HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-04-26, Page 24PAGE 4A —GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1979 I mt%5 NWMS, Arthur Circle plan joint meeting PROGRAM SCHEDULE April 26 to May 2 t The Women's and Luc know wivaserved by the auxiliary a 1Missionary Society af- groups to attend the the Synodical meeting. ternoon auxiliary of Knox meeting. Mrs. Robert McAlli§te I, -Presbyterian Church, Following the thanked the ladies fo i Goderich met at 2:30 on treasurer's report by their efforts on behalf of EXCLUSIVE TO SIGNAL -STAR PUBLISHING • Tuesday, April 17. Mrs. G. G. MacEwan, the Synodical which was The song sheets used at reports were given by the very, well attended with hit abuul a cock 'n roll the recent Synodical various secretaries. 340 ladies registering. Several cards were Members were asked t signed by the -members to bring liquid detergen be sent to those who are bottles for use of th ill. C.O.C. in one of thei A gratifying report was projects. given by Mrs. A. Straiton, The hymn "To God b supply sec retary, the Glory" was sung. regarding the luncheon Mrs. Enright and Mrs t Ira Dickie brought well, but after the wars, reports of the Hamilton- things, changed. r London Synodical Materialistic things are r meeting at which Miss nowinfluencing the Beatrice Scott, people and m,uc1 good missionary, gave the Christian leadership is devotions and Dr. gone. Only specialists are Margaret Kennedy a now allowed to go to India ° retired missionary, who - no regular missionaries. served in India for 39 • 'The hymn, "We've a e years was the theme Story to Tell.:°tii.b the ✓ speaker., Nations," closed the , She stated, in speaking meeting and those e of India and the work present enjoyed a there, that up to 1939 delicious lunch and social • missionaries got along time together. WEEKDAY LISTINGS MONDAY—FRIDAY MORNING 5:45 THE CHRISTOPHERS (Mon.) THIS IS THE LIFE (Tue.) U. OF M. PRESENTS (Wed., Fri.) AMER. RELIGIOUS TOWN HALL MEETINGS (Thurs.) • 6:15 U. OF M. PRESENTS (Mon., Tue., Thurs.) FARM AND HOME SHOW (Wed) WITH THIS RING (Fri. 6:15-6:30) SCOPE 6:45 MORNING NEWS 7:00 TODAY KHOW 7:25 MICHIAN TODAY 7:30 TODAY SHOW 8:25 MICHIGAN TODAY 8:30 TODAY SHOW 9:00 MARCUS WELBY 10:00 CARD SHARKS 10:30 ALL STAR SECRETS 11:00 HIGH ROLLERS _1.1:30 WHEEL OF FOR- TUNE 12:00 NEWS 5 AT NOON AFTERNOON . 12:30 HOLLYWOOD SQUARES 1:00 DAYS OF OUR LIVES 2:00 DOCTORS 2:30 ANOTHER WORLD THURSDAY, APRIL 26 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: "STALK THE WILD CHILD" - David Janessen, Trish VanDevere - Story of „a behavorial psychologist who 'tries to civilize a boy found living among wild dogs., 5:30 THE NEWLYWED GAME EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 BEWITCHED 7:30 BEST OF GILLIGAN'S ISLAND • 8:00 WHODUNNIT 8:30 HIG.HCLIFFE MANOR 9:00 QUINCY 10:00 PRESENTING SUSAN ANTON 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW 2:00 MOVIE: "DENVER AND RIO GRANDE" - Edmund O'Brien, Sterling __Hayden-_,. 3:30 MOVIE: "BLACK ORCHID" - Sophia Loren, Anthony Quinn 4:30 MOVIE: "RED TOMAHAWK" - Howard Keel, Joan Caulfield FRIDAY, APRIL 27 AFTERNOON 4:00 •MOVIE FIV1': "PRISONER IN THE MIDDLE" - On a routine mission in the Middle East, an American B-52 bomber develops mechanical trouble and goes off course. 5:30 THE NEWLYWED. GAME EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 BIONIC WOMAN: "RODEO" - Andrew Prine, Jason Evers - Jamie tries to save the life of an OSI scientist who insists on becoming a rodeo champion 8:00 DIFFERENT STROKES 8:30 HELLO LARRY 9:00 ROCKFORD FILES 10:00 THE DUKE 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW 2:30 MOVIE: "HELLER IN PINK TIGHTS" - Anthony Quinn, Sophia Loren 4:00 MOVIE: "BOY ON A 'DOLPHIN" - Sophia Loren, Alan Ladd SATURDAY, APRIL 28 MORNING 6:30 BUFORD AND THE GALLOPING GHOST 7:00 FABULOUS FUNNIES 7:30 BAY CITY ROLLER 8:00 ALVIN . AND THE CHIPMUNKS 8:30 THE FANTASTIC FOUR 9:00 GODZILLA SUPER 90 10:27 'METRIC MARVELS 10:30 DAFFY DUCK •� 11:00 THE NEW FRED AND BARNEY SHOW 11:30 THE JETSONS .12:00 BONKERS AFTERNOON 12:30 SOUL TRAIN 1:30 THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 2:00 TIGERS TODAY 2:15 TIGER BASEBALL: Minnesota at Detroit 5:00 JACQUES COUSTEAU T'HE UNEXPECTED VOYAGE EVENING 6:00 NEWS 5 AT SIX 6:30 HEE HAW 7:30 GONG SHOW 8:00 CHIPS 9:00 BJ AND THE BEAR 10:00 SUPERTRAIN WOO NEWS 5 AT ELEVEN 11:30 SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 1:00 FIVE STAR THEATRE: "BYE BYE BIRDIE" e- (C) '63 - Janet Leigh - Based on Broadway singer, about to be drafted, meeting were used for all and his song -writer the hymns sung during manager. Ronin tit lC com- plications compounded by a the meeting. small town girl. The hymn, "I Have a SUNDAY, APRIL 29 Song that Jesus Gave MORNING Me" opened the meeting 6:45 ° DAVE: t' ANI) and Psalm 27, "The Lord GOLIATH is my Light and 7:00 OPEN CAMERA Salvation" was read 7:30CARTOON CARNIVAL. responsively. Mrs. G. 8:00 REX HUMBARD Kaitting, the president 9:00 ORAL. ROBERTS led in prayer. 9:30 TELEVISED MASS ' Mrs. Jas. Horton read 10:00 ABBOTT' & the minutes of the March COSTEI.LO meeting and the ladies 10:30 LITTLE RASCALS were reminded of several 11:00 COMEDY CLASSICS: dates to remember. M Y L. 1 T T 1, E: The Spring Rall ('H1CKADI:E:" . W. C.P g y of. the Fields. Mae Wast - Mae, Huron Presbyterial will plays the field in search of a • be held on Wednesday, rich husband, but has a fond May 16 in Hensall. eye for a masked bandit. On Monday, June 18 the AFTERNOON WMS and the Arthur 12:30 LONE RANGERCircle will hold a joint 1:30 MEET THE PRESS pot -luck supper meeting 2:00 OPEN CAMERA at which time the guest 2:30 SUNDAY AF- speaker will be Mrs. T E R N O O N MOVIE:: Joyce Davis who, with "CRAWLSPACE:" - Arthur her husband the Kennedy. Teresa Wright - A Reverend Glen Davis, middle-aged couple, who was in Japan where they yearn for a son they never were missionaries to the had, open their home to 0 young man who conies to Koreans. repair their furnace. After The July meeting will finding out he is jobless and be held in the form of a homeless, they strive to picnic at the home of the m.a.ke him part of their Reverend and Mrs. family. Ronald ,McCallum. 4:00 SUNDAY MOVIE: On the occasion of the "NIGHT OF THE GRIZ- 95th anniversary of the ZLY" - Clint Walker, Martha group it was decided to - Hyo - Aniex-lawman a tries s ' invite the South Kinloss Wyoming in 1880 tries his hand at ranching to make a better life for his family and' he a huge grizzly bear. teering finds his greatest enemy to EVENING 6:330 WILD, WILDNEWS 5 ATS IX WORLD committee OF ANIMALS �v 7:00 WORLD OF DISNEY meets 8:00 THE BASTARD - Part 1 10:00 NBC NEWS SPECIAL - The monthly meeting of - SPOI2TS • the Steering Committee - 11:00 NEWS 5,AT ELEVEN for the Senior Citizens' 11 :30 CINEMA FIVE: "THE SPY WHO CAME IN FROM Centre was held` in the mayor's office at 7 p.m. Burton, Claire Bl000mm- P THE COLD" Richardon .April 19. Mr. Everett British Intelligence 'agent In Sparling was chairman Berlin is called to London for 'the meeting. Mrs. after o,os of his contacts is Eileen Palmer, Ken show dd at the, Berlin Wall. - Hunter and James Magee In London 1-e_is.given_tee si.o.b --,_re_pres.spied-t9-wn-Goan-C.i-ty—portivc-n-urs-irtg–sore•--a-nd=-homemaking-provided as to get the East German and eight members of the needed to relieve wife. Extra nursing assistance was Communist who is committee'wer resent. responsible for many of the P arranged through the Cancer Society for the.las�few British Counter -espionage Mrs. Ellen Smith was , days. failures. The ingenious plan appointed vice-chairman Mrs. S'. -age 26(and baby), -reason for admission: to get the man is slowly and Mrs. Beatrice early discharge from hospital (same day) Other revealed in all its cunning. Sparling agreed to act as considerations -one preschool child at home. husband MONDAY, APRIL 30 treasurer., working. Length of stay, five days. Services p vided: AFTERNOON James Magee, daily nursing visits for mother and by, 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: "SHE Property Chairman for physiotherapy, one visit for exercise prog WORE A YELLOW RIB- the town of Goderich, Referred to Public Health Nurse for followup after BON" - John Wayne, John provided several copies • discharge from Home Care. Agar - Undermanned U.S. of floor plans of MacKay Mr. J. - reason for admission -new diabetic. Other Calvary outpost makes Hall which he had considerations -patient has very poor vision. Husband desperate attempt to repel prepared for the meeting. able to see fairly well with glasses. Length of stay, 21 invading Indians. These plans of the days. Services provided- nursing care to teach 5:30 THE NEWLYWED present layout were husband how to draw up insulin, teach patient to give GAME EVENING studied and suggestions ' 6:00 NEWS made as to possible 6:30 NBC NEWS` r charges. 1r 7:00 BEWITCHED It! was agreed that the Oceanfront • Informal • Beautiful 7:30 MUPPFTS sub; committee on ac - 8:00 TV5 MOVIE: "LIT- tivities should try to meet TLE HOUSE ' ON THE ' with, representatives of PRAIRIE" Part 2 - Michael organizations presently Landon, Karen Grassie using MacKay' Hall to 9:00 THE BASTARD part_2 l-d:iscuss present and future uses of the hall. In You (and your health unit) Homecare provides another way BY BETTY CARDNO,' P.H.N., ADMINISTRATOR, HOME CARE PROGRAM What is the Home Care Program? The Home Care Program is designed to provide an alternative, where practical, to hospital care by means of avoiding an admission entirely or by facilitating an early discharge from an active treatment hospital bed. In-home health care is aimed at improving the quality of life of the patient and his family, and we believe this can be .best accomplished by offering support through different professionals working together with the patient and family. Home Care is a co-ordinating service created to help meet the patient's needs at home. This program, may prevent or delay the need for hosptialization or ad- mission to a nursing home or home for the aged, or allow patients to leave hosptial earlier than normal. If ONE or more of the following services is required: nursing, enterstom al therapy, physiotherapy, - occupational therapy, or speech therapy; the following services may then be available as needed: homemaking -the homemaker is provided only according to the need as determined by the professional involved, and her time is gradually reduced as the patient gains independence and or other arrangements can be made; meals on wheels, medications (as listed in the Drug Benefit For- mulary), dressings, sick room equipment and tran- sportation. The Home Care Program is administered by the Huron County Health Unit and is financed by the, Ministry of Health. The following are -a fewexamplesof total family support that the team members provide in the home. Mr. A., age 46, - reason for admission: to avoid admission to hospital. Terminally ill patient wishes to remain at home. Other : considerations -wife needs assistance with care. Length of stay, 160 days. Ser- vices provided: physiotherapy for retaining muscle tone and deep breathing exercises; nursing care -help with personal care, skin care, medication and sup EWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW TUESDAY, MAY 1 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: "FLYING LEATHER - NECKS" - John Wayne, Robert Ryan - Strict disciplinarian officer and his squadron become friends in the crucible of war, 5:30 THE NEWLYWED GAME EVENING 6:00` NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 BEWITCHED 7:30 SHA NA NA SHOW 8:00 CLIFFHANGERS 9:00 BIG EVENT: "STAY ' HUNGRY" 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW WEDNESDAY, MAY 2 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: "THE TRAIN ROBBERS" - John Wayne, Ann Margaret - A voluptuous, hard -drinking but virtuous widow hands together with cowboy buddies to recover gold stolen by her dead husband, in order to clear her son's name. They are pursued by robbers who want the gold for themselves. - 5:30 THE NEWLYWED GAME EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 BEWITCHED 7:30 FAMILY FEUD 8:.00 YP'S 7 "MAKIN MUSIC" 8:30 TIGER BASEBALL - Detroit at Chicago 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW this way, they will learn about thne Teirurnto pagedse 8A •and Got something to say? let everyone know WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR F-LORIDA FAMILY FUN! Year 'round resort -- Florida's finest fishing! Unspoiled Atlantic Ocean beach, magnifi- . cent swimming pool, day/night-tennis, boating, finest oceanfront French/ American Gourmet dining, coffee shop, atmospheric Yellow Submarine Cocktail Lounge — entertainment/dancing nightly. 150 luxurious rooms all with private balcony and oceanview, color TV. Banquet, meeting facilities. Free limo service from Ft. -Pierce airport. ` , Great golf nearby. Easy drive to ` Disney World. ' On the famous Treasure Coast—in the Indian River ,.TREASURE COAST 4\43, Citrus Country �u RAMADA I N N vNS/ t OCEANSIDE_ t, 2600 No. A -1-A, Fort Pierce, Florida 33450 Dept. 2637 lease send free brochure, rates: Name Address_ -_ City, Slalo, zip _ Phone Toll Free 1-800-327-0312 ••••••••••••••••i••••••••••••i•••••••••••• • •AUBURN TO CELEBRATE • • •125 YEARS • • WITH A PARADE OF BANDS, FLOATS, ANTIQUE CARS & VEHICLES, • • HORSES •• • • • SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1979 - 1 P.M. - • • • • With the return of this application if is understood that we are entered In •r • Auburn Centennial Parade, • • The Parade Is to be 'held on June 30, 1979, with parade marshalling at Craig's • III Sawmill. Entries to be In position by 12:00 noon. Parade time 1:00 P.M. • • • PLEASE PRINT ONLY MAIL ENTRIES •• • NAME • ADDRESS PHONE TO: William T. Crawford, A R.R. 4 • CLUB OR ORGANIZATION GODERICH, Ontario • • Last date of entries: Juno 14, 1979 N7A 3Y1 p • e•••••••••®••A•s•esee •••0eme•••••••0•••• insulin, teach urine testing and instruct about diet; also, to do blood for testing at laboratory. Mrs. E. -age 21, - reason for admission - dressing of wound after surgery. Other considerations -no one in home able to do dressing. Length of Stay, 29 days. Services provided -nursing care to do dres ing. Mr. H. -age 64- reason for admission,rehabilitation after a cerebral vascular accident. Other con- siderations -wife unable to handle care herself. -Length of stay, 73 days. Services provided nursing care to monitor vital signs, personal care:, physiotherapy for muscle strengthening, occupational therapy for dressing, shaving, etc., homemaking to relieve wife and assist in activities and exercises as outlined by therapists. Nursing care is provided by the Victorian Order Nurses and the nurse may visit up to a maximum of three times a day, seven days per week if required. Homemaking is purchased from the Town and Country Homemakers Homemaking is purchased from the Town and Country Homemakers, as required for Home Care patients. Homemakers are provided to supplement family resources and can give personal care, in- cluding bath, mouth care, help with eating, aid in and out of bed, up and down stairs, if needed, simple bedside care under direction of nurse and or doctor, therapy under the direction of a physio, occupational therapist and speech therapist. They may also prepare nourishing food, special diets, do shopping, light housework, laundry, ironing and necessary mending. All patients must be referred by their family physicians and all medical care provided is under the family physicians directions. In the. past year -over 600 persons have received Home Care with over 25 percent being referred directly for care in their homes instead of entering hospital. Further information on Home Care may be obtained from your family physician or 'the Public Health Nurses in your area, or by calling the Home Care Office at Clinton, 482-3411. 0, OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK FROM 6 A.M. Featuring: t'I • DAILY SPECIAL • BREAKFAST; LUNCH, DINNER • GREEK DISHES Fully licensed under the L.C.B.O. 41 11 * 33 KINGSTON ST. 524-8168 i R'WNIE BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:30 P.M. FIRST SHOW AT 8:00 P.M. FRI., SAT. & SUNDAY APRIL 27, 28, 29 COLUMBIA PICTURES Presenls A CASABLANCA FILMWORKS Produd,on of R RE'S R E o , TO 11.0110411 own co old ova CUtUMBIA PICTURES gasanu —PLUS— osevrxon -NIGHT NURSE �a�e��gWt Restp0r,, Ga and Tavern ,t LICENSED UNDER L.C.B.O. BAYFIELD RD., GODERICH 524-7711 Weekend Entertainment This Fri. & Sat. Apr. 27 & 28 "B. C. Three Plus One" Treat yourself and your friends...to our Hot Buffet... Every Thurs. & Fri. 12 Noon -2 p.m. Come as you are! •Welcome Luncheon meetings in our Diningroom or private Banquet room. HOURS: 11:30 o.m. - 10 p.m. Sun. thru Wed. Thurs., Fri., & Sat. 11:30 a.m. - 1 a.m. Ii you want to go fishing in style and comfort...see us first. A Royal Bank Loan can help you get the car you want... a little sooner than you'd planned. We have flexible interest rates and a friendly and helpful staff to serve you. - When you succeed...we succeed. ROYAL BAN I< GODERICH, THE SQUARE CALL EILEEN LOMAS • 524-2624 DAVE MOLSON - 524-2624 t'a