HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-04-26, Page 10PAGE 10—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 19796 Dungannon W.I. elects 1979-80 officers The annual meeting of Dungannon Branch of Wom- en's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Graham Mc- Nee. The meeting began with a bountiful pot luck dinner with 17 members and three visitors in attendance. The president, Mrs. Ge- orge Errington, welcomed all, and the secretary -treas- urer's report was given by Mrs. Marry Girvin. Several items of business were dis- cussed: not going to Pine - crest in May; May 22nd is the bus trip for which you may contact Mrs. Clifford Purdon; a letter from Culture and Recreation was review- ed; our choices were noted for the Senior Courses being offered; the present course on Needlepoint is in progress at Nile each Wednesday under two leaders, Mrs. Elwin Feagan, and Mrs. Wm. McWhinney, with a large class enrolled; a contri- bution is to be made to Nile and Dungannon Churches in appreciation of their use for several gathering; a letter re I.Y.C. (International Year of the Child) "Today is for Tomorrow" was read, and April is Family Unity month; 4-H Achievement meeting is April 25 at 7.30 p.m. at Brookside School; program booklet for 1979-1980 is to be planned. Mrs. W. Zinn has offered to type the booklets for us; Easter greetingsare to be sent to the sick and shutins. The roll call was answered by the payment of fees, and one new member was wel- comed. Collection and Pen- nies for Friendship were re- ceived. Reports of the Stand- ing Committees were read and .these gave a review of the year's activities. Mrs. Alvin Kerr read the report of the nominating committee. The District President, Mrs. Graham McNee, one of our Branch members, gave the topic explaining , "The Ode" and conducted a quiz based on the W.I. handbook. She also was in charge of the Installation of Officers for 1979-1980. "Happy Birthday" was sung for Mrs. Ivers and cour- tesies were given by the president, followed by sing- ing the Queen. List of officers for Dun- gannon Branch of W.I. for 1979-1980 are past president, Mrs. Elmer Black; president, Mrs. Geo. Errington; 1st vice Colborne orner G'rtrudt Kaulllllr, t'ltI'I't'�j)utllii tit l l ''il,f� CHURCH NEWS The Youth Group of Benmiller United Church held a skating party at' Vanastra on Monday evening, April 23. There was a splendid turnout of young people and parents . from the 'community. After, the -skating party, all returned to the church where . they enjoyed refreshments and a friendly get-together. The U.C.W. of Ben - miller United Church are making plans for their Thankoffering meeting at the Church on Wed- nesday, May 2 at 2 p.m. Mrs. Phyllis Cox of Holmesville will be the guest speaker. All ladies of the community are cordially welcome and invited to attend. Come and meet with the women of the community and enjoy the fellowship together. W.I. The Women's Institute annual meeting is this Thursday April 26 in. Colborne Township Hall starting at 1 p.m. with a pot luck luncheon (ladies please bring place setting). Annual reports will be given•and the officers for 1979-80 will be installed by the District President. Come and bring a friend. Visitors are welcome. SCHOOL NEWS The students in Grades 6, 7 and 8 at Colborne Central School will be presenting the Operetta, the HMS Pinafore this Thursday and Friday, April 26- and 27 at 8 p.m. at the school. As there are only a limited number of tickets, you are urged to obtain yours promptly. These are $1 from the students in advance and should there be any tickets left over, they can be purchased at the door for $1.50. At present there are some tickets left, mainly for Friday evening. See you at the Operetta. Friday April 27 is Professional Develop- ment day and children will not be attending school that day. SOCIAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Eric Guaranteed Investment Certificates si 0 W.E. (TED) WILLIAMS S14-7102 or 524-7645 Reaburn are the proud grandparents of their second grandchild, a baby girl,' Angela Jean, born to Mr. and Mrs. Steve Reaburn (nee Bernie Van Rooy): on Thursday, April 19 in St... Joseph's Hospital, London. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Les Pitblado, 'Sunset Beach,' had several -o ---....their family home for, the Easter holidays, in- cluding daughters, Jane and her husband from Quebec and Janet and her husband from Aurora. Mr. James Gibson of Meneset is a patient in University Hospital, London and his many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Dungannon doings Marie Park correspondent 529-771,9 pres., Mrs. Hugh McWhin- ney; `2nd vice pres., Mrs. LeRoy Robson; secretary treasurer, Mrs. Harry Gir- vin; assistant sec'y. treas., Mrs. Graham McNee; dist- rict director, Mrs. E. Black;, ass't. director, Mrs. Warren Zinn; branch directors, Mrs. Robt. Irvin, Mrs. Russel Alton, Mrs. Gordon Finnigan and Mrs. Sam Gibson; public relations officer, Mrs. Cecil Blake; curator, Mrs. Elmer Black; assistants, Miss Iva Carr, Mrs. Lorne lvers, Mrs. Wm. Stewart, Miss Beth .McConnell; pianist, Mrs. G. Finnigan; auditors, Mrs. Victor Black, Mrs. Ev- erett Errington; resolutions, Mrs. W. Zinn, Mrs. Jack Clements; nominating com- mittee, Mrs. H. Girvin, Mrs. G. Errington, and Mrs. Clif- ford Purdon. Standing committee con- veners, Agriculture and Can- adian Industries, Mrs. G. McNee and Mrs. R. Robson; Education and Cultural. Act- ivities, Mrs. H. McWhinney and Mrs. V. Black; Family and ,Consumer Affairs, Mrs. E. Errington and Miss Beth McConnell; Citizenship and World Affairs, Mrs. C. Pur - don and Mrs. Alvin Kerr. Omitted from the last report was the motto "Kind- ness and Courtesy are the essence of Public Relations". This motto was well prepared and given by Mrs. Jack Clement. The May meeting at Mrs. George Etrington's is ori' Education. 1 DUNGANNON U.C.W. The April meeting of the U.C.WV. was held at the home of Mrs. Helen Dawson with 12 ladies present. The devo- tional program, prepared by Mrs. Cecil Blake, Mrs.. Mary Bere and Mrs. Marlene God- frey was opened with a prayer. The scripture was taken from Luke 24 and Mrs. Cecil Blake read the medita- tion. Mrs. Mary Bere read the devotional topic, "Share it now to Survive". Everyone participated in Easter Ana- gram by telling a thought for each letter in the. word "Easter". Mrs. Amy Wiggins, pres- ident, took charge of the business part of the meeting. The roll call was "a house- cleaning short cut". The minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. Jean Errington. Mrs. Helen Daw- son gave the financial report. Matters brought to mem- ber's attention were: invita- tions to neighbouring Thank - offering meetings on Sun- day, April 22; a Westminist- • er weekend in May; Alma School for Women in August; request from Camp Meneset- ung to consider ways of assisting , camp programs, providing kitchen equip- ment, giving financial aid for maintenance or sponsoring a child to ca.rnp. Mrs. Wiggins reported on a meeting of presidents recently held in Blyth and informed the ladies they are responsible for -devotional at fall rally in early OctQher. -1," GODERICK-POLICE FORCE - TELEPHONE NUMBERS EMERGENCY 524-8333 INFORMATION & ADMINISTRATION . 524-8334 Blaupunkt.After you've .heard it, there's only one decision left: - -� which model? MEN By drawing names, each organization in the district has one other group to pray for specifically. Dungannon is to pray for Nile U.C.W. and North Street U.C.W., Goderich is praying for Dun- gannon U.C.W. Mrs. Jean Errington read the feature "Sign of the Seasons", and "Peppermint Candy". Discussion was held on plans for catering to certain upcoming weddings this summer. Lunch was served by Mrs. Doris Hodges, Mrs. Amy Wiggins, and Mrs. Dawson. SOCIAL NEWS Visitors on Friday with Mel Jones were Mrs. James McFadzen of Guelph and Mrs. Winnie Bell of Goder- ich. The ladies are cousins to Mel. - You can go at the way -to the top-of-the-line Berlin Electronic. Or get the best AM; FM sound on the roar] for an attractive price, You know what you can afford. But what you can't afford is to compromise on the quality of the sound. To settle for so so stereo when theres superb Blaupunkt mono at the same price. Or fess than•perfect FM when great AM cots about the same. The most radio, the best possible sound for your dollar =that's the Blaupunkt aim for every model they make. Here are some of them. CR -2000D a❑1=�' AM/FM stereo radio with auto -reverse cassette player features Dolby Nose Reduchon.Circu,try. FM_muting,. fast forward and rewind. auto -reverse with power eject Compact size and adluslable shafts al lord easy • i nslallation m most cars CR -8000 -� A undue combination of AM, FM, FM Stereo reception, and eight track stereo cartridge playback Small enough for most import cars adluslable shafts for easy installation ,n most American venlcles AM/FM stereo radio with auto -reverse cassette olayer' fealuses FM muting, fast' forward and rewind. auto - reverse with POwer`efect. Compact size and adjustable shafts afford easy installation In moll cars. CR -2001 0o ma.srsnuf AM/FM stereo radio with auto -reverse cassette player features pushbutton tuning, Dolby Norse Reduction Circun'ry. FM muting, fast forward and rewind, auto - reverse with power eject. Compact size and adjustable shafts affordeasy installation In most cars • e`auauN►cr ive a Concert Hall!���, MR. STEREO 40 WEST ST. GODERICH 524-9344 Mr. and Mrs. Wif Pent- land returned home from Florida recently after spend- ing the winter months there. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Blake and family of Alliston spent the weekend with Mrs. Cecil Blake. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ashton 'of Goderich visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Park and family. Congratulations to all the members of winning teams and all individual winners on the Lucknow Dungannon bowling league who received trophies at the banquet and dance held at the Lucknow Legion on. Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ira lrvine and Mrs. Laura Thompson of Grand Valley visited with Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Robson and ttamily on Sunday. On Good Friday Valerie Shackleton and her friend visited her sister, Mrs. Alvin Becker, Mr. Becker and new baby daughter, Heather Ann at Dashwood. DUNGANNON UNITED CHURCH Sunday service was the continuing .celebration of Easter in which Rev. C. G. Westhaver's topic was, "The Road to Emmaus". 524-7346 THE ARTHRITIS SOCIETY Give more than a thought to arthritis R.K. PECK APPLIANCES In The.Heart of down Town Varna" • Vacuum Cleaners Sales and Service of most makes • CB Radios and Accessories • Speed Queen Appliances • Moffat Appliances • Smoke Sensors • Insect Lights and fly Killing Units • Handcrafted Gifts Varna, Ont. Phone 482.7103 GRAEME CRAIG LIBERAL COMMITTEE ROOMS ARE OPEN IN GODERICH AT NO. 8 THE SQUARE TEL. 524-2161 Please call for information on voters list, proxy voting or advance poll. SIX DAYS ONLY -April 30 to May 5, 1979 di MODEL #606 GAS BARBECUE ���Check all the deluxe features in this top of the Zine barbecue .. : *ELECTRIC ROTISSERIE • FRONT REDWOOD SHELF • HAND HELD GRILL LIGHTER •TWIN BURNER (DUAL CONTROL) • OPEN ROASTING PAN • FOUR PIECE BARBECUE TOOL SET • TWO OVEN MITTS •TWO PAN HANGERS 11 NATURAL GAS PROPANE Regular $399 Regular$429.95 SALE $359.00 SALE $389.00 tvmoncns appliaLcentre J Rae E. 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