HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-5-18, Page 6GENOA DEBATES END IN FAILURE
Soviet Delegates' Reply to Powers. is Considered Unsatis'
factory -Question of Prolonging the Conference is Now
Being Argued by Britain, France and Italy,
A despatch from Genoa � says: The
extant! month'•s eve* a the Genoa.-
O ofererxe was K:ped out on Thurs-
day when, • methe ho powers had re.)
duped the demand of the melt from
:Moscow- for a leallionglollar loan, the,
loses'). 'delegates watt a reply to the'
gtowers' cella•itione whi.h makes it;,
Isn,etletelly impossible to effect a fin!
ane-ial and eitonentic settlement with/
Russia at Gena..
Ikrhe Re>:.•_an ree,ly is not fiat "no,";
tut it is, a "90 per ,gent. no," The 10
per rent, "yes" etxsis;,ed in a proposal
that a coamnmission ref experts be named
to review the Russian, fluen:sal ettea
Lien, and in e. -nervy proceed that the
Ruffin delegation should neverthe
less 'remain at Crenae to dimes other'
t the:t
questiena (e agenda, inel•.ztl°ng the.
cal pwct of ren -aggression. Not one'
a the coed/dens inmpesed by Vie peeve:
e.5 43 the price cf resuming enamor.'
eta/ realists math itueeta Was ac=
cepte(. OM
What tura e ronferenee will none
tie craxmreit de told at present. Mr.'
Lloyd Gorge is desperately bopieg to:
make somethirg out of the confemrve,
and would colitinue it for the cheats -1
silon of ot7ter than the Russian f an -i
cavi and e; neemi;: problems, The;
It>:»xaius agree. The- h`retacl"t, on this;
other hard, see no use going on, and
declare they do not wish to treat
olitica3 questions with Russia if Rus-
sia refuses to shoulder her. *obligations.
As far Mr. Lloyd George's wish to go
on toward the compact of nor-'aggrese
siert•, the French quote the British
Premier as saying that the ma -
naggr-es.sion compact depended: abso-
lutely en a Runtia i settlement,
The French Naive &sited Premier
Poll:care for ie.eUuctioes, If he orders
theca home they will• leave at :•ace and
expert at feet 'eve delegations to go
with them. If he orders the delega-
tion to stay, they wi'1 remain as long
as Mr. Lleyst George wishes, the eon -
f ereree to continue.
This is a summary of the Russian
1. Rusin must have a loan.
2. She is witting t.o negotiate far
cemg:en-eat/on of rcnfiseated private
property, althroi h r,ot recognizing
the prineiele.
3. She refuses to stop internal.
propaganda, but will abandon it in
other countries- where it is against
the law.
The document is eonsistent from
the Moscow standpoint. It stands
obstinately on the Bight to conf1scat,e
'property in a revolution,
Chinese Flying School
Opened at Esquimault
A despatch from Victoria,
B.C., says: •--••- Headed by a
group of Chinese of British
nationality, mainly of the?
younger set, a Chinese flying
school is to be opened in Es -1
tiuirnault. The first machine,
a. Curtiss, with pontoons, is to
be ready for service on May
The object of the flying
school, which will follow one
in operation in Kamloops, for
the last two years, is to train
pilots for aviation, so these
men, when trained, may re-
turn to Chinato carry on the
s.of land.
in service that
New Plane's Speed
100 Miles Per Hour
A despatch tram Paris says:—The
worlds getateet biplane Inn just fin -
itched its final tests in the aertdremne
at Orly and soon w a ca nmence trsa a -
F rapean flights. Probably it wiD ire
teed iia a new attempt to orosm the
Atlantic late this ori nmer, It is. Por -
in tenstnaction, with four propellers
and four 400 horsepower =tore. The
wing spread 3s more than 100 feet.
According to .Aviator Borussotrot,'
its pi;T•ct, it well maintain* a Igeetfi of
100 " �es an bout while (cora, lr•
twenty passengers and: baggage—•a
Mal load in excess sof sever,. tons.
mil •y g
Feeding Foxes,
Hon. W. C. Nichol
I,feutea aaitfQovernor of Belden Colum-
bia, -
annual conven-
o ti e
the:up 1
'tlo ea
1p �:o vz
ia~ w
tion of the Custodian Good Roads As-
societion, to be held: in Victoria next
What is the best feed. ;for a 'slack
That is a new • question for which
diettcians have to feet an answer.
A quarter of a eemtu'ry ago, no pert
aeon tared what food foxes ate, so long
eel reynm ed did not rob that particular
(person's her. -scat.
But the e.:.abliahrnert of the fox fur
industry ,changed all that.
Th.e menu cf the black fon has to he
eareful'1y studied. The scientists and
the owners ars seeking to find the stype
of food on wheith the precious little
fur -beating animate thrice best, and
how: they may be protected from
• worms:
The correct answer to .both these
questions will be —math millions of
dcii'are annually to the fox .ranching
• industry.
Important stops towrards, the solu-
tion of the geest;en hisv.e - already been
taken by the Council of Scientific Rte•
sear*ela at Ottawa.
• r„+ �
QVjR A(.ttlhl.
A Patriotic Innovation,
Trtisa biggest thing that has happened
In univezw ty circles for some time
was the creation last week of they
School of Postgraduate Studies et the
Uriverasity cf Tor<snte. It is n r.-:
giotab;e feet that, each year gratin -i
aces of Canadian Univers ties have.
gone to the • Jnited States to eekure
more •advanced, education than was oh-
ta.,inable in this .Dominion and that
litany of these brightest of young
men and •womon have not retinae:' to
Canada lir:, have remained: in posi-
tion.s of various kinds across the bon -1
tier. Tide has been a serieva lass t(i
this ctpuritry. Now, with the estate
ishmeet of the new School at On-
tario's Provincial University, ne
student need leave his netive land for
snore eduwat'ecn. Ilteeeates of Univer
cities in We -eters oral• Eastern Canetiia1
will 1* er-courege,i to puree* their
postgraduate stu:iea in Toronto, aro
Canada will be able to keep heir in-
telteetual giants at home. Nor will1
Canada From Coast to Coast
St, Sohn hiflel Frond $otweeni, t of moisture and warm wwaiite' have
Tewfound4etedt to iaabredor and barks ,coiengiee, to metro Ode +hxaech -of
in ,relatebanes, after delivrstin?g ntmfl ; a,gk>:.•,,ixleure ver,o it.ab e, ; : £teeel-
at 'three places, is the latest retford i lees' ergam !isalr•on' of this yr -evince,
cf ma*, Sidney Cotten, of the Aerial” which repeesent, practically all thettge
Mail Service. Leaving Bet -weed late; banee.° groavere, iso repot -teed to coni ol;
in •the morning, Major Gotton modern over 6,000 000ouuds of t&'acco•
his first ?tan ing at St. Antleneyee entd He!
Winnipeg, Man. -May the brat agttw
then proceed •
ed to 1 o „dor. Het ploughing,l an seeding gena l.;
deacezcdnct at Hoon Hole Oeve, where. throughout the Prairie Provinces,
he took on the return ,mail and flew' Though this date is somewhat latex
back to Botentod. I that, last year, ur: formiy excellent
Charlottetown, P.4.1.—At a, sputa' i ntoisture corgd'itons and. the state: cf
meeting of the City Council the Sweet the loll. should make germir tion and
ing Bili received its third reading and early growth: unesually rapid with the
a comrasioner was appointed to:advent o warm aa,r, tik1ih
handle the scheme. The city is bora Moose jaw, Bask.—Sast tehowat
ageeing $50,000, which twill be act•I has sent to the Paeifie °cant for one
vented to parties intending 'bu+ildhng i thousand, more men for spring- work. S.
Already 19 applioatrons 'have ibeen an the farms. Vlagea have somewhat
made for 1•osrs. The maximum iar.•reese , :.•,^cor'ii:.g to report, en-
amount is $3,000 for each. 1 geginents being made at from $35 to.
Halifax, N.S,-••-Thhe Nova sato-teat $40 a mends, with board. Already the,
I,egi.s".:ature has =made a prelim -nal -7i Vancouver Government labor bureau
.graet $5,000 to protege tg: tunettal has sent eight hundred niers to the
Bina~trio tion: in the finning industry, It F'ralries. ,p
,is, proposed to give instructions in the E`nnt°n'tont Alta.—Aeeording to the
berating tate repair of gas engined mail received front the far north the
and. in curing and padding :fish, The pet whet hese:maven a most success-
grant wild be ineegesest if intereet is :End one .o the Indians and Eskimo
trappers, led good entthes of furs are
reported. Bounamg presteerity us the
far north:end is the keynote of all
advises received.
shown m the olueetes,
Quebec, Q1z,e.—Fuerther immigration
of Frer.th Canadians of the striking
the new nohow' interfere with the work textile a perat~iees fn nem •i:getee, Victoria B.C.-Rlwiiaierai production
, p
f otheruniversity Relatively
Leos Postgraduate work es attempted who havemoved batik to the Province
in Western or Eastern Universities in, cf Quebec it is tatsd that 850 families
Canada, and these insti,tutieans will, -rare have lett for Alberta aril Sasl;at-
doubt, encourage their graduates to � ele,ewan, ..
utilize the poetgra luato facilities of-
fere at the Ur,'iy y' of; TinViltar
Italy's Traffic Trafftle Custom,
Ire Italy' wheeled traflie keeps to the
left In large Owes, but to the rigid in
the couutry.
o any .1. tates is reported. In edslitlon to tho,-e .
:. ? in the Pravireee of British Columbia in
1921. amounted to $28,065,641, nceorsli
h g to the annual report of the Depart-
ment of .Mine,, table in the provincial
legis"Kiture ht. Han. W. M, Sloan
Its Japan .arranging cut florets i
an art. The Way' every brach er
spray is placed means something, is
symbolic. Tse Japanese insist an
keeping the natural and typical form
sf each stem or branch and depend ea
eonibiring two or three beenehes to
make an effective design. Rarely* is
moee than 'one ldmL of 'dint used in
the same vase, and the vases are pur-
palely kept simple, so that they shall
not distract intention from the flow_
Weekly Market Report
TORONTO. `pedal gal., $2.1O; per 6 Imnperia
la;I;initoba Wheat No, 1 Northern, $2.05; Marie sugar, 'ib. 18e. r
$1.6134, ;• 'No. 2 Northern, $1.47%1.
., No, 11eney 60 ural 80 -celled tins, 14 ,.,
8 Northern, $1.39. to 10.. per Not; fi and 2tterib tins, 17 to
Montt -eta eats•--fio. 2 G.W., 60e; No. lee Per Ib.; Ontario comb ,honey* per
8 0.W., 5Ce; extra No. 1. feedi e; ees •—• doz., $5.50.
No,1 'iced', 54, PotetoOntario, 90-1'b, 'sag',
Taking in a Partner, 1" Manitoba barley—Nominee $1.15 to $125; Itclarvitres, $1.80 t1:
All the above track, Bay ports, $1.40. Seen. 4actatacs, Melt Cobblers,
Particu".at * hr Olt at the pr anti Amerioan ern—No. 2 ye'?ow, 78e; $1.75 a slang
time e are t1:;: 'easels for strong,' No. 3 'Yellow, 77e, an rail.
Smoked ssacats- meats—Items, m liivai, ;3n
m, In r net. Barley—No. 3 extra, test 47„ Ibs ear to 86e; Brooke i• haze, .15 to 48e; smoked
ertty pi ; 3-1114 ttrnip3e to butfiud ami, ' Letter, 60 to 65: according; to freights rchs, 23 to 2(se; e'ottage• row, 30e;
.only pn:a,.ttxe in ft4rnn work, alto, cpu
, le
, k : ' ” brealkfeet bacon 25 to 30e; special
t safest. ani surest seer* of in- brand breakfast bacons SGe; :backs,
come in the years ahead. boneleas, 40e.
For time reason `wise parents are 1 y e , Cured meats—Long clear haven,
mere end more anxious that they in- $17.50 lo $18.50; •clear bellies, $16.50
terest the boys and 'girls in fax work. $30 48p to $19,50; lightweight r tills,„ to laavrels,
Buckaiseat Nn. 8, $1.00.
R3-e—No, 2, 03:.
fr :fed -- Delivered Montreal.
freight, bags inel�uded bran, per tote,
$28to ; shorts, per ton, ti to
2• good fee outto .
Baled Iia=-7.'avxek Toronto, per Ston,
extra o. , 22to $23; mixed',
to $19; uelever, $14 to $1$.
Juvenilia ageleu'itt-rill eltil s are doing $3 , g ti " d fi , $1.70
$180 $45.00; heavyweight rslla. $.,9,00.
I •d I} ' tierces, � 1Crc
Toronto, Ont,—A. reeept foie eft Minister of Mines. no total tonnage
Ciiitaiiitiir Bear: ay tObeeeo alt Fixglitar', of ort+ aninrI in tate larovinee dila`:mpg
at gricea t3f .30 remits, For koala. t as ;l lite past yewx was 1,562,653, ha.°ing
upward attracts atterition to the tt-k a, gze , relue of $12,920,898, and With
baeco rinds~try ire this province, The: the pincer gold a total value cf: $13,,,.
high fertility of the sail with elle ty1 153,5t?8.
Flashed Radio Message
Around the World
A despatch from Washing- A dewteateh from I glen $ays.
ton says: -- The Annapolis • Amen, the eat eelien admirers
Naval Radio Station has nuc- Sh.,s care iro:,lrsre hk• the ae�ent
�l aaia� ryyary cegit^r++•:ttloiz3 cat atraitfnrd
ceeded. 1<n.flashang 1 films St A�211'1;3'
� A,.•.J,Q �ii �E+��pi WI)�, Z�,'4 i1�•�in'iq
relaying, 1 fie � and xe.eis ted lay< ..r Syalr�aey Les:, flaiSlr+amiouncetotheHorogicalIr�.i:e�:,�ti,ryat:
t IontoSi:4,:4# Heart�,va in31-esaa,et;ary,;,calx
lstitttcf1,mex ca, by llr, 1pchaF£orf the :iNZA' :a semis f(sr
Paulollenberger of the 1�1a ,vulbserytown.
Translating Shakespeare's
Works Into Siamese
nal around the world without to a :Sttwrwaansaeasectary vying a wave slag a'.manntri,si{n,ofSre:t
of 1.7,145 meters, This was L-rµl is to �ar,�;a+irrr* Shaake
much to , limn? ate the interest of ilea Y , .ar d -� a ime, ierce._, tubs,'
N n $22 i $1g 16'4i•c; pails, 17e; prints, i$e. Shorten -
members in soeeia lines . farming, ing, tierces., 141to 15e; tubs, 15 to
area tGo snuck imports mee. eaanno't be 15� c; pails, 152h to 16c; prints, 17%eleven to these or e:ratioaes in Meas. Straw—Car lets, per ton. truth, Tor- to• 18e.
tering the influences responsible far onto, ; 12 to $1.1, Choke heavy teees, $.$."J,0 to $9;
the renewal of �commenrty interest in
Ontario wheat itio. 1 (:s:,,anew"sal, bu,tt.her'steem'a, :rlieri.:.e, $3 to $8.50; do:,
1.50,-outside..co. : u r.,o' (o. ,.
m.. est' ��. Ontario No. o oats, to :.a„ n
Another means for creating in the r to `�e; do., t,mmmoi ,t'.6 to :$6.50; hutch:- .
g side: r- � , -
on thefarmis to make them part- Ontario- flour --1st pate's
medium,', to $r.o0:; da., camilnmon, $
neve In the farming busismess. Too sae's, 98'x, $7.70 per barrel; 2 t "r csa. ii
cuttees, $1 to $2; butcher Thuile, good:,
, ;r5QQ as a rts: aortal ecrtrit ut;i; n to
-tory at George•- the Sh,1I, ,:.arti� I3<'r`lilp.nea� Trust and
The current literally , Hee past' that his lira esty is .'aiac;t i nit
e Iinirer of the littlish natientil poet
aril is doing his utmost to induce the
Siamese to stud • h ,
wrapped itself around the
completing world, omp ettng a surround-
ing embrace in the fifteenth
part of a second.
theb nein n• of farming. 404• eout-8 i, $7•
25 t $" 75, 1 , medium, +` 501
boys art•g^.rie a real desire to remain Ontario Torr• --53 to 601' o•eteide e+i I emfers •rhotrc $7'io to $8.2sa (1°-
11 C,
arm cotton to $6.50• le tcht`i cors, choice, $6 to
to retia i� given encs (halters., $r.20. St+•Right;, in , , medium, $4 to $5; canners and,
orteaM a younger generation
„ bulk,yea:board $6:55
a lot of leRa-a work to do on the farm - , . $o to $6; do., cemmont $3 to $4; feed -e
and little op'sartumity to share in the Manitoba flour -1st patefte, in rot- orq good', $6 to $6.75; do., fair, $5.50
benefits. The partnership idea will ton s'ael 8 70 b i d t
0 , , ,
;s, $ . per oris I.
�r, pa - to $6• snookers gee- $5,50 $6:25' do.,
eats, $8.20. fair, 5 to $5.50; milker�s40 to $30 •
Help ozena toy u-idestartd; that thein Cheese—Now las-ge, 17 to 17i e; spur -der,, 50 Lp90 tales, choice;
later mt1 a vane and essential to tete twins, 1711 to 1$c, .triplets, 181ti to $10 to $11. eio-., mediums, $6 ,ta $7.25;
interne of the -hosMe s. The boy o7. 19e. Old, 3arge, 21e; twins, 211 e to do., :eomm�non, $4 to $5, lambs, •ctbete*,
girl: winalso oome to understand his 22e. Stiltons, new, 20c. Extra old, $14 to. $15; do.,ra�eonmpron, $6 to $7; li Y a F
or her real interest in the • property large, 26 to 27e. Old IStiltons, 24e, spring lambs, $10 to $14.50; :Beep, Tulips tai], zed daft—edits,
owned, by the family. With such an Butter—Fresh daisy choice. 24 to ,choice, $7.50 to $8.50; de 'goer', $6 Up .and. •down my little hi'l't,
t:nderstandirg it will be s?!ifficelt in- 23.0: creamery, i>•rints, ire h finest, 39 to $7; do., •ccri naen, ;h4 to $5; Bogs, 'fe(i '+.aria paths of grey old stone,
General Sir James Willcocks
.He bas the distinction of being the
most decorated man in the British
arms. His terns as Governor of Ber-
muda is expiring and he is to be suc-
ceeded by Sir Joseph. Amer.
deed to tempt them to the iasis,- to 40e; No. 1, e8 to 39e go, 2, 3G to and 'watered, 013., •da.. •f.o.b,, $75; Little t ots: hts while ell aloe.
tainnties .of. Jilt' life 37e; cooking, 20 to 23 . ,,ua., .country points, $12.50.• Ills God smiles en each aaetiv day,
.. d p er - S ri le thickens
Dt eM�e ott, it'-- ptt, c , ,, 'tearhi :g• e;ana the only way
--_-----.-- 655c chicken 30 ,to 35c• too.eters 20 r,, a
Oats, Can ri an. •VF ,Mean, Ivo. 2 66 7�r be
Some persons seem to think that to 25e; fowl, 24 to 30e; ducks, 35c;.fir- to 661/z e; da., Na. c3, 62 #:o- keno. r. happy, is to know
lifts is a moving stairway: that all a keys, 45 to 50r; grease, 2i;':. Flour. Man. Spring wheat pate 1st, 5inil� ng hack v7.111 make one ate.
man has bo do is to step aboard and* hive poultry—Spring thickens, 55c; $8.50. Rolled oats, big 90 lbs, 83. ----_.,
be carried to the• top. ro iters, 17 to 20c; fowl, 24 to 30o; Bran, $32.50. Shotes, $3+ Hay, Ne. Biitieb princes and princesses play
The Egyptians were the ftrest to "dunks, 38c; turkeys 45 to 50e; geese, 2, ser ton, :car -lots, $29, to $30. not marry before the age of twenity-
— • 1''• -•ern:,, 13 to
matte of odds slilver, topper, or ivory. Margarine 20 to 22•e. - 13eee. Butter, thoicer`t creamery,
A ,gold, , _P , y
A number of French widows wear New land, i,- cartonms, i ' per beg, car lets. 75 is SOc.
make use of artificial eyes. They were At.
Eggs—New lard,, candled, 31 to 32c; 34efee, Eggs, selected., 34e. 'Potatoes,
five without the King's consent; if
Over: twenty-five they may marry by
giving notice twelve months before -
.,striped bl k nd white to r — • G adtan hand- icked Calves $5 to $6.75•. common drinit-. band to the Privy Council, unless I'ar._
erimga ac a zv a e- Beans an , hand-picked,
The biggest fool is the man who mind ecresi�ble suitors of their eldgi balms'' $4.25; 'prlenee $3.75 to $3,90. ere $4.50 to 54 • hogs, 514.50 to $14.75; liament decides against the proposed
11ltu le i duets—S. ter per r Im-' sel'ex t+s, $14.30. thatch.
Gels himself. utility for marriage. p p 137
'tete e
RBGLAR :Fl ALL ERS ---By Gene Byrnes
Bath and Violet Rays
Cures Insomnia
A despatch from Paris nape There
se a boon to the intomrl a stricken
diusire s man in the rdt lee of Dr.
Livet of the ParisFatuity of Medi-
cine, who anneurated this week that
in lieu of naiveties all that is needed
is a lukewarm bath every night, fta-
lowed by the application of subdued
'blue argil violet Nye.
Experiments have then , he says,
that deep elturher is induced, even in
the \vorst cases., within half an hour.
Dr Livett insists that subdued light
in'a bed'roem is a. better guaranty- of
reit than total darkness.
Will Attempt to Recover
Lusitania Valuables
A deepat::lt 'from Ne.•spoi't News,
Va., says.—A Mack steamer,
Blakeley, merited in her liners at murrl-
apal pier here and headed for the
sea en the first leg of hey rim to the
British Islets where, off 'KertitePe Head,
she wi':l.attempt to recover gold:, silo
ver and jewels which went down with
the Ili -rated Lettitania seven: years
ago. At Ph:'.a- etplit i she w:11 take
on equipment:, including what is• said
to is a pr-oi•al deep sea diving suit for
use 40 fathoms below the eurlace.
Soviet -Telegraph and
and Postal Rate Schedule
A t eapateh from Leyden says :—The
newt u:viet postal a:rth ttelegeaph rate
schetlut.e has been ,announced as fv1=
leers: For �a postal- within the city,
20,000 rubles; a letter in the city*,
30,000; in Russia, 50,000 registered
letters, 100,000, and telegrams 50,000
rubles a.+word.
1 i KfNsla'i'I
Hr 1-4Ns
—17- 10(1(5!
Gla s,w
�ylRli6 4,