HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-04-26, Page 7AM & G Briefs BY SHIRLEY J.KELLER The board of Alexandra Marine and General Hospital learned Monday evening the corporation finished the business year $5,800 under budget. Administrator Elmer Taylor points out those figures are subject to audit adjustments, but are fairly ac- curate. The hospital has made its way back to the black from a deficit of $180,000 discovered last summer. With $140,000 from the Ontario Ministry of Health and some good administration, finance chairman Gordon Crabb was satisfied the small surplus is a sign the hospital has recovered nicely from most of its financial problems. +++ This week, Alexandra Marine and General Hospital is receiving its first laundry shipment from London. Administrator Elmer Taylor is expecting con- siderable savings will be accrued because of the decision to send the laundry to Londpn this spring rather than wait until fall. Taylor told the Signal -Star this week, he realizes now the community had the notion that it was a cer- tainty the laundry from AM&G would be going to the The Bluewater Centre for the Developmentally Handicapped. However, he claims that was never a hard and fast decision of the boa`rd, but that negotiations with London were going on at the same time as talks were being held with The Bluewater Centre. Taylor added that the London laundry facility is this month adding South Huron Hospital at Exeter, Ingersoll Hospital and London Psychiatric Hospital to its roster of clients, and was anxious to add Goderich at the same time to make the changeover complete. "The board could see no reason to wait until fall to make the switch," Taylor said, adding that staff from the laundry had been interviewed and placed in other ..jobs at the hospital "d•espite...what town ... council was.. told". "We could see no hardship for staff," Taylor told the Signal -Star. The laundry equipment will be sold, Taylor says, because the London establishment has assured hospital officials there will be no requirements for any part of it in Goderich. The new laundry facility for dispatching and receiving laundry is well underway at AM&G with footings expected to be poured this week. +++ Women's Hospital Auxiliary President Mrs. R.C.McCallum said the final bill for the gift shop renovatidlts was $1,066.80, and was paid out, of money from gift shop sales. She also explained that Penny Fair tickets aiWe on sale again this year, despite some consideration by the Auxiliary to discontinue the annual fund raising event. "It has been a very good mone.y maker in previous years, and we had all volunteer help. to get the event underway again for this year, so it is going ahead," Mrs:- McCal-lum -told -the board, reminding- board members to buy a sheet of tickets before going home. Tag Day is coming up May 11 for the Auxiliary as Kathy Jenkins and Sally Walker are shown here in a dress rehearsal for Goderich Little Theatre's final production of the season, a mystery entitled, Thriller of the Year. The play opened on Wednesday evening at 8:30 in MacKay Hail and runs until Saturday'eveningwIt'hms-b,een directed by a professional, David Fanstone. Watch this newspaper for a review next week. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) Cottages approved Colborne township drew up its official land council is . expected to use plan so the project approve a 64 lot lakefront will not eat up cottage subdivision just agricultural land. The west of Sunset Golf lakefront property is on. Course after a public top of the lake bluff and meeting Monday night surrounds a ravine that drew no opposition to the runs through to the lake. ' project. The cottages shouldn't The meeting, arranged cause any serious erosion to get public reaction to problems to that ravine the project, drew about 16 since council can insist --- people that live near the that necessary steps be _ site of the proposed taken to protect the development. Township ravine. It is possible that council wanted to guage those steps coul'd 'actually well. public op.ini an-- to —the---rnrp r o - -the---e rvs•i o-= problems -that presently exist. • Drainage of . surface water and problems created by the in- stallation of septic tanks and wells could be spelled out in a development agreement between the township and Springbank to satisfy concerns over erosion. Springbank plans to use half acre lots for the cottages and build the units to be sold on a price range of $35,000 to $40,000. Council will discuss the project at its May meeting. +++ Dr. Kenton Lambert told the hospital board Monday evening' members should not become complacent now that the "politicking" is over. He said the board should keep working to insure that more active treatment beds are available at AM&G in years to come. "We are coping, butonly just coping last week for instance," Lambert told the board. He said the hospital was operating at 100 percent occupancy last week and warned that the present bed situation is still a problem. The surgeon was°highly appreciative of the efforts of the public in and around Goderich during the recent battle with the Ontario' Ministry of Health. He said much pressure was brought to bear on the provincial government by letters, telegrams, phone calls and visits by the people of this area, and he expressed his deep satisfaction with the response when the hospital needed moral support. cottages before giving its approval and used the meeting to do that. Those present raised some concerns about the effect the ,project would have on the•surrounding properties. Represen- tatives of Springbank Development Ltd. of London, developers of the subdivision, explained details of the project and means of solving problems residents felt could be created by the seasonal housing. The area the cottages are to he constructed on was designated seasonal residential when council STAN JONES SHOPPE LIMITED STAN JONES Easy to wear styl- ing sees you through office, theater, party, in lilting Spring colors. C'HAR(.f:X WIN VISA SH OPPE LIMITED ® SHOPPERS SQUARE, GODERICH OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Knox sing at Knox On Sunday, April 29, the three choirs, Juytior, Intermediate and Senior, of Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich, have been invited to join the massed choirs of Knox Presbyterian Church, Stratford, to celebrate the latter's 125th an- niversary. The Stratford choirs will be directed by Joan Gaffney, L.R.C.T.; the Goderich choirs by their Director of Praise, Lorne H. Dotterer. With approximately 60 members of Knox, Goderich, and 50 members of Knox, Stratford, there will be 110 voices participating in the Choral Service. The combined choirs will be singing four massed numbers, in- cluding G..F. Handel's Halleluia Chorus. Each. choir will perform two solo numbers and Mr. Dotterer will play two organ solos. There will also be a special arrangement of The Covenantor's Hymn, sung by all choirs with organ and bagpipe ac- companiment. The Reverend Fred Neil of Knox Church, Stratford will give a short history of church music, telling of the traditions of music in the Presbyterian Church, (;funcooft mall SUNCOAST MALL, GODERICH GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1979 --PAGE 7 Come and see my oil paintings ...you'll be glad you did! tri studio & art gallery R.R. 2 Goeltrieh, Ont. 534-6896 located 7 miles south of Goderich on Concession 6 between highways 8 and 21 -follow the signs from Holmesville- Liketo-feel livelier ? Maybe lose weight ani faster? Try PEPSTEP! The exercise plan devel- oped for us by a leading car- diologist. ' You do the exercising on your own, not at our regular meetings. It's optional, easy, and fun! WEIGHT WATCHERS The Authority' --Find-out about PEPSTEPatr GODERICH t ST. PETERS CATHOLIC CHURCH PARISH HALL SIDE ENTRANCE WED. 7:30 P.M. GRAND BEND GRAND BEND UNITED CHURCH MAIN ST. WED. 7:30 P.M. FOR MEETING INFORMATION CALL LONDON 455-5100 FREE EACH MONTH Each month members of our classes receive Weight Watchers magazine ab solutely FREE Don't de lay loin today ENl3OLL AT ANY CLASS First meeting Fee S10 all `other meetings $4. Special senior citizen Et student rate—first meeting S5. All other meetings $2. • wumn Ea.i••- dada I,^ 1.0 a,.rn•ren na nr ma t•aea man Wapn, *wows • Wage, Wart.e.-r , 1'9 Reamer,. Ow -a' THE WHITE CARNATION • Catering to Weddings, Banquets, Dinners, Parties, Dances See our complete menu for Hors d'oeuvres to full course meals... HOLMESVILLE Invites you to our Meals - New season .... Starting Wednesday, May 2 We will be open every Wednesday thru to AT NOON 12-2 P.M. Hot Buffet, Salad Bar, Dessert & Tea, Coffee AT DINNER 5:30-7:30 P.M. Featuring our delicious Smorgasbord No Dress Restrictions For Reservations Tel. 482-9223 or 524-4133 this Sunday... $375 PER PERSON ONLY Air • $95 ONLY *PER PERSON '3.50 - 12 & under '1.50 Pre-schooler