaa
t. :
July. 19-K�rkEioat a, Luc
July .24-Kirkt,on. at :Exeter,
Jul) .,28-Exteter asst L•ucar>'.
Exeter Council
A regular meeting of the tlunicipal
Couns t 0' l xeeer was ,held Monday,
t'1lay :Zn:l. Absent Councillor Francis.
Th, minutes of the meeting held
May 9t13 wore real ,and approved.
The Auditor's Report tor April was
read and accepted, on,mot!on of Eller -
:non and Hooper.
Hooper-Ellerington-That the work
an Ann street creek .drain be proceed-
ed with. After discussyon..tine matter
was referred to committee,
The Reeve roil on. the table the pro -
41e, ,of the proposed Andrew street
drain+. Held over for future considera-
The folloning account, were read
and, ordered paid; -Bagshaw and Eas-
ton, ciraying, $5,75; F, Mnliott, pt. sal-
ary, $18; P. Hewlett, labor cemetery,.
$26,75; C. Ford, .do„ $21.75; P. Bern
trees do, $5; F. Cornish, labor R. B.
;16.13; N. Vatle, do. $5.63; Jas. Par-
sons, do:, 510.38; G. Hack/tens do„ $4
W. Wasteott, do, 55.25; J. Kydd,'do.,
53.13; R, Qua'nae, do., 52,50; John Par-
sons, do, 510.50; Ontario FIax Co.
team Iabor, 513.75; C. Heywood,do
14.1;5 ; F. Sams, Ido 2.75; H. Bz ring
do.. 216.60. Passed on, motion of .Mes-
srs. Hooper and Ellerington.-Carried.
Adjournment per Davis.
Joa. • Seniior
\ e:Id ng bells will ring in our midst
shoos tly.
Mr. N. E. :Dathans occup:fed the pal -
in. the Eva,nigetlical Church here on
Sunday-marnung and in Crediton Sun-
day evening.
Tba Y. P. A. of the Ev;an,geilieal
Church spent a social evening with the
Y. P. A. at Grand B. -Ind' on sFrjday
evening. A very pleasant time was re-
porte.d by at,1. --_
Mr. and Mrs. C. ,Stade visited in
Zurich over the weekend.
Miss P. Yates is visiting with, The
Misses Kreft,
Mr. nazi Mrs. Adoilph -1.1orenz are
saris. week visiting (int Detr'of,t,.
Mr. and Mgrs. QZ Oesch of Zurich
spent Sunday in town.
Mrs, Heideman of Stratford visit -
>A her daughter, Mrs,. Shenk over
Sunday. '
Mr. and -T,'trs::S, J. Adams of Loan -
don visited in Mown, ,Sunday.
Mr. M. Bnokensh2re spent the 'week
end in Pt; Hurons. Some ,attraciiiion,
Mr, and Mrs,.. Art Doan of Thedford
vustced with Mr, and Mrs. H. Calfas,a
A road crowd .from this vicinity at-`
tensed the anniversary services at
Woodham on Sunday, -Miss Myrtle
Kirk. of Kira -ton, spent a f;env days
with her cousin 1VLrs. WdQsoan Morley
last week. -Mr. and Mrs. John Stev-
enson and family, also hers,. Fred Fos-
tter motored' to London po Saturday,
-Mies. George Horn, who lied pneu-
monia, in still coryfir ed ,to her had but
has improved 'greatly -Mrs'. Jas. Knox
otr St. Marys has i etumnied to her
home after spending a week with her
mother, Mrs„ S. Jaques. -The coun-
try nes at present very beautiful in all
the glory of its spring garb of green
encs full boom. With the
and to in full 1 at
beauty of nature • and „thle music of the
birds one exper elnicels. joy in living.,
Phone 9
Were You There?
'4't' had a
1,1,atch th_s $pace :or our
day utast Saturd
t Sale
e rasa out of
-taath r Baby Beef and :t real Ci:eic Veal, for this weee% e
Are you one of our satisfied am:ere rs? If not Jet this.
.nitary .Store supply your ,,,vents, and soon lr;come obe
I3 =:gat;
Cenrrab, a
ii It ;n mart wants to borrow !noubj�.,
k :: world Stands ready to give Insist
tit°, tin`s,
A tier's bank
On Sunda} Fast .tat'loss so, ;s , wes.`.,.t away i„ -a t
~.Ices ea ter.;: Raw eltu r •a aatrc -amiss-'g t ;,ss.
tt,r, ~when special,. services were r' ern»
ducted and special music rendered.
The morning service was :ander the
tnsp. <- the L tdi,N3' Aid, which
x.ran:; �ttara has clop: ,match cob:e
sv'i rm in f onn a'tinac at ah the r festal,',
ni leads. !'or the new ehurw h, anti tits
,t,Oling serv..E ander tine auspiees of
of slot. Epworth League,
L, pstawlter ,for the day wwb;;, Rem am,
.;yeratt (ti �,i*b:ri h, who preached
434: l Tit 151h '1lrapr4'ssit7 sertre. :tp-
ta; sprat to the of eaator.
the ,serape e {jn the mora ktg
B1atehforti tit Lambeth unverded
memn a w4mlow to, the sc►:dleri;,;
:t ww•tt„ah _ ;ascribed, "Greater Lova
hath no Men thins. thP,, :hat a men, lay
d'a;''t. in,. '-.h ' tor has fri«aid", also,
rn n ory of T,, L. Rlatehfarrl, E. A.
B1atchtord, Wilson Culbert, Norman
Johan, «re.?li m Walker These boys
were sans of the parlalt awl ;aid clown
digger lite; ;in the Great War.
memorial window 'irt mental!
of a former pastor, Rev. W. II. Butt,
sw'aa tinselled by his son, Rev. Gor-
don Butt of Kintore°,
Th=ese are beautiful windows andare
nicely situated in the general scheme.
of the' building, •
i .ntralfn people may be lustly rooted'•
of thoir new church,
Lalg: congregations attended :he
t ltureb services on. Sunday last, :3rt1
w' were ;pleased to. see so many of
th: old residents With us Rev. tar,
B;latchforJ .a forth: r pastor, and his.
wife of Lambeth, and Rev. Gordon
Butt of Kintore, were among the
numb a and took part in the sere 'e-
" Mr. Sid Andrew of Lonalon was
130re ewer the week •en.:i, r nd h',s osd
fre♦:nci, were pleased to see ]din
Th. field crops and the fruit trees
give promise of an abun'lant lar-
gest in a few months.
is quite often,
c"aod of hits wite'S
--A1 1•a='ctuaw'tr, cn May a tp,
11 font firs, : rIaII ?lien, a dtu/i-
t r,
t•'Tra,llen:a-1n 1..444..V24; a.?'F, to
Ilr. 311. L. and .Trete Gr.;h.i tt, ' i Ego
.:tee, ~,sora;
\' 1.arld.,-A1 laid a 'a1 Od, ...Q:t. ;�.� 4i Z''I
, to
Mr. ;,reel :gra, Wm, : ;grad, a dau :t-
?end r an -4'.t Abbey, Mese, on May
15th to 35r, oral Mea, Ebel' :'under
:oromer y 4: Stephen, a alaugll-
•hn .t, r. 'h host. -At �P, ehell, ort?►
Ia by' Los, II, J. Ureas, firs, -
EllEott, to Daniel } ektttier
Tilston. N
.rt -In Hay Township, on May
th. to :lir. and Mrs, Ervin Will.rt
a sun.
ttpp-In Zuri,h, on May 12th, Eliza-
beth Rupp, beloved wife of Louis
Worm. aged 52 years, 6 months.
In losing memory of Samuel Ricks
wlta passed away five years ago, May
19th, 1917.
Jsus while our hearts are bleeding
O'er the spoils that ,death has won,
We would, at tin:;, solemn meeting,
Calmly say, -'The will be done”.
` i i5ug]t cast down, were not ! arsai sh
Elio 1 "111 t h t tl
ug , no one,
'iiiou did'st give and Thou hast taken,
Bl'ssed Lord, "Thy will be done,”
t, Tr.'Iac -I*t tit nrtip g, n May 18. Mary
men who marrae.:a a atuan ;or 1-ultan, widow ti' the lata: John
.liar ;money^ always gets :t thruwvn up ' Treble, ±ormerlt of l:x:.tee•. aged 77
at him. years.
Phone 16
You would find so handy for hous'eclean?ng may be much eas-
ier to own than you have ever imagined. Why not ask us about
the reduced price tan the Baby Hoover, or 'beater stiilI allow ,us
1* Demolnstratte one right in you- home.
SCARCE GOODS -If you want one ,buy quick -Grass verandah
Rugs.. We bavae a good range in Brown. and Green Effects,. The
Prices are easy ,to reach. Come and see.
We have a. good range of the n: w patterns --,,good quality only
We never touch .thelow priced 1'ti3es.
Quality and value ,is what we offer you.
RUGS in 'Tapestry,. Brussels, Axminister, Velvets and Wilton -Ev-
ery size mode, from smallest to r7ralrgest, 4x4;-6 yards, •
Come and look the lot over. No obligation; to buy.
arra same ~value, believe us. Cloths and values are ,back to pre-
war levels agaiiln}
We Naive a very las-ge assoment of Bing Men's Suilts,.
10 per neat ,discount off every Dinn.ert Set in Ithe ;store,• Be you
e coming baiele for ,rpt the discount:is all the sante 10 per cent,
Our $42.50 Semi Porcelain Dinner Sets with English Chinas Cup
and Saucers are now ,$38.50.
The merchant who ;thinks he can beat our GROCERY PRICES has,
,one thdttnk `more cotming. We sell cheap all the .linnet;
Best Standard Granulated Sugar $6„25 per bag.
25c. Lea t t6or the 4e -try ,Skull Hug Caps;.
50e, each boa, the new Z-torne Byng caps.
. 60c, each for ,tlile-new 2 -tone Penrod capsi.
75c. each %for tthe new 2 -tonne Babe Ruth caipia. ,
25c:, os 4 pass for 95c., Ladies' Girls' Rays', and' Ciu4dtiena
Black Rib'bled: atsd Plain Hose, This is a wonder Bargain
This store closed •Wednesday afternoons Juste Ja4y and. Augustf.