HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-04-26, Page 15a GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1979 -PAGE 15 1. Articles for sale 1978 YAMAHA Special, 750 cc, 12,000 kilometers, custom paint, Lockhart oil cooler, excellent condition. Phone 529-7732.-1 Off APPLES - excellent Ida Reds, Spys, domestics. . Bring containers. Anytime. Ross Middleton Storage, one mile northeast of Bayfield. -12-17 FIND LOST coins - rings - garrett metal detectors from $179,95. Call or write L. W. Electronics, Box 42, Strathroy, Ont. Phone (519) 245-1994.-15-17 TWO PAIR pinch pleated drapes, Jacquard design, Thermalgard foam backing, tiebacks included, red and black, size 100" x 95" and 75" x 89". Phone 528- , 2737.-16tfnc 1973 - 171/2 FT. GLASPAR boat and trailer, 85 h.p. Merc. motor. Asking $2,700.00. Phone Lucknow 528-3201.-17tfnc BARGAIN - Must sell Viking clothes dryer, four cycle, fabric program, only $90. Phone 524-4392.-17 APPROXIMATELY 380 10" decorative concrete blocks, must sell. Phone 524- 8321.-17 1975 JAYCO "RUNNER" 14' TRAVEL TRAILER. Sleeps 3 adults or 2 adults and 3 children, 3 way refrigerator, two burner stove, potpourri, sink, clothes closet, lots of storage, used only 2 seasons. Double propane hook-up. Call 395-5794 .after 5 p.m.-l0tf Grade 'A' Beef FRONTS '1.32 LB. HINDS '1.68 LB. SIDES'1.49 LB. WHOLE PORK_., �F___8.9` LB._ Cut, Wrapped, and quick frozen at no charge RIPLEY ABATTOIR 395-2905 or 393-2961 or 395-2979 EVENINGS C&E Furniture To Fight Inflation 1978 prices will stay in effect until July 1979. TO_BUY OR -SELL - DIAL 524-7231 OPEN TILL 9 P.M. Goderich SIGNAL -STAR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising Tuesday Noon RATES: '2.75 for first 21 words ('2.25 If paid within one week of publication). Additional words 13' each. Different rates apply to classifications 19, 20, 30 and 31. Box number '2.00 extra per week. Engagement and wedding an- nouncements '4.00. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Mobile Homes 3. Articles for rent' 4. Articles wanted 5. Cars, trucks for sale 6. Pets 7. Real estate for sale 8. Real estate wanted 9. Accommodation to rent 10. Wanted to rent 11. Room and hoard 12. Help wanted 13. Wanted (genered) 14. Employment wanted 15. Tenders 16. Mortgages 17. Auction Sales 18. Services available 19. Notice to creditors 20. Public notices 21. Personal 22. lost and found 23. Miscellaneous 24. Business opportunities 25. To give away 26. Births 27. Deaths 28. Engagements 29. Marriages 30. In memoriam 31. Cards of thanks PHONE 1 524.8331 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1. Articles for sale 1969 CROWN tent trailer, sleeps six, sink, two burner stove, propane or electric fridge. Phone 524- 8747.-17,.18 ONE PAIR girl's roller skates, size 6, new last year, $25.00. Phone 524-6508.-17 standard size crib, new �- - ----mattress-. ---Excellent con - di t ion . on-dition. Phone 529-7231.-17,18 1. Articles for sale CHESTERFIELD and two matching chairs. Single bed. Phone 524-2374.-17 1978 KAWASAKI KM 100, 1,500 miles..Call Darrell 524- 2746.-17tf GENDRON baby buggy; PORK Special 25 Ib. Tots or more Whole or 1/2 89 LB. Fresh HAM Roast 994 LB. Loin PORK Chops $1.49 LB. Home Made Sausage Reg. or Garlic 99C LB. Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolls $1..49..LB. RI FLET ABBATOIR CALL 395 2905 OA ,;95.2979 EVENINGS 1977 YAMAHA, 400 XS, many extras, $1,150.00. Phone 529-7845.-17,18 RCA STEREO with Gerrard, Record Player. Excellent condition. Phone 524- 7796.-17 KUBOTA' DIESEL POWER DOES IT! 16 hp. -- 35 Hp. Huron Counties Kubota Dealer SEAFORTH 527-0120 look119., for SAVE 3PeaEICE BUYS better EACH WEEK * off the regular price of a word classified ad. * For up to three consecutive Issues, you can save S0' each week you advertise when you pay within 7 days of billing. Put a fast acting classified to work for you and save. Call one of our friendly, professional ad takers today. 524.8331 OFF11gE HOURS: MON. - FRI., 0:30-5 Goderich SIGNAL -STAR *Check your yellow bill for savings. Hwy. No. 21 south, Goderich 524-8331 a, 1. Articles for sale , 1. Articles for sale PRIVATE: 1969 Travelaire 17 ft., clean, sleeps six, electric heater, gas stove, gas furnace, two way fridge and toilet. Phone 482- 3082.-17 ANTIQUE oak roll-top desk, refinished, $975. Phone 524- 9895.-17 75 FOOT TV tower with 5 heads, $200. Phone 524- 9895.-17 16' FIBERGLAS canoe with life jackets and solid one piece paddles. Used only a few times. $400.00. Phone 524-8433.-17tfar THREE healthy Golden Elder bushes. Phone 524- 7678.-17,18 TRAILER for sale, 8 x 45 foot. Excellent condition. Priced at $3,000.00. Phone 524-4454.-17 SWIMMING POOLS - leading pool company has limited number of 1978 pools, complete with filter, motor, walk -around patio, fence, regularly $2,049.00, now $1,299.00. Use your boat, snowmobile, etc. for part payment. Call collect, 1-519- 623-4351.-17tf SEWING MACHINES - Singer, White and other models. Repairs to all makes. All machines and repairs guaranteed. Morris Draperies, 36 West Street, Goderich 524-2551.-20tfar SINGER - For authorized sales and service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and notions, service to all makes, and machine. rentals. We also do alterations and install zip- pers. Gen's Sewing Centre, 73 Hamilton St., 524-8431, Goderich.-8tfar AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and _mineral deposits. Simply _place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffineyer Plumbing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-1 tfar HONEY available in four pound containers at 90c per lb. or seventy pound con- tainers at 70c per Ib. Will deliver. Cedar Valley Apiaries. ,Phone 524- 9673.-14-20 1971 HONDA CB 350, ex- cellent running condition. Rebuilt engine. $900 or best offer. Safety checked. Phone 524-9379.-15tfnc 1977 400 HONDA Supersport, only 2,800 miles, excellent condition, will certify, $1,400.00. Phone 524- 9041.-16,17 CEDAR fence posts delivered to your farm. For more _ information call Kincardine 396-A278 collect. -16-19 ADMIRAL 20 inch color TV. Ideal for family room, den, cottage, etc. Good working condition. Asking $250.00. Phone 524-2748.-16,17 MAN'S bicycle with child's carrier. Phone 524-2962 after 5 p.m. -16,17 OLD HOUSE to be moved or demolished. Kitchen cup- boards, hot water heater, etc. (contents) for sale. R.R. 5, Goderich, 524-6320.-17 1977 KAWASAKI 650 custom, only 400 miles, custom seat. Phone 524-2062.-17ar 1976 YAMAHA Endro XT 500 in good condition with 3,000 miles. $1,100:00. Phone Ken McNee 529-7956.-17 PIANO, large upright. Phone 524-6311.-17x Small Freezer "SPECIAL" 10 LB. 10 LB. 10 LB. -Pork Chops Homemade Sausage Fresh Ham Roast 10 LB. Ground Beef 5 .LB. 5 LB. Home Cured Bacon Homemade Headcheese Reg. Prite'$78.50 SPECIAL THIS WEEK s7Obo RIPLEY ABATTOIR 395-2905 or 395-2961 or 345.2979 VENINOS -G..IRL'S Raleigh 20" three speed bicycle; boy's brown leisure suit, size 18. Phone '524-8511.-17 MEDIUM size dog house, $10.00. Phone 524- 9175.-171fnc AMF TRICYCLE with 16" front wheel, $10. Sidewalk bicycle, solid tires, with training wheels, $10. Both in good condition. Good for 3 to 6 years old. Phone 524- 2536.-17 FOR SALE: Gibson.: (Copy) guitar, black finislf; good condition, excellent sound. "Just like the real thing." $250.00 or best offer. Phone 524-9293.-13tfnc MAYTAG built-in dish- washer, 11/2 years old, green in color. Moffat Cor- ningware top 30" range, sett - cleaning oven. Both items in top condition. Phone 524-2217 after 6.-17 1975 23 FT. CORSAIR Travel Trailer, sleeps six, propane stove and oven, three way fridge, full four piece bath, new 16 ft. awnings, excellent condition, $4,800.00;, 1977 Kawasaki KD -100, dirt bike, like new, kids .outgrown, $425.00: 1971 SkiDoo Olympic, completely rebuilt, new track, suspension and seat, 5400.00; Orcana Chord Organ, single keyboard, 72 bass buttons, like new, $200.00. Phone after 5 p.m. 529-7290.-17 MASSEY FERGUSON 32" riding. lawnmower, tractor type, new 8 h.p. manual start, Briggs & Stratton motor. Call after 4.p.m ;,482- 3173..-17,18 RING NECKED pheasants; orders taken for hatching eggs and day old - chicks. Phone, 52.4-7724;-17 NAVY BLUE and white Perego Pram, in excellent• condition; cribandmattress with matching dresser. Call 524-8964.-17 ROTO TILLER, 31/2 h.p., only used two months, ex- cellent shape. Phone 524-2817 afternoons. -17 HARD MAPLE body wood. Two 200 gallon oil tanks with 300 or more gallons stove oil. Phone 524-6280 after 6 p.m. -17 USED baby buggy, in good condition. Call 524-4681.-17 MATERNITY CLOTHES, size 15-16, like new. Phone 524-7490.-17,18 WESTERN soft topped tent trailer, sleeps four, interior refinished, in good condition, $400.00. Phone 524-6635.-17 VIKING automatic washer, in Working order, $75.00. Phone 524-6659.-17 ONE GOOD 350 Buick engine, running. Will sell cheap. Phone 524-8389 during days, ask for Dave. -17 BROWN vinyl sliding doors, large size, adjustable; medium size, .antique style, wood dresser, with swivel mirror. Phone 524-4434.-17 6,000 BRICKS, skidded and ready for pick up. Phone 529- 4249, after 5 p.m. 482- 9960.-17nc FINE MANURE, $1.00 a bushel, excellent for lawns and gardens. Bring own containers. Phone 524-6684 Benmiller.-17 1977 KAWASAKI KM 100 road and trail bike. Excellent condition, only 800 miles. Phone 526-7596.-14-19 NEW MATTRESSES Everyday Prices Lower Than Most Sales 40 DINETTE SUITES of Wood and Chrome C&E Furniture NEW AND USED me south on hwy. 21 GodilerichS24.7231 We Take Trades 2. Mobile Homes PRICED TO SELL - This 1977 Northlander mobile home, 52' x 12', is in excellent condition. Features: fridge and stove, washer and dryer, air conditioner, drapes, outside store -all shed and a sundeck. Located at Huron Haven Village. Call 524-4306 for viewing.-12tfnc 68' X 12' BENDIX mobile home, three bedroom, fully carpeted, drapes and sheers, frig and stove, also 28' x 6' deck and utility shed, located near Dungannon. Phone Dungannon 529-7637 or 529- 7143 or • Stratford' 1-271- 7476.-15-18 VILLAGER, 12 x 60, Canadian made, stove, fridge, washer, dryer, bedroom suite, 8• x 10 tool shed included, Overlooking lake. Meneset Park. Phone 524-7255.-17tf MUST SELL - two bedroom ] 975 Marlette set up at Huron Haven. Any serious offer will be considered on this beautiful home. Auburn 1- 526-7784.-40tf 1977 PROWLER, 31 ft. Trailer, equipped with storm windows, fridge,, stove and forced air furnace. Maytag portable washer, suitable for apartment or trailer. Phone 524-6606-1 l tf ar 3. Articles for rent FORMAL RENTALS for all occasions. Free style brochure, Rawson's Shop for Men, Goderich.-I tfar FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners 524- 6231. we can suit you for every occasion FREEMAN'S FORMAL RENTAL Exclusively at CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS Free catalogue 4. Articles wanted WANTED: Old ' brick buildings for demolition and salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 1-542=4088; Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed bricks.-11tf WANTED TO BUY: easy loading boat trailer with approximately. 12 inch wheels, suitable for 17 foot boat. Reasonable. Phone 524- 9489 after 5 p.m.-16tfnc WANTED TO BUY - good used large size car or pick-up truck, .asis,-. or certified. Phone after 5 p.m. 524- 7980.-16;.1.7, WANTED potato scrubber, refrigerated salad display case, both in good working condition'. ° Phone 524-4133 or 482-9228.-17ar WANTED - lady's three or. five speed bicycle, for pensioner, can afford up to $50.00. Phone 524-6923.-17 WANTED - 1/2 ton box trailer, 5 ft. x 31/ ft. (ap- proximately). Phone 524- 9654.-17x SET. OF bunk beds, in good condition. Phone 524- 9175.-17tfpc - WANTED TO PURCHASE: By collector. Any old shotguns, rifles, handguns. Anything to do with shooting. Call 519-848-6341 or write with details and location, P.O. Box 29, Arthur, Ontario.-17b.c. CASH for collections of salt and pepper shakers, minimum one hundred sets. Call 416-741-3952 anytime. -17 5. Cars, trucks for 1972 VALIANT Scamp, two door, six cylinder, automatic. Excellent con- dition. Certified. Phone 524- 4461.-16,17 1970 CHEV half ton truck, easy to certify. $800 or best offer. Phone 529-7922, evenings 529-7724.-16,17x 968 VIVA, under 50,006 miles. $300.00. Phone 524• 2805.-16,17 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1975 PONTIAC hardtop, V-8, power steering and disc brakes, automatic, radio and tape player. Excellent condition inside and out. $3,000.00. Phone 524- 6064.-16,17 1975 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass, 2 dr., radio, V8 automatic, low mileage, good condition, will certify. Serious enquiries only. Phone days 528-2822, evenings 528- 3811.-15tf nc 1975 RED TOYOTA Corolla stationwagon, excellent condition, 28,000 miles. Phone 482-7811.-17,18 1976 GMC SIERRA Classic half ton, with topper, V8 automatic, plus other op- tions. Phone 529-7656.-17 1974 FORD Gran Torino 302, eight cylinder, excellent condition, western car. Phone 482-9768 after 5:30 p.rim.-17 1973 DODGE Monaco Brougham, in good con- dition. 66,000 miles, loaded. $1,500.00 certified. Phone 524-9041.-17 1974 FURY "2 -door. Good condition. New rubber, power brakes and steering. $1,200. certified or best offer. Phone 524-8573.---17 Selling your car? Need a Safety Inspection? Call 524-2121 $1 595 Now only e 7A. Recreational GREENWOOD Tent and Trailer Park, R.R. 3, Tweed, Ontario. Camping, electric and water, propane, dum- ping station, boats, store, f]ushies, showers, tel. 613- 478-3620.-17b.c. 9A. Commercial Property ' For Rent OFFICE SPACE for lease or rent. 35A West Street. Phone 524-8452 or 524-2152.-16tfar 9. Accommodation to rent -NOW RENTING Under New Management 3 'BEDROOMS TOWN HOUSES IN VANASTRA 1 75 • Month Plus Hydro Other utilit'es paid PHONE 482-7972 Days 7 482-3278 Anytime 9. t Accommodation tot 12. Help wanted LUXURIOUS apartments, 2 and 3 bedroom, Port Elgin. Phone Mavis at 832- 9234.-13tf DC7PLEX Wellington St. S., Goderich, two• to three bedrooms. Separate en- trance. Private yard. July 1st possession. Lease. $255.00, includes heat. Phone owner in London after 6:Q0 p.m., 1-433-6224.-16,17 ' TWO BEDROOM apartment freshly redecorated. Fireplace, large yard, lake - hank area. $265.00 per month, excluding utilities. Apply to Drawer 117, c -o The Goderich Signal -Star, P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. -16- 17x IN CLINTON, comfortable, heated, self-contained, 2 bedroom apartment in a duplex house. Available June 1st. $185.00 monthly. Phone 1-527-1507.-16tf FURNISHED room with kitchen privileges, close to Square. Phone 524- 6989.-17,18 THREE BEDROOM 'house close to Square. Appliances including dishwasher. Garage. $325. Short term lease. Phone 1-434-8975.-17tf ONE BEDROOMchelor apartment 4�►yletely furnishee'N , quiet and clean. it -s paid. $190.00 per month. Phone 524 8918.-17 ,TWO BEDROQM apart- ment, ground floor, utilities not included. Available May 1st. Write: Edward Reid, 495 Errol Rd. W. Apt. 911, Sarnia, Ont., with par- ticulars. -17x SEMI-DETACHED duplex • near schools. Available May 1st. Call 524-2-152.--17tf -Office, TO RENT 524-2651 BENNETT APARTMENTS One and two ' bedroom apartments, includes fridge, stove, cable TV and utilities. CALL: 524-6541 10. Wanted to rent WANTED TO RENT - Three to five bedroom lakefront cottage, between Goderich and Grand Bend, from July 13th or 14th to July. 28th or 29th, 1979. References available. Phone 524-6627 after 5:30 p.m., or anytime weekends.-8tfnc APARTMENT or house in town or country. Will answer all replies. P.O. Box 122, Goderich, N7A 3Y5.-17 'SMALL HOUSE or one bedroom apartment in Goderich for married couple. Phone 524-6541.-17 11. Room and board NOV AVAILABLE - comforNable rooms, 3 meals daif-y, for retired people. Van Damme's Holiday Home, Clinton, phone 482- 3685.-17tfar WITH A' YEAR'S OCCUPANCY Brand New 2 Bedroom Apartments in Lucknow, Teeswater and Ripley Available Immediately LIMITED TIME OFFER . Two month's rent Call GLENNHA VENAPTS. Phone 528•3234 rfo YOU•MACRAME? Make money in your spare time by distribu-ting macrame supplies in your own area. Write Krafty Knots, 81 Brooklawn Avenue, Scar- borough, Ont. for further information. -14-17x GODERICH Performing Arts Foundation's proposed Cultural Centre Project needs volunteer work par- ties, typists, illustrators, co- ordinators. There is a spot for you, call 524-2472.-14- 17 ar PART-TIME counsellor wanted for Goderich and District Association for the Mentally Retarded group home. Send resume to 200 Keays Street or call E. Felker at 524-2941 after 4 p.m. -16,17 PIPELINE. and Northern Development jobs. Earn up to $3,000 per month - free room and board. Learn how to secure these and other high paying. jobs ,throughout Ontario and the rest of Canada. Send a long, self- addressed stamped envelope for details regarding our services: LMES-6, Box 7810, Station A, Edmonton, Alberta. T5G 3G6.-17b.c. HOUSEKEEPER, Wed nesday to Saturday. 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. each day. Phone 524-4133. References please.-17ar BABYSITTER wanted immediately for 4 year ,old girl from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Must be willing to take her to nursery school and pick her up beginning in the fall. Call 524-6203 or 529-7745 after 4:30 SHOE STORE clerk wanted, experience preferred. Apply Ross Shoe Store, The Square, Goderich-:-17,18ar • - WIN WITH WATKINS. Need three adults to service your friends and neighbors. Good, commission; also ask about the Can Do program. Write Watkins, 504 Limeridge Court, Hamilton. Call 1-416- 388-2530.-17-22x WHITE CARNATION requires KITCHEN HELP WAITRESSES 20-25 hr. per week Noon & Evenings Phone 524-4133 CUSTODIAN North Street United Church, Goderich, Duties to commence at mutually agreed time. (Preferably sometime In May) Salary negotiable. Please submit resume to: Mr. Norman Pickell, Property Chairman, North St. United Church. `..v_.•`FULL-TIME PART-TIME WAITRESSES Apply in person CLUB RESTAURANT ! STEAK HOUSE I 33 KINGSTON 524-8168 SALES OPPORTUNITY National Ohio Manufac- turer has Immediate opening In the Goderich area for sales represen- tative. We sell direct to Cities, Schools, In- dustries. We manufac- ture a complete line of - industrial coatings and sell nation-wide. We of- fer a business of your own without any in- vestment. No limit on earnings. No overnight travel. No age limit. Liberal commissions and excellent "1AOlnter Bonus" Program. Write J. C. RYAS, Vice President & General Manager, Tropical In- dustrial Coatings, 2030 Notre Dante Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H OJO. 4