HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-04-26, Page 12PAGE 12 —GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1979
Barry Schnurr and Spike Boston of Sarnia,
representatives of the Midget Ocean Racing Class
(MORC) Association explained the formulas of
boat measuring and handicapping to a group of
interested sailors at a sailing seminar sponsored by
the Goderich Sailing Club, Saturday. Steve Killing,
a member of the crew aboard, Evergreen, the
winner of the Canada's Cup race, also made a
presentation to the group. (photo by Dave Sykes)
Everree; crew
spe ks t sailin
In response to a
growing interest in
competitive sailing in this
area, the Goderich
Sailing Club held a
Sailing Seminar here last
Saturday afternoon. The
event was attended by 35
very keen sailors from
Goderich, Kincardine,
Port Elgin, Bayfield and
Richard Storer, a
prominent sail maker
from the Barrie area
spoke first to the group,
letting them in on on
some of the finer points of
sail shape and trim, and
describing some of the
more recent innovations
in sail manufacture to
produce higher boat
Barry Schnurr and
Spike Boston from
Sarnia, representing the
Midget Ocean Racing
Class (MORC)
association explained the
intricacies of boat
measuring and han-
dicapping. Such
measuring is a
requirement for boats in
the MORC class to ensure
equivalent handicapping
formulae for thevarious
types of boats in a given
The highlight of the
afternoon was a talk and
slide presentation by
young Steve Killing.
Steve was a member of
the Evergreen crew, last
year's Canada's Cup
champion. Steve is also
the chief boat designer
for C and C Yachts, and
played a prominent part
in the over-all design of
the Evergreen. He let us
in on many of the design
details of the boat, and
with the aid of his ex-
'cellent slides, explained
some of the reasons why
Evergreen is presently
the fastest two-tonner in
the North American
The 000s and aaas that
were heard from the
audience were an in-
dication of just how much
they appreciated the skill
and ingenuitythat went
into this classy racing
machine !
Goderich Sailing Club
Commodore, Ken
Dawson, and the Race
Committee Chairman,
Paul Parsons organized
the seminar, and even
Trout season opens this Saturday
Fisherman in the area
who have anxiously
awaited the opening of
the trout season this
Saturday have good
reason to be optimistic.
In fact this could be one
of the best seasons for
trout fishingin recent
In the Huron -Perth
area, streams and rivers
have good runs that have
been augmented by the
Ministry of Natural
Resources. .
Ministry officials have
been adding stock to
rivers, °streams and
ponds in 7'ullarton,
Brad Armstrong of the Lakeport Steel Bantams was the recipient of the Phil
Evans Memorial Trophy at the Goderich Minor Hockey, Association annual
banquet, Wednesday. The trophy is awarded annually to the most improved
player in the hockey system who best combines talent, dedication and at-
titude, (photo by Dave Sykes)
Fitness testing coming
again to Goderich
If lack of activity
during the winter months
has taken its toll on your
body and added a few
excess inches to the
midsection then it's time
to tone up.
Last year the Fitness
Van of the fitness Ontario
program visited
Goderich for a brief
period testing individuals
for their level of fitness.
The program was not
able to accomodate all
that were interested and
will make a return visit to
the area in June.
The Fitness Ontario
testing program provides
a $15 individual fitness
assessment for adults
from 18 years of age to 65.
The one hour test is
designed to provide
guidance and information
on exercise's and lifestyle
factors which contribute
to total health. •
The fitness program
will be in Goderich in the
middle of June and. more
details will be available
thr..lugh the Goderich
Recreation department
on Waterloo Street.
Exeter, S e a f o r t h, Goderich but the catches
Wingham, Falls Reserve, • have been limited since
the last snowfall. There
has also been an ap-
preciable lack of rainfall.
Many trout have made
their way upstream as
far as the Belgrave area
Benmiller, Hullett,
Shakespeare and the
West Wawanosh Con-
servation area.
Roy Bellinger of the
office in Wingham
explained that ponds and - in the Maitland River.
streams are stocked each Ministry officials have
year in the spring and been policing Most areas
Bat- rro•re•-stock-was---agamsl poaching and as
few charges have been
laid although most
fishermen are content to
test the lake until the
season opens.
With the opening of the
season Saturday,
available this year which
could lead to better
fishing on the weekend.
Some trout have been
caought in Port Albert,
Bayfield and " the
Maitland River , near
Registration for
recreation softball May 5
fishermen will flock to
their favorite and
guarded" Spot's; one of
which is the Lucknow
River in Port Albert.
Despite the fact the
river is narrow and often
crowded' ' during the
season it still attracts a
number of fishermen and
the operation of the fish
'ladder by the- Ministry
hasn't discouraged any
anglers , yet. For the
recreational fisherman
looking to beat the
crowds the Maitland
River between Goderich
and Belgrave might be
the best bet.
The Goderich
Recreation department
will attempt to develop T -
ball, and boys and girls
recreational softball
leagues this summer.
Recreation director,
Jim Moore, said that
following a meeting with
parents registrationwill
be held May 5 from 10
a.m. to 1 p.m. at the
recreation office to
determine the interest in
forming leagues or.
Tentatively it is hoped
that T -ball can be set up
for both boys and girls in
divisions of five and six-
year olds and another for
seven and eight year-
The softball teams for
both boys and girls would
be grouped according to
age and ability for
youngsters from nine up
to 15 years of age.
Moore said the teams
will be set up to provide
youngsters with the
opportunity of learning
the game, developing
skills and enjoying the
sport on their own level.
Rules for the teams will
not follow specific rule
books but will be im-
plemented for the benefit
of the youngsters.
Registration forms for
the softball league will be
made available through
the schools and more
information will be
available in the paper.
Minor ball players
begin practice sessions
Tyke and • peewee
baseball players will
meet again at
Agriculture Park this
Saturday to begin their
practice schedule if the
weather permits.
The two teams held
organisational meetings
last week and this week
the peewees will hold a
practice session at 10
a.m. and the tykes have
the diamond scheduled
for 1 p.m. Any players
interested in playing for
either team are asked to
beat the park.
Final registration for
the Dennis Schooley
baseball school that will
be held iniGoderich this
summer is Monday, April
30. The clinics offered by
Schooley will cover all
basics of the game.
Registration forms for
the school will be made
available at Agriculture
further information can
be obtained from Dick
Madge and John
Twp. players
to register
on Saturday
The Goderich Township
recreation department
announced that softball
registration will be held
the next two Saturdays at
the township shed in
The registration will be
for all age groups and will
be held from 9 a.m.,to 12
noon Saturday. April 28
and Saturday, May 5.
Forms have been
distributed to the schools
outlining costs of
registration and age
groups involved.
Thi year the township
will y to organize a T -
ball eague. for the first
though they were a bit
disappointed wi.th.t.he low
attendance by 'pur own
GSC members, they
indicated that those who
came had certainly
profited from it.
This Saturday mor-
ning, April 28th, the
Goderich Sailing Club
will be holding :ts annual
Keel Boat 1,aunch at Snug
Harbour. With all the
recent warm weather,
the sailors are just
chomping at the fore-
deck to get the boats into
the water. Dinghy sailors
are asked to come down
to helpout.
Dick Madge, a Goderich Minor Hockey Association executive member,
was awarded the James A. Wilkinson Trophy by Wayne Doak at the group's
annual banquet last Wednesday. The trophy is awarded annually for an
outstanding contribution to minor hockey in Goderich. Past winners in-
cluded Bill Brown and Ted Williams. (photo by Dave Sykes)
Finals continue in
chess club playoff
...W.ith...one _week- left -in.
the season all levels have
been decided except
Level 2.
As reported last week,
Charlie MacDonald won
the top Level. • -
However in Level 2,
play is still going on. Bob
Fitzjames capped off an
excellent season by
winning the fourth game
of his semi-final series
against Bob Dick. Bob
Fitzjames won this series
two games to one with
one game tied. Bob
Fitzjames then moved on
to the finals against Doug
-Brindley. Like Bob, Doug
also had a substantially
improved season taking
first place in the Level.
Doug Brindley proved
too strong_ for Bob and
won the finals in two
In Level 3 finals, Kirk
Lyndon bounced back
after losing the first
game to tie the second
game. Steve Hammill
now needs only a draw to
win the Level 3 Cham-
Owen Moriarty picked
up two consecutive wins
against Tim Reid to win
the - Fourth Level
• A re -cap of the playoff
situation is as follows:
Chas MacDonald
Doug Brindley
Steve Hammill leads
Kirk Lyndon with 1 win
and 1 draw.
Owen Moriarty
Don Elliott of the Goderich Minor Hockey Association Executive presented
a special award to Howard Carroll at the group's annual banquet last
Wednesday. The special presentation was made to Carroll for his out-
standing contribution to the minor hockey system over the years. It is the
first time such an award has been given. (photo by Dave Sykes)